1 OPTIMISING THE USE OF WETLAND BENEFITS IN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT: A Case Study From The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia Introduction Characteristics Of The River Basin Issues Wetlands Within The Basin Policy And Organisational Setup For Achieving Sustainable River Basin Management Functions, Uses And Attributes Of The Barmah-Millewa Wetlands In Relation To River Basin Management The Integration Of Wetlands Into River Basin Management Conclusion Lessons Learned Introduction The Murray-Darling Basin covers an area in excess of one million km2, approximately one seventh of the land area of Australia. The Basin is located in the south eastern section of the continent. The majority of the area of the Basin consists of extensive plains. Almost threequarters of all water used for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes in Australia comes from the Basin (MDBMC, 1987a). Land in the Basin is used for a variety of purposes, including urban settlements, irrigated and dryland cropping, grazing of domestic stock, production forestry, and conservation of natural areas in parks and reserves. Rainfall is extremely unreliable over much of the Basin; average annual deviation from the mean rainfall, expressed as a percentage of the mean, ranges from 15% on the slopes of the Great Divide in Victoria to 30% in the Darling catchment (Tisdall, 1974). The Murray and Darling Rivers have a total length of some 3,780 km, and comprise the fourth longest river system in the world (MDBMC, 1987a). Runoff is very low, averaging 3% of annual rainfall, and some 98% of the Basin exhibits drainage patterns typical of arid and semiarid environments, with frequently little contribution from surface runoff to overland flow. The majority of runoff in the Basin is derived from the Great Dividing Range, on the southern and eastern boundaries of the Basin. ISSUES The channel capacity of many of the rivers decreases as the rivers flow across the Basin. There is significant spatial variation in discharge, reflecting the large extent of the Basin and the consequent wide range of climatic conditions. The physical characteristics of the river systems within the Basin have been extensively and significantly modified through a range of interventions and the most significant are those associated with flow regulation. To support the needs for water for both urban and agricultural developments, a number of water storages have been constructed throughout the Basin. Three major reservoirs are located in the 2 headwaters sections of the catchment, while diversion weirs and intermediate structures are located along the length of the waterways. The most significant feature of this river system is that most of the regulation of the rivers is from reservoirs in the upper sections of the catchment. Thus it has little capacity to manage flows once they are released from storage. This limits the flexibility of the system to provide for the varying management needs of different components of the Basin, such as the need to provide water for irrigation and for wetlands at different times of the year. There is one large-scale diversion within the Basin. The so-called Snowy Mountains Scheme permits diversion of water within and to the Basin. In addition to these significant impoundments, there have been and continue to be numerous other interventions in the natural flows of the rivers within the Basin. and other off-stream uses; As a consequence, natural water flow regimes within the Basin have been extensively modified, in terms of rate, variability, total volume and seasonality of flow. These changes have affected both the watercourses themselves and those wetlands which are connected to the watercourses at times of high flow. Sections of the Murray River now function as lakes rather than as parts of a watercourse, due to the high level of interference with the natural. The biological impacts of the alteration from a lotic to a lentic wetland are significant and, combined with the changes to water quality and to the variability, rate, seasonality and volume of flow which have occurred, have caused marked alterations to the natural habitats of the Basin. The extent and impacts of these interventions vary markedly throughout the Basin. Along the Murray, however, it is clear that the seasonality of flows has been reversed; the highest flows now occur in the summer period, to meet the needs of irrigators. The lowest flows occur in the winter and spring, when the storages refill. The impacts of these altered flows on wetlands along the watercourses in the Basin have also been significant, and vary markedly depending on the nature and extent of the alteration to the water regime. Increased flexibility in delivery of irrigation water through proposed downstream structural changes, perhaps through further off-river storage or more on-farm storage, will reduce the pressure on existing water delivery infrastructure and provide greater ability to manage river flows to meet wetlands and other ecological needs. The environments within the Basin range from alpine to desert, and the vegetation varies accordingly. Alterations to the water regimes of the Basin have resulted in significant indirect impacts on the vegetation. As noted earlier, there has been significant alteration of the natural water flow patterns within the Basin. That, combined with the effects of degraded water quality primarily through increased salinity and nutrient levels, has impacted much of the remaining natural vegetation surrounding wetlands and along the major water courses. Wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin There are an estimated 30,000 wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDBC, 1994b), encompassing a wide range of wetland types. In his study of wetlands on the Murray River floodplain from the Hume Dam to the river mouth (a distance of 2,225 km), Pressey (1986) identified more than 7,000 wetlands covering an area of approximately 2,200 km², in a total study area of 10,000 km². 3 In his assessment, Pressey used four hydrological categories, which were defined as shown in Table 1. These data omit the details from the 600 wetlands located at or near the mouth of the river. TABLE 1 WETLANDS ALONG THE MURRAY RIVER - HYDROLOGICAL CATEGORIES Hydrological Category Number of Percent of Wetland Percent of Wetlands Wetlands Area (ha.) Area 1. Wetland actually or 685 10.7 36 833 35.4 potentially connected to the river at minimum regulated flow or at pool level. 