Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
~~Is weight loss surgery covered by my insurance?
While bariatric surgery is covered by many insurances, we do not know the
coverage of every plan. We suggest you contact your insurance customer
service department to see if it is a covered benefit for you.
~~How long will I be off of work?
Typically, patients are ready to go back to work anywhere from two weeks to
four weeks after surgery. This decision will be made when you come for your
post-op visits. The type of work you do may be a determining factor in this
~~Is there a special bowel prep for surgery?
If you are having a gastric bypass and are prone to constipation, we will give
you bowel prep instructions as part of your pre-operative education. If you
are having an adjustable band you will have a bowel prep and will receive
those instructions.
~~Is there a special diet to prepare for the surgery?
You will be asked to be on clear liquids for one to two days prior to surgery,
depending on the procedure you have done.
~~What are clear liquids?
Clear liquids are anything you can see through and include juices, broths,
popsicles, tea without milk or lemon.
~~Do I need to stop smoking?
YES! The surgeons want patients who smoke to have a minimum of six weeks
documented smoking cessation prior to being scheduled for surgery. Smoking
increases your risks of complications with surgery and anesthesia. You can
work with your primary medical doctor, cessation programs, etc to achieve
~~How long am I in the hospital?
Most of our patients are done on an outpatient/23 hour hold basis and are
discharged the day after surgery. If there is medical necessity to remain in
the hospital longer than 23 hours, you are then converted to an inpatient
~~How long does the surgery take to perform?
The lap band can take 60 to 90 minutes to perform while the bypass can
take up to 2 hours. For both surgeries you are completely anesthetized
during the entire procedure.
~~Will I have an IV, and if so, for how long?
An IV will be started just prior to surgery and provide fluids while you are
having the procedure. The IV remains in place until you are taking fluids well
while in the hospital.
~~Who performs the surgery? Are there assistants, and who are they?
The procedures are performed by Dr Farida Bounoua. In addition she is
assisted by Residents who have a great deal of surgical experience.
~~Does the surgeon talk with my family after the procedure?
The surgeon will come to the waiting area on the surgical floor to talk with
the family when the procedure is completed to let them know how surgery
went. You are usually in the recovery area at this time.
~~How long am I in the Recovery Room?
This varies with each individual, as you must be in stable condition prior to
being transferred to your room.
~~Will I have pain medication?
Pain medication is available during your stay at the hospital and you will
receive a prescription for some when you are discharged from the hospital.
~~Can my spouse stay overnight in the hospital with me?
Arrangements can be made to have your spouse stay during the night. Please
talk with the nurse in charge when moved to your room.
~~Should I bring my CPAP machine with me to the hospital?
You are welcome to bring your mask with you but please leave the machine at
home. The hospital will provide the machine while you are inpatient. Please
make the nurse in the clinic aware that you use a CPAP machine.
~~Are the beds in the hospital large enough for me?
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital has made every effort to have enough beds
that are specific to our bariatric patients so you should have one which will
support you and be comfortable during your stay.
~~Should I bring my own medications to the hospital with me?
Please do not bring your medications with you but do prepare a list of all of
the medications you take, including herbal supplements and vitamins. You will
be asked for this information and it will be easy to just provide it this way.
~~Will I need to receive blood transfusions during the procedure or after
Most of our patients do not need to receive blood transfusions for surgery.
Occasionally, a patient does need to receive a transfusion after gastric
bypass. If you are concerned about this, please talk with the nurses about
making arrangements prior to surgery for self-donated, or autologous units.
~~What do I eat after surgery?
We have a very specific diet program that you will follow for the first six
weeks after surgery. You will be given instructions by the dietician and
receive written guidelines to follow. The dietician is also available to talk
with you when you have questions.
~~Do you recommend any specific vitamins?
The dietician will talk with you about vitamins and what you will need to take.
There are many available and she will discuss them with you.
~~Is there a support group? When does it meet?
There is a support group available to patients who have had surgery at Santa
Barbara Cottage Hospital, and In Lompoc. Please ask the office for
scheduled dates.
~~Will I be able to take pills after surgery?
We will ask you to crush most pills for approximately 6 months after surgery
or take medications in liquid form.
~~Can I get pregnant after I have the surgery?
Because of the rapid weight loss during the first year, we do not recommend
that you become pregnant during this time. Please use some sort of birth
control during that time and discuss getting pregnant with the surgeon prior
to making a decisions about becoming pregnant.
~~Do I need to join a gym after surgery?
We do not require you to join a gym because there are many types of
activities you can do away from the gym setting. The most important thing is
that you incorporate and increase your activity level after surgery.
~~How often do I come back to the office for follow-up visits?
You will have immediate post-op visits a few days and 2 weeks after being
discharged from the hospital. Thereafter, we will have you come back at 3
months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year after surgery. Of course, if you are
having a problem we would want you to make an appointment to come to the
office to be seen by a physician at anytime.
~~What type of blood work is done as I am losing weight?
During the first year we will request that you have a comprehensive
metabolic panel, complete blood count, C-reactive protein, folic acid, zinc,
thiamine and Vitamins A, B12, and D levels done every three months. At six
and twelve months we will also ask you to have a lipid panel done.