EUREQUAL EUREQUAL 2007: Design, Data Description and Documentation Principal Investigators: Stephen Whitefield Geoffrey Evans Codebook and Data Manager: Matthew Loveless EUREQUAL The University of Oxford Oxford, UK 2007-2009 1 EUREQUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement of assistance to by made by users of the data ....................................................................... 3 PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 4 Report of Fieldwork ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Cleaning and Data Preparation.............................................................................................................................. 7 PART II: VARIABLES .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Variable Description List........................................................................................................................................ 9 PART III : APPENDICES...................................................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX 1: Strata 1 & 2 ................................................................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX 2: Settlement size ........................................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX 3: Political Parties .......................................................................................................................... 23 APPENDIX 4: Language ..................................................................................................................................... 35 APPENDIX 5: Religion ....................................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX 6a: Ethnic Groups ......................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX 6b: Common with Ethnic Groups ......................................................................................... 40 APPENDIX 7: Education ................................................................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX 8: Income ........................................................................................................................................ 46 APPENDIX 9: Class Variables ........................................................................................................................... 50 APPENDIX 10: Country Survey Differences .................................................................................................. 52 ENGLISH MASTER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ...................................................................................... 55 National and Interview Data ............................................................................................................................... 55 Section A: Current Reforms ................................................................................................................................ 55 Section B: Perception of Government ............................................................................................................... 56 Section C. Political Behaviour ............................................................................................................................. 58 Section D. Affiliations........................................................................................................................................... 60 Section E: Attitudes............................................................................................................................................... 62 Section F: Political Efficacy ................................................................................................................................. 66 Section G: Prospects and Standard of Living ................................................................................................... 67 Section H: Demographics .................................................................................................................................... 69 Section J: Work Situation ..................................................................................................................................... 72 Section K: Marital Status ...................................................................................................................................... 74 Section L: Current Family Circumstances ......................................................................................................... 76 Section M: Health .................................................................................................................................................. 80 Section N: Family Background ............................................................................................................................ 81 Section N: Added Macro Variables .................................................................................................................... 84 2 EUREQUAL Acknowledgement of assistance to by made by users of the data All manuscripts utilizing the data documented in this codebook should identify the original collectors of the data. All users are urged to include some adaptation of the following statement in their publication (the brackets indicate items which can be inserted or deleted as appropriate): Data collection was carried out as part of the EUREQUAL project ‘Social Inequality and Why It Matters for the Economic and Democratic Development of Europe and Its Citizens: PostCommunist Central and Eastern Europe in Comparative Perspective’, funded by the European Commission under contract No 028920 (CIT5), Framework 6. Fieldwork was conducted by national survey/polling institutes in each country (face-to-face interviews) on the basis of stratified national random probability samples. Any publication based on these data should be noted in the EUREQUAL Working Papers page available from the homepage of the EUREQUAL project: 3 EUREQUAL PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 4 EUREQUAL Organization and Design Introduction and Study Design The EUREQUAL mass public surveys are sample surveys of the electorates of 13 Central and Eastern European (CEE) and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. It primarily focuses on the issue of social inequality and includes a wide variety of individual-level attitudinal variables related to current reforms, the perception of government, affiliations; socioeconomic location and status variables (including demographics, perceptions of changes in the standard of living, work situation, marital status, family circumstances, health, background, and class); political behavior (including voting, political efficacy, participation). It also includes appended macro-level variables related to political and economic contexts (described below). Every attempt was made for the questionnaires of this study to be identical across the various member states. As such, the data provide wide opportunities for comparative analyses across the post-communist region. The contents of the questionnaire are briefly described in the VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LIST, and verbatim (in its English version) in the section containing the TEXT OF QUESTIONS IN QUESTIONNAIRES. Appendices and further documentation follow this section. Finally, a master English Language copy of the survey is provided as additional documentation. The coded data from the study have been organized in a single SPSS data file (also available in STATA). The number of interviews conducted in the different countries is below: Belarus Bulgaria The Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Moldova Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Ukraine 5 1,000 1,000 994 1,057 1,030 1,001 1,002 1,042 1,498 1, 492 2,000 1,032 1,500 EUREQUAL Report of Fieldwork The Technical Implementation of the Survey Period of Fieldwork Sample Frame: Sample Design: Response Rates: Overall: 6 EUREQUAL Cleaning and Data Preparation The preparation of the final datasets and their documentation was carried out by Matthew Loveless. This data processing included the following: Cleaning: The data were checked for non-documented or incorrect codes. The data were evaluated separately (by country) for basic coherency and consistency and, where possible and necessary, assigned missing data codes for 'don't know', 'not ascertained' and 'inappropriate'. Inasmuch as possible, the data include as much information for each country as possible. Systematization of coding: As far as possible, and where this was originally not the case, the same numerical values were assigned to categories of different variables which had the same set of response options. For example, various questions involve coding of political parties. A second systematization involves the checking the ordering of the response codings to assure a consistent direction, e.g. from low to high codes for the different response options. A final case involves the systematization of missing data codes, to facilitate their uniform handling by the analyst. Country-specific discrepancies from the master English questionnaire are noted in the questionnaire at the end of this document. Adding of analytical variables and tools: The data file contains a series of variables added for the convenience of users. They are comprised of variables such as weighting factors, standardization of common cross-national variables (the codings are also included in the questionnaire), and national level measures. For any addition to the original data, documentation is included in the questionnaire and this document. Ordering of variables into coherent blocks: the ordering of the variables in the files has been arranged in such a way that identification of relevant information and navigation through the files is greatly facilitated. Quick reviews of the contents of the EUREQUAL data files can be attained by scanning the VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LIST. 7 EUREQUAL PART II: VARIABLES 8 EUREQUAL Variable Description List Identification, Location Variables, and Interviewing Characteristics: resp_id country y2 y3 y3_1 y3_2 y3_3 y3_4 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 urbrur weight case_id_07 Respondent Identification Number Country Code Strata 1 Strata 2 Populated Area Town or Country Selection Point Proper Selection Point Respondent ID (string) Settlement Size Date of Interview Start of Interview End of Interview Personal number of interviewer Urban- rural Proportional weight 2007 Case ID Current Reforms a1a a1b a2a a2b a3a a3b a3c a3d Support for Democracy Evaluation of Democracy Support for Market Economy Evaluation of Market Economy Democracy and Conflict Democracy for the Rich Market improves Standard of Living Market Economy and Conflict Perceptions of Government b1a b1b b1c b1d b1e b2a b2b b3a b3b b3c b3d b3e b4a b4b b4c b4d b4e b4f b5 b6 b7 Meritocracy: Government for all Meritocracy: Connections Meritocracy: Pensions Meritocracy: Freedom Meritocracy: Economic Differences Corruption: Politicians Corruption: Public Officials Human Nature: Cooperation Human Nature: Trust Human Nature: Care Human Nature: Take Advantage Human Nature: Interest Government: Job Government: Health Care Government: Old People Government: Unemployed Government: Housing Government: Childcare Inequality: Degree Income Differences: Hard Work Income Differences too high 9 EUREQUAL Political Behaviour c1a c1b c2 c3a c3b c3c c4 c5a c5b c6 c7 Past vote (parliament) Reason of no vote (parliament) Party vote Party Supporter Party Supported Strength of Party Support Party Vote (future) Past vote (president)/1st round Reason of no vote (president)/1st Name of president vote/1st Future vote (president) Affiliations d1a d1b d1c d1d d1e d1f d1g d1h d1i d1j d1k d1l d1m d1n d2a d2b d2c d2d d2e d2f d3a d3b d3c d3d d3e d3f d3g Business Associations Professional Associations Trade Union Farmer’s Associations Church Group Local Group Sports Club Armed Forces Associations Political Party Ethnic Organization Factory Committee Civic Organizations Neighbourhood Watch Other Contact: Relatives on the phone Contact: Friends on the phone Contact: Neighbours face-to-face Contact: Meeting up with relatives Contact: Meeting up with friends Contact: Meeting up with work colleagues Political Interest Political Knowledge: Majority Party Political Knowledge: Finance Minister Welfare Support /Party a vs b Welfare Support/ Party c vs a Watch Television Read Newspaper Attitudes e1a e1b e1c e2a e2b e2c e2d e2e e2f Government: Income Government: Ownership of industries Government: Companies Fair Share Law: Rich and Poor Trade unions Private Enterprise Income Differences: Prosperity Profit: Standard of living 10 EUREQUAL e3 e4a e4b e5a e5b e5c e5d e5e e5f e5g e5h e5i e5j e6a e6b e6c e6d e7a e7b e7c e7d e7e e7f e7g e7h e7i e7j e7k e7l e8a e8b e9a e9b e10a e10b e10c Self-Reported Ideology Jobs: Pollution Income: Environment Traditional Values Censorship Freedom to protest Homosexuality Freedom of religion Strong government Right of abortion Death penalty Stiffer sentences Support anti-democratic leader Both should contribute to income Men earn money, woman look after home Men should do more household work Men should do more childcare Learn from others Cooperate with other countries Freedom to emigrate Criticism of own country Minority rights Citizenship: Ethnicity Ethnicity: Benefits Jews: Power Gypsies Language: Schools Long term policy towards EU Integrate with the EU EU interference Foreign ownership of enterprises Institutions to reduce inequality Institutions to increase inequality Identify with the USSR Dissolution of the USSR Russians are treated unfair Political Efficacy f1a f1b f1c f1d f1e f1f f1g f1h f1i f2 Well informed Influence on government action Politics too complicated Voting is duty Officials do not care More participation Government: People's wishes Parties: Policies No point in voting Collectivism/individualism Prospects and Standard of Living g1a g1b g1c g1d Getting Ahead: Wealth Getting Ahead: Parents' education Getting Ahead: Hard work Getting Ahead: Ambition 11 EUREQUAL g1e g1f g1g g1h g1i g1j g1k g1l g1m g1n g2 g3a g3b g3c g3d g3e g3f g4a g4b g4c g4d g4e g4f g5a g5b g5c g5d g5e g5f Getting Ahead: Natural ability Getting Ahead: Connections Getting Ahead: Political connections Getting Ahead: Ethnic group Getting Ahead: Religion Getting Ahead: Area Getting Ahead: Gender Getting Ahead: Sector Getting Ahead: Age Getting Ahead: Working abroad Social group In common with workers In common with entrepreneurs In common with managers In common with intelligentsia In common with office workers In common with farmers Standard of Living: Workers Standard of Living: Entrepreneurs Standard of Living: Managers Standard of Living: Intelligentsia Standard of Living: Office workers Standard of Living: Farmers Standard of Living (future): Workers Standard of Living (future): Entrepreneurs Standard of Living (future): Managers Standard of Living (future): Intelligentsia Standard of Living (future): Office workers Standard of Living (future): Farmers Demographics h1 h2a h2b h3a h3b h3c h3d h3e h3f h3g h3h h3i h3j h3k h3l h4 h5a h5b h6a h6b h6c h7a h7b h7c language at home Religion Church attendance Ethnic group Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Ethnic similarity Education other [Slovakia only] Ever had paid job Job Title Nature of Job Hours per week Benefits: Pension scheme Benefits: Housing Benefits: Medical care 12 EUREQUAL h7d h7e h7f h7g h7h h7i h7j h8 h9 std_education std_educ_part std_educ_f std_educ_m reduc6 peduc6 feduc6 meduc6 reduc4 peduc4 feduc4 meduc4 highed mided lowed Benefits: Holiday facilities Benefits: Food Benefits: Other consumer goods Benefits: Child care facilities Benefits: Car Benefits: Mobile phone Benefits: Laptop Position at work Kind of organization ISCED-97: Respondent’s education ISCED-97: Partner’s education ISCED-97: Father’s education ISCED-97: Mother’s education Alternative Respondent’s education – 6 categories Alternative Partner’s education – 6 categories Alternative Father’s education – 6 categories Alternative Mother’s education – 6 categories Alternative Respondent’s education – 4 categories Alternative Partner’s education – 4 categories Alternative Father’s education – 4 categories Alternative Mother’s education – 4 categories Higher Education Secondary Education Less than Secondary Education Work Situation j1 j2 j3a j3b j3c j4 j5a j5b j5c1 j5c2 j6 j7a j7b j7c j8 Paid job Chance of being fired Chance of promotion On top of ladder Part of promotion ladder Incremental pay scale Sick pay Maternity /paternity leave Length of sick pay Length of maternity/paternity leave pay Another job Title of second job Nature of second job Hours in second job Position in second job Marital Status k1 k2 k3 k4 k5a k5b k6a k6b k6c k7 k8 Marital status Religion of partner Ethnic group of partner Education of partner Job situation of partner Had paid job (partner) Job title (partner) Nature of job (partner) Hours per week (partner) Position at work (partner) Kind of organisation (partner) 13 EUREQUAL k9 Another job of partner Current Family Circumstances l1a l1b l2a l2b l2c l3a l3b l4a l4b l5_1 l5_2a l5_2b l5_2c l5_2d l5_2e l5_2f l5_2g l5_3a l5_3b l5_3c l5_3d l5_3e l5_3f l5_3g l5_3h l5_3i l5_3j l5_3k l6a l6b l6c1 l6c2 l6d l6e l6f l6g l7a l7b l7c l7d1 l7d2 l7e l7f l7g l7h l8 Number of household members Number of children in household Ever worked abroad Family members abroad Receive money from abroad Kind of accommodation Ownership of accommodation Number of rooms Number of square meters Household circumstances Neighbourhood: Crime Neighbourhood: Drunks Neighbourhood: Vandalism Neighbourhood: Pollution Neighbourhood: Drugs Neighbourhood: Rubbish Neighbourhood: Troublesome neighbours Car Washing machine Land Shares Dacha Subscribe tv (cable, satellite) Telephone Mobile phone Home cinema Computer High-speed (broadband/cable) internet Household income/respondent Household income/total Main source of income/respondent Main source of income/partner Foreign currency Savings Living standard Living standard in future Living standard (country) Living standard in future (country) Household financial circumstances Enough money: Medicine Enough money: Bills Comparative household standard of living Access to health care Access to education Access to cultural goods Increase standard of living Health m1 m2 m3 Health in general Chronic or long-term health problems Limitations because of health problems 14 EUREQUAL m4 m5 m6a m6b m6c m6d m6e m6f m6g m7 m8 Smoking behavior Alcohol/frequency Alcohol/volume/beer (330 ml) Alcohol/volume/beer (500 ml) Alcohol/volume/alcopops Alcohol/volume/wine Alcohol /volume/vermouth Alcohol/volume/vodka Alcohol/volume/other spirits Height Weight Family Background n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6a n6b n6c n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12a n12b n12c n13 o1 o2 ocres1 ocres2 ocpart ocfa ocma Language in childhood Father's presence Religion (father) Ethnic group (father) Education (father) Paid job (father) Job title (father) Nature of job (father) Position at work (father) Mother's presence Religion (mother) Ethnic group (mother) Education (mother) Paid job (mother) Job title (mother) Nature of job (mother) Position at work (mother) Age Gender Occupation/respondent/1st job [4 digit ISCO codes] Occupation/respondent/2nd job [4 digit ISCO codes] Occupation/partner [4 digit ISCO codes] Occupation/father [4 digit ISCO codes] Occupation/mother [4 digit ISCO codes] Class Variables rclass10new r2class10new pclass10new fclass10new mclass10new rclass10 pclass10 fclass10 mclass10 Respondent Class 10 Respondent Class 10 – 2nd job Respondent 's Partner's Class 10 Respondent 's Father's Class 10 Respondent 's Mother's Class 10 Alternative Respondent Class 10 Alternative Respondent 's Partner's Class 10 Alternative Respondent 's Father's Class 10 Alternative Respondent 's Mother's Class 10 Added Macro Variables FDI pop CPI Foreign Direct Investment Population Corruption Perceptions Index 15 EUREQUAL ag_employ ind_employ serv_employ GDP PPP GDPpc grow_30yr grow_15yr GINI unemp EF plural minor cdiv voc_acct pol_stab gov_eff reg_qual rule_law ctrl_corr FH_PR FH_CL PR_elec PR_PPP PR_gov PR CL_free CL CL_AOR CL_law CL CL_rights soc_ben gini_ch FHscore % Employed in Agriculture % Employed in Industry % Employed in Service Gross Domestic Product Purchasing Price Parity GDP per capita Economic growth - 30 yrs Economic growth - 15 yrs Income Inequality Unemployment Ethno-fractionalization Index Proportion of Largest Ethnic Group Largest Minority Index Cultural Diversity Index Voice and Accountability Political Stability Government Effectiveness Regulatory Quality Rule of Law Control of Corruption Political Rights – Freedom House Civil Liberties – Freedom House PR: Electoral Process – Freedom House PR: Political Pluralism and Participation – Freedom House Functioning of Government – Freedom House Freedom of Expression and Belief – Freedom House CL: Associational and Organizational Rights – Freedom House Rule of Law – Freedom House CL: Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights – Freedom House Social Spending: General and Central Government 2002-7 Change in GINI Index Average of Freedom House PR and CL scores 16 EUREQUAL PART III : APPENDICES 17 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 1: Strata 1 & 2 2 3 4 5 Y2 Strata 1 Czech Republic 1 praha 2 stredocesky 3 jihocesky 4 plzensky 5 karlovarsky 6 ustecky 7 kralovehradecky 8 liberecky 9 pardubicky 10 vysocina 11 jihomoravsky 12 olomoucky 13 moravskoslezsky 14 zlinsky southern western northern central Romania 1 moldova 2 muntenia 3 dobrogea 4 oltenia 5 banat 6 transilvania 7 crisana-maramures 8 bucuresti Russia 1 central 2 north-west 3 south 4 privolzhski 5 ural 6 siberian 7 far east Estonia 1 nothern 4 western 6 centre 7 north-eastern 8 southern Slovakia 1 bratislava 2 west slovakia 3 central (middle) slovakia 4 east slovakia Hungary 1 central region 2 middle- transdanubia 3 west- transdanubia 4 south-transdanubia 5 north region 6 north- plain 7 south- plain Ukraine 1 central 2 north 3 south 4 east 5 west 6 ar crimea 7 kyiv Latvia 1 riga 2 vidzeme 3 kurzeme 4 zemgale 5 latgale Y3 Strata 2 Belarus 1 minskya 2 vitebskya 3 mogilevskya 4 gomelskya 5 brestskya 6 grodnenskya Lithuania 1 alytus county 2 kaunas county 3 klaipeda county 4 marijampole county 5 panevezys county 6 siauliai county 7 taurage county 8 telsiai county 9 utena county 10 vilnius county Bulgaria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Poland 1 eastern 18 blagoevgrad burgas varna v.tarnovo vidin vratza gabrovo EUREQUAL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 kardjali kiustendl lovetch montana pazardjik pernik pleven plovdiv razgrad ruse silistra sliven smolian sofiia grad sofiia obl. st. zagora dobritch targovishte haskovo shumen iambol Estonia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 harju hiiu ida-viru jõgeva järva lääne lääne-viru põlva pärnu rapla saare tartu valga viljandi võru Latvia 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 aizkraukles rajons alûksnes rajons balvu rajons cçsu rajons daugavpils rajons dobeles rajons gulbenes rajons jçkabpils rajons jelgavas rajons krâslavas rajons kuldîgas rajons liepâjas rajons limbaþu rajons ludzas rajons madonas rajons ogres rajons 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 Lithuania 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Poland 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 19 rçzeknes rajons rîgas rajons talsu rajons tukuma rajons valkas rajons valmieras rajons ventspils rajons alytus rayon lazdijai rayon kaunas rayon jonava rayon prienai rayon raseiniai rayon klaipeda rayon kretinga rayon skuodas rayon marijampole rayon sakiai rayon vilkaviskis rayon panevezys rayon birzai rayon pasvalys rayon rokiskis rayon siauliai rayon akmene rayon radviliskis rayon taurage rayon jurbarkas rayon silale rayon telsiai rayon plunge rayon utena rayon ignalina rayon moletai rayon zarasai rayon vilnius rayon salcininkai rayon sirvintos rayon svencionys rayon trakai rayon ukmerge rayon dolnoslœskie kujawsko-pomorskie lubelskie lubuskie ³ódzkie ma³opolskie mazowieckie opolskie podkarpackie podlaskie pomorskie EUREQUAL 24 26 28 30 32 Romania 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Russia 1 2 3 4 5 œl¹skie swiêtokrzyskie warmiñsko-mazurskie wielkopolskie zachodniopomorskie 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 alba arad arges bacau bihor bistrita-nasaud botosani brasov braila buzau caras-severin calarasi cluj constanta covasna dambovita dolj galati giurgiu gorj harghita hunedoara ialomita iasi ilfov maramures mehedinti mures neamt olt prahova satu mare salaj sibiu suceava teleorman timis tulcea vaslui valcea vrancea bucuresti Slovakia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ukraine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 moscowskaya vladimirskaya smolånskaya tvårskaya tul'skaya 20 voronåzhskaya lipåtskaya kurskaya låningradskaya pskovskaya kaliningradskaya arhangål'skaya stavropol'sky kray karachaåvo-chårkåssiya kabardino-balkariya rostovskaya krasnodarsky kray nizhågorodskaya kirovskaya chuvashiya samarskaya pårmskaya orånburgskaya saratovskaya svårdlovskaya chelyabinskaya novosibirskaya kemerovskaya altayski kray krasnoyarsky kray buryatiya habarovsky kray primorsky kray bratislava trnava nitra Žilina banská bystrica trenèín prešov košice poltava oblast vinnytsia oblast sumy oblast chernihiv oblast odesa oblast kherson oblast donetsk oblast dnipropetrovsk oblast kharkiv oblast zaporozhia oblast lviv oblast chernivtsi oblast volyn oblast ar crimea kyiv EUREQUAL APPENDIX 2: Settlement size Y5 Settlement size. (round up to the nearest 1000) SETTLEMENT SIZE: I___I___I___I___I___I 000 Belarus: [open ended] Bulgaria: [open ended] Czech Republic 1 less than 1000 2 1 000 - 4 999 3 5 000 - 19 999 4 20 000 - 100 000 5 100 000 and more Estonia: [open ended] Hungary 1 < 1000 2 1000-2000 ps 3 2000-5000 ps 4 5000-10000 ps 5 10000-20000 ps 6 20000-50000 ps 7 50000-100000 ps 8 more than 100000 ps 9 budapest Latvia: [open ended] Lithuania 1 up to 2000 residents 2 2001 - 10 000 residents 3 10 001 - 50 000 residents 4 50 001 - 100 000 residents 5 100 001 - 500 000 residents 6 kaunas 7 vilnius Moldova: [open ended] Poland 0 no data 1 country 2 little town up to 20000 citizens 3 town between 20000 and 50000 citizens 4 town between 50000 and 100000 citizens 5 town between 100000 and 200000 citizens 6 town between 200000 and 300000 citizens 7 town above 300000 citizens Romania: [open ended] dropped ‘000’ Russia: [open ended] 21 EUREQUAL Slovakia: [open ended] Ukraine: [open ended] 22 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 3: Political Parties C2) Which party or movement did you vote for? All countries were recoded so that “don’t remember”, “refused”, and “don’t know” match the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 97, 98, 99, respectively). For Belarus , Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia. Slovakia, Ukraine, there is no c2. Czech Republic 1 czech social democratic party - cssd 2 christian democratic union-czechoslovak peoples party 3 communist party of bohemia and moravia - kscm 4 civic democratic party - ods 5 green party 6 independent 7 union of freedom-democratic union 8 european democrats-alliance of independent candidates 9 independent democrats 10 party for equal chances 11 other unspecified Estonia 1 estonian centre party 2 estonian reform party 3 estonian people's union 4 pro patria and res publica union 5 social democratic party 6 estonian green party 7 estonian christian democrats party 10 russian party in estonia 11 the constitutional party of estonia Hungary 1 hsp-hungarian socialist party 2 fyd-federation of young democrats 3 ffd-free democrats 4 hdf-hungarian democratic forum 5 htjp-hungarian truth- "jobbik" 6 wp-workers party 7 other party 8 did not participate, although he/she was 18 years old 9 i did not participate Moldova 1 communist party from republic of moldova 2 our moldova alliance party 3 social liberal party 4 democrat party from moldova 5 popular christian democrat party Romania 1 psd+pur (pc) led by adrian nastase 2 alianta da condusa de basescu tariceanu 3 prm led by corneliu vadim tud 4 udmr led by marko bela 5 other party 23 EUREQUAL C3b. Supporter of which party. All countries were recoded so that “refused”and “don’t know” match the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 98 and 99, respectively). Belarus 2 byelorussian party (green) 3 byelorussian woman party «nadzeya» 4 byelorussian patriotic party 5 byelorussian social-democratic party 6 byelorussian social-sport party 7 byelorussian ecological party of “greens” 8 communist party of byelorussia 9 conservative-christian party bnf 10 liberal democratic party 11 united public party 12 party «byelorussian social-democratic gramada» 13 party byelorussian people’s front (bnf) 14 party of communists of byelorussia 15 republic party 16 republic party of labor and justice 17 social-democratic party of peoples agreement 18 other Bulgaria 1 bulgarian socialist party (bsp) 2 citizens for european development of bulgaria gerb 3 national movement simeon the second (ndsv) 4 movement for rights and freedoms (dps) 5 union of democratic forces (sds) 6 attack coalition (ataka) 7 democrats for strong Bulgaria (dsb) 8 bulgarian people's union (bns) 9 other Czech Republic 1 czech social democratic party - cssd 2 christian democratic union-czechoslovak peoples 3 communist party of bohemia and moravia - kscm 4 civic democratic party - ods 5 green party 10 european democrats-alliamce of independent cand 20 independent democrats Estonia 1 estonian centre party 2 estonian reform party 3 estonian people's union 4 pro patria and res publica union 5 social democratic party 6 estonian green party 7 estonian christian democrats party 9 estonian left party 10 russian party in estonia 11 the constitutional party of estonia 12 other party 24 EUREQUAL Hungary 1 hsp-hungarian socialist party (pres.: mr. ferenc