AN APPROACH TO THE DOMINATING SUBSET WITH THE MINIMAL WEIGT PROBLEM NURIYEV Urfat & ORDIN Burak Department of Mathematics Ege University Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics 35100, Bornova, Izmir TURKEY Abstract: In this work, we investigate a combinatoric problem under the name “Dominating Subset with the Minimal Weight” problem that is equivalent to the Auxiliary problem which appears as solving Global Optimization problems and can be expressed as of a kind Assigment problem. Then the mathematical model and the economical interpretation of the problem are given and its properties are. We offer a new algorithm with greedy type, by shown using above properties for solving the problem and develop a program in C++. After that, the results of its computational experiments are given. Keywords: Dominating Subset with the Minimal Weight, Global Optimization, Assignment Problem, Weighted SetCovering Problem, Combinatorial Optimization, Cutting Angle Method. 1. Introduction Recently a new method, which is called the Cutting Angle Method (CAM), for solving a broad class of Global Optimization problems has been developed [1, 8]. That is developed as generalization of the convex minimization of Cutting Plane Method and it is an iterative method. In each iteration of the CAM a Auxiliary problem has to be solved, which is in turn, generally, a global optimization problem. n This Auxiliary problem on the set S={x| xi =1, i 1 xi 0 , i =1, …, n}, where x=( x1 ,…, x n ) ) is seen the minimization of minimizing Increasing Positively Homogeneous of degree one functions. A using method for solving auxiliary problem in the Cutting Angle Method (CAM) of a global optimization problem is very important for better the solution of the problem [8]. “Dominating Subset with the Minimal Weight” (DSMW) problem is a combinatorial optimization problem with boolean variables and it has been investigated as equivalent to the Auxiliary problem which appears as solving Global Optimization problems [2-6]. In [5], it is shown that the DSMW problem is NP-hard and the different methods which solve DSMW problem are developed in [3, 4]. In this work, it is shown that. The Auxiliary problem which appears as solving Global Optimization problems transforms to the DSMW problem. Then, the mathematical model and the economical interpretation of the problem are given. Besides, it is offered an algorithm by using above properties for solving the problem. Algorithm is developed in C++ and computational experiments are done problems with different dimensions. The paper consists of 9 sections. In Section 2, the formulation of the Auxiliary problem is presented. In the next section, we transform Auxiliary problem (1) – (2) into a Boolean variable problem (3) – (9) and show that this problem is equivalent to DSMW problem. In section 4, economical interpretation of the DSMW problem is expressed. In the following section, it is given the main facts and definitions which will be used. In section 6, some properties of the DSMW problem are investigated and it is offered a algorithm by using above properties for solving the problem in section 7. In the next section, a program is developed in C++ and the results of the computational experiments are given. In the last section, we think that offered algorithms could be used to solve the Global Optimization problems. 2. Formulation of the Auxiliary Problem p x Let ( l ik ) be an (m n) matrix, m n, with m rows k = 1, …, m, and n columns, i = 1, …, n. If k n and k i then m n and l ik =0. Otherwise, l ik >0. k i (Namely, the first n rows of ( l ) matrix form a diagonal matrix). Introduce the function: h(x)= max mink l ik xi , where I( l k )={i: l ik >0}. k iI ( l ) The problem considered in this paper is formulated as follows: The Auxiliary Problem h = min h(x) . (1) x subject to j 1 n j i 1 , i=1,2,…,n, p x i 1 j 1 n y i 1 j i j i j i (5) 1, (6) 1 , j = 1,2,…,p, x 0 1, i =1,2,…,n; j=1,2,…,p, (7) (8) yij Sg max uik xik uij , i=1,...,n; j=1,…,p. (9) k 1, p In the paper [6], the following theorem was proved: Theorem 1. The Auxiliary problem (1)-(2) and problem (3)-(9) are equivalent. n x S={x| xi =1, xi 0 , i=1,…,n.