Limerick Who’s Who 1 - List of abbreviations AH Analecta Hibernica journal B(1782-1881) 1782-1881 Beathaisneis le Máire Ni Mhurchú agus Diarmuid Breathnach Baile Átha Cliath, An Clochomhar Tta, 1999 0903758830 B(1882-1982) Beathaisneis a Tri le Diarmuid Breathnach agus Máire Ni Mhurchú Baile Átha Cliath, An Clochomhar Tta, 1992 BDAI A Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Ireland 1600-1720 by Rolf Loeber London, John Murray, 1981 0719538327 BDIF Biographical Dictionary of Irishmen in France by Richard Hayes Dublin, M. H. Gill & Sons, 1949 BDIQ A Biographical Dictionary of Irish Quakers by Richard S. Harrison Dublin, Four Courts, 1999 1851823042 BDIW A Biographical Dictionary of Irish Writers by Anne M. Brady & Brian Cleeve Mullingar, The Lilliput Press, 1985 0946640033/0946640114 BOI Bishops of Ireland 1870-1987 by Reverend Bernard J. Canning Donegal, Donegal Democrat, 1987 1870963008 CBD Chambers Biographical Dictionary, ed. Melanie Parry Edinburgh, Chambers, 1998 CDIB A Concise Dictionary of Irish Biography by John S. Crone Dublin, The Talbot Press, 1928 CIB A Compendium of Irish Biography by Alfred Webb New York, Lemma, 1970 (republication of 1st ed., 1878) 0550160604 0876960077 CIL The Cabinet of Irish Literature (4 vols.) by Charles A. Read London, Blackie & Son, 1884 COCIL The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature ed. By Robert Welch Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000 0192800809 CODB The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ballet by Horst Koegler London, Oxford University Press, 1977 0193113147 Dictionary of Christian Biography ed. By Michael Walsh London, Continuum, 2001 0826452639 DCB DI Diaries of Ireland : an anthology 1590-1987 ed. by Melosina Lenox-Conyngham Dublin, The Lilliput Press, 1998 1874675880/1874675783 DIA Dictionary of Irish Artists : 20 th Century by Theo Snoddy Dublin, Wolfhound Press, 1996 DIAS A Dictionary of Irish Artists by Walter G. Strickland (2 vols.) Dublin & London, Maunsel & Company, 1913 DIB A Dictionary of Irish Biography ed. by Henry Boylan Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 1998 0717125076 DIH A Dictionary of Irish History Since 1800 by D. J. Hickey & J. E. Doherty Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 1980 0717108953 DIL Dictionary of Irish Literature : revised and expanded edition, 2 vols., Robert Hogan, Editor-in-Chief London, Aldwych Press, 1996 0861721020/0861721039/0861721047 DIP Dictionary of Irish Philosophers, A-Z, general editor Thomas Duddy Bristol, Thoemmes Continuum, 2004 DMMM 2 0863275621 184371082x A Dictionary of Modern Music and Musicians, general ed. A. Eaglefield-Hull London, J. M. Dent, 1924 DMWW Dictionary of Munster Women Writers, 1800-2000, ed. by Tina O’Toole Cork, Cork University Press, 2005 1859183883 DNB The Dictionary of National Biography, ed. by Sir Leslie Stephen and Sir Sidney Lee London, Oxford University Press, 1937-1938 DNB(1951-1960) The Dictionary of National Biography 1951-1960 ed. by E. T. Williams and Helen M. Palmer London, Oxford University Press, 1972 0198652062 EI The Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Brian Lalor, general editor Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 2003 0717130002 Fyffes Dictionary of Irish Sporting Greats by John Gleeson Dublin, Etta Place Publishers, 1993 095218270x FDISG GC A Georgian Celebration : Irish Poets of the Eighteenth Century by Patrick Fagan Dublin, Branar, 1989 0950818569 GH The Greatest Hurlers of Our Time by Raymond Smith Dublin, Sporting Books, 1990 GL The Glamour of Limerick by A. J. O’Halloran Dublin and Cork, The Talbot Press, 1928 HEI The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of Ireland, Ciaran Brady, general ed. Oxford, Helicon, 2000 1859863205 Irish Botanical Illustrators & Flower Painters by Patricia Butler Woodbridge, Suffolk, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2000 1851493573 Ireland : A Cultural Encyclopaedia, general ed. Brian de Breffny London, Thames & Hudson, 1983 0500013047 IBI ICE IF 3 Ireland in Fiction : a guide to Irish novels, tales, romances, and folklore by Stephen J. Brown Dublin and London, Maunsel and Company, 1919 IF2 Ireland in Fiction : a guide to Irish novels, tales, romances, and folklore, volume 2 by Stephen J. Brown and Desmond Clarke Cork, Royal Carbery Books, 1985 0946645027 II Illustrious Irishwomen : Being Memoirs of Some of the Most Noted Irishwomen…, by E. Owens Blackburne London, Tinsley Brothers, 1877 IM Irish Monthly journal IMF Irish Masters of Fantasy, edited by Peter Tremayne Dublin, Wolfhound Press, 1979 IOH Ireland’s Olympic Heroes : Athens 1896 to Tokyo 1964 by David Guiney Dublin, Philip Roderick, n.d. IWVC Irish Winners of the Victoria Cross by Richard Doherty & David Truesdale Dublin, Four Courts, 2000 1851824421 KOH Kingdom of Heaven : selected juxtapositions, old and new, drawn from