Graham Handbook - Graham Middle School

Graham Middle School
“…empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to reach
their potential in high school and beyond.”
1175 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94040
Telephone: (650) 526-3570
Fax: (650) 965-9278
Kim Thompson, Principal
Steve Chesley, Assistant Principal
Student Name________________________________
Mountain View Whisman District Vision
Education for the World Ahead
Mountain View Whisman District Mission
Demonstrate daily a relentless commitment to the success of every child
Graham’s Mission Statement
The diverse learning community at Graham Middle School is committed to empowering
students to reach their potential
Graham’s Essential Elements
I Belong
Do No Harm
Pursue Knowledge
Together We Can
Take Pride
Graham’s Essential Elements are apparent and present in every aspect of our school. Therefore, you will
notice the Essential Elements highlighted throughout the different sections of this handbook.
Graham Middle School uses a grading system based on a normal statistical distribution. We use
the following letter grades and their Grade Point Average (GPA) point values. In certain
circumstances, a teacher can modify grades. The modified grade will be identified by a comment in
the grade report.
Percentage Rage
GPA Value
A Excellent)
B (Above Average)
C (Average)
D (Below Average)
F (Failure)
A student’s GPA is computed at the end of each trimester by adding up the GPA value for each class
grade. Once a student has added their individual GPA values together, they need to divide by 7 to
get their final GPA.
Students and parents are provided with passwords to Power School to check the grades on-line.
We strongly suggest you monitor your grades on a regular basis.
Graham Middle School’s Goal (Going Onward and Learning for my Future) Program blends three elements
that all students need for success: Academics, Behavior, and Attendance
All students will have the opportunity to join GOAL, and the “membership has it privileges!”
You are awarded Block G points for reaching GOAL:
2 Block G Points
1.5 Block G Points
1 Block G Point
4.0 GPA
3.0-3.9 GPA
2.0-2.9 GPA
The Mountain View Whisman School Board has established a homework policy. According to this
district policy, homework assignments are made for the following purposes:
Completion of unfinished work
Make-up work assigned during absence
Research related to class work
Individual Study
Creative Work including written composition
Recreational reading for literacy and book reports
Practice or review of content previously studied
Average Daily Homework Time
6th grade 60 minutes
7th grade 70 minutes
8th grade 80 minutes
Additional time for reading is required everyday.
Students are responsible for completing and returning homework assignments on time. Homework
assignments should be within the minimum time allotments as suggested by the Mountain View
Whisman School Board and Graham Staff. Some students, because of individual needs, may be assigned
more or less minutes of homework per day. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the
homework assignments every day. To achieve this goal it is important to remember to allow for a quiet
study time as well as leisure time activities.
Plagiarism has become a growing concern with the numerous resources available through the
Internet. Consequences for plagiarism can be but are not limited to an F for the assignment, parental
contact, and administrative referral. Continued acts of plagiarism can result in suspension.
Progress reports will be sent home mid-trimester with the student. The Bear Tracks and the school
Web site will advertise when progress reports will be sent home. It is recommended that parents of
students who have received a C- or lower contact the appropriate teacher to find out what they can do
to help their child improve. Parents are able to access their children’s grades via the Internet parent
portal of Power School. Parents are encouraged to use Power School on a regular basis to check on
their child’s grades and missing assignments.
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is necessary for participation in extracurricular activities such
as sports, dances, etc. Student GPA’s will be checked before and during extracurricular activities.
When a student falls below a 2.0 GPA, the administration will make every effort to conference with
the student and family. Also these students may be discussed at Kid Talk. The Kid Talk group is
made up of teachers, administrators, and other school personnel. At this conference a plan of
action will be discussed and specific interventions begun to help bring the student up
academically. Possible interventions may include, but are not limited to:
Weekly Progress Reports
Lunchtime Study Hall
Skill Specific Classes
Agenda Checks
Academic Recovery
Schedule Change
8th Grade students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 GPA in trimester 3 in order to
participate in the graduation activities.
ACADEMIC RECOVERY Together We Can/ Take Pride
Teachers and/or administrators may assign study hall during lunch, after-school, or possibly Saturday
School for students to complete work so they can pass their classes. When a teacher or administrator
assigns academic recovery, the student must report to the assigned class. If the teacher or administrator
assigns after school, or in rare cases Saturday academic recovery, the parent will be notified.
Graham Middle School offers many different academic and extra-curricular activities for students.
Announcements for these activities and programs are made in the Bear Tracks, the Graham website, and
in our morning announcements on GMS TV.