} (2) i 1 3. Transformation of the Auxiliary Problem to an Equivalent Problem 2. We will use the following notation for simplicity: 1 1 p = m – n, uij i j n , i=1,…,n; j=1,…,p. li li Clearly ui j is the increment of the denominator of the fraction that expresses the function h in the substitution li j n lii . Let us define the following function: 1, if x 0, Sg x 0, if x 0 and consider variables xi j , i=1,2,…,n; j =1,2,…,p : 1, if the substitution li j n li j is accomplished xij 0, otherwise So the Auxiliary problem (1)-(2) is transformed into the following Boolean (0 – 1) programming problem: n p u i 1 j 1 n x i 1 j i xij minj , (3) 1 , j=1,2,…,p, (4) j i xi 4. Dominating Subset with the Minimal Weight Problem Let us call the problem (3)-(9) “Dominating Subset with Minimal Weight”. We can interpret this problem as follows: Let ( ui j ) be a (pn) matrix ( j = 1, 2, …, p and i = 1, 2, …, n) and ui j 0 for all i, j . The task is to choose some elements of the matrix such that: i) The sum of the chosen elements is minimal. ii) Each row contains a chosen element, or contains some element which is less than some chosen element located in its column; We can give the following economical interpretation of this problem: A task consisting of p (j = 1, 2, …, p) operations can be accomplished by n (i = 1, 2, …,n) processors. Suppose that the matrix ( ui j ) gives the time necessary for the accomplishment of the task as follows: If j (10) uij1 uij2 ... u i p for column i, then u ij1 is the time (or cost) for the accomplishment of operation j1 by processor i, u ij2 is the time for the accomplishment of operations j1 and j2 by processor i, and so on, at j last u i p is the time for the accomplishment of all operations ( j1, j2, . . . , jp ) by processor i . The problem is to distribute operations among the processors minimizing the total time (or the total cost) required for the accomplishment of all tasks. Clearly, this problem is generalized of the Assignment problem [7]. It’s known that the assignment problem can be solved by Hungarian method at a complexity of O(r3) (r = max{p, n}) but we note that the DSMW problem is NP-hard [5]. Subset with Minimal Weight is approved for optimal solution. Clearly, each element is dominant of itself and row of the existing. u ij is dominant of t (u ij ) rows except itself. So, the numbers of the rows which are covered with element u ij is t (u ij ) 1 . Definition 6. Clearly, each element is dominant of itself and row of the existing. u ij is dominant of t (u ij ) rows except itself. So, the numbers of the rows which are covered with element u ij is 5. Some Notations and Definitions t (u ij ) 1 . This number is called the degree of the It is given some definitions and notations in order to facilite our presentation. Definition 1. Let us take element u ij . If there are dominant of the element u ij , the proportion ( uij ) 1 j ( uij ) 2 ,j ( uij ) t ( uij ) rows ,..., j j u ij u ij1 ( ui ) ,u ij u i element ui j1 ( uij j j2 ( uij ) such ,..., u ij u ijt ( ui j ) that Definition 7. Suppose that the element u i j is dominant (or side dominant) of the element u ij . If is dominant of the elements the dominant weight proportion of the element u i j is not greater than the dominant weight proportion u ij of the element (namely, j u i ) , u ij2 ( ui ) ,..., u ijt ( ui ) (or dominant according to column). Besides, row j is dominant of rows j j j j1( ui ) , j 2( ui ) ,..., j t((uui j )) according to column i. i Definition 2. The dominance concept expresses that the element u ij covers numbered rows j proportion and it is denoted by R (u ij ) . then the j j u ij /(t (u ij ) 1) is called the dominant weight j j, j1(ui ) , j2(ui ) ,..., jt((uui j)) of element u ij . The subset i of the dominant elements which cover the rows of matrix ( u ij ) is called dominant subset. Definition 3. We say that the value of every one elements of the matrix is its weight and the sum of the weights of the elements of each subset is weight of the subset. Then, the DSMW problem is to find the dominant subset which has minimal weight. Definition 4. Each ( x ij ) matrix which ensures conditions (3)-(8) (or condition (ii)) is called feasible solution. We remark that X̂ is feasible solution and Û is the value of appropriate