Mississippi Development Authority

Welcome to the Application Process for the:
Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project
Applications acceptance dates are:
September 8, 2009 – November 16, 2009
Applications being sent by mail MUST be post marked prior to or on November 16,
2009. Applications received after this date or postmarked after November 16, 2009
WILL NOT be accepted into the program.
In lieu of filling out this paper application, MDA strongly encourages you to fill out the
online application found at:
If you require any assistance in filling out the paper or online version of the application,
or if you need any direct assistance, you may contact the NRRP Intake Center via
phone or an in-person visit:
1-866-981-7727 (toll free)
ADDRESS: 1641B Popps Ferry Road
Biloxi, MS 39532
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Mississippi Development Authority
Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project
The Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project is federally funded. The information
collected will be used to determine whether your application qualifies under the
Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project. It will not be disclosed other than to the
State of Mississippi or its agents without your consent, except for verification of
information, or as required and permitted by law.
In addition your application can be processed much faster if you provide the following
information with your application packet.
Photo ID for each owner and co-owner
A copy of the RECORDED Deed for the property. This item may be found at
your chancery court clerk’s office.
Tax Parcel Identification Number or a copy of your most recent tax bill
obtainable from your local tax assessor
Receipt showing tax payments are up to date
A map of the property location (Google map, MapQuest map, etc.)
Utility bills or other documentation that show the property on your application
currently has access to electricity, water, and sewer/septic (as required by local
A brief description of the construction/repair work which is to be performed on
the property, with estimated costs
Lead-based Paint Studies already performed for the property (if available)
Documentation of any Environmental Studies already performed for the
property (if available)
Elevation or V Zone Certificate for the property (if available)
Certificate of Occupancy (COO) if available; alternately, you may provide a
letter from your local building inspector that a COO is not required for your
Information regarding any SBA loans made against the property (if applicable)
Insurance policy for the property from August 29, 2005 (if applicable)
Information regarding any FEMA grants received for the property
Current insurance for the property: hazard, flood, wind pool, and general liability
Residential Substantial Damage Estimate for the property (if applicable)
In addition, business interests and non-profit organizations should provide:
 Photo IDs for each director, manager, trustee, and principal officer listed in the
 Organizational Documents for corporations, LLCs, and partnerships. These are
Articles of Incorporation, LLC Agreements, or Partnership Agreements.
 A Certificate of Good Standing issued by the State of Mississippi (for
corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships only)
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
If you are performing construction on your property:
 Construction Plans or blueprints that include the following information:
a) Building Elevation Information. This requirement applies to all new
construction units only. The vertical datum used to establish the proposed
elevation should also be stated. The following elevations must be included if
- Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawl space, or enclosure
- Top of the next higher floor
- Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only)
- Attached garage (top of slab)
- Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building
- Lowest adjacent finished grade
- Highest adjacent finished grade
b) Crawl space or enclosure information. This requirement applies to all new
construction units only. For units with a crawl space or enclosure, the plans
should include the square footage of the crawl space/enclosure, the number
of permanent flood openings in the crawl space/enclosure walls within 1.0 ft
above adjacent grade, and the total net area of flood openings.
c) Garage information. This requirement applies to all new construction units
only. For a unit with an attached garage, the plans should include the square
footage of the attached garage, the number of permanent flood openings in
the attached garage walls within 1.0 ft above adjacent grade, and the total net
area of flood openings.
d) Square footage of each unit. The drawing should provide adequate
dimensioning, so that an approximate square footage may be obtained from
the construction plans.
e) Designation of each unit included in the structure. The plan should identify
the location of each unit for multiple unit Applications.
f) Drawing Controls. Plans should include a directional indicator (North arrow)
and a bar scale.
g) Utility Information. Plans should include the proposed provisions to provide
electricity, water, and sewer/septic service (as required by local code)
Complete the Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project Application accurately, to the
best of your ability. Applications being sent by mail MUST BE post marked prior to or
on November 16, 2009. Applications received after this date or postmarked after
November 16, 2009 WILL NOT be accepted into the program.
Mississippi Development Authority
Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project
Post Office Box 7449
Biloxi, Mississippi 39540-7449
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 1 – Register Information
Please fill out Section 1 if you indicated that the Ownership Entity is an Individual or a
Co-Ownership with individual persons or a mix of persons and businesses.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
ZIP Code
Applicant Current Address:
Number and Street
Phone Number:
Did you participate in the SRAP2 program?
If yes, please provide SRAP2 account Email/Password:
SRAP2 Email Address:
SRAP2 Password:
_____ (min 5 characters)
If no, please provide:
Email Address:
(min 5 characters)
Application Name:__________________________________________________
NOTE: Enter a name for this application so you will be able to identify it on
subsequent returns. (Consider using the same name entered above or the name of
the business entity.)
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 2 – Preliminary Eligibility
These questions are meant to determine whether or not your application and property
meet the initial eligibility requirements of the Program. Please complete these
questions accurately, to the best of your ability.
1. Is the property located south of Interstate 10 and in Hancock, Harrison, or
Jackson Counties, Mississippi?
2. NRRP allows a maximum of four units2 on a single piece of property1. Each
piece of property should have a separate application.
Will the rental property in question contain between one (1) and four (4) units?
