Teach-Mapping Functional Maths to GCSE

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This resource was produced by Cambridge Regional College in partnership with:
Mapping Technical Skills: Functional maths, Adult Numeracy Core
Curriculum and GCSE maths
Mapping Technical Skills: Functional maths, Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum
and GCSE maths
This table does not show a complete mapping of skills but illustrates the commonality between each of the standards. The technical skills within
the subject criteria for GCSE maths that form part of the progression from Functional maths are included, rather than all of the subject criteria for
GCSE, therefore there are elements of the GCSE that are excluded.
Level 1 and Level 2 technical skills are included to represent the, often, spiky profiles of students and the possible progression routes to GCSE.
Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum1
Functional Mathematics
Amplification of standards: coverage and
Number and Parts of Whole Numbers
N1/L1.1: Read, write, order and compare numbers in
words and figures, including large numbers
L1: Understand and use whole numbers and
recognise negative numbers in practical contexts
N1/L1.2: Recognise negative numbers in practical
contexts (e.g. temperatures)
L2: Understand and use positive and negative
numbers of any size in practical contexts
GCSE mathematics
Ofqual GCSE subject criteria for maths3
Number & Algebra
Order rational numbers
Use decimal notation and recognise that each
terminating decimal is a fraction
N1/L2.1:Read, write, order and compare in words and
figures positive and negative numbers of any size in a
practical context
N2/L1.4:Read, write, order and compare decimals up to
three decimal places
N2/L2.5:Order, approximate and compare decimals
when solving practical problem
N1/L1.3: Add, subtract, multiply and divide using
efficient written and mental methods
N1/L1.4: Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100
L1: Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole
numbers using a range of mental methods
L1: Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and
100 using mental arithmetic
Add, subtract, multiply and divide any number
Use index notation for squares, cubes and
powers of ten
and 1000
N1/L1.5: Recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and
make connections with division facts
N2/L1.5:Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up
to two places
MSS1/L1.1:Add, subtract, multiply and divide sums of
money and record
L2: Carry out calculations with numbers of any
size in practical contexts
L1: Add and subtract decimals up to two decimal
L2: L2: Add, subtract, multiply and divide
Understand and use number operations and the
relationships between them, including inverse
operations and hierarchy of operations
Approximate to specified or appropriate
degrees of accuracy including a given power of
ten, number of decimal places and significant
Use calculators effectively and efficiently
N1/L1.6: Recognise numerical relationships, e.g.
identify multiples and square numbers
N2/L1.6:Multiply and divide whole numbers and
decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
N2/L1.7:Approximate decimals by rounding to a whole
number and to one or two decimal places
N1/L1.8: Approximate by rounding
N1/L1.9: Use estimation to find appropriate solutions to
N1/L1.10: Solve problems with and without a calculator
involving positive numbers
N1/L2.2: Carry out calculations with numbers of any
size using efficient written and mental methods
N2/L2.6:Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up
to three places
MSS1/L2.1:Calculate with sums of money and convert
between currencies
N1/L2.5: Solve problems with and without a calculator
involving positive and negative numbers
N1/L2.6: Use estimation to find appropriate solutions to
problems and to check if solutions are sensible
N1/L1.11: Solve problems involving algebra
N1/L2.4: Evaluate expressions and make
substitutions in given formulae in words and symbols to
produce results
L1: Use simple formulae expressed in words for
one – or two-step operations
Distinguish to different roles played by letter
symbols in algebra, using the correct notation
L2: Understand and use simple equations and
simple formulae involving one- or two-step
N1/L1.7: Work out simple ratio and direct proportion
N1/L2.3:Calculate ratio and direct proportion
L1: Solve simple problems involving ratio, where
one number is a multiple of the other
L2: Understand, use and calculate ratio and
proportion, including problems involving scale
Use ratio notation, including reduction to its
simplest form and its various links to fraction
Divide a quantity in a given ratio
N2/L1.1: Read, write, order and compare in words and
figures common fractions and mixed numbers
L1: Understand and use equivalences between
common fractions, decimals and percentages
Understand equivalent fractions, simplifying a
fraction by cancelling all common factors
N2/L1.3:Recognise equivalencies between common
fractions, percentages and decimals (e.g. 50% = 1/2 or
0.25 = 1/4) and use these to find part or whole-number
L2: Understand and use equivalences between
fractions, decimals and percentages
N2/L1.12:Express one number as a fraction of another
N2/L2.3:Evaluate one number as a fraction of another
N2/L2.4:Use fractions to add, subtract, multiply and
divide amounts or quantities
L2: Add and subtract fractions
Add and subtract fractions
N2/L1.8:Read, write, order and compare simple
percentages, and understand simple percentage increase
and decrease
L2: Add, subtract, multiply and divide
N2/L1.9:Find simple percentage parts of quantities and
Understand that ‘percentage’ means ‘number
of parts per 100’ and use this to compare
Use percentage
N2/L1.10:Find simple percentage increases and
N2/L2.7:Order and compare percentages and understand
percentage increase and decrease
N2/L2.8:Find percentage parts of quantities and
N2/L2.9:Evaluate one number as a percentage of another
N2/L1.2:Find parts of whole number quantities or
measurements (e.g. 2/3 or 3/4)
Interpret fractions, decimals and percentages
as operators
N2/L1.11:Solve problems with and without a calculator
using whole numbers, fractions, decimals and
N2/L2.1:Use fractions to order and compare amounts or
N2/L2.2:Identify equivalencies between fractions,
decimals and percentages
N2/L2.10:Solve problems with or without a calculator
efficiently using whole numbers, fractions, decimals and
MSS1/L1.4:Read, estimate, measure and compare
length, weight, capacity and temperature using common
units and instruments
L1: Solve problems requiring calculation, with
common measures including money, time, length,
weight, capacity and temperature
Make sensible estimates of a range of
Interpret scales on a range of measuring
instruments and recognise the inaccuracy of
MSS1/L1.5:Read, estimate, measure and compare
MSS1/L1.6:Add and subtract common units of measure
within the same system
MSS1/L2.3:Estimate, measure and compare length,
distance, weight and capacity using metric and, where
appropriate, imperial units
MSS1/L2.4:Estimate, measure and compare
temperature, including reading scales and conversion
MSS1/L2.5:Calculate with units of measure within the
same system
MSS1/L1.7:Convert units of measure in the same system
L1: Convert units of measure in the same system
MSS1/L2.6:Calculate with units of measure between
systems, using conversion tables, graphs and scales, and
approximate conversion factors
L2: Use, Convert and calculate using metric and,
where appropriate, imperial measures
MSS1/L1.8:Work out the perimeter of simple shapes,
e.g. rectangle, equilateral triangle
L1: Work out areas, perimeters and volumes
MSS1/L1.9:Work out the area of rectangles
L2: Find the area, perimeter and volume of
common shapes
MSS1/L2.7:Understand and use given formulae for
finding perimeters and areas of regular shapes e.g.