Graham sponsors various whole school activities, such as dances for all students. For these and other
activities students must follow these rules:
Only Graham students may attend these activities
Students are expected to follow school rules
Doors close 15 minutes after the activity begins
Students remain at the activity until it ends
Students who are on Academic Probation may not attend the activity
Parents are required to pick their student up immediately after the event
Students who are suspended may not attend the activity
AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS I Belong/ Together We Can/ Take Pride
Students are encouraged to participate in the different sports offered after school. Graham competes with
other schools in the Valley Junior High Athletic League (Cupertino, Los Altos, Sunnyvale). Some of the
sports offered are: Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Girl’s Softball, Track and Field, and
Wrestling. There is a sports donation for each season played that helps cover the costs of buses, coaches,
and officials. To participate in after school sports, students must maintain a 2.0 or higher GPA
during the sports season.
Students are expected to arrive after 7:20 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and after
8:30 am on Wednesdays when there is sufficient adult supervision on campus. All students must leave
campus by 3:05 pm unless they are involved in an adult sponsored activity. Students who are waiting
for rides after school must wait quietly in designated areas in the front of the school.
ASSEMBLIES Pursue Knowledge/ Do No Harm/ Together We Can
Assemblies and rallies are part of the curriculum and as such are designated to be educational as well as
entertaining experiences. They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience
behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the students be respectful and
appreciative. Students are expected to arrive and depart in a quiet and orderly manner. Students remain
seated until a teacher dismisses them.
ATTENDANCE Pursue Knowledge/ Take Pride
Regular attendance of school is the first step toward academic success. Students are responsible for
attending school regularly. Attendance is taken and reported each class period. Parents will be notified
by phone and mail of attendance problems. It is important that you call the absence line to
report your child absent. Without a phone call or note, the absence will be
considered unexcused after 48 hours. To report absences please call: (650) 5263570 ext. 2680
If the absence is due to illness, doctor, dentist appointment, or death in the immediate family,
parents are urged to call the Attendance Secretary on the first day of the absence. If a student’s
absence was not called in, please bring a note. All notes must state the problem, give the
date(s) of absence, identify the student, and be signed by parent or guardian.
Students must report to the Attendance Office upon returning to school. The Attendance Office is
open at 7:35 to issue admit slips to students who have missed school. It is the responsibility of the
student to pick up their admit slip before going to their 1st period class. When a student is ill for
three or more days, a parent should request assignments. Parents should contact the Attendance
Office and request homework materials to be picked up the following day after 3 pm.
A state law defines excused and unexcused absences. Even though a parent has sent an
explanation for the absence, it may be recorded by law as unexcused. It is the parent’s
responsibility to promote regular attendance, including limiting the number of times a student is
taken out of class for medical or other family appointments.
Below are examples of unexcused absences. Students may be assigned an academic recovery class
after school supervised by Graham staff to make up lost work caused by the unexcused absence.
After 3 unexcused absences a student is considered a truant by law.
Unexcused Absences: (examples)
Transportation problems
Suspension from school
Missed Bus
Work at home (babysitting, etc.)
Leaving school without permission
Non-school social, professional or athletic activities
Being punctual is an important habit to develop. Students will be considered tardy if they are not
in their seat or another teacher designated area by 7:50 am. At the 7:45 bell all students should be
on their way to class. Students arriving tardy, but before the end of GMS TV are to report directly
to their first class. After GMS TV, students must first report to the Attendance Office for an admit
slip before they will be allowed in class. Students must be signed in or have a note from a parent if
they are over 30 minutes late.
Excessive unexcused tardies can result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) of
the District Attorney’s Office.
Any student who will be absent for 5 or more days should contact the Attendance Office and
discuss the possibility of an Independent Study Contract. A request for an independent study must
be made by a parent and done at least a week prior to the absence, except in the case of illness. An
independent study contract is approved at the discretion of the school administration. A student
must be in good academic standing to qualify. You may request an Independent Study contract for
the following reasons:
Illness or injury
Educational alternative
Vacation or personal necessity
Student backpacks must be clean and free of writing. The student’s name may appear on the outside of
the backpack in one place only. Students who violate this rule will have their backpacks confiscated and
parents contacted.
BALL ROOM I Belong/ Take Pride
The Ball Room is open at break, and at lunchtime. Equipment can be checked out with a backpack.
Students are responsible for the care of the equipment they check out. All equipment must be returned in
the same condition it was checked out.
BICYCLES Do No Harm/ Pursue Knowledge
All bicycles are to be locked on the bike racks. Students must ride bicycles on the street only and not on
school grounds. Students are to walk beside their bicycles while on school grounds. Students must wear
a helmet and lock their bicycle. The school is not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles.
Skateboards, roller blades, and scooters are allowed, but cannot be used on school grounds. Students
must wear helmets when riding bikes, skateboards and scooters.
