Curriculum Vita

Curriculum Vita
Tony Waters
September 2010
Permanent Addresses
Department of Sociology
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA 95929-0445
23236 Baker Court
Auburn, CA 95602
Tel (916) 268-6595 (home)
Tel (916) 898-6384 (office, Chico)
Ph.D. (Sociology 1995) University of California, Davis.
M.A (Sociology) University of California, Davis.
M.S. (Biological Sciences) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
B.S. (International Agricultural Development) University of California, Davis.
Wife (Dagmar), and two children Christopher and Kirsten (2nd year at university).
Thai—Fluent (Foreign Service Exam Level 3 in 1982, and focused study in 2010)
German—Intermediate--Tested at level B1 (Grade 2) on Goethe Institute Exam in June
Lecture delivered in Thai, July 2010, at Chiang Mai University, Department of
University Level Teaching Experience
California State University, Chico (1996-present)
Ranks: Lecturer, Assistant Professor 1998, Associate Professor 2002, Full Professor
Courses Taught: Population, Inter-ethnic Contacts, Classical Social Theory,
Organizational Theory, Chicano Studies, Introduction to Sociology, Social Change,
Social Statistics, Social Science Senior Seminar, Sociology of Stress, Self and Society,
California Ethnic History, Criminology, Social Stratification, Juvenile Delinquency,
Sociology Writing Practicuum, University Life.
Experience with distance education via satellite and the world-wide-web, including two
courses via satellite to Japan (1997-98).
Typical teaching load is nine hours per week (three x three unit classes), with
approximately 100 students).
Chaired Six M.A. Thesis Committees.
Zeppelin University (2007-2008, and 2010)
Social Change, Social Theory/Perspektiven Kommunikation, Writing (English), and
Sociology of the United States
Classes were primarily for first year MA students. 10 ECTS units per semester in 20072008. Member of one MA thesis committee. My primary sponsor at Zeppelin was Prof.
Dr. Gertraud Koch. Instruction was in English.
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Fulbright Scholar (2003-04)
Courses: Class, Race, and Ethnicity; Social Statistics; Population and Reproductive
Health; and Contemporary Social Change. Teaching assistant for Introduction to
Research Methods.
Very large classes (100-400 students) with enthusiastic students and difficult conditions.
Instruction was in English.
University of California Davis (1991-4).
Courses: Principles of Sociology, and Social Statistics.
Other Teaching Experience
“Hmong in Asia and North America” for Resources in International Studies Education
(conducted at Oroville Schools)
University Administrative Experience
Chair, Department of Sociology, California State University, Chico.
University Service
2008BSS College Personnel Committee (Chair 2009-2010)
Asian Studies Coordinator
Senator, Academic Senate, representing the College of Behavioral and
Social Sciences, California State University, Chico
2006 Fall
Faculty Fellow, First Year Experience Course
Co-Director, Resources in International Studies Education, California
State University, Chico
Peer Mentor for New Faculty at CSU Chico
Grants and Contracts Experience
Co-Director of Resources in International Studies Edcuation (RISE), CoDirector. Three contracts (With Byron Jackson PI, Sandy
Shepard, and Debbie Summers.
CSUC Summer Scholar to study in Tanzania
Social Science Research Council, “Education in Refugee Camps”
Riverside and Placer County Evaluation of Parenting Education with
Tony Waters PI, Andy Dick and Kathy Kaiser.
Fulbright Faculty Scholar in Tanzania
Zeppelin University
California Department of Corrections Vocational Education Study
(with Andy Dick P.I., and Bill Rich), Two contracts
Work History
2010 (Jan)
Gäst Professor, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Consultant, Federal Defender’s Office, Sacramento, USA vs. Lattanaphom
Research Professor, California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation on Vocational Education in Prisons project
Gäst Professor, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Professor, Department of Sociology, California State University, Chico
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, California State
University, Chico
Fulbright Scholar (Teaching/Research) assigned to the Department of
Sociology, University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, California State University,
Chico. Co-Director, Resources in International Studies Education
Post-graduate Researcher, University of California, Davis, Positive
Parenting for Parolees Project
Lecturer, California State University, Chico, Department of Sociology.
Program Officer, Lutheran World Federation, Rwanda Refugee Relief
Program, Tanzania.
Various Teaching and Research Positions, University of California, Davis.
Special Projects Officer, Lutheran World Federation, for programs of
Burundian refugee relief and development, Tanzania.
Peace Corps Volunteer and Refugee Camp Worker, Thailand.