the permanent collection of Limerick City Gallery of Art Kinsale, Gandon Editions, 1999 0946846413 LHR Limerick : Historical Reflections by Kevin Hannan Limerick, Oireacht, 1996 0952760304 Limerick Lives ed. by Mary Fennelly Limerick, euroPRomotions, 1996 0952905809 LL LOHSC Limerick : 100 Stories of the Century by Denis O’Shaughnessy No publication data available LRL Limerick : The Rich Land by Seán Spellissy and John O’Brien Ennis, Spellissy-O’Brien Publishers, 1989 LWL 4 0905473132 0951247417 Last Word by the Listener : Seamus Ó Cinnéide’s Journalism and Local History selected and edited by Eoin Devereux Limerick, University of Limerick Press, 1999 1874653496 5 MIL Modern Irish Lives : Dictionary of 20th Century Biography, gen. ed. Louis McRedmond Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 1998 0717127869/0717121984 MIW Modern Irish Writers : a Bio-Critical Sourcebook ed. by Alexander G. Gonzalez London, Aldwych Press, 1997 0861721055 MPP More People and Places in Irish Science and Technology ed. by Charles Mollan, William Davis and Brendan Finucane Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1990 0901714828/0901714836 NGDMM The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians ed. by Stanley Sadie London, Macmillan, 1980 0333231112 NMAJ Journal of the North Munster Archaeological Society / North Munster Antiquarian Journal NSPCI The National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland, vol. 1 by Sarah Finlay Limerick, University of Limerick Press, 1989 0950342769/0950342777 OIL 100 Irish Lives by Martin Wallace London, David & Charles, 1983 0389203645 OLJ The Old Limerick Journal OM Our Martyrs : A Record of Those Who Suffered For the Catholic Faith Under the Penal Laws in Ireland by Rev. Denis Murphy Dublin, Fallon & Co., 1896 PI The Poets of Ireland : a biographical dictionary with bibliographical particulars by David J. O’Donoghue London, David J. O’Donoghue, 1893 PPM The Poets and Poetry of Munster by James Clarence Mangan Dublin, James Duffy & Co., 1925 RL Remembering Limerick : historical essays celebrating the 800 th anniversary of Limerick’s first charter…, ed. by David Lee Limerick, Limerick Civic Trust, 1997 0953122409 SFH Some Fair Hibernians by Frances A. Gerard London, Ward & Downey, 1897 6 SIN Some Irish Naturalists : a biographical notebook by R. Lloyd Praeger Dundalk, W. Tempest, Dundalgan Press, 1949 TLP The Last Post : details & stories of Irish Republican dead 1916-1985 Dublin, National Graves Association, 1985 UEGFH The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Gaelic Football & Hurling by Martin Breheny & Donal Keenan London, Carlton, 2001 1842223364 VI The Voice of Ireland : a survey of the race and nation from all angles ed. by William G. Fitzgerald Dublin and London, Virtue and Company, 1925 WDIDO ‘What Did I Die of?’ : the deaths of Parnell, Wilde, Synge, and other literary pathologies by J. B. Lyons Dublin, The Lilliput Press, 1991 0946640793 WI Women of Ireland : A Biographic Dictionary by Kit & Cyril Ó Ceirin Kinvara, Co. Galway, Tir Eolas, 1996 1873821069 WP Women in Parliament, Ireland : 1918-2000 by Maedbh McNamara and Paschal Mooney Dublin, Wolfhound, 2000 0863277594 WT Worthies of Thomond, collected and edited by Robert Herbert Limerick, Herbert, 1944 WT2 Worthies of Thomond, 2nd Series, collected and edited by Robert Herbert Limerick, Herbert, 1944 WT3 Worthies of Thomond, 3rd Series, collected and edited by Robert Herbert Limerick, Herbert, 1946 WWI Who’s Who in Ireland : the influential 1,000 ed. by Maureen Cairnduff Dublin, Hibernian Publishing, 1991 095187280x WWIP Who’s Who in Irish Politics : the top 500 by Jim Farrelly Dublin, Blackwater Press, 1990 0861211898 7 WWIWI Who’s Who in the Irish War of Independence 1916-1921 by Padraic O’Farrell Dublin and Cork, The Mercier Press, 1980 0853426046 WWIWICW Who’s Who in the Irish War of Independence and Civil War 1916-1923 by Padraic O’Farrell Dublin, Lilliput Press, 1997 1874675856 WWW(1897-1915) Who Was Who volume 1, 1897-1915 : a companion to Who’s Who containing the biographies of those who died during the period 1897-1915 London, Adam & Charles Black, 1966 071360168x WWW(1916-1928) Who Was Who volume 2, 1916-1928 : a companion to Who’s Who containing the biographies of those who died during the period 1915-1928 London, Adam & Charles Black, 1966 WWW(1929-1940) Who Was Who volume 3, 1929-1940 : a companion to Who’s Who containing the biographies of those who died during the period 1929-1940 London, Adam & Charles Black, 1966 WWW(1941-1950) Who Was Who volume 4, 1941-1950 : a companion to Who’s Who containing the biographies of those who died during the period 1941-1950 London, Adam & Charles Black, 1966 WWW(1951-1960) Who Was Who volume 5, 1951-1960 : a companion to Who’s Who containing the biographies of those who died during the period 1951-1960 London, Adam & Charles Black, 1966