Final/Interim Report to the IOM Development Fund [OFFICIAL PROJECT TITLE] Project Data Table Executing Organization: International Organization for Migration (IOM) Project Identification and Contract Numbers: Insert the IOM project identification code. If the donor has a project identifier such as a contract number, include this here as well. But sure to clearly identify each id/number listed. Project Management Site and Relevant Regional Office: Management Site: From the dropdown list select the IOM office where the Project Manager is located Regional Office: Select the Regional Office (where the draft donor report is sent for internal coordination and review). Project Period: Enter the project start date and end date, as stipulated in the contribution agreement or any extensions. If an extension has been granted, indicate the dates in brackets. Please use following format: 1 January 2013 – 30 September 2013 (extension: 31 March 2013 – 30 September 2013). Geographical Coverage: Specify the geographical area covered by the project. Include city, region, country, and/or international region as relevant. Project Beneficiaries: Specify the groups/communities who benefit by the project. To the extent possible, disaggregate the beneficiaries by age, gender, and other key characteristics, such as unaccompanied minors, persons with a disability, children, and ex-combatants. Project Partner(s): Insert the names of the project partners, who actively contribute to and/or take part in project operations. Reporting Period: Enter the period the report covers, distinguishing between the narrative and financial dates, if necessary. E.g. 1 January 2013 – 30 September 2013 Date of Submission: Select from the dropdown the date that the report is submitted to the IOM Development Fund. Total Confirmed Funding: List the total funding pledged for the project. Ensure this figure reflects the contribution agreement/donor agreement, and any amendments and that it matches the financial report. If multiple donors have funded the project, list each contribution by donor in a common currency (preferably USD). If the continuation of the project is funded by the same donor, clearly state the contribution for each phase. Use the following format: ‘USD 100,000’ or ‘EUR 100,000’ Total Funds Received to Date: Indicate the total amount of funding that has already been received by IOM for the project. Ensure this figure matches the financial report. If this is a report to several donors, clearly specify the amount that has been received by IOM from each donor including the IOM Development Fund. Use the following format: ‘USD 100,000 (PRM), USD 200,000 (SDC)’ Total Expenditures: Insert either the total cumulative expenditures or the expenditures during the reporting period, depending on donor specifications. This information should come from the financial report once it has been cleared for submission by the appropriate reviewer (RAS or ACO). Use the following format: ‘USD 100,000’ or ‘EUR 100,000’. [If your table goes over the first page, please reformat, change paragraph spacing or resize the text slightly to fit on one page.] Headquarters (please change details as appropriate): 17 route des Morillons • C.P. 71 • CH-1211 Geneva 19 • Switzerland Tel: +41.22.717 91 11 • Fax: +41.22.798 61 50 • E-mail: • Internet: 1. SUMMARY OF KEY ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style and use “Heading 2” and “Heading 3” style as appropriate.] Please follow the latest IOM house-style and Spelling List. In this section, summarize the objective that the project aims to achieve, the progress made in achieving/contributing to the realization of the outputs and outcomes (as appropriate) specified in the Results Matrix, and the main activities that were implemented during the reporting period. Please delete all help text before submitting the report for endorsement. 2. PROGRESS MADE TOWARDS REALIZING OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style and use “Heading 2” and “Heading 3” style as appropriate.] NOTE: Please note that the new reporting template no longer has a ‘Project Description’ section, as this is already included in the project proposal. Please describe here instead the progress made towards those outcomes and outputs as outlined in the project proposal. In this section, describe the project activities that have been implemented and the outputs, as well as outcomes, when appropriate (required in final reporting) that have been realized during the reporting period. This section includes a table for reporting progress against the indicators and targets set for project activities, outputs and outcomes (as stated in the Results Matrix in the project document) and narrative text focused mainly on describing project strategy, more details on activity implementation and cross-cutting issues. In the narrative include: (Use sub-sections to organize large amounts of information): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explanation of project strategy and more details on the implementation of activities leading to progress or realization of project outputs. Be sure to clearly indicate activities conducted jointly with project partners as well as project components fully implemented by project stakeholders, consultants, and partners, summarizing the coordination mechanisms used to share information and synchronize plans. A description of changes to indicators, if relevant, including an explanation of the reasons for the change(s) and the new indicator(s) that have been established; Information and analysis on how cross-cutting issues have been addressed during the reporting period (for interim reports) and throughout project implementation (for final reports). Describe how the activities contributed to gender equity (including sex and age), environmental impact, utilization of human rights-based approach, and overall project sustainability and any other relevant considerations; Information on visibility measures that have been taken during project implementation. Incorporate photos of project operations/activities, potentially including the donor’s logo. (Be sure to check if the project donor has visibility guidelines or required specifications/standards for how their logo is portrayed.) . Attach as annexes any project-related publications and press articles, if appropriate. Page 2 of 6 Table 2.1: Progress Achieved Compared to Indicators in the Results Matrix Progress made during reporting period Indicators Baseline Target Objective: Insert the objective as stated in the project document. Insert the indicator as established in the Results Matrix Insert the baseline data relevant to the objective, as stated in the project document, which is the foundation data against which change initiated or caused by a large number of stakeholders will be measured by over time. Insert the target set for the objective, as stated in the project document and Results Matrix. Insert information on the progress made during the reporting period towards the realization of the objective. Indicate the total progress made till that point from the baseline to the target. NOTE: This is required for final reports. If the final report is the only report to be submitted you may delete this column