gyurcsány) 2 fyd-federation of young democrats (pres.: mr. viktor orbán) 3 ffd-free democrats (pres.: mr. jános kóka) 4 hdf-hungarian democratic forum (pres.: ms. ibolya dávid) 5 htjp-hungarian truth (pres.: mr. istván csurka) 6 wp-workers party (pres.: mr. gyula thürmer) 8 cdpp-christ.democr.people s party (pres.: mr. zsolt semjén) 9 "jobbik"-movement for a better hungary (pres.: mr. vona gábor) Latvia 2 harmony center 3 political union fatherland 4 all for latvia 5 for equal rights in unified latvia 6 euro skeptics 7 green and farmers party 8 party our land 9 first party and latvian way election union 10 social democratic party 11 fatherland union 13 new democrats 14 people's party 15 party new era 16 latvian's latvia 18 social justice party 19 for fatherland and freedom/lnnk (national independence movement) 20 … Lithuania 1 labour party 2 liberal and center union 3 lithuanian polish election action 4 liberals movement of the republic of lithuania 5 lithuanian social democratic party 6 lithuanian peasant popular union 7 new union (social-liberals) 8 party "order and justice" (liberal democrats) 9 citizens democracy party 10 homeland union 11 other Moldova 1 our moldova alliance party 2 communist party from republic moldova 3 democrat party from moldova 4 social democracy party 5 popular christian democrat pa 7 social democrat party 8 social liberal party 9 social political movement ravnopravie republic 10 liberal party 11 ecologic party Poland 1 law and justice, leader - jaros³aw kaczyñski 25 EUREQUAL 2 3 4 5 6 7 civic platform, leader - Donald tusk samooobrona, leader - andrzej lepper league of polish families, leader - roman giertych left and democrats, olejniczak, browski, onyszkiewicz polish peasant party, leader - waldemar pawlak other Romania 1 psd 2 pnl 3 pd 4 prm 5 udmr 6 png 7 pc 8 pin 9 altul Russia 1 agrarian party of russia 2 democratic party of russia 3 communist party of Russian federation 4 liberal democratic party of russia 5 peoples party of Russian federation 6 united russia 7 free russia 8 apple party 10 party of peace and unity 13 patriots of russsia 15 socialist united party of russia 16 union of right forces 17 political party russia ofÐensioner 18 other Slovakia 1 kdh with leader pavol hrušovský 2 ¼s hzds with leader vladimír meèiar 3 sdkÚ - ds with leader mikuláš dzurinda 4 smer - sd with leader róbert fico 5 smk - mkp with leader pál csáky 6 sns with leader ján slota 8 other Ukraine 1 party of regions (lead by viktor yanukovich) 2 bloc of yulia tymoshenko (lead by yulia tymoshenko) 3 people's union our ukraine (lead by viktor yuschenko) 4 socialist party of ukraine (lead by oleksandr moroz) 5 communist party of ukraine (lead by petro simonenko) 6 people's party (lead by volodymyr lytvyn) 7 progressive socialist party of ukraine (lnatalya vitrenko) 8 party "viche" (lead by iryna bogoslovska) 9 social-democratic party of ukraine (u) (viktor medvedchuk) 10 block of borys tarasyuk «rukh - ukrainian pravitsya» 11 block yuriy lutsenko "narodna samooborona" 12 other 26 EUREQUAL C4. Assuming there was a parliamentary election tomorrow, which of these parties would you be most likely to vote for? All countries were recoded so that “would not vote”, “not eligible to vote”, “refused”, and “don’t know” match the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 96, 97, 98, 99, respectively). Belarus: 1 agrarian party 2 byelorussian party (green) 3 byelorussian woman party «nadzeya» 4 byelorussian patriotic party 5 byelorussian social-democratic party 6 byelorussian social-sport party 7 byelorussian ecological party of “greens” 8 communist party of byelorussia 9 conservative-christian party bnf 10 liberal democratic party 11 united public party 12 party «Byelorussian social-democratic gramada» 13 party byelorussian people’s front (bnf) 14 party of communists of byelorussia 15 republic party 16 republic party of labor and justice 17 social-democratic party of peoples agreement 18 other Bulgaria: 1 bulgarian socialist party (bsp) 2 citizens for European development of bulgaria gerb 3 national movement simeon the second (ndsv) 4 movement for rights and freedoms (dps) 5 union of democratic forces (sds) 6 attack coalition (ataka) 7 democrats for strong bulgaria (dsb) 8 bulgarian people's union (bns) 9 other Czech 1 czech social democratic party - cssd 2 christian democratic union-czechoslovak peoples party 3 communist party of bohemia and moravia - kscm 4 civic democratic party - ods 5 green party 6 independent 7 independent democrats 8 coalition of four 9 other unspecified Estonia 1 estonian centre party 2 estonian reform party 3 estonian people's union 4 pro patria and res publica union 5 social democratic party 6 estonian green party 7 estonian christian democrats party 8 estonian independence party 27 EUREQUAL 10 russian party in estonia 11 the constitutional party of estonia 12 other party Hungary 1 hsp-hungarian socialist party 2 fyd-federation of young democrats 3 ffd-free democrats 4 hdf-hungarian democratic forum 5 htjp-hungarian truth 6 wp-workers party 8 cdpp-christ.democr.people s party 9 "jobbik"-movement for a better hungary 10 other party Latvia 1 maras land 2 harmony center 3 political union fatherland 4 all for latvia 5 for equal rights in unified latvia 6 euro skeptics 7 green and farmers party 9 first party and latvian way election union 10 social democratic party 11 fatherland union 12 national strength union 13 new democrats 14 people's party 15 party new era 16 latvian's latvia 17 pensioner and senior patrty 18 social justice party 19 for fatherland and freedom/lnnk (national independence movem Lithuania 1 labour party 2 liberal and center union 3 lithuanian polish election action 4 liberals movement of the republic of lithuania 5 lithuanian social democratic party 6 lithuanian peasant popular union 7 new union (social-liberals) 8 party "order and justice" (liberal democrats) 9 citizens democracy party 10 homeland union 11 other Moldova 1 our moldova alliance party 2 communist party from republic of moldova 3 democrat party from moldova 4 social democracy party 5 popular christian democrat party 7 social democrat party 8 social liberal party 28 EUREQUAL 9 social political movement ravnopravie republic 10 liberal party 11 ecologic party 12 no one 13 humanist party 14 national – liberal party Poland 1 law and justice, leader - jaros³aw kaczyñski 2 civic platform, leader – donald tusk 3 self defence, leader – andrzej lepper 4 league of polish families, leader - roman giertych 5 left and democrats, olejniczak, borowski, onyszkiewicz 6 polish peasant party, leader - waldemar pawlak 7 other Romania 1 psd 2 pnl 3 pd 4 prm 5 udmr 6 png 7 pc 8 pin 9 other party Russia 1 agrarian party of russia 2 democratic party of russia 3 communist party of Russian federation 4 liberal democratic party of russia 5 peoples party of Russian federation 6 united russia 7 free russia 8 apple party 9 party of russia revival 10 party of peace and unity 11 party of national revival «people’s will! 13 patriots of russsia 14 russian ecological party of “greens” 15 socialist united party of russia 16 union of right forces 17 political party russia ofÐensioners 20 other Slovakia 1 kdh with leader pavol hrušovský 2 ¼s hzds with leader vladimír meèiar 3 sdkÚ - ds with leader mikuláš dzurinda 4 smer - sd with leader róbert fico 5 smk - mkp with leader pál csáky 6 sns with leader ján slota Ukraine 1 party of regions (lead by viktor yanukovich) 29 EUREQUAL 2 bloc of yulia tymoshenko (lead by yulia tymoshenko) 3 people's union our ukraine (lead by viktor yuschenko) 4 socialist party of ukraine (lead by oleksandr moroz) 5 communist party of ukraine (lead by petro simonenko) 6 people's party (lead by volodymyr lytvyn) 7 progressive socialist party of ukraine (lnatalya vitrenko) 8 party "viche" (lead by iryna bogoslovska) 9 social-democratic party of ukraine (u) (viktor medvedchuk) 10 block of borys tarasyuk «rukh - ukrainian pravitsya» 11 block yuriy lutsenko "narodna samooborona" 12 other C6. In the election for president in [country] [specify when these elections were] who did you vote for? All countries were recoded so that “don’t remember” matchs the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 8). For Belarus, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, there is no c6. Bulgaria: 1 georgy parvanov 2 volen siderov 8 doesn't remember Romania 1 adrian nastase 2 traian basescu 8 do not remember C7. If there were a presidential election tomorrow, which of these candidates would you be most likely to vote for? All countries were recoded so that “would not vote”, “not eligible to vote”, “refused”, and “don’t know” match the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 96, 97, 98, 99, respectively). For Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, there is no c7. Belarus: 1 aleksandrovich v. 2 belazor v. 3 vecherka v. 4 gajdukevich s. 5 golubeva t. 6 gramyko o. 7 ermak s. 8 zadnepranyj v. 9 kalyakin s. 10 kartash n. 11 kozulin 12 lebed'ko a. 13 lukashenko a. 15 poznyak z. 17 shimanskij m. 18 shushkevich s. 99 DK (includes ‘other’) Romania 1 mircea geoana 2 george becali 3 traian basescu 4 corneliu vadim tudor 30 EUREQUAL 5 other Russia 1 viktor gerawenko 2 sergej glaz'ev 3 vladimir zhirinovskij 4 gennadij zyuganov 5 sergej ivanov 6 mixail kas'yanov 7 dmitrij medvedev 8 dmitrij rogozin 9 irina xakamada 10 grigorij yavlinskij 99 DK (includes other) Ukraine 1 viktor yanukovych (party of regions) 2 yulia tymoshenko (bloc of yulia tymoshenko) 3 viktor yuschenko (people's union our ukraine) 4 olexandr moroz (socialist party of ukraine) 5 petro symonenko (communist party of ukraine) 6 volodymyr litvyn (people's party) 7 yuriy lutsenko (bloc "people’s self-defense") 8 natalya vitrenko (progressive socialist party of ukraine) D3b) As far as you know, which political party has the most seats in the ... [lower or only house of the national parliament]? All countries were recoded so that “don’t know” and “no answer” match the coding in the Master Questionnaire (i.e. 98 and 99, respectively) Belarus 1 communist party of Russian federation 2 liberal democratic party of russia 8 political party russia of justice Bulgaria 1 coalition for bulgaria (sergei stanishev) 2 national movement simeon the second (simeon saxcoburggothski 3 movement for rights and freedoms (ahmed dogan) 4 united democratic forces (peter stoyanov) 5 attack coalition (volen siderov) 7 bulgarian people's union (krasimir karakachanov, stefansofi Czech 1 czech social democratic party - cssd 2 christian democratic union-czechoslovak peoples party 3 communist party of bohemia and moravia - kscm 4 civic democratic party - ods 5 green party 6 other Estonia 1 estonian centre party 2 estonian reform party 3 estonian people's union 31 EUREQUAL 4 pro patria and res publica union 5 social democratic party 6 estonian green party Hungary 1 hsp-hungarian socialist party 2 fyd-federation of young democrats 4 ffd-free democrats Latvia 1 people's party 2 green and farmers party 3 party new era 4 harmony center 5 first party and latvian way election union 6 for fatherland and freedom/lnnk (national independence movem 7 for equal rights in unified latvia 8 social democratic party Lithuania 1 labour party 2 liberal and center union 3 lithuanian polish election action 4 liberals movement of the republic of lithuania 5 lithuanian social democratic party 6 lithuanian peasant popular union 7 new union (social-liberals) 8 party "order and justice" (liberal democrats) 9 citizens democracy party 10 homeland union Moldova 1 partidul comunistilor din republica moldova 2 partidul alianta moldova noastra 3 partidul social liberal 4 partidul democrat din moldova 5 partidul popular crestin democrat Poland 1 law and justice (pis) 2 civic platform (po) 3 self defence (samooobrona) 4 league of polish families (lpr) 5 democratic left alliance (sld) Romania 1 pnl 2 prm 3 pd 4 pc 5 psd 6 udmr 7 pld Russia 1 communist party of Russian federation 32 EUREQUAL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 liberal democratic party of russia peoples party of Russian federation united russia party of national revival people’s will! patriots of russsia socialist united party of russia political party russia of justice Slovakia 1 kdh 2 ¼s hzds 3 sdkÚ - ds 4 smer - sd 5 smk - mkp 6 sns Ukraine 1 party of regions 2 block of yulia tymoshenko 3 people's union our ukraine 4 socialist party of ukraine 5 communist party of ukraine D3d) Some political parties argue that government should provide education, health care and pension from the taxes, while other parties argue that government should charge less taxes and citizens should get these services from private institutions instead. What would you say about how PARTY A and PARTY B Belarus: Party A: Party of Communists of Byelorussia Party B: Party Byelorussia Pe?? Party B: LCU Romania Party A: PSD Party B: PNL Bulgaria: Party A: BSP Party B: Russia Party A: United Russia Party B: Russia of Justice Czech Party A: ODS Party B: CSSD Slovakia Party A: SMER-SD Party B: SDKU Hungary: Party A: HSP Party B: FYD Ukraine Party A: PRU Party B: BYT Lithuania Party A: LSDP D3e) And how about PARTY C [NOTE: this ought to be the third biggest party], would you say that it is … Belarus: Party C: United Public Party Party A: Communist of Byelorussia Czech Party C: KSCM Party A: ODS Bulgaria Party C: Movement for Rights and Freedoms Party A: BSP Hungary Party C: FFD 33 EUREQUAL Party A: HSP Party C: Communist Party of Russian Federation Party A: United Russia Lithuania Party C: NU Party A: LSDP Slovakia Party C: SNS Party A:SMER-SD Romania Party C: PD Party A:PSD Ukraine Party C: PUOU Party A:PRU Russia 34 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 4: Language H1. What language do you speak at home? IF MORE THAN ONE LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME, ASK FOR THE MAIN LANGUAGE. Belarus: 1 byelorussian 2 russian 3 polish 4 ukrainian 6 other 7 trasyanka Lithuania 1 lithuanian 2 russian 3 polish 6 other Moldova 1 moldovian 2 romanian 3 russian 4 ukrainean 5 gagauzian 6 bulgarian 7 czech Bulgaria: 1 bulgarian 2 turkish 3 gipsy 4 english 6 german 7 russian 8 other Poland 1 polish 6 other Czech 1 czech 2 slovakian 3 polish 4 german 5 romany 10 moravian 11 serbian 12 romanian 13 ukrainen Romania 1 romanian 2 hungarian 3 gypsy/rroma 4 german 6 other Russia 1 russian 2 tartarian 3 ukrainian 4 bashkirian 5 chuvash 6 other Estonia 1 estonian 2 russian 3 belarusian 4 ukrainian 6 other Slovakia 1 slovak 2 hungarian 3 romany - cuts 4 czech 5 ruthenian 7 german Hungary 1 hungarian 2 german 5 gypsy 8 other Latvia 1 latvian 2 rusian 3 ukrainian 4 polish 5 lithuanian 6 other Ukraine 1 ukrainian 2 russian 3 hungarian 4 crimean-tatar 5 moldavian 6 other 35 EUREQUAL N1: When you were growing up, about the age of 14, what was the language of the home? Belarus: 1 byelorussian 2 russian 3 polish 4 ukrainian 5 jewish 6 trosyanka 7 other 1 2 3 6 lithuanian russian polish other Moldova 1 moldovian 2 romanian 3 russian 4 ukrainean 5 gagauzian 6 bulgarian 7 czech Bulgaria 1 bulgarian 2 turkish 3 gipsy 5 french 6 german 7 russian 8 other Poland 