MINUTES OF TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING Project Number: Title: NC-107 Evolving pathogens, targeted sequences, and strategies for control of bovine respiratory diseases Date: Location: September 10-11, 2002, Michigan State University, East Lansing. MI. Attending: John Baker, Dan Grooms* (MI); Chuck Czuprynski* (WI); Paul Walz (KS); Kenny Brock* (AL); Glynn Frank*, Robert Briggs (NADC); Amelia Woolums*, David Hurley (GA); Ray Loan* (TX); Sam Maheswaran* (MN); Robert Fulton* (OK); Ricardo Rosenbusch* (IA); Chris Chase* (SD); Dick Corstvet* (LA). Also present: Administrative Advisor Eli Asem. Stations that sent reports but did not attend: MS, NE; CA communicated that report is in transit. Stations not reporting: MO, OH. *Voting member. Adopted agenda: September 10: 7:30, registration; 8:15, welcome (Dr. Grooms) and introduction to Michigan State University (Dr. Baker) and Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (Dr. Gray). 8:30-9:00, station reports. 9:00, presentation of plans for new diagnostic laboratory by Dr. Reed, Director of Michigan State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. 9:3012:00, station reports. 12:00-1:00, Lunch. 1:00-2:00, business meeting. 2:00-4:45, station reports. 4:45, adjourn. September 11: 8:15, resume station reports. Adjourn 9:30. Key discussions: During his welcome to Michigan State University, Dr. Baker described new developments at Michigan State of interest to the group, including the new center for Emerging Animal Diseases. Dr. Ian Gray, Director of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment station, further detailed new developments of interest, particularly the Animal Industrial Initiative which has significantly expanded animal disease research efforts at Michigan State University. As chair of the NC administrative advisors, Dr. Gray also advised the group to recount their activities and efforts in written reports in clear detail. Dr. Willie Reed, Director of the Michigan State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, described plans for the new Diagnostic Laboratory which is currently under construction. The laboratory will have BL3 areas for necropsy and microbiology work and will also have facilities to house over 300 cattle, which will be valuable when herd depopulations are required. These facilities will improve the ability of Michigan to control tuberculosis, currently a serious problem for Michigan cattle and wildlife. Station reports continued for the rest of the morning of September 10. The business meeting, chaired by Dr. Glynn Frank, began at 1 PM. First order of business: election of a new secretary. It was moved and seconded that Dr. Dan Grooms be nominated; the group unanimously elected Dr. Grooms as the next secretary. Minutes from previous meeting approved as written. The site for 2003 technical committee meeting was then discussed. Dr. Maheswaran suggested Minnesota. Dr. Corstvet also invited the group to Louisiana State University (LSU). Many new faculty members and new developments at LSU will increase activities of interest to NC-107. Change of date of meeting was discussed. It was proposed that small number in attendance may have been due to time of year. Others suggested that fall is best time and that small numbers in attendance were not concerning, as the meeting is not a scientific meeting but rather a technical committee meeting; purpose is for voting member to attend and give report. Lack of participation by some stations was discussed. It was suggested that Dr. Asem could talk to directors at nonparticipating states about whether they are going to become active. It was noted that some stations intended to have reps here this year but unexpected developments prevented them from attending; at other stations (e.g. Tennessee) most involved people have left. The question was raised as to whether states are required to participate if they are in the North Central region; the consensus was that they are not. Dr. Asem read the states that agreed to participate in new project: AL, CA, GA, IA, KS, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, OH, OK, SD, TX, WI, NADC. Stations on this list who have not presented report can be asked why they have not sent their reports. It was agreed that states not on this list would no longer be considered participating (e.g., reports would no longer be expected from states not on this list in spite of past participation). It was noted that the voting members from MO (Dr. Estes) and MS (Dr. Paulsen) had recently moved; it was not clear who would replace them although Dr. J. Lakritz had been registered to attend from MO and Dr. Dan Scruggs was mentioned as a possible participant from MS. It was agreed that Dr. Asem would contact station directors of states with spotty or no participation to determine whether they should be removed from the project. Was moved and seconded that technical committee would meet at LSU next year; the vote was unanimous in favor of this. The date of future meetings was discussed; consensus was that early September was still best, although possible impact of historical events on September 11 were recognized. It was agreed that the host would need some latitude in scheduling. Current plan is for next year’s meeting to occur on September 9 and 10; Dr. Corstvet, who will make local arrangements, will confirm date later in year. Question was raised as to why no one from USDA or NVSL was in attendance. Dr. Frank has spoke with Dr. Ruby at NVSL; they are very busy with West Nile Virus and other problems. It was