CHEERLEADING TEAM RULES Mission Statement: To enable all to have fun and feel worthy by enthusiastically facilitating student athletes to develop physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually to be the best that they can be. The rules for cheerleaders are listed below. The cheerleaders are expected to faithfully abide by these rules and failure to do so may result in suspension or dismissal from the cheerleading team. These rules must be closely adhered to as to insure the effectiveness of the team. 1. The decisions of the coaches must be followed. The rules of the Athletic Handbook with serve as the coaches’ guide ( 2. The training rules of the athletic code prevail for cheerleaders and each cheerleader is responsible for being aware of this code. 3. The Athletic Director or cheerleading coach will be the only persons with knowledge of game cancellations. Cheerleaders should arrive, on time, ready to cheer, until a decision to cancel is made. Poor weather does not mean a game will be canceled. 4. SUMMER ATTENDANCE - Summer practices are mandatory. If an athlete misses summer practices, her cheering time will be limited at the coach’s discretion. 5. SUMMER CHEERLEADING CAMP is strongly recommended. Participation in summer competitions will be the decision of the coach, with approval from the Athletics Director and Principal. 6. ATTENDANCE - Cheerleaders must be on time and wear proper practice uniforms to all practice sessions. Attendance at all practices and games is mandatory unless ill or family emergency. No cheerleader may leave practice until dismissed. A telephone call to the appropriate coach prior to a practice or game requesting an excused absence is mandatory. Should a cheerleader miss practice for any reason within the week prior to a scheduled game, the athlete will not start in that game and their cheering time will be limited. For every 1 practice missed, cheerleaders will sit out for ½ of the game. Cheerleaders who are excused/limited from practicing due to injuries (doctors note must be on file) are still required to attend all practices and games. Cheerleaders must be present at school in order to attend a game that falls on a school night. Uniforms approved by the coach may be worn to school only on game days. Attendance at dances, concerts and all social events will be closely monitored. If these events fall on a game night, cheerleading must take priority. 7. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES from either a practice or a game will result in limited cheering time. An unexcused absence is an absence in which the coach has not been notified; the accumulation of tardiness; the absence of summer practices; inappropriate attitude; inappropriate work ethic; missing school transportation; wearing inappropriate uniform to school or to a game; in school detention; unacceptable school attendance record. The CHS Athletic Handbook will serve as the coaches’ guide in disciplining this activity. Cheering time and practice time will be reduced at the coach’s discretion and is not open for discussion! 8. TRANSPORTATION - Cheerleaders must provide transportation to practice sessions and to and from home games. Cheerleaders are also responsible for getting to and from school for away games. A lack of transportation is not a valid excuse for missing games. Cheerleaders must also be on time for, and MUST take, school transportation to and from away contests. All personal grooming must be completed before riding on the bus. 9. TARDINESS will be closely monitored during the season. If the athlete is not dressed and ready to practice (this includes taping) when the coach calls practice to order, the athlete’s cheering time will be reduced at the coach’s discretion. For every instance that a cheerleader is tardy, she will be required to sit out for ¼ of the game. Tardies will be assessed to the student if a coach has to wait for their athlete to be picked up after a game, competition or practice. Tardiness will be assessed if the cheerleader is not in position at the beginning of a game or end of the half-time break of an athletic event. Additionally, accumulated tardy minutes of individuals will be made up on Saturdays. For instance, if a cheerleader is 5 minutes late for practice on Monday and Tuesday, the entire team will practice an additional 10 minutes. 10. Cheerleaders may participate in other varsity athletics during the cheerleading season. The student must designate a primary sport and a secondary sport. The primary sport will then become the priority should contests fall on the same day and time. 11. Cheerleaders may participate in other extracurricular activities; however cheerleading must be given top priority if a cheerleader is to remain on the squad. Cheerleaders must adhere to this decision or give up their position on the squad. 12. All CHS athletes and cheerleader must maintain a 2.0 GPA and pass five solid subjects to remain eligible. If an athlete does not achieve a 3.0 GPA the coach will have the discretion of assigning the athlete to an after school study hall or will assist in seeking tutoring. 13. EQUIPMENT - Cheerleaders will purchase shoes, socks, bodysuits, briefs, hair ribbons, sweat suits, travel bags, poms, summer camp shirts, summer camp shorts and other accessory articles of clothing to wear with the uniform which is not provided by the school. Cheerleaders are responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to school property. Cheerleaders may wear only the “appropriate uniform” as approved by the coach to school on game days. The “appropriate uniform” is defined as follows: cheerleading socks, cheerleading tennis shoes, bodysuit, briefs, vest, and skirt. A uniform being worn to school DOES NOT include sandals, sweat pants, sweat pants under cheer skirts, random T-shirts over cheer vests, hair down, large dangling earrings etc. Cheerleaders must keep all wearing apparel clean and neat and maintain a well-groomed appearance at all times in and out of uniform. NO JEWELRY will be worn at games and competitions. ONLY hair ribbons approved by the coach may be worn. NO NAIL POLISH will be worn at games and competitions. Visible TATTOOS and/or other BODY PIERCING will not be permitted while representing Carmel High School. Coaches will closely monitor adherence to this rule. 14. Hair must be kept clear of the face at all times while in uniform. Hair will be pulled back in a ponytail with hair ribbons. No other hair accessories are permitted. For practice, the attire must consist of shorts, t-shirt, tennis shoes. Tank tops and sports bras are prohibited. 15. Cheerleader should always give and encourage support of all school teams. 16. Cheerleader should continually strive to maintain harmonious relationships between all cheerleaders. There is not distinction of privileges between participants. 17. Cheerleader should always be enthusiastic, a good sport, and an example of good citizenship. 18. All awards will be presented at the conclusion of the season to eligible participants. 19. NO CELL PHONES WILL BE USED IN UNIFORM AND/OR ON THE PLAYING FIELD! 20. Bad language will not be tolerated. 21. Individual movement of an athlete from team to team will be at the coach’s discretion. 22. Every effort should be made to assure 8 hours of sleep each night during the season. The coach’s curfew will be 10:30 PM on Friday and Saturday nights before a competition. 23. School and classroom conduct will be closely monitored. The athlete must be on time, be prepared and organized, participate to the best of their ability and take pride in their academic performance. 24. Cheerleading showcases, college program visits, and coaching/privates with college coaches are prohibited from July 1 through December 31. Exceptions to this rule may be made by CHS coaches for the purpose of team visits and instruction of this nature. 25. Designated SAT & ACT testing date will be Saturday, December 4, 2010. Every effort to adhere to this date should be made. No other testing dates will be considered an excused absence. Revised 4/10