1 polish 2 german 6 other Czech 1 czech 2 slovakian 3 polish 4 german 5 romany 6 hungarian 7 other Romania 1 romanian 2 hungarian 3 gypsy/rroma 4 german 5 other language Russia 1 russian 2 tartarian 3 ukrainian 4 bashkirian 6 chuvash 7 other Estonia 1 estonian 2 russian 3 ukrainian 4 belarusian 5 finnish 6 other Slovakia 1 slovak language 2 hungarian language 3 romany - cuts language 4 czech language 5 ruthenian language 6 ukrainian language 7 german language 8 other Hungary 1 hungarian 2 german 3 slovakian 5 gypsy 8 other language Latvia 1 latvian 2 russian 3 ukrainian 4 polish 5 lithuanian 6 other Ukraine 1 ukrainian 2 russian 4 crimean-tatar language 5 moldavian 6 other Lithuania 36 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 5: Religion Do you think of yourself as belonging to any particular religion? Which one? Belarus: H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 other Hungary H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion russian orthodox church other orthodox church moslem catholic judaic other 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bulgaria H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 6 Latvia H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion orthodoxy catholic protestant mohammedan judaic other 1 2 3 4 6 Czech H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion protestant catholic orthodox buddhist other Lith H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 roman catholic 2 greco-catholic, orthodox 3 protestant, evangelical 4 czechoslovak hussite church 5 other protestant denominations 6 jewish 7 other (98 “atheist-undenominational”) 1 2 4 6 catholic orthodox other other Moldova H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion Estonia H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 roman catholic greek catholic protestant lutheran, evangelical church jewish other protestants 1 orthodox moldovian metropolitan 2 orthodox bassarabian metropolitan 3 catholic 4 baptist 8 fifties religion 10 jahovas witnesses 11 seventh day Adventist (98 “atheist”) lutheran orthodoxy catholic other protestant judaist 37 EUREQUAL N9: Mother’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 russian orthodox church other orthodox church moslem catholic judaic Poland H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slovakia H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion roman catholic greek church (orthodox) orthodox lutheran or protestant jewish other 1 2 3 4 5 6 Romania H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 russian orthodox church other orthodox church moslem catholic judaic other not religious kirk roman catholic kirk graeco - roman orthodox kirk silesian kirk evangelic a.v. jewish religion other Ukraine H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion N9: Mother’s Religion greek-orthodox roman-catholic greek-catholic (uniates) reformed christian mosaic/judaism other religion not belonging to a religious group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Russia H2a: Respondent K2: Partner’s Religion N3: Father’s Religion 38 orthodox (moskow patriarchy) orthodox (kyiv patriarchy) autocephalous ortodox church ukrainian greak catholich church ukrainian roman catholic church jewish (judaism) islam other not religious EUREQUAL APPENDIX 6a: Ethnic Groups Here is a list of ethnic groups in [country] today. To which one do you consider that you belong yourself? Belarus: H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 croatian 12 serbian-croatian Estonia H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother byelorussian russian pole ukrainian jew other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bulgaria: H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 estonian russian ukrainian belarusian finnish jew other Hungary H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother bulgarian turk gipsy armenian israelite other 1 2 4 5 6 8 Czech H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father hungarian german romanian gypsy jewish other ethnic group Latvia H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 czech 2 moravian 3 slovak 4 polish 5 german 6 silesian 7 romany 8 hungarian 10 russian 1 2 3 4 5 6 N10: Mother 1 czech 2 moravian 3 slovak 4 polish 5 german 6 silesian 7 romany 8 hungarian 9 russian 10 ukrainian latvians russians byelorussians ukrainians jewish other Lithuania H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 lithuanian 2 russian 3 polish 39 EUREQUAL 5 jewish 6 other Russia H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother Moldova H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 moldovan 2 romanian 3 russian 4 ukrainean 5 gagauzian 6 belarussian 7 bulgarian 8 polish 9 german 10 gipsy Slovakia H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother Poland H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 2 3 4 6 1 slovak 2 hungarian 3 romany 4 czech 5 ruthenian 6 ukrainian 7 german 8 polish 9 jewish 10 other poles germans ukrainians belarusians other Ukraine H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother Romania H3a: Respondent K3: Partner N4: Father N10: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 russian tatar ukrainian bashkir jew other 1 2 3 4 5 6 romanian hungarian gypsy/rroma german jewish other ethnic group ukrainians russians belarusians modavians jews other APPENDIX 6b: Common with Ethnic Groups H3b-l Belarus: H3b: Belarusian H3c: Russian H3d: Polish H3e: Ukrainian H3f: Jewish Bulgaria: H3b: Bulgarian H3c: Turkish H3d: gypsy (Roma) H3e: Armenian 40 EUREQUAL H3f: Jewish H3b: Moldovan H3c: Romanian H3d: Russian H3e: Ukrainian H3f: Gagauzian Czech H3b: Czech H3c: Slovakian H3d: Romanies (Roma) H3e: Moravians H3f: Jewish H3g: Silesians H3h: Polish H3i: Germans H3j: Hungarians H3k: Russians H3l: Ukrainian Poland: H3b: Polish H3c: H3d: H3e: H3f: Jewish Romania: H3b: Romanian H3c: Hungarian H3d: Gypsy (Roma) H3e: Germans H3f: Jewish Estonia: H3b: Estonian H3c: Russian H3d: Ukrainian H3e: Belorussian H3f: Jewish H3g: Finnish Russia: H3b: Russian H3c: Tatar H3d: Ukrainian H3e: Bashkir H3f: Jewish Hungary: H3b: Hungarian H3c: German H3d: Slovakian H3e: Romanian H3f: Jewish H3g: gypsy (Roma) Slovakia H3b: Slovakian H3c: Hungarian H3d: Gypsy (Roma) H3e: Czech H3f: Russian H3g: Ukrainian H3h: German H3i: Polish H3j: Jewish Latvia H3b: Latvians H3c: Russians H3d: Byelorussians H3e: Ukrainians H3f: Jewish Lithuania: H3b: Lithuania H3c: Russian H3d: Polish H3f: Jewish Ukraine: H3b: Ukraine H3c: Russian H3d: Belarusians H3e: Moldovans H3f: Jewish Moldova 41 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 7: Education Please look at the list of qualifications on this card. Which is the highest qualification which you yourself have passed? This variable offers standardization to the ISCED-97 std_education: Respondent std_educ_part: Respondent’s partner std_educ_f: Respondent’s father std_educ_m: Respondent’s mother 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre-primary Primary Lower secondary level Upper secondary Post-secondary non-tertiary First stage of tertiary Second stage of tertiary (leading to an advanced research qualification) Alternative codings include cross-nationally consistent 6 and 4 category education variables: reduc6: Respondent Education – 6 categories peduc6: Partner Education – 6 categories feduc6: Father Education – 6 categories meduc6: Mother Education – 6 categories reduc4: Respondent Education – 4 categories peduc4: Partner Education – 4 categories feduc4: Father Education – 4 categories meduc4: Mother Education – 4 categories Belarus H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother Correspond to the Master Questionnaire Bulgaria H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 tertiary (isced 5a,6) tertiary (isced 5b) vocational training: upper secondary vocational (isced 3-4) general training: upper secondary, post-secondary (isced 3-4) lower secondary (isced 2) primary education illiterate or incomplete primary education don't know 42 EUREQUAL Czech H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 complete university education higher qualification education secondary universal education with leaving examination secondary education - qualification vocational without leaving examination basic education has not finished the basic education never went to school Estonia H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 no education less than elementary education elementary education primary school vocational school, without secondary education secondary school vocational school, with secondary education higher education dk Hungary H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 university 2 college 3 gymnasium, matura 4 sec. technical+matura 5 vocational+maturity 6 vocational 8 years elementary 8 less than primary 9 no formal schooling 98 refused 99 DK Latvia H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 doctoral degree 43 EUREQUAL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 higher secondary vocational/professional secondary general basic no qualification never went to school don't know Lithuania H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother Correspond to the Master Questionnaire Moldova H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 never went to school 2 no qualification, incomplete studies 3 ordinary level school certificate 4 technical/vocational post-school 5 high school 6 post high school, college 7 ungraduated university 8 university degree 9 master, doctorate degree 10 dnk, dna Poland H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 higher education 2 uncompleted higher education 3 postsecondary education 4 secondary education 5 uncompleted secondary education 6 vocational school 7 uncompleted vocational school 8 primary education 9 uncompleted primary education 10 other 11 never went to school 12 hard to say Romania H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 44 EUREQUAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 university degree post-high school (but no college/university) high school vocational school general education (8 or 10 years) primary school (4 years) no school don't know/no answer Russia H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 degree higher education secondary-level special education secondary-level education unfinished secondary-level education no qualification never went to school don't know Slovakia H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother 1 2 3 4 5 8 university degree secondary with exams secondary without exams basic basic not finished do not know Ukraine H4: Respondent K4: Partner N5: Father N11: Mother Correspond to the Master Questionnaire 45 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 8: Income L6a) Can you tell me please what is your own monthly income before taxes from your work, pension and any other sources of income, such as child benefit, family allowances, etc that you may have? Belarus: 1 no income 2 less than 60 000 rub 3 610 000 - 120 000. 4 121 000 - 250 000. 5 251 000 - 300 000 6 301 000 - 350 000 7 351000 - 400000 8 401 000 - 500 000 9 501 000 - 600 000 10 601 000 - 700 000 11 701 000 - 800 000 12 801 000 - 1000 000 13 1001 000 - 1300 000 14 1301 000 - 1700 000 15 over 1700 000 98 do not know 99 refuse 2 2001 - 3000kr 3 3001 - 5000kr 4 5001 - 7000kr 5 7001 - 10000kr 6 10001 - 13000kr 7 13001 - 17000kr 8 17001 - 21000kr 9 21001 - 25000kr 10 25001 - 30000kr 11 31001 - 40000kr 12 over 40000kr 97 No income 98 DK/NA 99 Refused Hungary: Open ended 0 No income 8 Don’t know 9 Refused Bulgaria: 1 less than 100 ëâ. 2 101 - 200 ëâ. 3 201 - 300 ëâ. 4 301 - 400 ëâ. 5 401 - 600 ëâ. 6 601 - 800 ëâ. 7 801 - 1000ëâ. 8 1001 - 1200 ëâ. 9 1201 - 1400 ëâ. 10 More than 1400 98 DK 99 Refused Latvia: 1 Up to 50 Ls 2 51 - 70 Ls 3 71 - 90 Ls 4 91 - 100 Ls 5 101 - 120 Ls 6 121 - 140 Ls 7 141 - 160 Ls 8 161 - 180 Ls 9 181 - 200 Ls 10 201 - 235 Ls 11 236 - 270 Ls 12 271 - 305 Ls 13 306 - 375 Ls 14 376 - 410 Ls 15 411 - 480 Ls 16 481 - 550 Ls 17 551 - 620 Ls 18 621 - 699 Ls 19 700 Ls and up 98 Don't know 99 Refused Czech Republic: 1 less than 6 000 czk 2 6 000 - 9 999 czk 3 10 000 - 14 999 czk 4 15 000 - 19 999 czk 5 20 000 - 24 999 czk 6 25 000 - 29 999 czk 7 30 000 - 34 999 czk 8 35 000 - 39 999 czk 9 40 000 - 49 999 czk 10 50 000 - 59 999 czk 11 60 000 - 69 999 czk 12 70 000 - 79 999 czk 13 80 000 and more czk 99 no answer Lithuania: 1 no income 2 up to 400 ltl 3 401 - 700 ltl 4 701 - 1000 ltl 5 1001 - 1300 ltl 6 1301 - 1600 ltl Estonia: 1 up to 1000kr 46 EUREQUAL 7 1601 - 1900 ltl 8 1901 - 2200 ltl 9 2201 - 2500 ltl 10 more than 2501 ltl 98 hard to say 99 refused 12 13 17 98 99 30000 - 39999 40000 - 49999 Over 100000 Do not know Refuse Slovakia: 1 more than 50 000 skk 2 45 001 - 50 000 skk 3 40 001 - 45 000 skk 4 35 001 - 40 000 skk 5 30 001 - 35 000 skk 6 25 001 - 30 000 skk 7 20 001 - 25 000 skk 8 15 001 - 20 000 skk 9 10 001 - 15 000 skk 10 7 001 - 10 000 skk 11 5 001 - 7 000 skk 12 less than 5 000 skk 98 do not know 99 refusal Moldova: open ended 99999 DK/NA Poland: 1 below 1000 zloty 2 between 1000 - 2000 zloty 3 between 2001 - 3000 zloty 4 between 3001 - 4000 zloty 5 between 4001 - 5000 zloty 6 5000 and more 9 refusal Romania: open ended Russia: 1 No income 2 Less than 1000 RUR 3 1000 - 2499 4 2500 - 3499 5 3500 - 4999 6 5000 - 7499 7 7500 - 9999 8 10000 - 14999 9 15000 - 19999 10 20000 - 24999 11 25000 - 29999 Ukraine: 1 i don't have any income 2 to 100 hrn. 3 100 - 300 hrn. 4 301 - 500 hrn. 5 501 - 700 hrn. 6 701 - 1000 hrn. 7 1001 - 1500 hrn. 8 1501 - 3000 hrn. 9 more than 3000 hrn. 99 refuse answer b) Next, please think about the other people in your household and what sources of income they have. Can you tell me how much is their total income before taxes? NOTE: All of the countries labelled variable ‘l6b’ as “household/total”. However, the question asks about additional income from other members of the household not total. For some of the countries, the responses are often lower than the amount in the previous question and thus likely coded correctly as additional, not total. Other countries did not. No changes have been made to these data. Belarus: 1 no income 2 less than 60 000 rub 3 610 000 - 120 000. 4 121 000 - 250 000. 