noted that USDA representatives from Washington are not routinely expected to attend; the administrative advisor keeps them informed. The consensus of the group was that this was an appropriate strategy. Dr. Asem distributed notes from NCRA guidelines, which suggest that Chair, Chair-Elect, and secretary be elected for 2-year term. This committee has traditionally had officers for oneyear term. Committee discussed this and agreed they would like to continue with no chair-elect and with single year terms for Chair and Secretary. A motion was made and seconded that election of officers would continue as in the past; the vote in favor was unanimous. Dr. Asem noted that the Proceedings of Academy of Consultants 2001 Winter Meeting, where NC-107 members made up the majority of the program, were an excellent example of the types of outreach expected by regional research projects. He will send a copy to USDA administrators in Washington. Copies of the Proceedings were distributed to those in attendance. Dr. Asem commended group for activity and strong leadership. Preparation of interim report and annual reports was discussed at length. It was clarified that the interim report would be written at end of year 3; this is currently end of first year. Dr. Asem distributed a copy of SAES-422, which details the format for annual reports as they are to be entered on the world wide web. Dr. Frank will complete the annual report this year and Dr. Asem will enter the report onto the website. Noted that accomplishments and impact need to be clearly and separately identified in individual station annual reports, which will simplify generation of annual report for Chair (who traditionally generates the annual report for this group, rather than the Secretary). Question was raised whether cooperative research between stations is still important; importance of such efforts were emphasized very much in the past. Dr. Asem concurred that it is still very important and will need to be clearly outlined in 5-year report. There was concern that latest version of format for project annual report does not specifically have a section for listing inter-station collaboration. It was agreed that stations should continue to list inter-station collaboration in their individual reports and that a summary of such collaboration should be included, possibly in the Accomplishments section, of the annual report. It was agreed that is was important to keep a record in each year’s annual report of inter-station collaborations so the information would not be lost when it is time to compile the 5-year report. Dr. Asem distributed Appendix L, guidelines re development of website for technical committee, which is recommended by NCRA. Also NCRA suggests that a listserve be developed to facilitate communication within regional projects. The group discussed this issue and agreed that a dedicated webmaster would be necessary to ensure success of a webpage, but that no one in the group was likely to have the time, expertise, or funding to support or act as a dedicated webmaster. The consensus was that the group is small enough and communicates well enough that a listserve or website would not be worth the time and effort they would require to maintain. Dr. Asem then briefly reviewed the approach used by the NCA-2 committee in review of annual reports from regional projects. As the administrative advisor for another regional research project, Dr. Baker is also on this committee with Dr. Asem. Annual reports are reviewed and summarized by 2-3 people on the NCA-2 committee. Many reports lack clarity and it is hard to find information easily. Specifically, reports are expected to show evidence of use of strengths of individual stations combined with evidence of cooperation between stations. Dr. Asem indicated that there have been no problems with annual reports from NC-107, he presented the information just to give the group insight on the procedure used in evaluation of annual reports. The issue of accountability for objectives set out for individual stations in the new project description was discussed. The question was raised whether administrators evaluating annual or interim reports would evaluate whether stations really accomplished what they said they would accomplish when the project was renewed. Several members felt that it was not necessary to specifically detail whether or not each objective was actually accomplished by each station. However, the consensus was that it was beneficial to periodically refer to the list of objectives set out when the project was renewed to try to keep on track with milestones established at the beginning of the project. Dr. Asem’s role in part is to assure the group’s accountability. The business meeting was concluded at 2:10; station reports resumed at 2:30 after a short break. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 with 3 station reports left for September 11. The group reconvened at 8:10 AM on September 11 with continuation of station reports. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM. Assigned responsibilities/deadlines/target dates: Dr. Frank will prepare this year’s annual report and forward to Dr. Asem for submission. Dr. Woolums (Chair for 2002-2003) will communicate with Dr. Corstvet (in charge of local arrangements for the 2003 meeting) and Dr. Asem in coming months to distribute information regarding the next meeting. Dr. Woolums will distribute updated address list for group. Next meeting information: September 9 and 10, 2003, at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.