2. Wetland actually or potentially connected to the river above minimum regulated flow but at or below maximum regulated flow. 3. Wetland above maximum regulated flow, filled only by surplus flow. 4. Total Wetland above maximum regulated flow and which receives drainage, seepage or effluent flow. Usually receives surplus flow also. 740 11.5 23 950 23.0 4 434 68.9 31 647 30.4 574 8.9 11 600 11.2 6 433 100.0 104 030 100.0 The Barmah-Millewa forest is a seasonally flooded forest, dominated by river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). The site contains a large number of permanent and temporary wetlands, including swamps, lakes, grassland plains, and flooded forest. It is located on the Murray River floodplain, and includes a section of floodplain along the Edward River. There are a total of 3,300 ha of wetlands in the Barmah-Millewa forest; 90% of the wetlands are classified as being connected or potentially connected to the river above the minimum regulated flow level but at, or below, the maximum regulated flow level. The remaining 10% were classed as being above the maximum regulated flow, being filled only by surplus flows. The flood retention capacity of the Barmah section of the forest has been estimated to be some 321,000 ML (Dexter, 1970). Average annual rainfall at Barmah is 396 mm, the majority of which is received in the winter and spring, typically in low intensity events. Water quality monitoring in the Barmah-Millewa 4 forest are limited to monitoring of dissolved oxygen, water temperature, electrical conductivity, pH and turbidity. Water samples were also taken during spring flooding for analysis of nutrients. The hydrology of the Barmah section of the forest has been well-documented. The natural pattern of flows in the Murray River involved high winter and spring volumes, as a consequence of high winter and spring rainfall and of snowmelt in the Australian Alps, and lower flows over the summer and autumn. A detailed discussion of the major changes to the natural vegetation evident at Barmah is provided. The authors hypothesised that changes to flood regimes which followed the construction of the Hume Weir in 1934 have resulted in the decline of the grasslands. The higher summer water levels ensured that some areas became swamps rather than seasonally (winter/spring) flooded grasslands, and the vegetation consequently changed. Regulators designed to restrict the entry of summer floods to selected areas were installed over the period from 1939 to 1959, but these were only partially effective. The Barmah-Millewa forest is of great significance for birds, particularly for waterbirds. Barmah itself is a Ramsar site, and has previously supported large colonies of waterbirds. Even though altered flooding regimes have reduced bird numbers somewhat, Barmah still remains highly significant. Twenty seven species of freshwater fish occur in the Basin, of which 19 are native. All would be expected to occur in the waters of the Barmah-Millewa forest. At first glance, the extent of impact of human intervention appears to have been less on the fauna than on the flora resources of the area. However, this may reflect the relative amounts of data which have been collected, rather than real differences in severity of impact. It is clear that increased grazing pressure following the introduction of domestic stock, coupled with the arrival of rabbits into the forest, would have reduced feed available to herbivores significantly. Further, the introduction of predators such as foxes and cats to the area would have resulted in additional pressure on populations of native fauna. There have been numerous direct and indirect human interventions in the Barmah-Millewa forest e.g. intervention in the natural functioning of the site by aborigines include hunting and fishing; collection of plant materials for food and fibre needs; harvesting of wood and bark for fires, construction of dwellings and canoes, and other purposes; collection of honey and other forest products; and periodic firing of the grasslands to alter the grazing patterns of native fauna. As discussed in earlier sections, the natural flow regimes of the Murray River in the vicinity of the forest have altered significantly due to human intervention. Attempts to moderate the influence of these changes include the construction of levees and regulators. Levees serve to protect the forest from unseasonal summer floods, but also restrict winter/spring floods from reaching the protected parts of the forest. They are hence a less-favoured water management tool than regulators, which enable more precise flow management. The regulators which have been constructed in both the Barmah and Millewa sections of the forest are used to control flooding in the forest, reducing the negative impacts of unseasonal flooding and enhancing the benefit received from winter/spring flooding, through improved flow management. Use of regulators is coordinated by the management agencies on both sides of the Murray River, to ensure that optimal outcomes are achieved. 