Keynote Address, “The Invention of Murder” College of Behavioral and
Social Sciences Colloquium
Outstanding Faculty Award, Asian Graduation Celebration Committee,
CSU Chico
Vice President—North, California Sociological Association
President-Elect, California Sociological Association
General Research Interests
Education, Classical Social Theory, Social Change, Migration, Rural Political Economy.
Special interest in Historical Comparative methodology.
Publications—Books (all were refereed)
**(In Press). Schooling, Childhood, and Bureaucracy. Lynne Rienner Publisher
(publication expected 2011).
**2007 When Killing is a Crime. Lynne Rienner Publisher. 252 pp.
**2007 and 2008 The Persistence of Subsistence: Life below the Level of the
Marketplace. Lexington Books. 256 pp.
**2001. Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan: The Limitations of International Relief
Operations. Westview Press. 314 pp.
**1999. Crime and Immigrant Youth. Sage Publications, 224 pp.
Publications--Articles (*refereed journals; **refereed articles)
*2010. “Challenges in Calculating Two-Year College Student Transfer Rates to FourYear Colleges” Community College Journal of Research and Practice by Christine
Sylvia, Chunyan Song, and Tony Waters
*2010. Translation of Max Weber’s Essay “Class, Status, Party.” Journal of Classical
Sociology (Translated by Dagmar Waters, Tony Waters, and Zeppelin University
*2010. “Introduction to the New Zeppelin University Translation of Max Weber’s
“Classes, Staende, Parties” Journal of Classical Sociology. (by Tony Waters and
Dagmar Waters)
2009. Curriculum Review of Vocational Education Materials for California Department
of Corrections. November 2009. California Department of Corrections, Sacramento. By
Andrew Dick, Bill Rich, and Tony Waters
**2009 Social Organization and Social Status in Nineteenth Century, Rukwa, Tanzania.
African Studies Quarterly.
*2007 “The Sacred and Profane in the American History Curriculum.” The Social
Studies December/November Issue. Pages 246-250.
2007. “One Educator’s View of School Segregation in Tanzania,” International
Educator, January/February 2007.
*2007. “Identifying the Limits to Humanitarian Intervention: Echoes from Rwanda—a
Review Article” African Studies Quarterly.
2006. Purple Haze. Foreign Affairs, September/October 2006 issue. (letter)
2006. “Who Stole Culture from Anthropology?” Anthropology News. 49(7):28.
*2006. Of Markets and Morality: US and Tanzanian Foreign Relations African Studies
*2006. Ideology Versus Reality in the Lunchroom: A Comparative Study of Three
School Nutrition Programs. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 4(1)174-189. (By
Karla McLaren and Tony Waters).
**2005. “Why Students Think that there are Two Kinds of History.” History Teacher.
39(1), see
**2005. “Refugees and Education: Mass Public Schooling without a Nation-State.”
Comparative Education Review 49:129-147 (by Tony Waters and Kim LeBlanc).
2005. “Schooling in Refugee Camps.” Humanitarian Exchange 29(1):39-40. (by Kim
LeBlanc and Tony Waters).
*2005. “Comment on "Recent origin and cultural reversion of a hunter-gatherer group.”
PLoS Biology. August, 3(8):e269.
2005. “Preface: Cultural Competency and a New Immigrant Group,” pp. xi-xviii in The
Challenge of Cross-Cultural Competence in Social Work: Experiences of Southeast
Asian Refugees in the United States by Jean Schuldberg. Edwin Mellen Press.
2004. “Talk is Cheap.” Contexts 3(3):6. (letter).
2004. Buliding an Ethic of Public Policy Discourse: An Appeal to he African Studies
Community (Letter). African Issues 32 (1 and 2):53-55.
2003. “Young Men as Fathers Curriculum Evaluation” (by Andrew J. Dick, Kathleen
Kaiser, Tony Waters, and Janna Perry. Submitted to the Office of Research, California
Youth Authority, and Superintendents of Schools, Placer and Riverside Counties.
2003. Refugee Camps and the Problem of Ethnic Extremism. Humanitarian Exchange
Issue 23 (March). Pp. 41-42.
*2003. Ethnicity and Burundi’s Refugees. African Studies Quarterly 7(1):68-75.
2002. Last Refuge. Foreign Affairs, July/August 2002 (letter).
2002. Refugees in Education Emergencies. Paper prepared for Social Science Research
Council (by Tony Waters and Kim LeBlanc).
2002. “California’s History/Social Science Standards.” Social Studies Review. 42(1):
2002. “ Rejoinder to Howard Adelman’s Review of Bureaucratizing the Good
Samaritan.” International Migration Review 36(2):162-165.