goal function. Definition 5. If feasible solution satisfies condition (2) (or condition (i)) then this solution is optimal. We mark that X* is optimal solution and appropriate value of goal function for X* is marked with U* . Clearly, a dominant subset is suitable for each feasible solution and Dominating R(u i j ) R(u ij )( ui j u ij ) ) then the t (u i j ) 1 t (u ij ) 1 element u i j is appropriate dominant according to the element u ij . Definition 8. For every row j, we determine element u j element as follow: u j min{ u ij }, j 1,..., p ve i j arg min{ u ij }, j 1,..., p i 1,n i 1,n It is obvious that u u i j . Let us call u ijj the j j critical element for row j. Definition 9. For every column i, we determine element u~i as follow: 0, if no critical element in column i ui max{u j u j u j }, otherwise i i j 1, p Suppose that i, then, u~i 0 , u~ max{ u j u j u j } max{ u j i i } u ji , i j 1, p i i j 1, p ij j i j i arg max{ u ijj i j i } . j 1, p We call element u iji dominant critical element for column i. A column which hasn’t any dominant element is called independent column. Definition 10. We set a data structure for every critical element u ij as follows. j j j ( u ij ; j, j1(ui ) , j 2(ui ) ,..., jt((uui j)) ). column of the matrix (u ij ) gives a feasible solution of the DSMW problem. Namely, condition (ii) or (conditions (3)-(8)) is feasible for every Ui . i Here, j is the number of the row of element u ij , j j j j1(ui ) , j 2(ui ) ,..., jt((uui j)) is numbers of rows which is i P6. The value of the goal function isn’t greater than the smallest of the biggest elements of the columns of the matrix (u ij ) for the optimal dominant according to column. The vector j j j ( u ij ; j, j1(ui ) , j 2(ui ) ,..., jt((uui j)) ) is called the solution of the DSMW problem. Namely, U * U . dominance vector of the element u ij and is P7. We get the following bounds for the optimal ~ value of the goal function. U U * U . i remarked with V( u ij ). Clearly, its number of coordinates is (t (u ij ) 1) . Definition 11. If the value of the goal function is better than that of the solution obtained by replacing u i j by u i j then we call u i j to be improved appropriate dominant. Let us accept the following notations. ~ U i max {u ij } , U min {U i } , U max{u~i } . i 1, n j 1, p i 1, n 6. The Properties of the DSMW Problem The following properties of the DSMW problem are known [3, 5]: P1. The set of the dominant critical elements of the problem gives a better feasible solution according to critical elements. Namely, n p i 1 j 1 uiji uijj . P2. The number of dominant critical elements (q) isn’t greater than the number of the columns (n). P3. There is an element which isn’t smaller than the biggest of dominant critical elements in each feasible solution. In other words, if p n ~ Uˆ uˆ ij xˆ ij then, uˆ ij U , û ij . i 1 j 1 P4. The value of the goal function is not smaller than the biggest of dominant critical elements in ~ each feasible solution. Namely, Uˆ U . P5. The biggest element Ui (i 1, n) of every P8. Suppose that U u cd . If u cd min {uid } then i 1, n x 1 is the optimal solution for the DSMW problem. d c ~ P9. Suppose that U ums . If u ms max{ u mj } then x ms 1 is the optimal solution for the DSMW problem. ~ ~ P10. If U U then U * U U . 7. A Solution Algorithm for the DSMW Problem The above theoric results is not important for practical applications. So that, an algorithm as compound of two algorithms, by using above properties for solving the problem is offered. In level 1(Steps A1- A2), the biggest dominant element for every column of matrix U is found. (Ui, (i=1,2,…,n); according to property 5, every one of them is a feasible solution), the smallest of them( U ) is chosen and it is accepted as initial solution ( Uˆ U ). If this solution Û is equal to the biggest of the dominant critical element then this solution is optimal according to properties 9 and the algorithm is stopped.