5 Policy and Organisational Setup for Achieving Sustainable River Basin Management Organisational setup The Murray-Darling Basin forms part of the territorial area of four States, covering threequarters of New South Wales, over half of Victoria, 7% of South Australia, 15% of Queensland, and covers the whole of the Australian Capital Territory. Co-ordination of the management and development of the resources of the Basin has been an important issue for the various State and Commonwealth Governments since the 1860s. The primary concerns initially related to navigation of the river system, followed by the need to develop an agreement for sharing the water resources of the river system as irrigated agriculture developed from the 1880s. The River Murray Waters Agreement was signed in 1917, establishing the River Murray Commission, with Commissioners from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and the Commonwealth. This body was responsible for building, operation and management of water storages, weirs and locks within the Murray River system, in order to regulate the river as a basis for further development of agriculture and commerce in inland Australia. For the following 60 years, the Commission was primarily responsible for development of increased water storages, and the regulation of the river system to provide adequate water for agriculture in the Basin. This period saw the construction of the major storages and weir systems throughout the Basin. Concerns developed about other resource management issues across the Basin from the 1960s, commencing with the salinity problems which were becoming very evident from that time, and the role of the Commission was broadened in 1982 to include issues of water quality, and subsequently a whole-of-catchment approach to natural resource management in the Basin. This need for improved co-ordination of a wider range of issues resulted in the formation of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council and the change of the River Murray Commission into the current Murray-Darling Basin Commission, with a charter to plan and co-ordinate natural resource management programmes throughout the whole Basin. The Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, established in 1985 under the MurrayDarling Basin Agreement, comprises Ministers of the various State Governments and the Commonwealth Government responsible for water, land and the environment in the Basin, and has included Queensland with the original three States since its agreement to join the programme in 1991. The Ministerial Council sets policy and broad directions for planning and management of the land, water and environmental resources of the Basin, with the specific goals of maintaining and where possible improving water quality for all beneficial uses, controlling and preventing land degradation and, where possible, rehabilitating land resources to ensure their sustainable utilisation, and conserving the natural environment of the Basin. The executive arm of the Ministerial Council is the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, an autonomous organisation with responsibilities to each of the participating Governments. Two Commissioners are provided from each of these Governments, normally representing the 6 relevant departments responsible for land, water and environment management for each of the jurisdictions. The Commission is responsible for providing administrative support and advice to the Ministerial Council, managing distribution of River Murray waters to each of the States according to the agreed sharing principles, and administers various approved strategies for resource management within the Basin. Specific water responsibilities of the Commission include regulation of the Murray River, water quality monitoring, co-ordination of river management throughout the Basin and encouragement of practices to improve land use, water quality and waste treatment. The Commission also works with each of the governments and their relevant departments to co-ordinate improved land and environmental management programmes within their areas of responsibility, encouraging joint government actions and monitoring programmes within individual States which may have an impact on other parts of the Basin. Existing and proposed government policy statements Since the establishment of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council and Commission, a number of Basin-wide strategies have been developed and implemented, while others are in the process of preparation. These strategies have been prepared to provide for co-ordinated land, water and environmental protection and management, and are implemented after formal agreement of the various constituent governments. To date, the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council has adopted the Salinity and Drainage Strategy, the Natural Resources Management Strategy and the Algal Management Strategy, while an Irrigation Management Strategy and a Wetlands Management Strategy are in the process of finalisation. These strategies provide for co-ordinated management of resources relevant to the long term well-being of the Basin, and are used to co-ordinate funding of research, investigation and implementation projects and activities. An audit of water use within the Murray-Darling Basin was commissioned by the Ministerial Council in June 1993, to provide details on current water use in the Basin, documenting trends and projecting those trends into the future to assess the impacts on existing development within the Basin. In June 1994, the Ministerial Council agreed on a river flow policy for the basin, “to maintain and, where appropriate, improve existing flow regimes in the waterways of the MurrayDarling Basin to protect and enhance the riverine environment”. (MDBC, 1995) This policy was then incorporated into the ambit of the audit to ensure that it included an assessment of the impact of current diversion levels on river health. As a result of serious concerns outlined in the Water Audit report over increasing diversions of water for agricultural use within the basin, and the adverse impacts these are having on river health, the Ministerial Council decided in June 1995 to cap water diversions within the Basin in order to prevent further deterioration of water quality and environmental values within the Basin’s river systems. This cap on water use consists of an immediate moratorium on further diversions, while the precise details of the long-term cap and its implementation are established. 