rectangular and circular surfaces
Convert measurements from one unit to
Calculate perimeters and areas of shapes made
from triangles and rectangles
Find circumferences and areas of circles
MSS1/L2.8:Understand and use given formulae for
finding areas of composite shapes e.g. non-rectangular
rooms or plots of land
MSS1/L1.10:Work out simple volume e.g. cuboids
Calculate volumes of right prisms and of
shapes made from cubes and cuboids
MSS1/L2.9:Understand and use given formulae for
finding volumes of regular shapes e.g. a cuboid or
MSS1/L1.11:Work with scale drawings
Use and interpret maps and scale drawings
MSS1/L2.10:Work out dimensions from scale drawings
e.g. 1:20
MSS2/L1.1:Solve problems using the mathematical
properties of regular 2-D shapes e.g. tessellation or
MSS2/L1.2:Draw 2-D shapes in different orientations
using grids e.g. in diagrams or plans
L1: Construct models and draw shapes measuring
and drawing angles and identifying line symmetry
Recognise reflection and rotation symmetry of
2D shapes;
L2: Recognise and use 2D representations of 3D
Recall and use properties of angles at a point,
angles at a point on a straight line (including
right angles), perpendicular lines and opposite
angles at a vertex
MSS2/L2.1:Recognise and name a range of
mathematical 2-D representations of 3-D objects, e.g. in
maps and plans
Use 2D representations of 3D shapes
Recall the properties and definitions of special
types of quadrilateral, including square,
rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, kite and
MSS2/L2.2:Solve problems involving mathematical
properties, 2-D shapes and parallel lines, e.g. in laying
down carpet tiles
MSS2/L2.3:Draw 2-D shapes in different orientations
using grids, e.g. reflect and rotate
MSS2/L1.3:Follow directions using appropriate
positional vocabulary
Understand and use bearings
MSS2/L2.4:Follow directions using a variety of
positional vocabulary
HD1/L1.1:Extract and interpret information e.g. in
tables, diagrams, charts and simple line graphs
L1: Extract and interpret information from lists,
tables, diagrams, charts and graphs
Understand and use statistical problem solving
process/handling data cycle
HD1/L1.2:Collect, organise and represent discrete data
e.g. in tables, charts, diagrams and line graphs
L1: Collect and record discrete data and organise
and represent information in different ways
Design an experiment or survey
HD1/L2.1:Extract and interpret discrete and continuous
data from tables, diagrams, charts and line graphs
L2: Collect and represent discrete and continuous
data, using ICT where appropriate
Design data-collection sheets, distinguishing
between different types of data
Extract data from printed tables and lists
HD1/L2.2:Collect, organise and represent discrete and
continuous data in tables, charts, diagrams and line
L2: Use and interpret discrete and continuous
data, using ICT where appropriate, statistical
measures, tables and diagrams
Produce charts and diagrams for various data
Interpret a wide range of graphs and diagrams
and draw conclusions
HD1/L1.3:Find the arithmetical average (mean) for a set
of data
L1: Find mean and range
Calculate median, mean, range,
mode and modal class;
L2: Use statistical methods to investigate
Compare distributions and make inferences
HD2/L1.1:Use the vocabulary of probability to discuss
the likelihood of events
L1: Use probability to show that some events are
more likely to occur than others
Understand and use the vocabulary of
probability and the probability scale
HD2/L1.2:Express the likelihood of an event using
L2: Use a numerical scale from 0 to 1 to express
List all outcomes for single events, and for two
HD1/L1.4:Find the range for a set of data
HD1/L2.3:Find the mean, median and mode, and use
them as appropriate to compare two sets of data
HD1/L2.4:Find the range and use it to describe the
spread within sets of data
fractions, decimals and percentages with the probability
scale of 0 to 1
and compare probabilities
HD2/L2.1:Identify the range of possible outcomes of
combined events and record the information using
diagrams or tables
successive events, in a systematic way and
derive related probabilities
Understand and use estimates or measures of
probability from theoretical models, (including
equally likely outcomes), or from relative
Identify different mutually exclusive outcomes
and know that the sum of the probabilities of
all these outcomes is 1;
QCA Functional skills guidance: Amplification of standards 2008 QCA/08/3700
Ofqual GCSE Subject criteria for mathematics 2011 Ofqual/11/5024