2002. Response to Diego Vigil’s Review of Crime and Immigrant Youth. Contemporary
**2000. The Persistence of Subsistence and the Limits to Development Studies: The
Challenge of Tanzania. Africa 20(4):614-652.
**1999. Assessing the Impact of the Rwandan Refugee Crisis on Development Planning
in Rural Tanzania, 1994-6. Human Organization. 58(2):142-152.
1998. “Final Report to the California Youth Authority: Positive Parenting for Parolees”
(by Lawrence E. Cohen, Diane Felmlee, Anne Nurse, Tony Waters, and Susan Will)
1998. “Foreword” in Proposing a New Scientific Method and Biosocial Theory to
Explain Western Society, by F. Mervin Baker. Edwin Mellen Press.
1997. Ethnicity and Capitalist Development: the Changing Role of the Chinese in
Thailand, pp. 258-84 in Essential Outsiders: Chinese and Jews in the Modern
Transformation of Southeast Asian and Eastern Europe, ed. By Daniel Chirot and
Anthony Reid (by Gary G. Hamilton and Tony Waters). University of Washington Press.
*1997. Conventional Wisdom and the Rwanda Genocide--an Opinion. African Studies
Quarterly (on-lined refereed journal), University of Florida. Reposted to ReliefWeb, UN
Department of Humanitarian Affairs, December 9, 1997.
1997. “Chinese Pioneers Make it Big at Big Camp” and “The Depression Shuts Down
Big Camp” by Kris Delaplane Conti with material written by Peter Leung and Tony
Waters, Vacaville Reporter, February 16 and 23, 1997
**1997. Beyond Structural Adjustment: State and Market in a Rural Tanzanian Village,
African Studies Review 40(2):59-89.
1997. Internally Displaced Persons in Tanzania. Global IDP Survey Newsletter,
September 1997. Oxford.
1996. The Demographics of the Rwanda Crisis, or Why Current Voluntary Repatriation
Policies will not Solve Tanzania’s (or Zaire’s) Refugee Crisis, Journal of Humanitarian
Affairs. On-Line Refereed Journal, Oxford University. Linked to UN Department of
Humanitarian Affairs as a "Background Document."
1995. Dissertation: Crimes of Passage: The Socialization of Immigrant Youth.
Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis (by Anthony Edward Waters).
**1995. Towards a Theory of Ethnic Identity and Migration: The Formation of Ethnic
Enclaves by Migrant Germans in Russia and North America. International Migration
Review. 29(2):515-44.
*1995. The Social Construction of Tutsi in Modern East Africa. Journal of Modern
African Studies. 33(2):243-48.
1995. “Southeast Asian Gangs” in Franklin Ng, editor, The Asian American
Encyclopedia, Marshall Cavendish. pp. 1415-16.
1995. Africanists and the Challenge of the Mission Veranda. Issue, A Journal of
Opinion (Africa Studies Association). 23(1):31-34.
1995. “Anti-Communism among Refugees” in Franklin Ng, editor, The Asian American
Encyclopedia, Marshall Cavendish, pp. 45-47.
1995. Economic Organization and Chinese Business Networks in Thailand in Corporate
Links and Direct Foreign Investment in Asia and the Pacific, ed. By Edward K.Y. Chen
and Peter Drysdale. Pp. 87-111. Harper Education al Books (by Gary G. Hamilton and
Tony Waters).
1994. “Chinese Vegetable Farming: A Case Study of the Mok Farm in Woodland,
California,” pp. 437-452 in Origins and Destinations: 41 Essays on Chinese America.
Los Angeles, Chinese Historical Society of Southern California (by Peter C. Y. Leung
and Tony Waters).
1993. Laotians in the Criminal Justice System, a California Policy Seminar Working
Paper. Berkeley. 69 pp. (By Tony Waters and L.E. Cohen).
*1992. A Cultural Analysis of Economy of Affection and the Uncaptured Peasantry in
Tanzania. Journal of Modern African Studies. 31(1):163-175.
**1992. Lifeworld and System: Of Grain Mills and Water Development in Rural
Tanzania. African Studies Review. 35(2):35-54.
1991. Writing the Tai Languages of Southeast Asia. Pp. 33-46 in Literacies: Writing
Systems and Literate Practices, edited by David L. Schmidt and Janet S. Smith. Davis
Working Papers in Linguistics, No. 4. University of California, Davis.
**1990a. The Parameters of Refugeeism and Flight, the Case of Laos. Disasters.
*1990. Adaptation and Migration among the Mien People of Southeast Asia. Ethnic
Groups. 8:127-141.