7 Existing and proposed enactments The Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993 became operative on 6 October 1993. This legislation incorporates the revised Murray-Darling Basin Agreement 1992, which was signed by the four contracting Governments Existing and proposed NGO and people’s participation The Ministerial Council, under the Agreement, established a 21-member Community Advisory Committee to provide independent advice from the various communities across the Basin on natural resource management programmes and issues. The members of this Advisory Committee are drawn from representatives of regional and special interest groups across the Basin, including catchment management groups, environment and conservation groups, and other community organisations. While this Advisory Committee is the primary formal avenue for advice and community input to the programmes of the Council, there is also a strong commitment to wide involvement of the community at all levels in project development and implementation across the Basin. The Ministerial Council also encourages and supports the involvement of local and regional community groups in evaluation of programme proposals, implementation of approved projects, and advice on strategy development. Under the Native Title Act 1993, a Native Title Claim has been initiated by representatives of the Yorta Yorta aboriginal community covering a significant portion of the lands within the central section of the Murray River floodplain. This claim embodies both the attitude of the aboriginal people to this land, for which they have a strong feeling of traditional ownership, and a belief by the Yorta Yorta and other aboriginal communities that they should have a much stronger voice in management of land and other natural resources. While there has been a definite intent on the part of various State and Commonwealth governments to facilitate more active involvement of all communities, including those of aboriginal origin, in land and water management issues, there is dissatisfaction on the part of some of the aboriginal communities in relation to their ability to influence management of resources for which they feel a strong sense of ownership. FUNCTIONS, USES AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE BARMAH-MILLEWA WETLANDS IN RELATION TO RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT The Barmah-Millewa forest exhibits many values which are of varying degrees of significance in the management of the Murray-Darling Basin. The following section focuses on those which make a significant contribution to improved Basin management. Regulation of River Murray waters, particularly for agriculture had a substantial impact on frequency and timing of floods within the floodplains and wetlands of the Murray River. The wetlands of the Murray River and associated tributaries rely to a substantial extent on a pattern of winter/spring flooding to provide the water for their survival, with a natural pattern of extreme variability in flooding over periods of years. 8 The Barmah Forest wetland system, under natural conditions, received significant flood flows. Since regulation of the river system the extent and frequency of flooding has decrease substantially. The season of flooding has been altered, with flooding occurring in the later part of the season, and the earlier winter flows being most reduced. The most severe reduction is in the small to mid-range floods; the incidence of major floods has not been markedly altered, due to the limited capacity of upstream storages (Bren, undated). In addition, the use of the Murray River for deliver y of irrigation water to downstream users throughout the spring/summer/autumn irrigation period results in the river running at bankfull capacity for that period. Any sudden decrease in demand for delivery of irrigation water, for example as a result of rainfall in irrigated areas, will lead to a requirement for release of surplus flows (termed ‘rain rejection flows’) into the forests, leading to unseasonal summer flooding of forest wetlands. Similarly, summer rainfall in upstream catchments, and particularly in the Ovens River, which is largely unregulated, will result in excess flows down the river (termed ‘river freshes’) and further unseasonal flooding of the wetlands. These are often combined with rain rejection flows, and impact not only on ecological values, but may also impact on human activities within the forests, including logging operations and recreation and tourism activities. When overbank flows occur, they initially commence through the natural effluents which direct water from the river into creeks and wetlands throughout the forest, and then, as flows increase, natural river levees are overtopped on a broadscale basis. Major flood events cannot be effectively managed within the wetlands, as they quickly overwhelm any structures or physical attempts to direct or manage flows. However, the minor to moderate floods are the events most limited and affected by regulation within the overall river system. The wetland-specific water management plans which have been developed to date attempt to maximise the benefit of flows at these lower levels through the installation and operation of internal and marginal structures such as regulators and through modifications to channels. The wetland systems of the Murray River floodplain are used to a limited degree as a water supply for domestic and local irrigation supply for adjoining landholders. Apart from irrigation, the other major focus of management of Murray-Darling Basin waters is the requirement to provide for an adequate supply of water, in terms of both quantity and quality, for the city of Adelaide, with a population of approximately 1 million. All of the rivers of the Basin tend to become increasingly saline and turbid as they flow westward, with the result that water quality becomes a major concern. These increases in salinity and turbidity are largely due to natural causes such as groundwater inflows, catchment inputs and evaporation. Catchment degradation has assisted in acceleration of these trends. As all major tributaries enter the Murray River above the water offtakes for Adelaide, integrated management of waters is essential across the Basin, especially as the quality and quantity of water reaching the Murray from some of these tributaries may be highly variable. 