5 251 000 - 300 000 6 301 000 - 350 000 7 351000 - 400000 8 401 000 - 500 000 9 501 000 - 600 000 10 601 000 - 700 000 11 701 000 - 800 000 12 801 000 - 1000 000 13 1001 000 - 1300 000 14 1301 000 - 1700 000 15 over 1700 000 97 i'm alone 98 do not know 99 refuse Bulgaria: 1 less than 100 ëâ. 2 101 - 200 ëâ. 3 201 - 300 ëâ. 4 301 - 400 ëâ. 5 401 - 600 ëâ. 6 601 - 800 ëâ. 7 801 - 1000ëâ. 8 1001 - 1200 ëâ. 9 1201 - 1400 ëâ. 10 more than 1400 98 DK 47 EUREQUAL 99 Refused 17 18 19 98 99 Czech Republic: 1 less than 6 000 czk 2 6 000 - 9 999 |czk 3 10 000 - 14 999 czk 4 15 000 - 19 999 czk 5 20 000 - 24 999 czk 6 25 000 - 29 999 czk 7 30 000 - 34 999 czk 8 35 000 - 39 999 czk 9 40 000 - 49 999 czk 10 50 000 - 59 999 czk 11 60 000 - 69 999 czk 12 70 000 - 79 999 czk 13 80 000 and more czk 98 do not know 99 no answer 551 - 620 Ls 621 - 699 Ls 700 Ls and up Don't know Refused Lithuania: 1 no income 2 up to 400 ltl 3 401 - 700 ltl 4 701 - 1000 ltl 5 1001 - 1300 ltl 6 1301 - 1600 ltl 7 1601 - 1900 ltl 8 1901 - 2200 ltl 9 2201 - 2500 ltl 10 more than 2501 ltl 98 hard to say 99 refused Estonia: 1 up to 1000kr 2 2001 - 3000kr 3 3001 - 5000kr 4 5001 - 6000kr 5 6001 - 8000kr 6 8001 - 10000kr 7 10001 - 15000kr 8 15001 - 20000kr 9 20001 - 30000kr 10 over 30000kr 97 No income 98 DK/NA 99 Refused Moldova: open ended although 99999 DK/NA Poland: 1 below 1000 zloty 2 between 1000 - 2000 zloty 3 between 2001 - 3000 zloty 4 between 3001 - 4000 zloty 5 between 4001 - 5000 zloty 6 5000 and more 9 refusal Romania: open ended Hungary: open ended 0 no income 8 DK 9 Refused Russia: 1 No income 2 Less than 1000 RUR 3 1000 - 2499 4 2500 - 3499 5 3500 - 4999 6 5000 - 7499 7 7500 - 9999 8 10000 - 14999 9 15000 - 19999 10 20000 - 24999 11 25000 - 29999 12 30000 - 39999 13 40000 - 49999 14 50000 - 59999 15 60000 - 69999 16 70000 - 100000 17 Over 100000 97 I'm alone 98 Do not know 99 Refuse Latvia: 1 Up to 50 Ls 2 51 - 70 Ls 3 71 - 90 Ls 4 91 - 100 Ls 5 101 - 120 Ls 6 121 - 140 Ls 7 141 - 160 Ls 8 161 - 180 Ls 9 181 - 200 Ls 10 201 - 235 Ls 11 236 - 270 Ls 12 271 - 305 Ls 13 306 - 375 Ls 14 376 - 410 Ls 15 411 - 480 Ls 16 481 - 550 Ls 48 EUREQUAL Slovakia: 1 more than 50 000 skk 2 45 001 - 50 000 skk 3 40 001 - 45 000 skk 4 35 001 - 40 000 skk 5 30 001 - 35 000 skk 6 25 001 - 30 000 skk 7 20 001 - 25 000 skk 8 15 001 - 20 000 skk 9 10 001 - 15 000 skk 10 7 001 - 10 000 skk 11 5 001 - 7 000 skk 12 less than 5 000 skk 98 do not know 99 refusal Ukraine: 1 i don't have any income 2 to 100 hrn. 3 100 - 300 hrn. 4 301 - 500 hrn. 5 501 - 700 hrn. 6 701 - 1000 hrn. 7 1001 - 1500 hrn. 8 1501 - 3000 hrn. 9 more than 3000 hrn. 10 i live alone 98 don't know 99 refuse answer 49 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 9: Class Variables Respondents, partners, and parents’ ISCO-88 codes (International Classification of Occupation) were transformed to reflect the 10 category EGP (Erikson, Goldthorpe, Portocarero) class schema. Source: Ganzeboom, Harry B.G.;Treiman, Donald J., International Stratification and Mobility File: Conversion Tools. Utrecht: Department of Sociologie, ISCO-88 Reference: ILO (International Labour Office). (1990). International standard classification of occupations : ISCO-88. Geneva: International Labour Office. EGP Reference: Erikson, R., J.H. Goldthorpe, L. Portocarero. (1979). International class mobility in three Westen European Countries: England, France, and Sweden. British Journal of Sociology 30: 415-451. In order to match the data demands of this conversion, the transformation used the question: [for respondent, from above] H8. Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position you have (had) at work? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST. (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5). Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) 1 2 3 4 5 For respondent’s second job (if applicable), J8; for partner, K7; for father, N7; and mother, N13. This conversion requires two additional pieces of information to the ISCO-88 occupational codes. 1. Self-employment status: To determine self-employed, all responses with “Self-employed or own account worker”, ‘2’ [from H8/J8/K7/N7/N13] were included. Other responses were coded as non-selfemployed. 2. Supervisory Status: Supervisory roles were determined similarly with H8/J8/K7/N7/N13 responses of “Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates”, ‘4’, “Employee (without control over anyone)”, ‘5’, and “Self-employed or own account worker”, ‘’2’, coded as a supervisor of zero (‘0’). “Employer”, ‘1’, was coded as a medium level supervisor (=5). “High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates)”, ‘3’, was coded as a supervisor who have many (>25) subordinates. Give the nature of the data, if in the rare instance that the first occupation was either ISCO-88 noncompliant or missing, the second job was used to replace the first. Codes were also created for “Never had a paying job”, ‘97’. Specifically, in the case that the ISCO-88 code was missing and the response to question ‘H5b’ (“Have you ever had a paying job?”) was ‘No’ (i.e. coded ‘2’). Additional information is available at the EUREQUAL website: 50 EUREQUAL For respondent (“rclass10”), for respondent’s partner (“pclass10”), for respondent’s father (“fclass10”), and respondent’s mother (“mclass10”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Higher Controllers Low Controllers Routine Non-manual Self-employed with Employees Self-employed without Employees Self-employed Farmer Manual Supervisor Skilled Manual Semi-unskilled Manual Farm Labor 96 97 98 99 ISKO Coded - no match Never had a paying job Not ISKO codes Missing Occupation Code 07 [4 digit code recorded but no match in ISCO-88] [see above description] [coding didn’t reflect the 4 digit ISCO-88 format] [ISCO-88 codes missing] 51 EUREQUAL APPENDIX 10: Country Survey Differences Y4 : RESPONDENT’S UNIQUE ID - Only Estonia Y6: Date of interview - dd/mm {e.g. |__|__|__|__| 0 | 7 |}. Code all 4 digits Bulgaria; Slovakia; Romania; Hungary: did not include –“07” Estonia: Written in DDmonthYYYY form No Lithuania; Moldova; Slovakia Latvia 17318 17319 17320 17321 17322 17323 17324 17325 17326 17327 17328 17329 17330 17331 17332 17333 17334 17335 17336 17337 17338 17342 17343 17344 17353 17354 17355 17356 17357 1-Jun-07 2-Jun-07 3-Jun-07 4-Jun-07 5-Jun-07 6-Jun-07 7-Jun-07 8-Jun-07 9-Jun-07 10-Jun-07 11-Jun-07 12-Jun-07 13-Jun-07 14-Jun-07 15-Jun-07 16-Jun-07 17-Jun-07 18-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 21-Jun-07 25-Jun-07 26-Jun-07 27-Jun-07 6-Jul-07 7-Jul-07 8-Jul-07 9-Jul-07 10-Jul-07 C1a) Now I want to ask you about the last parliamentary elections which were held in [date - specify when] Talking to people about the elections, we have found that a lot of people didn't manage to vote. No Belarus; Bulgaria; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Russia; Slovakia; Ukraine b)Which of the phrases on this card best explains why you did not manage to vote? No Belarus; Bulgaria; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Russia; Slovakia; Ukraine Estonia: C1b: 1 I deliberately abstained 2 my vote wouldn't matter 3 I didn't care who won 4 I was not registered 5 I wanted to vote but couldn't get to the polling station 52 EUREQUAL 6 8 no right to elect dk/na C2) Which party or movement did you vote for? No Belarus; Bulgaria; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Russia; Slovakia; Ukraine C3a) Thinking about political parties in the country today, do you think of yourself as a supporter of any particular party? Estonia 8=DK C5a) There have also been presidential elections in your country. No Belarus; Czech; Estonia; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; Poland; Russia; Slovakia; Ukraine C5b)Which of the phrases on this card best explains why you did not manage to vote? No Belarus; Czech; Estonia; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Moldova; Poland; Russia; Slovakia; Ukraine E9) Which of the following institutions in [country] do you think has played the biggest role in working to reduce social inequalities? And which has played the biggest role in increasing social inequalities? Moldova 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 E9a Political parties The president/government Trade unions Churches Civic organizations Mass media No one Ministry of Culture E9b Political parties The president/government Trade unions Churches Civic organizations Mass media No one E10) Only in Belarus Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine K5a: Hungary 3 maternity leave L3a) What kind of accommodation does your household live in? Hungary: L3a: 1 urban block of flats (build after 1945) 2 non-detached terraced house 3 multi-storey condominium with garden 4 family house (for one or two family) 5 old urban housing development (one storey) 6 other L3b) Is your accommodation Hungary: L3b: 1 owner 2 marital owner 3 companion owner 4 usufructuary 53 EUREQUAL 5 (joint) lessee 6 joint tenant 8 family member 10 by courtesy 11 roomer 12 other 98 refused l6c 1&2) Which of these is the main source of income for you (and your partner) at present? Moldova: l6c1; l6c2: 8 do not have incomes 9 dna For variables h6a, h6b, k6a, k6b, n6b, n6c, n12b, n12c (job descriptions), see data set “MPS2007_jobs_string” 54 EUREQUAL ENGLISH MASTER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE National and Interview Data Y1 Country Code : INTERVIEWER CODE COUNTRY BEFORE INTERVIEW Y2 Strata 1: INTERVIEWER CODE STRATA (OKRUG) BEFORE INTERVIEW. [see APPENDIX 1] Y3 Strata 2: INTERVIEWER WRITE IN THE NAME OF THE STRATA (OBLAST) BEFORE INTERVIEW. [see APPENDIX 1] Y4. RESPONDENT’S UNIQUE ID [see APPENDIX 10] RESPONDENT’S UNIQUE ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Strata 1: okrug Strata 2: Strata 3: rayon settlement oblast SETTLEMENT CODE – code before interview 9 Urban/ rural 10 11 12 13 Sampling Respondent’s number in point sampling point RESPONDENT’S NUMBER IN SETTLEMENT – code after interview E.G.: Respondent ID: 0101010111504 – Central Okrug, Moscow Oblast, Moscow, Moscow, Urban, 15th Sampling Point (Park Street), 4th Respondent Y5 Settlement size. (round up to the nearest 1000) [see APPENDIX 2] SETTLEMENT SIZE: I___I___I___I___I___I 000 Y6. Date of interview - dd/mm. [see APPENDIX 10] |__|__|__|__| 0 | 7 | code all 4 digits Y7. Time of START of the interview – hh/mm (24 hour clock). |__|__|__|__| Y8. code all 4 digits Time of END of the interview – hh/mm (24 hour clock). |__|__|__|__| code all 4 digits Section A: Current Reforms There have been a lot of changes in the country since 1989/1991 [or relevant transition date for each country]. Are you a …. A1a) Tell us, please, what do you think about the idea that a democracy, in which multiple parties compete for power, is the best system for governing [country]. Strong supporter Supporter Opponent Strong opponent Neither supporter nor opponent (Don't know) DO NOT READ 1 2 3 4 5 8 55 EUREQUAL b)And how would you evaluate the actual practice of democracy here in [country] so far? Very positively Positively Negatively Very negatively Neither positively nor negatively (Don't know) DO NOT READ 1 2 3 4 5 8 A2 a) And what do you think about the idea that a market economy, in which there is private property and economic freedom to entrepreneurs, is the best system for [country]. Strong supporter Supporter Opponent Strong opponent Neither supporter nor opponent (Don't know) DO NOT READ 1 2 3 4 5 8 b)And how would you evaluate the actual experience of the market economy so far? Very positively Positively Negatively Very negatively Neither positively nor negatively (Don't know) DO NOT READ 1 2 3 4 5 8 A3. Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. Strongly agree a) Democracy is a good means of solving social conflicts. b) Democracy is better for the rich in society than the poor. c) The market economy improves the standard of living of ordinary people in [country]. d) The market economy leads to more social conflict. 1 Agree Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree disagree 2 3 4 5 (Don't know) 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 Section B: Perception of Government B1. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to show how much you agree with the following statements? In [country]... a)The government acts for the benefit of the majority of the society. Strongly Somewhat agree agree 1 2 56 Somewhat disagree 3 Strongly disagree 4 (No opinion) 8 EUREQUAL b)Bribery, corruption, and "knowing the right people" are not important phenomena. c)Pensions and relief are large enough to allow old and disabled people to get by. d)There is freedom of organisation and speech. e)Economic differences are not too big. B2 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 8 8 a) How widespread do you think corruption such as bribe taking is amongst politicians in [country]: Very widespread Quite widespread Not very widespread It hardly happens at all Do not know 1 2 3 4 8 b ) How widespread do you think bribe taking and corruption is among public officials (such as police, traffic inspection, local housing officials, etc) in this country? Almost no public officials are engaged in it. A few public officials are engaged in it. Most public officials are engaged in it. Almost all public officials are engaged in it Do not know 1 2 3 4 8 B3. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me how much you agree with the following statements: a)It is human nature to cooperate with other people. b)Most people can be trusted. c)If someone is in serious trouble, no one else cares about it. d)If you are not always on your guard other people will take advantage of you. e)A person cooperates with other people only when he or she sees it is in his or her own interest. Strongly agree 1 Somewhat agree 2 Somewhat disagree 3 Strongly disagree 4 (No opinion) 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 8 8 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 8 B4. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me if you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to ... a) provide a job for everyone who wants one. b) provide health care for the sick. c) provide a decent standard of living for the old. d) provide a decent standard of living for the unemployed. e) provide decent housing for those who can't afford it. Definitely Probably Probably should be should be should not be 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 57 2 3 Definitely (Can't should choose) not be 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 EUREQUAL f) provide decent childcare support for working parents. 1 2 3 4 8 B5. Some people say that there is too much social inequality in our society. Others say that there is no or almost no social inequality in our society What is your view? Do you think that there is Too much social inequality About the right amount of social inequality Not enough social inequality There is no or almost no social inequality Do not know 1 2 3 4 8 B6. Some people earn a lot of money while others do not earn very much at all...In order to get people to work hard, do you think large differences in pay are... Absolutely necessary Probably necessary Probably not necessary Definitely not necessary Can't choose, don't know 1 2 3 4 8 B7. Strongly agree Differences in income in this country are too large. 1 Somewha Somewha Strongly t agree t disagree disagree 2 3 4 (No opinion) 8 Section C. Political Behaviour C1a) Now I want to ask you about the last parliamentary elections which were held in [date - specify when] Talking to people about the elections, we have found that a lot of people didn't manage to vote. [see APPENDIX 10] Yes 1 GO TO Q. 2 How about you? Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections? No 2 ASK 1b IF YES (CODE 1) AT a), GO TO QUESTION 2a). IF NO (CODE 2) AT a), ASK b) THEN GO TO QUESTION 3a). b)Which of the phrases on this card best explains why you did not manage to vote? [see APPENDIX 10] I deliberately abstained My vote wouldn't matter I didn't care who won I was not registered I wanted to vote but couldn't get to the polling station 1 2 3 4 5 GO TO QUESTION 3a) IF YES AT 1a) ASK: C2) Which party or movement did you vote for? [see APPENDIX 3 and APPENDIX 10] Party A (led by V) Party B (led by W) 1 2 58 EUREQUAL Party C (led by X) Party D (led by Y) … Don’t Remember Refused DK 3 4 97 98 99 C3. [see APPENDIX 10] a) Thinking about political parties in the country today, do you think of yourself as a supporter of any particular party? Yes 1 ASK 3b) No 2 GO TO 4 IF NO (CODE 2) AT 3a), GO TO 4. IF YES (CODE 1) AT 3a), ASK: b) Which one? [see APPENDIX 3] Party A (led by V) Party B (led by W) Party C (led by X) Party D (led by Y) … Refused DK c) 1 2 3 4 … 98 99 Would you call yourself a very, fairly or not very strong supporter of [PARTY NAMED AT b]? very strong supporter fairly strong supporter not very strong supporter 1 2 3 C4. Assuming there was a parliamentary election tomorrow, which of these parties would you be most likely to vote for? [see APPENDIX 3] Party A (led by V) Party B (led by W) Party C (led by X) Party D (led by Y) … Would not vote Not eligible to vote Refused Don't know 1 2 3 4 … 96 97 98 99 In countries with presidential elections that are politically important: C5. There have also been presidential elections in your country. [see APPENDIX 10] a)How about you? Did you vote in the presidential elections? [specify when these elections were] Yes 1 GO TO Q. 6a) No 2 ASK b) IF YES (CODE 1) AT 5a), GO TO QUESTION 6a). IF NO, ASK: b)Which of the phrases on this card best explains why you did not manage to vote? [see APPENDIX 10] 59 EUREQUAL I deliberately abstained My vote wouldn't matter I didn't care who won I was not registered I wanted to vote but couldn't get to the polling station 1 2 3 4 5 C6. In the election for president in [country] [specify when these elections were] who did you vote for? [see APPENDIX 3] Candidate V (of party A) Candidate W (of party B) Candidate X (of party C) (Don't remember) 1 2 3 8 C7. If there were a presidential election tomorrow, which of these candidates would you be most likely to vote for? [see APPENDIX 3] Candidate V (of party A) Candidate W (of party B) Candidate X (of party C) … Would not vote Not eligible to vote Refused Don't know 1 2 3 … 96 97 98 99 Section D. Affiliations ASK ALL D1. Here are some types of groups and organizations that people belong to. Which ones do you belong to? Please ask partners to make suggestions about how to update and/or amens list for comtemporary conditions. a) Business Association (chamber of industry/trade) b) Professional Association c) Trade Union d) Farmers' Association e) Church or religious group f) Local/community group g) Sports or social club h) Armed forces association i) Political Party j) Ethnic organization k) Factory committee l) Civic organisations (NGO, social movement) m) neighbourhood watch n) Other Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 D2. How often do you personally contact relatives, friends and neighbours? 60 EUREQUAL How often do you .. On most days a) Speak to relatives on the phone b) Speak to friends on the phone c) And how often do you speak to neighbours (face-to-face) d) How often do you meet up with relatives who are not living with you? e) How often do you meet up with friends? f) How often you meet up with work colleagues outside of work times? Once or twice a month 3 3 3 Less often than once a month 4 4 4 Never 1 1 1 Once or twice a week 2 2 2 5 5 5 Don’t know (do nor read) 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 D3. I would like to ask you a few questions about politics. a) To what extent would you say you are interested in politics? Very Somewhat A little Not at all Don’t know (do not read) 1 2 3 4 8 b) As far as you know, which political party has the most seats in the ... [lower or only house of the national parliament]? [see APPENDIX 3] Party A Party B Party C … Do not know No answer 1 2 3 98 99 c) Who is now the finance minister of ... [COUNTRY]? If A RESPONDENT GIVES THE NAME OF THE FINANCE MINISTER CORRECTLY CODE 1, ANY OTHER NAME CODE 2 Correct answer Incorrect answer Do not know No answer 1 2 8 9 d) Some political parties argue that government should provide education, health care and pension from the taxes, while other parties argue that government should charge less taxes and citizens should get these services from private institutions instead. What would you say about how PARTY A and PARTY B [NOTE: these must be the two biggest parties on opposite sides of the political spectrum] compare with each other [READ OUT THE RESPONSE OPTIONS]: [see APPENDIX 3] PARTY A is more in favour of welfare services than PARTY B PARTY A is less in favour of welfare services than PARTY B 61 1 2 EUREQUAL PARTY A and PARTY B have about the same position on welfare services government provision Do not know 3 9 e) And how about PARTY C [NOTE: this ought to be the third biggest party], would you say that it is …[see APPENDIX 3] PARTY C is more in favour of welfare services than PARTY A PARTY C is less in favour of welfare services than PARTY A PARTY C and PARTY A have about the same position on welfare services provision Do not know 1 2 3 9 f) On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend watching television? Please use this card to answer. 1. No time at all 2. Less than ½ hour 3. ½ hour to 1 hour 4. More than 1 hour, up to1½ hours 5. More than 1½ hours, up to 2 hours 6. More than 2 hours, up to 2½ hours 7. More than 2½ hours, up to 3 hours 8. More than 3 hours 98. Don’t know g) On an average weekday, how much time, in total, do you spend reading the newspapers? Use this card again. 1. No time at all 2. Less than ½ hour 3. ½ hour to 1 hour 4. More than 1 hour, up to 1½ hours 5. More than 1½ hours, up to 2 hours 6. More than 2 hours, up to 2½ hours 7. More than 2½ hours, up to 3 hours 8. More than 3 hours 98. Don’t know Section E: Attitudes E1. Consider the following pairs of statements. Using one of the phrases on this card, can you say which one of these two statements comes closest to your own views. Some people feel that … a) The government should not concern itself with how equal people's incomes are. OR The government should try to make differences between incomes as small as possible. b) The government should take all major industries into state ownership. 62 Definitely the first opinion The first opinion rather than the second In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 1 2 Definitely the first opinion The first opinion rather than the second 1 2 3 4 5 8 EUREQUAL OR The government should place all major industries in private ownership. c) The government should just leave it up to individual companies to decide their wages, prices and profits. OR The government should control wages, prices and profits. In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 3 4 Definitely the first opinion The first opinion rather than the second In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 1 2 5 8 3 4 5 8 E2 . Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. Strongly Agree agree Neither Disagre Strongly (Don't agree e disagree know) nor disagree a)Ordinary working people get their fair share of the nation's wealth. 1 2 3 4 5 b)There is one law for the rich and one for the poor. 1 2 3 4 5 c)There is no need for strong trade unions to protect employee's working conditions and wages. 1 2 3 4 5 d) Private enterprise is the best way to solve [country's] economic problems. 1 2 3 4 5 e) Large differences in income are necessary for [country] prosperity. 1 2 3 4 5 f) Allowing business to make good profits is the best way to improve everyone's standard of living. 1 2 3 4 5 E3. Many people think of political attitudes as being on the "Left" or the "Right". This is a scale stretching from the Left to the Right. When you think of your own political attitudes, where would you put yourself? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LEFT 10 DK 98 RIGHT E4. Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. Strongly Agree agree a)It is important to preserve people's jobs even if it means keeping open polluting enterprises. 1 2 63 Neither Disagree agree nor disagree 3 4 Strongly (Don't disagree know) 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 EUREQUAL b)People should have higher incomes even if achieving this results in damage to the environment. 1 2 3 4 5 8 E5. Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. In [R's country]... Strongly Agree agree a)Young people today don't have enough respect for traditional values. b)Censorship of films and magazines is necessary to uphold moral standards. c)People should be allowed to organize public meetings to protest against the government. d)Homosexual relationships are always wrong. e)People should be allowed to worship in their own way whatever their religious beliefs. f) What this country needs to resolve its economic problems is government with a strong hand. g) It is right that abortion should be available to women on demand h) The death penalty is never an appropriate sentence i) People who break the law should be given stiffer sentences j) It will be worthwhile to support a leader who could solve the main problems facing [country] today even if he overthrew democracy Neither Disagree agree nor disagree Strongly (Don't disagree know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 E6. Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. Strongly Agree agree a) Both the man and the woman should contribute to the household income b) A man’s job is to earn money; a woman’s job is to look after the home and family c) Men ought to do a larger part of the household work than they do now d) Men ought to do a larger share of childcare than they do now Neither Disagre Strongly (Don't agree e disagree know) nor disagree 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 E7. Can you tell me how much you agree with the following statements about your country. Please choose an answer from the card. 64 EUREQUAL Strongly Agree agree a)We have a lot to learn from other countries in running [country]'s affairs. b)[country] should cooperate with other countries even if it means giving up some independence. c)[country] people should be free to emigrate even if [country] needs their skills. d) People in [country] are too ready to criticize their country. e)Minority ethnic groups in [country] should have far more rights than they do now. f)Everyone who lives in [country] should have the right to become a citizen regardless of their ethnic origins. g)The ethnic group a person belongs to should not influence the benefits they can get from the state. h)Jews in [country] today have too much power and influence. i)There are too many Gypsies in [country]. j)All [minority ethnic groups] in this country should have to be taught in [country's language]. Neither Disagre Strongly (Don't agree e disagree know) nor disagree 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 In Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia k) Do you think [R’s COUNTRY] long-term policy should be to … leave the European Union stay in the EU and try to reduce the EU’s powers leave things as they are stay in the EU and try to increase the EU’s powers work for the formation of a single European government Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 9 In Belarus Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine l)[Country] should integrate as far possible with the Europe Union OR [Country] should remain isolated as far as possible from the European Union Definitely the first opinion The first opinion rather than the second In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 E8. Consider the following pairs of statements. Using one of the phrases on this card, can you say which one of these two statements comes closest to your own views. a) European institutions have been helpful and supportive of our country. 65 Definitely the first opinion The first opinion rather than the second 1 2 EUREQUAL OR European institutions have been interfering in our affairs and using our difficulties for their own advantage. b) Foreign ownership of enterprises might be accepted if it improves our state of the economy. OR It is better that we should continue to own our enterprises even if it means more hardship in the future. In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 3 4 Definitely the first opinion 1 The first opinion rather than the second In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. (Don't know) 2 5 8 3 4 5 8 E9. Which of the following institutions in [country] do you think has played the biggest role in working to reduce social inequalities? And which has played the biggest role in increasing social inequalities? [see APPENDIX 10] Political parties The president/government Trade Unions Churches Civic organisations Mass media Other DK a) Biggest role in REDUCING social inequalities? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 b) Biggest role in INCREASING social inequalities? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 E10 [see APPENDIX 10] Strongly Identify Neither Do not Strongly (Don't identify identify identify do not know) nor … identify a) I identify more strongly with the Soviet Union than I do with [country] 1 2 Strongly Agree agree b) The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a good thing c) Russians living in the former republics are treated unfairly by the authorities of these new states. 3 4 5 8 Neither Disagre Strongly (Don't agree e disagree know) nor disagree 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 Section F: Political Efficacy F1. Consider the following statements. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to tell me whether and to what degree you agree with each statement. 66 EUREQUAL Strongly Agree agree a) I think I am better informed than most people about politics. b)People like me have no say in what the government does. c)Sometimes politics seem so complicated that a person like me cannot really understand what is going on. d)It is everyone's duty to vote. e)Elected officials don't care much what people like me think. f)What this country needs is more participation by ordinary people in running the country's affairs. g)On the whole, what governments do in this country reflects the wishes of ordinary people. h) The main political parties in this country all offer the same sorts of programs i) There is no point in voting because the government can't make any difference Neither Disagre Strongly (Don't agree e disagree know) nor disagree 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 F2. Consider the following pairs of statements. Using one of the phrases on this card, can you say which one of these two statements comes closest to your own views. The best way for people like me to improve our situation is to join together with others to promote our interests. OR The best way for people like me to improve our situation is to look after ourselves and not be concerned about what others are doing. Definitely the first opinion 1 The first opinion rather than the second In between The second opinion rather than the first. Definitely the second opinion. 