Lx 635, Fall 2001

Lx 635, Fall 2001
On reconstruction, resumption and chains
 Overview of issues to be covered in the class.
29 August
 Overview of reconstruction.
5 September
References: [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [37], [47]
 ACD, extraposition and reconstruction.
12 September
19 September
References: [19], [22], [23], [31], [34], [36]
 Reconstruction in relative clauses.
26 September
3 October
References: [4], [8], [10], [20], [45], [47]
 Resumptive pronouns.
10 October
17 October
References: [1], [2], [3], [11], [20], [39], [46]
 Correlatives.
24 October
References: [6], [29]
 Chain formation.
31 October
7 November
14 November
21 November
References: [3], [4], [11], [12], [15], [16],[19], [20], [27], [30],[33], [37], [39], [47]
 Questions and focus
28 November
5 December
Reference: [48]
 Presentation of students’papers.
12 December
Features speakers
J. Aoun and A. Li
M. Brody
Y. Sharvit
[1] Aoun, J. and E. Benmamoun. 1998. Minimality, reconstruction and PF-movement.
Linguistic Inquiry 29: 569-597.
[2] Aoun, J. and L. Choueiri. 2000. Epithets. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18: 1-39
[3] Aoun, J, L. Choueiri and N. Hornstein. 2001. Resumption, movement and derivational
economy. Linguistic Inquiry 32: 371-403.
[4] Aoun, J. and A. Li. 2001. Essays on the representational and derivational nature of
grammar:the diversity of wh-constructions. Ms., USC.
[5] Barss, A. 1986. Chains and anaphoric dependence. Doctoral dissertation, MIT.
[6] Bhatt, R. To appear. Locality in Apparently non-Local Relativization: Correlatives in the
Modern Indo-Aryan Languages. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory,
[7] Belletti, A. and L. Rizzi. 1988. Psych-verbs and theta theory. Natural Language and
Linguistic Theory 6, 291-352.
[8] Bhatt, R. To appear. The Raising Analysis of Relative Clauses: Evidence from
Adjectival Modification. NALS.
[9] Bhatt, R. and R. Pancheva. 2001. The LF Licensing of Degree Complements. Ms.,
University of Texas, Austin and USC.
[10] Bianchi, V. 1999. Consequencies of Antisymmetry. Headed Relative Clauses. Mouton de
Gruyter.(pp. TBA)
[11] Boeckx, C. 2001. Mechanisms of chain formation. Doctoral dissertation, University of
[12] Brody, M. 1982. On circular readings. In Mutual knowledge, ed. by N. V. Smith, 133146. New York: Academic Press.
[13] Brody, M. 1995. Lexico-Logical Form. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[14] Chomsky, N. 1955-56. The logical structure of linguistic theory. New York: Plenum.
[15] Chomsky, N. 1981. Lectures on government and binding. Dordrecht: Foris.
[16] Chomsky, N. 1995. The minimalist program. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
[17] Chomsky, N. 2000. Minimalist inquiries: the framework. In Step by step : essays on
minimalist syntax in honor of Howard Lasnik, ed. by R. Martin, D. Michaels, and J.
Uriagereka, 89-155. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [an early version appeared as MIT
Occasional Papers in Linguistics 15, 1998]
[18] Chomsky, N. 1999. Derivation by phase. MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics 18.
[19] Chomsky, N. 2001. Beyond explanatory adequacy. Ms., MIT.
[20] Choueiri, L. 2001. Revisiting relatives. Doctoral dissertation, USC.
[21] Fox, D. 2000. Economy and semantic interpretation. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[22] Fox, D. To appear. Antecedent-Contained-Deletion and the Copy Theory of
Movement. Linguistic Inquiry
[23] Fox, D. and D. Nissenbaum. 1999. Extraposition and Scope: A case for overt QR. WCCFl
[24] Freidin, R. 1986. Fundamental issues in the theory of binding. In Studies in the acquisition
of anaphora 1, ed. by B. Lust, 151-188. Dordrecht: Reidel.
[25] Heycock, C. 1995. Asymmetries in reconstruction. Linguistic Inquiry 26, 547-570
[26] Hoji, H. 1985. Logical Form constraints and configurational structure in Japanese.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle.
[27] Hornstein, N. 2000. Move! A minimalist theory of construal. Oxford: Blackwell.
[28] Huang, J. 1993. Reconstruction and the structure of VP: some theoretical consequences.
Linguistic Inquiry 24, 103-138.
[29] Izvorski, R. 1997. The Syntax and Semantics of Correlative Proforms. NELS., 133- 147.
[30] Jacobson, P. 1977. The Syntax of Crossing Coreference Sentences. Doctoral
dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
[31] Jacobson, P. 1983. On the Syntax and Semantics of Multiple Relatives in English. IULC.
[32] Kayne, R. 1994. The antisymmetry of syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[33] Kayne, R. 1998. Overt vs. covert movement. Syntax 1: 128-191.
[34] Kennedy, C. 1997. Antecedent contained deletion and the syntax of quantification.
Linguistic Inquiry 28,
[35] Kuno, S. 1997. Binding theory and the minimalist program. Ms., Harvard University.
[36] Larson, R. 2000. ACD in AP. WCCFL 19.
[37] Lasnik, H. 1999. Chains of Arguments. In Working Minimalism, ed. by S. D. Epstein
and N. Hornstein: 189-215. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[38] Lebeaux, D. 1988. Language acquisition and the form of the grammar. Doctoral
dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
[39] McCloskey, J. To appear. Resumption, successive cyclicity, and the locality of operations.
In Derivations, ed. by S.D. Epstein and D. Seely. Oxford: Blackwell
[40] Ouhalla, J. 2000. Parasitic Gaps and Resumptive Pronouns. In Parasitic Gaps, ed. by P W.
Culicover and P M. Postal, 128-147. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[41] Postal, P. 1997. Strong crossover violations and binding principles. ESCOL 97.
[42] Riemsdijk, H. van, and E. Williams. 1981. NP Structure. The Linguistic review 1, 171-217.
[43] Rizzi, L. 1986. On chain formation. In The grammar of pronominal clitics (Syntax and
semantics 19), ed. by H. Borer, 65-96. New York: Academic Press.
[44] Romero, M. 1996. The (cor)relation between scope reconstruction and connectivity effects.
Ms., University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
[45] Sauerland, U. 1998. The Meaning of Chains. Doctoral dissertation, MIT. (pp. TBA)
[46] Sharvit, Y. 1999. Resumptive Pronouns in Relative Clauses. Natural Language &
Linguistic Theory, Vol. 17/3, 587-612.
[47] Sportiche, D. 2001. Reconstruction and connectivity. Ms., U.C.L.A.
[48] Zubizarreta, M.L. and J.-R. Vergnaud. 2001. Types of focus and types of questions. Ms.,