9 Pollutants enter the Murray River, its tributaries, and its associated wetlands, from a variety of agricultural and urban sources. The principal point sources of waste water disposal to the river system consist of urban stormwater, irrigation drainage, which is the largest source of input to the rivers, and sewage treatment plant effluent (Shafron et al., 1990). Nutrients also enter the river system from diffuse sources, comprising runoff from non-irrigated pasture, croplands and forest lands across the catchment. Urban stormwater runoff is a significant point source of pollution along the river system, contributing nutrients, oils, heavy metals, and micro-organisms, particularly in the first rains after summer. Irrigation drainage introduces and sewage treatment plant effluent also contribute to pollution. Within the Murray-Darling Basin, the Murray River remains the only avenue of disposal of farm drainage water, where this water cannot be utilised as an on-farm resource. Agricultural drainage has two major impacts on the waterways, wetlands and riparian zones of the MurrayDarling Basin: through deposition of nutrients in increasing quantities into the rivers and streams, and disposal of salt to the same waterways. The Salinity and Drainage Strategy (MDBMC, 1988) and the Algal Management Strategy (MDBMC, 1994) have both been developed to address specific land management problems, but the two strategies conflict to some extent. While drainage is encouraged, within management limits, to reduce salinity and waterlogging, off-farm drainage is also discouraged, in attempts to reduce the amount of nutrients reaching the waterways of the Basin. Salinity is regarded as the principal environmental issue across the Basin as a whole, affecting the long-term and immediate future of the Basin. Saline flows reach the Murray River and its major tributaries as a result both of natural inflows to the river system and through disposal of agricultural drainage water from surface and sub-surface drainage, particularly from irrigated sections of the Basin. The Murray-Darling Basin Salinity and Drainage Strategy (MDBMC, 1988) provides for a coordinated programme to ensure that disposal of saline drainage to the Murray River is managed to minimise impacts on downstream users, and, in particular, on the supply of water to Adelaide. Under this strategy, each State which requires disposal of saline drainage to the Murray may only discharge an agreed total amount of salt through release of saline drainage water at times when the river flow rates reach pre-determined levels. Salinity has been identified as the greatest long-term environmental threat to the land, waters and ecology of the Murray-Darling Basin. As salinity levels in wetlands increase, alterations occur to vegetation, fauna and soils, with different flora and fauna species having different responses to and tolerances of salinity. Nutrients from both organic and inorganic sources, which are of considerable concern across the Basin, contribute to outbreaks of blue-green algae, which are a human health concern, impact on agricultural productivity, and affect the abundance and species composition of the zooplankton. Excessive nutrients also promote eutrophication and can result in fish kills within rivers, and lead to substantial modifications of wetland vegetation (Barmuta, 1989). 10 Deposition of sediments within the forests and wetlands reduces problems associated with deposition further downstream within the river channels, but excessive sedimentation also causes changes in water flow patterns within the wetlands where deposition occurs. This may impact on individual wetlands or specific sections of them, leading to changes in water regimes and associated vegetation and fauna. The Barmah-Millewa forest is an important recreational destination for visitors from southern New South Wales and northern Victoria. Visitors come primarily from within a 200 km radius. Principal recreational activities are swimming, boating (motorised and other), fishing, bird watching, bushwalking, hunting, horse riding and camping. The forests of the wetlands and river floodplains, whether private land or public land, have long been utilised by the farming community as a resource for grazing of sheep and cattle. Management of wetlands and floodplains on public lands in the Basin generally now only allows for grazing by cattle, as the more intensive grazing habit of sheep was considered to have unacceptable impacts on forest grasses and other flora, including tree regeneration. Grazing of wetland forests has been identified as potentially having a detrimental impact on ecological values. Undesirable impacts of grazing identified include trampling of river and wetland banks, broad-scale pugging of wetland soils, excessive selective grazing of wetland vegetation, reduction of regeneration, and addition of nutrients to waters and wetlands (Bacon et al., 1992). Urban and agricultural development across the Murray-Darling Basin has resulted in extensive clearing of native vegetation throughout much of the