DOC - Stanford University

Itay Lotan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Bioengineering
University of California at Berkeley
(510) 486-6284
Calvin Lab 218
Berkeley, CA 94720
Education and Training
1995 - 1998
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Comp. Sci. & Phil.
1999 - 2004
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Ph.D. Comp. Sci.
Research / Employment Experience
2004 -
Dept. of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
Postdoctoral fellow
Simulation of protein-protein association
2000 - 2004
Robotics Lab, Stanford University
Research Assistant
Development of efficient algorithms for Structural Biology and Protein X-ray Crystallography
1999 - 2000
Computer Vision Lab, Stanford University
Research Assistant
Initialization of articulated models for tracking human figures in video sequences.
Intel Corp., Santa Clata, CA
Summer Intern
Implementation of a structure from motion algorithm for Intel’s Open Source Computer Vision
1997 - 1999
Tecnomatix Ltd., Hertzelia, Israel
Software Engineer
Development of a new MS Windows framework for the company’s suite of application
Professional Activities
2002 - 2004
Reviewed papers for Protein Science, Bioinformatics, J. of
Computational Chemistry and IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics
Jean-Claude Latombe
Computer Science Dept.,
Stanford University
Leonidas J. Guibas
Computer Science Dept.,
Stanford University
Teresa L. Head-Gordon Bioengineering Dept.
U.C. Berkeley
Vijay Pande
Michael Levitt
Chemistry and Structural
Biology Depts., Stanford
Structural Biology Dept.,
Stanford University
Journal Articles
1. I. Lotan, F. Schwarzer, D. Halperin and J.-C Latombe. Algorithm and Data
Structures for Efficient Energy Maintenance during Monte Carlo
Simulation of Proteins. J. of Computational Biology. 11(5):902-932, 2004
2. I. Lotan and F. Schwarzer. Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast
Similarity Measures. J. of Computational Biology. 11(2-3):299–317, 2004.
3. H. van den Bedem, I. Lotan, J.-C. Latombe and A. M. Deacon. Automated
Protein Model Completion: an Inverse Kinematics Approach. Acta Cryst.
D61, 2-13
Refereed Conference Articles
1. Lotan, H. van den Bedem, A.M. Deacon and J.-C Latombe. Computing
Protein Structures from Electron Density Maps: The Missing Loop
Problem. 6th Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR ’04)
2. Lotan, F. Schwarzer and J.-C Latombe, Efficient Energy Computation for
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Proteins, Workshop on Algorithms for
Bioinformatics (WABI ‘03), 2003
3. F. Schwarzer and I. Lotan. Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast
Similarity Measures. Proc. of Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology (RECOMB ‘03), 2003 pp 267-276
4. I. Lotan, F. Schwarzer, D. Halperin and J.-C Latombe. Efficient Maintenace
and Self-Collision Testing for Kinematic Chains. Proc. Symposium on
Computational Geometry (SoCG ‘02), 2002 pp. 43-52
5. I. Lotan and N. Shavit. Skiplist-Based Concurrent Priority Queues.
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS ‘00).
2000, pp. 263-268
In Preparation
1. An Analytical Electrostatic Model for Salt-Screened Interactions
between Multiple Protein. With T. Head-Gordon
Arthur L. Samuel Award for best Ph.D. thesis in the Computer
Science Department, Stanford University.
Siebel Scholar fellowship.
School of Engineering Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University
3 time recipient of the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences
Academic Achievement scholarship. Tel Aviv University