
Data needs/sources/formats for F3 – compiled by Bob Warner 9/18/03
Temporal parameters:
1. Pelagic larval durations (PLD) and competency windows (the latter will be
estimated from the reported range of PLD for any particular organism. Will
parameterize flow/larval delivery models.
source: published literature (Sarah Lester synthesized this, will send me a
file; Grantham et al. for inverts)
format: species, (type of organism, where found?) number, range
2. Spawning periods of adults (seasons, duration). Will set the flow models in proper
seasonal context.
- source: Cailliet’s database, Fishbase
- format: species, (type of organism, where found?) range of months
Spatial/temporal parameters
1. Monitoring of recruitment time-series. Provides co-settlement data.
- sources: PISCO high-frequency sampling sites, several others
- format: species, time step, time series
2. Simultaneous monitoring of recruitment at multiple sites at multiple times. Sets the
space/time scales for delivery. Suggests kernel sizes. Tests for spikiness. Provides cosettlement data.
- sources: Gaylord/Gaines biweekly pier data, PISCO monthly intertidal
data (Broitman has done a lot of analyses on these – shows some broad
synchrony and no sign of spikiness), PISCO weekly SMURF data, Robertson
San Blas fish daily recruitment data, Caselle St. Croix weekly fish recruitment
data, several year-to-year series for commercial fishes (see Thompson and
Page, 1989), others? Time/space scales are all over the map.
- format: sites, locations, time series for recruitment for whatever species
were measured. Eventually, spatial covariance plots
Larval behavior
1. Vertical movements. Adds realism to lagrangian particles in flow model.
- sources: a. Age-specific depth distributions from net tows. Inverts – Brian
Grantham thesis, Mike Behrens is looking through his sources. Fish – Bob Cowen
and others.
b. Observed changes of depth in tanks – Susan Sogard and others
- format: species, age and depth
2. Horizontal movements. Suggests scales of zones of attraction in flow models for
particles once competency is reached.
- sources: for fish - Leis, Strobutski, Bellwood, Kingsford; inverts?
- format: species, age, swimming speed, detection distance (very little information
Spatial patterns
1. Spatial scales of variation in fish stocks. Tests output of ecological model.
- sources: much fishery assessment data, take it for what it’s worth; PISCO
subtidal surveys; upcoming CRANE data
- format: not known
2. Spatial scales of substrate/habitat/primary production. Parameterizes later versions
of the flow output, sets conditions for local population life histories in the ecological
- sources: Kinlan and McClintock assembling these data
- format: not known
3. Spatial scales of fishing activity. Needed to produce Hx parameters in even the
simplest ecological models.
- sources: CF&G logbooks? Barilotti’s finer scale information?
- format: area-specific fishing intensity
Adult life history/behavior patterns
1. Size/fecundity relationships. Needed for age-structured ecological model.
- sources: well-known for most fished species. Fisheries data, Fishbase, Cailliet’s
- format: species, size values, fecundity values.
2. Size/mortality relationships. Needed for age-structured ecological model.
- sources: not as well known for most fished species. Fishbase, Cailliet’s database
- format: species, size values, mortality rates.
3. Growth rates. Needed for age-structured ecological model.
- sources: well-known for most fished species. Fisheries data, Fishbase, Cailliet’s
- format: species, age values, size values.
4. Habitat or substrate-specific effects on growth, survival, and mortality. Needed for
age-structured ecological model in later versions.
- sources: some data for intertidal species; not much for fish (guppies,
silversides); fishery data
5. Adult movement patterns. Could set scale of subpopulations for ecological models
- sources: limited tag-recapture, acoustic tagging data
- format: species, mean and variance of home-range size