catchment and extensive drainage of wetlands in much of the broad floodplain of the main rivers and their tributaries. Consideration is given to the relationships which may exist between the contribution of particular wetland benefits to river basin management, and the maintenance of naturally functioning river basin and wetland systems with all their normally accruing benefits and costs. These benefits have the potential to contribute to management of the Murray-Darling Basin. The consequences of using those wetland benefits are examined, and the processes used to manage any potential impacts of the use of the wetland in Basin management are outlined. The discussion focusses on the impact of the use of wetland benefits on other wetland values, and does not encompass fully the impacts of wetland benefit use on river basin values. This is partly as a consequence of the relative paucity of information regarding many of the basin values, and hence an inability to specify adequately the level of impact of use of wetland values on those values. Floodplain wetlands play an important role in flood mitigation along the rivers of the MurrayDarling Basin. While much of the broad floodplain has been cleared, drained and developed for agriculture, the immediate floodplain remains generally forested and provides a significant temporary storage of water during flood times. These flood flows provide the essential recharge of water to the wetlands along the river during winter and spring. It has been estimated that the Barmah-Millewa forests retain 11 approximately 10% of the water entering the forests during the years of minor to moderate flooding, although a much lower proportion of major flood flows is retained. Upstream storages have reduced the number and extent of flood flows along the river, with the result that the forests now play a lesser role in flood mitigation overall, and especially as a result of the reduction in the minor to moderate floods. Wetlands along the Murray River floodplain are often identified by farmers of adjoining land as a source of water for minor irrigation and for domestic and stock water supply uses, with pumping systems established on many permanent or semi-permanent water bodies. Within the Barmah-Millewa forest there are no major withdrawals of water from wetlands for these purposes. Extraction and use of water is controlled by a licensing system administered by the relevant State Water Authority within overall quantity limits established for each Authority. Licences for extraction of water from wetlands will only be issued after consultation with and agreement from the State land management authority responsible for each State’s section of the forest. Considerations in any licensing proposal will give a high priority to an assessment of the impact on ecological values, especially in view of the significance of these wetlands on a State, national and international basis. Impacts of benefit use Within the Murray-Darling Basin, the Murray River remains the only avenue for disposal of excess farm drainage water. Active programmes for drainage and disposal of excess water from irrigated farms exist across the Basin, and these are increasing steadily in efforts to retain or improve agricultural productivity by reducing waterlogging, pumping of groundwater to control rising water tables, and disposal of excess irrigation water. Natural and artificial wetlands play an important role in removing nutrients and toxicants from rivers and waste water within the Basin. Conversely, nutrients, salt and other pollutants in inflowing water may also cause significant degradation of natural wetlands if delivered in sufficient quantities and frequency. While it is clear that natural wetlands play an essential routine role in maintenance of water quality in the Murray-Darling Basin, there are no data on the level of improvement of Basin water quality which may be attributed to individual wetlands. With regard to the pollution of wetlands from inflowing waters, plans are being developed to avoid significant detrimental impacts of the increasing amounts of water-borne pollutants on wetlands across the Basin (MDBMC, 1994). The proposed actions include reduction in offfarm and urban drainage quantities, carefully managed timing of drainage releases to the rivers to coincide with periods of high flows in the rivers, as well as improved management of catchment land at the source of these problems. Sediment Reduction Siltation is known to be occurring in upper reaches of the Darling River and others, as a result of changed land management practices. There has been record of increased sediment 12 deposition in wetlands along the river floodplains. Trapping of sediment by the floodplain wetlands reduces the impact of silt within the river channels, however, deposition of sediments within the wetlands modifies water flow patterns, and may accelerate degradation of the wetlands such as accelerated vegetation modification. With the wetland providing a trap for a significant proportion of the sediment carried within the river system, the accelerated input of sediment through land degradation within the catchment remains a serious concern. Impact management processes The land management issues have been identified in each of the sub-catchments of the Basin (MDBC 1987), and the Natural Resources Management Strategy has been developed to provide a framework for a co-ordinated approach to reducing soil loss and soil movement in the rivers. Improved land management in catchments throughout the Basin is being promoted through a variety of community-based programmes, involving Total Catchment Management groups and Landcare groups, with coordination and support being provided by the MurrayDarling Basin Commission programmes and by the various State Government authorities with responsibility for these programmes. Recreation and Tourism As noted briefly in Table 11 above, the