CELL PHONES Pursue Knowledge/ Do No Harm
Cell phones must be turned off during the school day. They may be used before or after school, but not
any other time during the day. If a staff member hears or sees a student using a phone during the day the
phone will be turned into the office. (The school will not be held responsible for the theft or loss of any
Graham Middle School utilizes the Essential Elements to guide our classroom procedures and school
climate. There are three main groups of people that have responsibilities that are specific to their role in
the educational process. All of these responsibilities are connected to our Essential Elements.
Arrive to class on time every day prepared with appropriate materials to learn
Speak to everyone in respectful manner
Show respect and courtesy to everyone on campus
Maintain and respect all necessary school supplies
Listen and follow directions
Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself
Actively keep campus clean
Actively participate in class
Enjoy school equipment, but use it properly and safely
Persistently pursue learning
Complete assignments both in and out of class
Follow all school rules
Get your child to school on time
Model respect
Provide your child with all the necessary educational tools he/she needs
Talk to your child about his/her school work
Check your student’s grades on Power School
Discuss and model appropriate school behavior
Expect your child to be successful
Communicate with teachers
Be actively involved in the school
Read the Bear Tracks or Web Site
Don’t allow your student to bring valuables to school
Encourage your child to be actively involved in their education
Encourage proper dress attire
Talk about college
Model reading
Respect everyone on campus
Believe all students can and will learn
Be on time and prepared
Have high expectations
Encourage students
Give timely feedback to improve
Actively keep campus clean
Model appropriate use of school equipment
Follow all school rules
Partner with parents
COUNSELING I Belong/ Pursue Knowledge/ Together We Can
Mountain View Whisman partners with CHAC (Community Health Awareness Council) to work with
students who are having adjustment problems or need to work out an issue. Some students meet in small
groups when a common need arises. Students may refer themselves or be referred by their parents,
teachers, or an administrator. Counselors may meet with a student a single time without parental
DELIVERED ITEMS Pursue Knowledge
If you are having something dropped off from home, please check the office to see if it has arrived.
Birthday greetings, bouquets, and balloons should not be brought to school as they cause a
disruption in class and will not be delivered to student.
DISCIPLINE POLICY Do No Harm/ Pursue Knowledge
It is the expectation that all Graham staff work together to provide an environment where all students
feel safe and a part of a larger community of learners. It is our responsibility to come together as a
community to insure that others don’t infringe on students’ ability to learn or teacher’s ability to teach.
Graham has the 2-tier discipline policy consisting of a time-out and an office referral.
Step 1: Classroom Management
Teachers use their personal classroom management system.
Step 2: Time-Out
After a teacher has implemented their personal interventions to address a student’s behavior, and
a student’s behavior has not improved, then the teacher places a yellow time-out form on the
student’s desk as a warning. If the behavior continues, the teacher completes the top section of the
form and sends the student to the office. The student spends time in the office writing a reflection.
The student is expected to return back to class directly and quietly. The student is also expected to
not continue the behavior or any other disruptive behavior and to positively participate in the
lesson. If a student gets 3 time-outs in a week, the student’s parent will be called. The actions
that get a student a time-out form are:
Not doing assignment
Physical contact
Throwing things
Disrespectful language/actions
Talking back
Not showing up for teacher detention
Gum chewing
Distracting others
Being uncooperative
Talking out
Other disruptive behaviors
Step 3: Office Referral
If a student does not return directly and quietly to class after being given a time-out, then the
teacher gives the student a referral form and sends student back to the office. If a student’s
behavior is dangerous, the student will immediately be sent to the office with a referral.
Other behaviors that will earn a student a referral are, but not limited to:
Dangerous Activity
Sexual Harassment
Racial or ethnic slurs
Destruction of property
Students will meet with either the Principal or Assistant Principal to discuss their behavior and
find out consequences. Parents may be called.
DRESS FOR SUCCESS Pursue Knowledge/ Do No Harm/ I Belong
The goal of the Graham Middle School Dress Code is to instill in students the understanding that school is
their place of business. The dress code allows for individual choice, promotes safety, and at the same time
discourages clique-type groups from being formed based on clothing style and/or expense. We encourage
each student to take his or her education seriously, beginning with the clothes he/she wears to school.
Dress Code
In all instances, a student’s appearance should not disrupt or distract from the learning
atmosphere in the classroom or on campus.
Not allowed:
Low-cut tops, tanks tops with straps less than 2 inches wide, tube tops, mesh shirts, tops with spaghetti
straps, halter tops and shirts that reveal the midriff.
Slippers, flip flops, and thong-type shoes
Shoes that permit safe movement must be worn at all times.
Oversized clothing
Sagging pants
Clothing, symbols, or anything associated with gang affiliation
Clothing and accessories that contain pictures or writing which are considered vulgar, profane or
sexually suggestive; which advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice; or promote drugs, alcohol,
tobacco, violence or any illegal activity
Symbols or writing anywhere on the body
Rubber bands, hair ties, and scrunchies worn on clothing
Limitations on wearing:
The hems of shorts, skirts and dresses must be at the fingertips when arms are to the side
See-through sheer tops must have appropriate shirts underneath.