(Step A6). In level 2 (Steps A3-A9), those are determined: the critical elements for every rows and dominant critical elements for every column. Then, dominant critical elements and critical elements are sorted in descending order provided that the dominant ones are at head. (Note: This line (line (10)) is used following sections as greedy criteria). The biggest of dominant critical elements is chosen and a feasible solution is found according to this line. This solution is compared with the old solution and if it is better then it is taken to new solution. In the other levels, according to properties 2-7, it is tried to improve found solution (A10-A31). So, according to dominants, it is used procedures to improve found solution. 7.1. Algorithm AA Algorithm AA is main algorithm and above levels are done by this algorithm. Besides, algorithm B is used as auxiliary algorithm. i(uk) and j(uk) are column and row numbers which consist of the element uk. Also, kg is line number of the order element which is examined in line (10) for current solution. A0: U=0, X ( xij ) 0 , (i 1, 2,.., n; . j 1, 2,..., p); P {1, 2,..., p} A1:Find u i max {u ij } and j 1, p j i arg max{ u ij }, i 1,2,..., n . j 1,n It is clear that u i u iji . A2: Find the smallest of them ( u ). Namely, the best of the feasible solutions for this time is determined. The best solution and the value of the its goal function are marked X̂ , Û . In other words, ˆ U min {U i } , i ji arg min {U i } . It is true that i 1, n i 1,n Uˆ uijji and it is marked that: i ig i ji , jg ji , kg 0 . A vector of the dominant (V(uj))is been setup for every this element. A3: Determine the critical elements for each row. Namely, u j min{ u ij } , i 1,n i j arg min{ u ij }, j 1,2,..., p . i 1,n A4: Find the dominant critical elements for each column ( u~i , i 1,..., n ) . If no critical element exist in column i (namely, it is independent column), u~i is assumed to be 0 for this column. A5: Sort the critical elements in descending order provided that the dominant ones are at head u~i1 u~i2 ... u~iq , u~iq 1 ... ui p (9) In (9), leftmost q elements are dominant critical elements and other elements are critical elements of rows u i q 1 ,..., u i p . (According to P2, qn). It is provided that which could use easier. v1 v 2 ... v q , v q 1 ... v p (10) v1 u~i1 , v2 u~i2 ,..., v p ui p Namely, . ˆ A6: If v1 U then X̂ is an optimal solution (According to P9). Namely, x jg 1, UG Uˆ , ig U Uˆ and goto A30. A7: Accept that: PK=P, U v1 , P=P-V(v1) and find a feasible solution according to the current order using Algorithm B. A8: For the newly obtained solution, if the value of the goal function U Uˆ then goto A10. A9:Acceptthat ˆ U U , ig i (v1 ), jg j (v1 ), kg ks. . A10: UG 0, uy Uˆ v , k 1, pk p. . * p A11: s=1. A12: j=PK(s). A13: l=1. A14: If u ij uy or u ij v k then goto A21. A15: Accept that : U u ij , P PK V (u ij ) . A16: If P then ks=0 and goto A18. A17: Find a feasible solution according to the current order using Algorithm B. A18: If U Uˆ then goto A21. A19: Uˆ U , ig i, jg j , kg ks. A20: If k=1 then uy Uˆ v . p A21: i=i+1. A22: If i n then goto A 14. A23: s=s+1. A24: If s pk then goto A12. A25: UG UG uigjg , xigjg 1. A26: If kg=0 then goto A29. A27:Acceptthat PK PK V (uigjg ), pk PK , uy uigjg , Uˆ Uˆ uy. A28: k=kg, ig=i(vk) . A29: Print X, UG. A30: STOP. 7.2. Algorithm B B0: The parameters U , P are determined by the program which calls. B1: k=1, ks=0. B2: If j (v k ) P then goto B7. B3: If ks=0 then ks=k. B4: U U vk . B5: P=P \ V (vk ) . B6: If P= then goto B9. B7: k=k+1. B8: If k p then goto B2. B9: End the algorithm with outputs of U , ks . Here, j(uk) are row number which consists of the element uk. 8. Computational Experiments To see the practice effectives of the proposed algorithm, computational experiments by written codes in C++ have been carried out on an IBM Pentium-S CPU 166 MHz. In this experiments, randomly generated input matrices ( u ij ) of different sizes are used. For the purpose of imitating inputs of general nature, the matrices are generated under the conditions stated below: 1) None of the rows major any other row; there li j1 li j2 . are no rows j1, j2 that for every i 2) 0 u ij 10.000 , i 1, n, j 1, p j and elements u i are integers. The experiments are done in three stages. In the first stage, small scale matrices are chosen and the solutions are found by both described algorithm and Branch & Bound algorithm in order to consider how close is the solution found by the