use of a wetland to provide recreational and tourism opportunities may result in some impacts on other functions, uses and attributes of both the wetland itself and the wider Basin. In the case of the Barmah-Millewa forest, impacts on the wetland resulting from recreational and ecotourism use include all of the impacts specified in Table 11. The more significant impacts are those which involve the potential interference of recreationists with uses such as flood mitigation and forestry and agricultural production. Impact Management Processes Forest Resources Forest resource use and water-related benefits The benefits of the forest which are directly and positively related to the volume of water moving through or held in the forest including water quality amelioration and sediment reduction as provided by the Barmah-Millewa forest have not been quantified Forest resource use and sediment reduction Aside from the diminished capacity of the wetland to manage large volumes of water, where such flows would diminish access to logging areas, there is no direct management link or tradeoff process between the use of the forest resources and the impacts of such use on the sediment reduction capacity of the wetland. Logging contribute to sediment load in waters exiting the wetland. However, in the Barmah section of the forest logging is conducted under the provisions of the Victorian Code of Forest Practice, which provides, inter alia, for the protection of highly erodible sites such as water 13 course margins. The restrictions on logging practice obtained in the Code, coupled with the exclusion of large areas of the forest from logging (as detailed in Section 2) and controls on the volume of timber which may be harvested in any one year, assist in the minimisation of the downstream impacts of logging on water quality. Forest resource use and flora and fauna resources The protection of flora and fauna resources in the Barmah section of the forest is accomplished through a hierarchy of measures. The management plan for the Barmah section provides for the restriction of timber harvesting to specified areas, and provides specific protection for areas of potentially high conservation value. In addition, the selection of coupes to be subject to logging in any year is subject to detailed assessment and documented in a Wood Utilisation Plan. The controls noted above, including the zoning of logging away from areas of high conservation value, assist in the reduction of the impacts of logging on fauna habitats within Barmah. Flora and Fauna Resources The most significant interactions between the use of flora and fauna resources, and the other various wetland values in the Barmah-Millewa forest are those which involve a relatively high level of modification of the natural systems operating in the forest. These are briefly discussed below. Impact management processes Flora and fauna resources and flood mitigation The requirements for conservation of viable flora and fauna communities in the BarmahMillewa forest limit the capacity of the wetland to be used for year-round flood mitigation. As noted earlier, there have been substantial changes to the vegetation of the forest since the commencement of large-scale regulation of the Murray River, and the consequent alterations to flow regimes. Agriculture Some of the impacts of wetland agriculture on other wetland values are impacts of cattle grazing. Within the Barmah-Millewa forests, cattle grazing is an important component of local farming activities. However, grazing of wetlands is also considered by many to be an activity which can cause significant degradation to ecological values, through selective grazing of wetlands vegetation, reduction in plant regeneration, damage to stream banks, compaction of soils and introduction of weed species to wetlands and forests. A number of studies of cattle grazing impacts have been carried out to determine the extent of impacts and identify possible modifications to grazing regimes, and cattle numbers and movements are managed and monitored within the forests. THE INTEGRATION OF WETLANDS INTO RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT 14 The use of wetland benefits to enhance river basin management should ideally involve optimisation of the use of those wetlands. Wetlands should be managed in such a manner as to maximise net social benefit, whilst ensuring that their capacity to yield the full complement of functions, uses and attributes is maintained. The use of the Barmah-Millewa forest to provide benefits for management of the MurrayDarling Basin and, specifically, the Murray River, is complex. It involves a series of frequently uncoordinated tradeoffs between the benefits and costs of wetland use for river basin management purposes. Many of these tradeoffs are not recognised either formally or otherwise. Those tradeoffs and conflicts which are explicitly recognised and assessed are examined in a variety of fora, often by different agencies. However, it is clear that wetlands such as the Barmah-Millewa forest can provide significant levels of benefits to river basin management, involving a number of functions, uses and attributes of the wetlands. A number of these have been examined for the Barmah-Millewa forest in the preceding material. The Barmah-Millewa forest has been subject to a degree of research and management effort, and a level of public interest, uncommon for other wetlands along the Murray River. This reflects in part the appreciation of the biophysical and aesthetic characteristics of the forest. The forest represents, therefore, an isolated and special situation with regard to knowledge of the potential for, and impacts of, its use in river basin management. There is in general a paucity of data for other wetlands which may provide benefits to basin management. However, extrapolation from the Barmah-Millewa example can provide significant insight into the key