DR. JOHN WARNER HOSPITAL CLINTON, ILLINOIS 61727 POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE BLOOD DONATION LEAVE REQUEST PAGE 1 OF 2 ISSUING DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES EFFECTIVE DATE 11/01/10 PREPARED BY BELINDA RITTENHOUSE REVISED DATE 10/22/10 POLICY #: HR-2552 ORIGINAL DATE 02/25/10 REVISES AND SUPERSEDES: Employee Blood Donation Leave with an original date of 02/25/10, prepared by Belinda Rittenhouse. POLICY: It is the policy of the Dr. John Warner Hospital to comply with the Illinois Employee Blood Donation Leave Act (820 ILCS 149/), which allows eligible full-time and part-time employees to use paid leave for up to one (1) hour every 56 days to donate blood or to attempt to donate blood. This policy applies to non-bargaining unit employees only. Bargaining Unit employees need to refer to the Labor Agreement. STAFF: All Departments EQUIPMENT, FORMS & LOCATIONS: Blood Donation Leave Request, Form #462 available on the intranet or through the Human Resource Department. PROCEDURE: Notice, Approval and Verification Requirements An eligible employee is required to give no less than 24 hours notice to their department manager in the event the employee chooses to use paid leave under this policy. The request for leave under this policy must be in writing and on the Employee Blood Donation Leave Request, Form # 999. Upon the employee’s return from an approved leave, the employee will be required to submit a copy of the post donation and call back instructions or other verification provided by the blood donation center verifying the employee donated blood or attempted to donate blood. The verification must be submitted to the Human Resource Office by the end of the pay period in which the leave was taken. Failure to submit verification will result in either the docking of pay for the time or a deduction from the employee’s accrued ETO bank. To receive pay for this leave, the employee must clock in code 014 (hour type for other pay) in the time clock system. -2POLICY AND PROCEDURE – BLOOD DONATION LEAVE REQUEST DEFINITIONS: “Eligible employee” means a full-time employee who has been employed for at least six (6) months and donates blood or attempts to donate blood. “Blood Donation” means the act of donating blood in accordance with appropriate medical standards established by the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, the American Association of Blood Banks, or other nationally recognized standards. DOCUMENTATION: Appropriate documentation is provided on the Blood Donation Leave Request, Form #462 COPIES SENT TO: Administration – Original All Departments February 25, 2010 – Original October 22, 2010 – Revised ______________________________________ DIRECTOR DATE ______________________________________ CEO DATE INITIAL AND DATE REVIEWED ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________