algorithm to the optimum solution. Relative errors U* U are estimated by ratio . U* In this stage, matrices with dimensions p*n are investigated and values are chosen as n=5, 10 and p=5, 10, 15, 20 (Table 1-2). Results is denoted following tables. Table 1. Results for small scale matrices. n=5, p=5 n=5, p=10 No The Value of The Main Function B&B Heuristic 1 7652 7652 2 6341 6341 3 4410 4410 4 7493 7493 5 2559 2559 6 5711 5711 7 3523 3523 8 2652 2652 9 8713 8713 10 4572 4572 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3767 6914 2534 8663 8682 1842 2784 7655 5797 4822 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n=5, p=15 3767 0.00 6914 0.00 2534 0.00 8663 0.00 8682 0.00 1842 0.00 2791 0.00 7655 0.00 5797 0.00 4822 0.00 The Value of The Main Function B&B Heuristic 2564 2564 5627 5627 3727 3727 9547 9547 5753 5753 5915 5915 3514 33514 8521 8521 7257 7732 1642 1642 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 n=5, p=20 3782 3782 4667 4667 3932 3932 7563 7563 5932 5947 4775 4775 3617 3617 6923 6935 5678 5678 3718 3718 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 Table 2. Results for small scale matrices. n=10, p=5 n=10, p=10 The Value of The Main Function B&B Heuristic 1 9435 9435 2 4322 4322 3 3253 3253 4 7132 7132 5 8442 8442 6 9663 9663 7 2458 2458 8 7344 7344 9 4362 4362 10 4523 4523 The Value of The Main Function B&B Heuristic 8421 8421 4463 4528 4617 4617 5584 5584 9338 9338 8694 8694 4642 4642 7599 7599 6508 6508 3502 3502 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n=10, p=20 6843 6843 5668 5668 6828 6833 7724 7724 8553 8553 3872 3880 5753 5761 4851 4851 5560 5560 8775 8775 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5737 7513 3456 9663 4763 7514 8503 3776 6476 5738 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n=10, p=15 5737 0.00 7589 0.01 3456 0.00 9663 0.00 4763 0.00 7557 0.01 8503 0.00 3779 0.00 6476 0.00 5738 0.00 In the second stage, the rows and columns of the matrices are accepted as n=6, p=60 and the solutions are found by both described algorithm and Branch&Bound algorithm and it is given solution times to compare (Table 3). Table 3. Results for matrices(n=6, m=60) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B&B Time 9968 12977 8962 15861 8950 2978 6882 5959 9951 11953 77.47 sec. 134.1 sec. 93.62 sec. 92.21 sec. 123.1 sec. 116.2 sec. 84.69 sec. 103.3 sec. 97.41 sec. 124.5 sec. Heur. 9968 12977 8962 15861 8950 2978 6882 5959 9951 11953 Time 0.00 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.01 sec. 0.01 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.00 sec. 0.01 sec. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 In the third stage, the purpose is to evaluate the time required by the algorithm for solution of problems with larger scale input matrices. The values are chosen for matrices as p=1000 and n=15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95-(Table 4). Table 4. Results for large scale matrices . No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 p 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Time 0.05 sec. 0.06 sec. 0.14 sec. 0.13 sec. 0.18 sec. 0.17 sec. 0.24 sec. 0.21 sec. 0.25 sec. 0.33 sec. As it is seen from experiments, the presented algorithm gives usually the optimal solutions. In other cases, relative errors are rather small. Namely, found solutions are very near to optimal solutions. According to table 3, 4, it is seen that algorithm solves fast even for large scale input matrices. 9. Conclusion In this paper, a heuristic algorithm as using the properties of the DSMW problem with boolean variables which is equivalent to the Auxiliary problem which appears as solving Global Optimization problems by Cutting Angle Method is proposed. The limit for the number of iterations of the algorithm is O(nּpּlog2 p). Experiments done by proposed program in C++ show that the effectives of the algorithm is high. It is thought solving the Global Optimization Problem by using this algorithm with C.A.M. References [1] M.Yu.Andramonov, A.M.Rubinov and B.M.Glover , Cutting Angle methods in Global Optimization, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.12, 1999, pp. 95-100. [2] U.G. 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