2 (Don't know) 8 3 4 5 Section G: Prospects and Standard of Living G1. Here are some questions about opportunities for getting ahead. Please choose one of the phrases from this card to show how important you think it is for getting ahead in life {Poland: achieving success} in [country]. Essential Very important a)First, how important is coming from a wealthy family? b)Having well-educated parents? c)Hard work? 1 2 3 4 Not important at all 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 67 Fairly important Not very important (Can't choose) 8 8 8 EUREQUAL d)Ambition? e)Natural ability? How important is that for getting on in life? f)Knowing the right people? g)Having political connections? h)A person's ethnic group? How important is that for opportunities to get ahead? i)A person's religion? j)The area of the country a person lives in? k)Being born a man or a woman? How important is that for a person's opportunities? l)Whether a person works in the state or private sector of the economy? m) Age, being young or middle aged? n) Working abroad? 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 G2. Here is a list of social groups in [country] today. To which of these social groups do you feel you belong? CODE ONE ONLY manual workers entrepreneurs managers and administrators intelligentsia/doctors/lawyers/professionals office workers peasants/farm workers none of these DK Refuse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G3. How much do you feel you have in common with these groups in your views and way of life. Do you have a great deal in common, quite a lot, a little, or nothing at all in common? a) manual workers b) entrepreneurs c) managers and administrators d) intelligentsia /doctors/lawyers/professionals e) office workers f) peasants /farm workers a great deal quite a lot a little 3 3 3 3 nothing at all 4 4 4 4 (don't know) 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 8 8 G4. Compared with five years ago do you think the standard of living of ...... has fallen a lot, fallen a little, stayed about the same, risen a little, or has it risen a lot? a) manual workers b) entrepreneurs c) managers and administrators fallen a lot 1 1 1 fallen a little 2 2 2 68 about the same 3 3 3 risen a little 4 4 4 risen a lot 5 5 5 (don't know) 8 8 8 EUREQUAL d) intelligentsia /doctors/lawyers/professionals e) office workers f) peasants /farm workers 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 8 G5. And in five years time, do you think the standard of living of ...... will be a lot lower than it is now, a little lower than now, about the same as now, a little higher than now, or a lot higher than now? a) manual workers b) entrepreneurs c) managers and administrators d) intelligentsia /doctors/lawyers/professionals e) office workers f) peasants /farm workers a lot lower 1 1 1 1 a little lower 2 2 2 2 about the same 3 3 3 3 a little higher 4 4 4 4 a lot higher 5 5 5 5 (don't know) 8 8 8 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 8 Section H: Demographics H1. What language do you speak at home? IF MORE THAN ONE LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME, ASK FOR THE MAIN LANGUAGE. [see APPENDIX 4] Majority language Language B Language C Language D Language E Other DK 1 2 3 4 … … 99 H2a) Do you think of yourself as belonging to any particular religion? Which one? [see APPENDIX 5] Majority religion Religion B Religion C Religion D Jewish Other Not religious NA/DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 IF NOT RELIGIOUS (CODE 98) AT a), GO TO H3. IF CODES 1 TO 6 AT a), ASK b): b) How often do you attend church services connected with your religion? once a week or more less often but at least once a month several times a year less often than once a year varies/don't know never or practically never 1 2 3 4 5 6 69 EUREQUAL H3a) Here is a list of ethnic groups in [country] today. To which one do you consider that you belong yourself? [see APPENDIX 6a] Majority ethnic group Group B Group C Group D Jewish Other Refused DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 How much do you feel you have in common - in your views and way of life - with the members of these different ethnic groups? Do you have a great deal in common, quite a lot, a little, or nothing at all in common with ... [see APPENDIX 6b] b) Majority ethnic group c) Group B d) Group C e) Group D f) Group E (Jewish) great deal 1 1 1 1 1 quite a lot 2 2 2 2 2 a little 3 3 3 3 3 nothing at all 4 4 4 4 4 (don't know) 8 8 8 8 8 H4. Please look at the list of qualifications on this card. Which is the highest qualification which you yourself have passed? [see APPENDIX 7] Degree Technical/vocational post-school Advanced level School certificate Ordinary level School certificate Lower qualification No qualification Never went to school 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H5a) Which of the descriptions on this card applies best to your current situation? CODE ONE ONLY. IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST in paid work (including self-employment) in full-time education in military service unemployed permanently sick or disabled wholly retired from work looking after the home Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IF CODE 1 AT H5a, GO TO H6a. IF CODES 2 TO 8 AT H5a, ASK: b) Have you ever had a paid job? Yes 1 No 2 IF NEVER HAD A PAID JOB (code 2 at H5b) GO TO SECTION K ON MARITAL STATUS. ALL OTHERS GO TO H7. IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK (CODE 1 AT H5a) ASK ABOUT 70 EUREQUAL CURRENT JOB. IF NOT CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK BUT HAS HAD PAID WORK BEFORE (CODE 1 AT H5b) ASK ABOUT LAST MAIN JOB. H6a) What is (was) the title of your current (last) job? IF MORE THAN ONE CURRENT JOB, ASK ABOUT MAIN JOB. IF IN MILITARY OR CIVIL SERVICE ASK ABOUT DETAILS OF RANK. [see APPENDIX 10] b) Can you please describe the exact nature and content of the job. GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. PROBE FULLY. [see APPENDIX 10] c) How many hours a week do (did) you usually work in this job? CODE NUMBER OF HOURS H7 Besides your earnings, do (did) you OR your partner receive any of the following benefits through your or his (her) main job? a) occupational pension scheme b) housing c) medical care d) holiday facilities e) food products/subsidised meals f) other consumer goods g) childcare facilities h) car i) mobile phone j) laptop self 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 partner 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 both 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 neither 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 H8 Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position you have (had) at work? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST. (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5). Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) H9 What kind of organisation do (did) you work for [IN THE JOB DESCRIBED ABOVE]? State sector Private sector Works for self Other 1 2 3 4 O1 How old are you ? WRITE IN O2 1 2 3 4 5 male 71 female EUREQUAL CODE SEX OF RESPONDENT 1 2 4 Digit ISCO codes: [see APPENDIX 9] ocres1: occupation/respondent/1st job ocres2: occupation/respondent/2nd job ocpart: occupation/partner ocfa: occupation/father ocma: occupation/mother Section J: Work Situation J1. INTERVIEWER CHECK BACK TO QUESTION H6a. Is the respondent currently in paid work (code 1 at H6a) or not (all other codes at H6a)? Currently in paid work Not currently in paid work 1 2 ASK ALL CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK (code 1 at JI). OTHERS NOT CURRENTLY IN WORK (code 2 AT J1) GO TO SECTION K ON MARITAL STATUS J2 What chance do you think there is that you will lose your present job within the next year? definitely will high chance fifty-fifty low chance no chance at all (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 J3a) Assuming that you did want promotion, how high do you think your chances are of getting a significant promotion within your present organisation? definitely will high chance fifty-fifty low chance no chance at all Will go on a pension in the next year (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 IF NO CHANCE (code 5 AT a) ASK b) AND THEN c). OTHERS (codes 1 to 4 at a) GO STRAIGHT TO c) b)Is this because you are already in the highest type of job for people who do your sort of work? c)Thinking about getting promotion or going up a career ladder, is your present job a part of a recognized career or promotion ladder within your organisation? 72 yes 1 no 2 DK 8 yes no DK 1 2 8 EUREQUAL J4 Are you on a salary scale with automatic salary increases for each year of service, up to some maximum? CODE NO IF THE RESPONDENT ONLY RECEIVES COST OF LIVING INCREASES. J5 a) If you are away from work because of sickness, do you continue to be paid ? b) If you are away from work because you’re having a child do you continue to be paid ? yes no DK 1 2 8 Yes, at the usual rate 1 Yes, at a reduced rate 2 no 3 1 2 3 IF NO (code 3 at a), GO TO J8. IF YES (code 1 or 2 at a), ASK : c) For how long does your employer continue to pay you? Less than one week One to four weeks More than four weeks (Don't know) 1) sickness 1 2 3 8 2) children 1 2 3 8 J6 Do you at present have another paid job in addition to your main job? yes 1 no 2 ASK J9 and J10 IF RESPONDENT HAS ANOTHER PAID JOB (code 1 at J8). IF RESPONDENT DOES NOT HAVE ANOTHER PAID JOB (code 2 at J8) GO TO SECTION K ON MARITAL STATUS J7 a) What is the title of your second job? IF MORE THAN ONE OTHER JOB, ASK ABOUT THE ONE WHICH IS USUALLY WORKED THE MOST HOURS b) Can you please describe the exact nature and content of the job. GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. PROBE FULLY. c) How many hours a week do you usually work in this job? CODE NUMBER OF HOURS J8 Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position you have at work in your second job? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5) Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) 73 1 2 3 4 5 EUREQUAL Section K: Marital Status K1 What is your marital status? married living as married/cohabiting single separated divorced widowed 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASK ALL MARRIED RESPONDENTS OR LIVING AS MARRIED (codes 1 and 2 at K1). OTHERS GO TO SECTION L ON THE HOUSEHOLD K2) Does your partner think of himself (herself) as belonging to any particular religion? Which one? [see APPENDIX 5] Majority religion Religion B Religion C Religion D Jewish Other Not religious NA/DK K3 1 2 3 4 …. … 98 99 Here is a list of ethnic groups in [country] today. [see APPENDIX 6] To which one does your partner consider that he (she) belongs? Majority ethnic group Group B Group C Group D Jewish Other Refused DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 K4 Please look at the list of qualifications on this card. Which is the highest qualification which your partner has passed? [see APPENDIX 7] Degree Technical/vocational post-school Advanced level School certificate Ordinary level School certificate Lower qualification No qualification Never went to school Don't know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K5a) Which of the descriptions on this card applies best to your partner's current situation? CODE ONE ONLY. IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST. [see APPENDIX 10] 74 EUREQUAL in paid work (including selfemployment) in full-time education in military service Unemployed permanently sick or disabled wholly retired from work looking after the home Other NA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IF CODE 1 AT K6a, GO TO K7a. IF CODES 2 TO 8 AT K6a, ASK: b) Has your partner ever had a paid job? Yes 1 No 2 (Don't know) 8 K6a) What is (was) the title of your partner's current (last) job? IF MORE THAN ONE CURRENT JOB, ASK ABOUT MAIN JOB. IF IN MILITARY OR CIVIL SERVICE ASK ABOUT DETAILS OF RANK. [see APPENDIX 10] b) Can you please describe the exact nature and content of the job. GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. PROBE FULLY. [see APPENDIX 10] c) How many hours a week does (did) your partner usually work in this job? CODE NUMBER OF HOURS K7 Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position your partner has (had) at work? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5) Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) (Don't know) K8 1 2 3 4 5 8 What kind of organisation does (did) your partner work for? State sector Private sector Works for self Other 1 2 3 4 K9 Does your partner at present have another paid job in addition to his (her) main job? yes 1 75 no 2 (don't know) 8 EUREQUAL Section L: Current Family Circumstances L1 a) How many people are in your household? WRITE IN NUMBER I___I___I b) How many of them are children under the age of 16? WRITE IN NUMBER I___I___I L2 a) Have you ever worked abroad? b) Do you have any family members living abroad? FAMILY MEMBERS REFERS TO SPOUSE, PARENTS, IN-LAWS, SON, DAUGHTER c) Do you receive any money from this person/these people? L3a) yes 1 no 2 1 2 1 2 What kind of accommodation does your household live in? [see APPENDIX 10] single family dwelling flat communal flat dormitory other 1 2 3 4 5 b) Is your accommodation [see APPENDIX 10] state owned owned by local council owned by your employer cooperatively owned privately owned by you or another member of your household privately owned by someone else Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L4 a) How many rooms does your household have for its exclusive use? CODE NUMBER b) How many square meters does your household have for its exclusive use? L5_1 Very Good How would you appraise your housing circumstances on the whole, as: Good 1 2 Average Poor 3 Very bad 4 5 Hard to tell (don’t read out) 8 L5_2) In your neighbourhood, how much of a problem is/are… Problems a Crime b people being drunk or rowdy c vandalism, graffiti and other Very big problem Fairly big problem 1 1 1 2 2 2 76 Not a very big problem 3 3 3 Not a problem at all 4 4 4 It happens but it’s not a problem 5 5 5 Don’t know 8 8 8 EUREQUAL d e f g deliberate damage to property or vehicles pollution, grime or other environmental problems caused by traffic or industry people using or dealing drugs rubbish or litter lying around troublesome neighbours 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 3) Does your household own any of the following items? CODE ALL THAT APPLY a) Car b) Washing machine c) Land (other than plot attached to main residence) d) Shares e) Second home or dacha f) Subscribe TV (cable, satellite) g) Telephone h) mobile phone i) Home Cinema j) Computer k) High-Speed (Broadband/Cable) Internet yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 no 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 L6. a) Can you tell me please what is your own monthly income before taxes from your work, pension and any other sources of income, such