1990. “Laotian Refugeeism, 1975-88,” in Patterns of Migration in Southeast Asia:
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference on Southeast Asian Studies. Robert Reed,
ed., Berkeley, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
1989. Of Water Systems and Grain Mills: Observations of Felt Needs in Western
Tanzania, Issue, African Studies Association 18(1):47-50.
*1989. Some Practical Notes on a Names Taboo in Western Tanzania. Disasters
1989. Money and Development: Necessities and Contradictions, VITA News, July 1989,
pp. 17-19.
*1989. Of Grain Mills and Water Systems: an anomaly from western Tanzania.
Waterlines 7(3):9.
**1988. Practical Problems Associated with Refugee Protection in Western Tanzania.
Disasters. 12(3): 189-95.
1988. “Letter to the Editor.” Water International 13(3):122.
1986. Development Aid, Project Planning, and Community P articipation: Making the
System Work. VITA News. October 1986, pp. 14-16.
1984. Hand Water Pumps in Thailand. Civil Engineering. 2 pp.
**1984. A Comparative Analysis of Water Provision in Four Thai Refugee Camps.
Disasters 8(3):169-173.
**1984. Small Scale Gravity Flow Water Systems in Phrae Province, Thailand. Water
International. 9:136-39.
1976. “Whatever Happened to the Year-round School?” California Journal, May 1976,
p. 165
Book Reviews
1985 Disasters Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation: Meeting the
Needs of the Poor, by Fredrick L. Golladay, 1984.
1990. Journal of Modern African Studies. Review of The Second Economy in Tanzania,
Capitalism, Socialism and the Development Crisis in Tanzania, Ideology as a
Determinant of Economic Systems: Nyerere and Ujamaa in Tanzania, and Did
Colonialism Capture the Peasantry? A Case Study of the Kagera District, Dec90, Vol. 28
Issue 4, p700, 4 pp.
1991. Disasters. Review of Forced Out: The Agony of the Refugee in Our Time by Carol
1993. Journal of Modern African Studies review of Development Practice: Paved With
Good Intentions 31(3), p513, 3p;
1993 Disasters. Review of Why People Grow Drugs, by Michal L. Smith, et al.
1994 Disasters. Review of Ban Vinai, the Refugee Camp by Lynellyn D. Long.
1996. Journal of Modern African Studies. Review of The Rwanda Crisis: History of a
Genocide (1995) by Gerard Prunier. 34(4):717, 3 pp.
2000 Population & Development Review Review of Yankeys Now: Immigrants in the
Antebellum United States, 1840-1860, by Joseph Ferrie., Mar 2000, Vol. 26 Issue 1,
p183-185, 3p; (AN 2975477) by Joseph Ferrie
2003 International Development Planning Review. Review of Ecology, Civil Society,
and the Informal Economy in Northwest Tanzania by Charles David Smith Pp. 342-343.
2006 International Journal of African Historical Studies. Review of Rwanda Means the
Universe: A Native’s Memoir of Blood and Bloodlines by Louise Mushikwabo and Jack
Kramer. Vol. 39 (3): 568-569, 2p;
2006. International Journal of African Historical Studies. Review of A Hill among a
Thousand: Transformation and Ruptures in Rural Rwanda by Danielle De Lame. Vol.
2007 African Studies Review. Review of No Refuge: The Crisis of Refugee
Militarization in Africa. Edited by Rubert Muggah. 50(3):185-187.
2008. International Journal of African Historical Studies Review of Many Middle
Passages: Forced Migration and the Making of the Modern World. edited by Emma
Christopher, Cassandra Pybus, and Markus Rediker . 41 (1):139-141.
2009. International Journal of African Historical Studies. Review of Movements,
Borders, and Identities in Africa. edited by Toyin Falola and Aribidesi Usman 42(3):487488.
2009. African Studies Review. Review of The Humanitarian Hangover: Displacement
Aid and Transformation in Western Loren Landau 52(1):204-206,
2010. International Journal of African Historical Studies. Review of Ecology of African
Pastoralist Societies By Katherine Homewood.
2010. African Studies Quarterly. Review of War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The
Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century. By Richard
Reid. 43(1):162-165.
Miscellaneous Op-Ed and critique in Sacramento Bee (2002), Contemporary Psychology
(2002), Chico News and Review (2003), and Chico State Today (2004).
In Preparation
“Of Mirror Neurons and Looking Glasses” (under submission)
“The College Admissions Game and What We Think About Each Other: Chico State and
UC Berkeley” (seeking appropriate journal)
“Farmer Power” (seeking appropriate journal)
Contributing Editor to Current Intelligence (2010), Referee for African Studies Review,
Human Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Environmental History, McGraw
Hill, and Sage Publications. Editorial Board, Sociological Perspectives (2004-06, and
2008- ).