Belts are to be worn so that the excess is not dangling or hanging out of the pants
Hats, visors, caps, hoods, and sunglasses can be worn outdoors, but not indoors
Hats and visors are worn forward at all times
ELECTRONIC DEVICES Pursue Knowledge/ Do No Harm
Electronic devices such as iPods, MP3’s, video games, etc. are not to be used during school hours or at
school sponsored events. These devices will be turned into the office. The school will not be held
responsible for the theft or loss of these items.
FOOD Take Pride/ Together We Can
It is the responsibility of everyone at school to keep the campus clean and free of trash. Please pick-up
after yourself and place all trash in the garbage cans. Food is not allowed on the track or turf field.
Due to the messy nature of gum, we do not allow gum on campus.
FOOD SERVICE Together We Can/ I Belong
Food Service provides food for brunch and lunch to students for a minimal cost. Families can fill out an
on-line form to apply for free or reduced breakfast or lunch any time during the school year. Brunch is a
15-minute break in the morning when breakfast items are available from the Food Service. Brunch costs
$2.25. During lunch a full lunch service is available from the Food Service for the cost of $3.50. You may
pay at the door for a full lunch or pay in advance by cash or check. The amount will be credited to the
student’s account.
Pursue Knowledge/Take Pride/ Do No Harm
To qualify to participate in the end of the year events, we expect all students to remain focused
on learning and maintain positive behaviors. There are four infractions that will disqualify you
from one or more of the end of the year events. These infractions are:
Below a 2.0 Cumulative GPA
Below a 2.0 GPA for T3
Three office discipline referrals
GROUPS Together We Can/ Pursue Knowledge
Every year Graham has several groups that meet either before or after school, or during lunch. Some
examples of the clubs that have existed in the past are: arts and crafts, chess, knitting, Leo, math, robotics,
speech and debate. If you are interested in sponsoring a club, please contact the school office. Groups will
be promoted through morning announcements, Bear Tracks and our website.
Mountain View Whisman School District has three full-time nurses available to assist Graham as
ILLNESS AND INJURY I Belong/ Together We Can/ Do No Harm
If a student becomes ill, he/she should report to their teacher for a pass to go to the office. Parents may
be called to come and pick up their child. If a student is injured at school, he/she should report to the
teacher in charge. Parents will be contacted if more than basic first aid is required. If a student has a
possible back or neck injury, that student should not be moved. Please report the injury to the
nearest adult.
Graham is a closed campus and students may not leave during the day. If a student has to leave for a
doctor, dentist, or other appointment, parents must follow the procedures listed below and sign the
student out.
1. Before leaving the campus, a parent must come to the front office and sign the student out.
2. Upon returning from an appointment, the parent must sign the student back in and the office staff
will issue the student an admit slip to class.
LIBRARY Pursue Knowledge/ Take Pride
The school library is open before school, break, lunch, and after school until 3:00. The school library
offers students access to both fiction and nonfiction books to check out for their reading pleasure. The
library is also available for quiet study and research. In addition, teachers periodically bring classes to the
library to check out books and use it for class projects.
LITTER Take Pride/ Together We Can
This campus is our home. It is the responsibility of everyone to keep our home clean. All trash, including
lunch garbage must be put in the garbage containers provided. Students caught littering may be given
campus beautification detail.
LOST AND FOUND Together We Can
The lost and found is located by the staff lounge (next to the food pavilion). Lost items not claimed will be
donated to a charitable organization as necessary.
MEDICATIONS Do No Harm/ Pursue Knowledge
Medication may only be distributed to students by the office staff. Students must have a Medication
Release Form on file in the office.
When classes are in session, a student is required to have a pass to go to the office or another classroom.
RESTROOMS Take Pride/ Do No Harm
Students must sign-out from their class when leaving for the restroom and must sign back in when
returning to class. Students will use the school restroom for their intended purposes. Students are
responsible for keeping the restrooms clean and free of graffiti. Restrooms are subject to supervision.
SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Do No Harm/ Pursue Knowledge/ Take Pride
Substitute teachers are guests at Graham and should be treated accordingly. They are to be treated with
RESPECT at all times. Substitute teachers will enforce classroom and school rules and be expected to
follow the Graham discipline policy.
TRANSPORTATION Do No Harm/ Together We Can
Drivers should be very careful and courteous when driving on campus. It is very important that drivers
respect the speed limits and pedestrian rights of way. Students must use the crosswalks. Drivers, when
dropping off or picking up your child, please pull all the way forward and do not leave your car
unattended. For the safety of all, please follow the instructions of the person directing traffic.