as child benefit, family allowances, etc that you may have? [see APPENDIX 8] b) Next, please think about the other people in your household and what sources of income they have. Can you tell me how much is their total income before taxes? NOTE: All of the countries labelled variable ‘l6b’ as “household/total”. However, the question asks about additional income from other members of the household not total. For some of the countries, the responses are often lower than the amount in the previous question and thus likely coded correctly as additional, not total. Other countries did not. No changes have been made to these data. [see APPENDIX 8] c) Which of these is the main source of income for you (and your partner) at present? CODE ONE ONLY [see APPENDIX 10] Earnings from employment (own or partner's) Pensions and benefits Student stipend Other state benefit Interest from savings or property Dependent on family/relatives 1) Own 1 2 3 4 5 6 2) Partner’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 d) Is any part of your household's income paid in foreign currency? yes 1 no 2 e) Does your household have any savings? yes 1 no 2 f) Compared with five years ago, has your household's standard of living fallen a great deal, fallen a little, stayed about the same, risen a little, or has it risen a lot? 77 EUREQUAL fallen a great deal fallen a little stayed about the same risen a little risen a lot (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 g) And looking ahead over the next five years, do you think that your household's standard of living will fall a great deal from its current level, fall a little, stay about the same as it is now, rise a little, or rise a lot from its current level? will fall a great deal will fall a little will stay about the same will rise a little will rise a lot (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 L7 a) Thinking now of the country as a whole, do you think that compared with five years ago, standards of living have fallen a great deal, fallen a little, stayed about the same, risen a little, or risen a lot? fallen a great deal fallen a little stayed about the same risen a little risen a lot (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 b) And looking ahead over the next five years, do you think that standards of living will fall a great deal from their current level, fall a little, stay about the same as now, rise a little, or rise a lot from their current level? will fall a great deal will fall a little will stay about the same will rise a little will rise a lot (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 c) Look at the card and tell which of the following statements best describes your household’s financial circumstances We do not have enough money even to buy food We have enough money to buy food but we cannot afford to buy clothes and shoes We have enough money to buy food, clothes and shoes and have some savings but not enough to buy more expensive goods such as a TV set and fridge We can buy some expensive goods such as a TV set and fridge but we cannot afford all things we would want We can afford everything that we would want Do not know d) In your household, do you have enough money to … 78 1 2 3 4 5 8 EUREQUAL 1) Buy the medicine you need? 2) Pay the monthly utility bills of your home? Yes 1 1 No 2 2 e) Now please compare your household’s standard of living with an average standard of living in the country as a whole. Would you say that your household’s standard of living is… Well below average Below average Somewhat below average Average Somewhat above average Above average Well above average Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 f) Now, please compare your household’s access to health care with the average access in the country as a whole? Would you say that your household’s health care access is … Well below average Below average Somewhat below average Average Somewhat above average Above average Well above average Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 g) Now, please compare your household’s access to education with the average access in the country as a whole? Would you say that your household’s access to education is … Well below average Below average Somewhat below average Average Somewhat above average Above average Well above average Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 h) Now, please compare your household’s access to cultural goods (books, internet, theatre etc) with the average access in the country as a whole? Would you say that your household’s cultural goods is … Well below average Below average Somewhat below average Average Somewhat above average Above average Well above average Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 79 EUREQUAL L8) Of the options on this card, which is most likely to increase your standard of living? Please choose one of the options on this list. starting your own business moving to another area moving to another country getting promotion working longer hours getting a new job getting a new qualification or skill continuing with what you are doing now no way of increasing standard of living 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Section M: Health Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your health. M1. How would you describe your health in general? Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 M2. Some people suffer from chronic or long-term health problems. By long-term we mean something that has troubled you over a period of time or is likely to affect you over a period of time. Do you have any long-term health problems, illness, disability or infirmity? Yes No 1 2 M3. For the past six months at least, to what extent have you been limited in your everyday activities because of a health problem? Severely limited Limited but not severely Not limited 1 2 3 M4. What would you say best describes your smoking behaviour? I have never smoked I used to smoke but I no longer smoke I smoke occasionally but not every week I smoke at least one day a week I smoke daily but no more than half a pack I smoke more than half a pack every day 1 2 3 4 5 6 M5. During the last month, how often did you have an alcohol drink of any kind? Not at all, I do not drink Not at all, I used to drink but I no longer drink alcohol One to three times per month One to three times per week 80 1 2 3 4 EUREQUAL Almost every day 5 M6. Please think about the day in the last month on which you drank the most. How many of these alcoholic drinks did you have? a. Bottle of beer (330 ml) b. Bottle of beer (500 ml) c. Alcopops (Bacardi Breezer, Smirnoff-ice) and alcoholic cocktails (glass 150 ml) d. Wine including home made wine and champagne (glass 150 ml) e. Vermouth (Cinzano, Martini), sherry and port (glass 100 ml) f. Vodka g. Spirits or liqueurs or home made spirits (vodka, whisky, brandy/cognac, gin, rum) (glass 50ml) M7. What is your height? I___I___I___I WRITE IN CENTIMETRES M8. What is your weight? I___I___I___I WRITE IN KILOGRAMS Section N: Family Background N1. When you were growing up, about the age of 14, what was the language of the home? [see APPENDIX 4] Majority language Language B Language C Language D Language E Other DK 1 2 3 4 … … 99 N2 Also when you were growing up, about the age of 14, was your father living at home with you, or perhaps he was away or had died? Which of these descriptions applies best to your father at that time? Father at home Father away at work Father away on military service Father divorced, separated and not at home Father dead when you were growing up No information about father 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASK IF FATHER AT HOME OR AWAY ON WORK OR MILITARY SERVICE (codes 1, 2 or 3 at M2). OTHERS (codes 4 to 6 at M2) GO TO M9 ON MOTHER. [see APPENDIX 5] N3. Did your father think of himself as belonging to any particular religion? Which one? Majority religion Religion B Religion C Religion D Jewish Other Not religious 1 2 3 4 … 98 81 EUREQUAL NA/DK 99 N4 Here is a list of ethnic groups in [country] today. To which one did your father consider that he belonged? [see APPENDIX 6a] Majority ethnic group Group B Group C Group D Jewish Other Refused DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 N5 Please look at the list of qualifications on this card. Which is the highest qualification which your father passed? [see APPENDIX 7] Degree Technical/vocational post-school Advanced level School certificate Ordinary level School certificate Lower qualification No qualification Never went to school (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N6 a) When you were growing up, about the age of 14, did your father have a paid job? yes 1 no 2 IF NO (CODE 2 AT a) GO TO M9. IF YES (CODE 1 AT a), ASK: b)What was the title of your father's job at the time when you were growing up? IF FATHER HAD MORE THAN JOB, ASK ABOUT MAIN JOB. IF IN MILITARY OR CIVIL SERVICE ASK ABOUT DETAILS OF RANK. [see APPENDIX 10] c)Can you please describe the exact nature and content of the job. GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. PROBE FULLY. [see APPENDIX 10] N7 Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position your father had at work? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5) Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) (Don't know) 82 1 2 3 4 5 8 DK 8 EUREQUAL N8 Now a few questions about your mother. When you were growing up (when you were aged about 14), was your mother living at home with you, or perhaps she was away or had died? Which of these descriptions applies best to your mother at that time? Mother at home Mother away at work Mother away on military service Mother divorced, separated and not at home Mother dead when you were growing up No information about mother 1 2 3 4 5 6 IF CODES 4,5 OR 6, GO TO SECTION N. IF MOTHER AT HOME OR AWAY ON WORK OR MILITARY SERVICE (codes 1, 2 or 3 at M9), ASK: N9. Did your mother think of herself as belonging to any particular religion? Which one? [see APPENDIX 5] Majority religion Religion B Religion C Religion D Jewish Other Not religious NA/DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 N10 Here is a list of ethnic groups in [country] today. To which one did your mother consider that she belonged? [see APPENDIX 6a] Majority ethnic group Group B Group C Group D Jewish Other Refused DK 1 2 3 4 … … 98 99 N11 Please look at the list of qualifications on this card. Which is the highest qualification which your mother passed? [see APPENDIX 7] Degree Technical/vocational post-school Advanced level School certificate Ordinary level School certificate Lower qualification No qualification Never went to school (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N12 yes 83 no DK EUREQUAL a) When you were growing up, about the age of 14, did your mother have a paid job? 1 2 8 IF NO (CODE 2 AT a) GO TO N1. IF YES (CODE 1 AT a), ASK: b)What was the title of your mother's job at the time when you were growing up? IF MOTHER HAD MORE THAN ONE JOB, ASK ABOUT MAIN JOB. IF IN MILITARY OR CIVIL SERVICE ASK ABOUT DETAILS OF RANK. [see APPENDIX 10] c)Can you please describe the exact nature and content of the job. GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. PROBE FULLY. [see APPENDIX 10] N13 Which of the descriptions on this list best describes the position your mother had at work? CODE ONE ONLY; IF MORE THAN ONE APPLIES, CODE THE HIGHEST ON THE LIST. (PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK THEIR OWN LAND SHOULD BE CODED 2. PEASANTS WHO PRIMARILY WORK ON A COLLECTIVE FARM SHOULD BE CODED 5) Employer Self-employed or own account worker High and middle level manager (supervises people who have subordinates) Low level manager i.e. foreman (supervises people who have no subordinates) Employee (without control over anyone) (Don't know) 1 2 3 4 5 8 Section N: Added Macro Variables FDI: Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, 2006, US$ billions). Source: pop: Population, total 2006. Source: CPI: Consumer price index, average annual change in (%). Source: ag_employ: Employment in agriculture (% of total employment). Source: ILO (International Labour Organization). 2005. Key Indicators of the Labour Market. Fourth edition. CD-ROM. Geneva. []. Accessed July 2007. ind_employ: Employment in industry (% of total employment). Source: ILO (International Labour Organization). 2005. Key Indicators of the Labour Market. Fourth edition. CD-ROM. Geneva. []. Accessed July 2007. serv_employ: Employment in services (% of total employment). Source: ILO (International Labour Organization). 2005. Key Indicators of the Labour Market. Fourth edition. CD-ROM. Geneva. []. Accessed July 2007. GDP: GDP (current US$ billions) Source: 84 EUREQUAL PPP: GDP per capita (PPP US$) Source: GDPpc: GDP per capita (US$) Source: grow_30yr: GDP per capita, annual growth rate (%) 1975-2005 Source: grow_15yr: GDP per capita, annual growth rate (%) 1990-2005 Source: GINI: Gini index Source: unemp: Unemployment (%) Source: EF: Ethnic Fractionalization Source: Fearon/Laitin plural: Proportion of Largest Ethnic Group Source: Fearon/Laitin minor: Largest Minority Index Source: Fearon/Laitin cdiv: Cultural Diversity Index Source: Fearon/Laitin Governance Indicators: Source: voc_acct: Voice and Accountability, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) pol_stab: Political Stability, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) gov_eff: Government Effectiveness, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) reg_qual: Regulatory Quality, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) rule_law: Rule of Law, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) ctrl_corr: Control of Corruption, Governance Score (-2.5 to +2.5) See: Kaufmann D., A. Kraay, and M. Mastruzzi 2007: Governance Matters VI: Governance Indicators for 1996-2006. Note: The governance indicators presented here aggregate the views on the quality of governance provided by a large number of enterprise, citizen and expert survey respondents in industrial and developing countries. These data are gathered from a number of survey institutes, think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, and international organizations. The aggregate indicators do not reflect the official views of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Countries' relative positions on these indicators are subject to indicated margins of error that should be taken into consideration when making comparisons across countries and over time. Freedom House: Source: 85 EUREQUAL FH_PR: Political Rights (1-7) Sub-Categories: PR_elec: Political Rights sub-category: Electoral Process PR_PPP: Political Rights sub-category: Political Pluralism and Participation PR_gov: Political Rights sub-category: Functioning of Government FH_CL: Civil Liberties (1-7) Sub-Categories: CL_free: Civil Liberties sub-category: Freedom of Expression and Belief CL_AOR: Civil Liberties sub-category: Associational and Organizational Rights CL_law: Civil Liberties sub-category: Rule of Law CL_rights: Civil Liberties sub-category: Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights 86