factors for the successful integration of wetlands into river basin management. The optimisation of use of wetland benefits in river basin management requires a number of factors including: Recognition of wetland functions, uses and attributes Wetlands provide a suite of benefits to the Barmah-Millewa forest. These benefits may be classified as either functions, uses or attributes. The accurate identification of all wetland values (or functions, uses and attributes) is an essential precursor to the optimisation of their use Determination and quantification of river basin management requirements for wetland services Those wetland values specified in the preceding stage which may contribute to the management of the river basin must be clearly understood and specified. Identification and quantification of any impacts of river basin management requirements on wetland values The impacts of the use of the specified level of wetland values on other wetland values must be identified and specified. In the example developed above, the use of the wetland to mitigate floods in the basin may reduce the potential for forestry and for recreation within the wetland. Similarly, the increased frequency and duration of floods may increase the 15 production of pest species such as feral pigs and increase the distribution and/or production of particular weed species. Optimisation of the use of the wetland functions, uses and attributes Optimisation of the use of wetland values may involve examination of the outcomes of uses from a number of viewpoints. Analysis of the allocation of wetland resources to particular uses may require comparison of outcomes over time; between geographic areas; between different social/community groups; and at varying scales. Optimal allocation of wetland resources requires, inter alia the determination of criteria for the weighting and aggregation of the outcomes of the use of wetland values in river basin management; and the existence of the necessary legal and institutional frameworks within which to perform the tradeoffs which are identified as required to achieve optimisation. Conceptually, the basis for an ideal optimisation process can be expressed as follows. Index (A) = [(Outcome;) (Probability;) (Weighting;)] Index (A) = the outcome of the use of Wetland Benefit A at a specified level and time n = the number of wetland values affected Outcome; = the change in Wetland Value; as a consequence of the use of A as specified Probability;= the probability of Outcome: Weighting; = the weighting ascribed to Outcome; Under ideal circumstances, alternative allocations of wetland resources would be compared using such a conceptual basis. Where the outcomes of the use of wetland benefits can be valued, a cost-benefit analysis can be conducted, in order to enable aggregation of otherwise disparate outcomes. More commonly, outcomes cannot be or are not fully valued, for a range of technical and financial reasons. Consequently, the processes most usually employed in attempts to ensure optimal use of wetland resources are based on a mix of social, political, economic and bureaucratic interactions, supported by varying amounts of technical data. CONCLUSION The various governments, working through the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council and Commission, have made substantial progress in developing a Basin-wide approach to tackling land and water management problems. The co-ordination achieved in dealing with these issues comes from a shared concern over the extent and expansion of a number of major problems, including land and water salinisation, nutrient impacts on waterways, inefficiencies in water use, and degradation of the natural environment. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve broad community understanding and ownership of all of these issues, and much remains to be done in integrating programmes to solve these problems. Each strategies has been developed independently, and although there has been substantial community consultation in the process, each strategy has still focussed largely on its primary concern, without looking broadly enough to ensure that there is a blending of objectives. While this has mostly been due to a lack of understanding of the wider issues as each strategy is developed, there is still a strong pressure for specific objectives to 16 be achieved quickly to satisfy organisational and political needs. Greater efficiencies in reaching long term stability of environmental processes may now be achieved by reviewing these to define areas of duplication, overlap and conflict. While there have been major gains in management of the Barmah-Millewa wetlands, with strong community interest and a shared commitment to work to restore the ecological balance of the wetlands as far as possible, this level of input is yet to be expanded to similar wetlands along the rivers. There is still no clear approach to developing an integrated approach to provision of water for environmental values for wetlands along the Murray River, and the wider community still tends to view each wetland as a separate entity, without recognising the very high level of significance of the wetland network as a whole. Decisions on the use of wetland values are made in a fragmentary, uncoordinated manner, with little explicit consideration given to the optimisation of the uses of benefits. The potential contributions of wetland benefits to river basin management are frequently unrealised, and the costs of those contributions are rarely recognised. The guidelines presented above are intended to provide an outline of the mechanisms by which this situation could be avoided, and the use of wetland values optimised. The decision-making process employed in determining the use of the values of the Barmah-Millewa forest provides a partial illustration of the use of this ideal process. 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