or write ‘n/a’ Outcome 1: Insert the (first) outcome as stated in the project document. Insert the indicators as established in the Results Matrix for Outcome 1. Be sure to add any new indicators that have been established subsequently. Insert the baseline data relevant to Outcome 1, which is the foundation data against which change initiated or caused by the project will be measured by over time. Insert information on what was specifically accomplished during the reporting period towards the realization of Outcome 1. Indicate the total progress made till that point from the baseline to the target. NOTE: This is required for final reports. Output 1.1: Insert the (first) output as stated in the project document. Insert the indicators as established in the Results Matrix for Output 1.1. Be sure to add any new indicators that have been established subsequently. Insert the baseline data relevant to Output 1.1, which is the foundation data against which change initiated or caused by the project will be measured by over time. Insert the target set for Outcome 1, which is the benchmark that the project aims to achieve (should match/ be in line with the project document and Results Matrix). Insert the target set for Output 1.1, which is the benchmark that the project aims to achieve (should match/ be in line with the project document and Results Matrix). Insert information on what was specifically accomplished during the reporting period towards the realization of Output 1.1. Indicate the total progress made till that point from the baseline to the target. Activities 1.1: List the activities accomplished during the reporting period towards the realization of Output 1.1. NOTE: Activities can be listed after each output or after all outputs at the end of the results matrix, based on your preference. Page 3 of 6 Cumulative progress 3. CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED AND ACTIONS TAKEN [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style.] This section describes and analyses significant difficulties or delays faced during project implementation and summarizes responses, solutions or corrective measures that have been taken, continue to be taken, or are being planned to address and rectify the situation or address the issue of concern. Analyse and assess whether each issue is the result of a risk outside of IOM’s control, such as a political event or a natural disaster, or if the problem is due to a flaw or oversight in project design. For any constraints or delays deemed a result on internal factors, consider carefully if and how they should be conveyed outside of the Organization. For external factors, be sure to pay attention to tone and word selection. Strive to objectively evaluate and describe the key information about a given challenge; avoid assigning individual blame for difficulties faced. NOTE: Use of the table below instead of narrative text is completely optional: please however include either the narrative text or the table, not both. Challenges Actions Taken 4. CONCLUSIONS [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style.] In this section, briefly summarize the key achievements realized during the current reporting period and outline the next steps in the project’s implementation, briefly reiterating – if appropriate - any significant and persistent challenges anticipated to remerge during the upcoming period. Focus on the future: for interim reports, this means a description of the key activities, outputs and/or outcomes envisioned for the upcoming reporting period. For final reports, note any good practices that emerged and/or lessons that were learned during implementation. If a subsequent phase or follow-up project is proposed, briefly note this development and outline and concisely justify the overall objective envisioned. Be sure to highlight the measures taken by the project to promote the sustainability and/or lasting impact of its intervention(s). Page 4 of 6 5. EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCE UTILIZATION Please see the attached financial report. [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style.] The financial report is to be attached to the narrative report as a separate document. This section can be used to provide a narrative description of any issues faced in budget execution or technical issues related to the accounting and reconciliation of expenditures, such as variances in actual expenditures on a given budget line compared to the funds allocated for that purpose. Exchange rate fluctuations may affect the amount of funding available to a project, or the burn rate of project funds can rise or fall dramatically as a result of unforeseen changes in the operating environment such as renewed volatility in an insecure, post-conflict environment or a sudden onset natural disaster in a climate-affected region. These are additional examples of financial information that may not be conveyed through the financial report, which instead can be described here. 6. EVALUATION FORM ON PROJECT OUTCOME/IMPACT/ SEED FUNDING FOLLOW UP [*ONLY FOR FINAL REPORTS] [Enter text here. Apply “Calibri” font, size 11, “Normal” style.] Evaluation includes a variety of evaluation criteria, such as relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, but for this report we would like to concentrate on outcomes, impact and sustainability. Outcome: Describe concisely in bullet points the main changes that were defined at the beginning of the project in institutional performance, individual or group behaviour or attitudes or the political, economic, or social position of the beneficiaries. This describes what the project could influence, (i.e. which are the achieved short and medium-term effects of the specific intervention’s output (OECD-DAC)), its shortterm impact. Impact: Impact is an evaluation criterion that assesses the positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by the project, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally. Can also be briefly defined as the change brought by an intervention in line with its objectives): Describe the lasting effects, changes and contributions to its beneficiaries (i.e. Person, Society, Govt. Institutions or partners and others) in various aspects of migration. This can be a challenge due to the complexity and cost of measuring a change in a situation, however, in that case the analysis of project outcomes can be considered. Sustainability: Page 5 of 6 Sustainability is the continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed (OECD-DAC). Or as defined in the IOM Handbook sustainability is the durability of the project’s results, or the continuation of the project’s benefits once external support ceases. a) Was the seed funding successful? Please provide follow up funding information. b) Have any follow up activities or projects occurred? 7. ANNEXES [List annexes here as appropriate (e.g. Annex 1: ...) or write ‘No annexes.’] List the annexes that are attached to the narrative report, if any. Ensure that the annexes are mentioned in the body of the text, and that the numbering of the annexes matches their order of appearance. Note that the financial report should not be considered or counted as an annex. Page 6 of 6