How many units will the finished property contain?
3. NRRP allows traditionally built structures and modular housing, but does NOT
allow town homes, mobile homes, or condominiums.
Are all the units on this property traditionally built structures or modular
4. For NRRP you must have actual, legal ownership of the property in question
before your application will be processed and accepted.
Do you currently have actual, legal ownership of the property in question?
5. Will all units on your application have access to electricity, water, and
sewer/septic (as required by local code)?
6. NRRP does NOT allow you to participate if any of the units are occupied by a
paying tenant as of the date of this application.
Are all of the units on this application currently unoccupied by paying tenants?
1. A Property is a piece of land, as described by the legal description filed in the county’s land records.
2. A Unit is defined as a single family dwelling.
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7. Did you apply for either round of the Small Rental Assistance Program?
(This question is for informational purposes only.)
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Section 3 – Ownership Information
The following section asks questions about the ownership of the rental property. You
must provide information as to ownership of the property and that you are the legal
entity to represent site control of the property.
1. Owner Type:
Individual – Complete Sections 4, 7 and 8.
Co-Owners – Complete Section 4, 5, 7 and 8.
Partnership – Complete Sections 6, 7 and 8.
Corporation – Complete Sections 6, 7 and 8.
LLC – Complete Sections 6, 7 and 8.
Not-for-Profit – Complete Sections 6, 7 and 8.
Trust – Complete Sections 4, 5, 7 and 8.
2. Has the Ownership Entity participated in Section 8 Housing programs?
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 4 – Individual/Primary Owner or Trustee Information
Please fill out Section 4 if you indicated that the Ownership Entity is an Individual or a
Co-Ownership with individual persons or a mix of persons, trusts, and/or businesses.
The Neighborhood Rental Restoration Project is federally funded, and as such, is
required to report demographic information to the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). However, information about race, ethnicity, gender, and
household size is not required and will never affect your scoring or the amount of
funding you receive. You are not required to provide information about race, ethnicity,
gender, or household size, but are encouraged to do so.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Current Address:
Number and Street
Current Mailing Address:
ZIP Code
Same as above
Daytime Phone/TTY:
ZIP Code
Evening Phone/TTY:
Email Address:
Social Security Number:
African American
Native American
Other _______________
Marital Status:
Legally Separated
Date of Birth:
Unmarried (Single, divorced, or widowed)
Household size: __________ (number of persons living in your home)
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 5 – Co-Owner Information
Please fill out Section 5 if you indicated the Ownership Entity is a Co-Ownership. The
following information must be provided for all co-owners of the rental property. Attach
additional sheets to your application as needed.
Co Owner 1:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Daytime Phone/TTY:
Evening Phone/TTY:
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Email Address:
Current Address:
Number and Street
ZIP Code
Co Owner 2:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Daytime Phone/TTY:
Evening Phone/TTY:
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Email Address:
Current Address:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Number and Street
ZIP Code
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 6 - Business Entity Information
Please fill out Section 6 if you indicated that the Ownership Entity is an LLC,
Partnership, Not-for-Profit, Trust, or Corporation. Please attach a page to your
application to provide a listing of all names, addresses, phone numbers, and
Social Security Numbers of all the corporate officers, directors, managers,
trustees, or principal officers.
Organization Name:
Legal Status:
Is your Organization a registered
Owned Business Enterprise
Minority Business Enterprise or
Federal Tax ID:
Mississippi Tax ID:
DUNS Number:
Email Address:
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
ZIP Code
Same as Physical Address
ZIP Code
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 7 – Rental Property Information
The following Section asks questions about the rental property and each of its
individual units. Please keep in mind as you answer these questions the following
 A property is an individual piece of land, as described by the legal description
filed in the county’s land records.
 A unit is defined as one livable space.
 A property may contain any combination of units, as long as there are no more
than four total.
 Example: A single family home counts as one unit.
Unit 1:
Building Type?
Traditional Construction
Approximate Year Built: _______________________
Year of Purchase: _______________________
Property Address:
Unit # (if applicable)
ZIP Code
Number of Bedrooms:
The program requires a minimum square footage for the unit based upon the number
of bedrooms within the unit. The requirements are:
660 SF for one bedroom units
880 SF for two bedroom units
990 SF for three bedroom units
Square Footage:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 1 (cont.):
Please provide tenant information for all persons over the age of eighteen (18) that
have/are renting this unit. Please provide this information only for the MOST recent
renter. If the unit is currently unoccupied please include the move out date of the most
recent tenant.
Tenant #1 Name:
Tenant #2 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
Tenant #3 Name:
Tenant #4 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 1 (cont.):
Please complete the following only if you will be performing construction work on the
rental property or conversion of a property to rental.
Note: If you have NOT begun construction and/or have not entered into a contract for
construction, you are PROHIBITED from beginning the construction until you receive
your NRRP loan. If you have already begun construction, you may continue but with
the risk that your actions may have had an adverse environmental effect. If you are
already under contract you may continue the work but only what is specified in
the existing contract.
Construction Status:
Construction not yet started
Construction complete
No construction required
Expected or Actual Start Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Expected or Actual End Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Construction Intent (Check all that apply)
Repair/Rebuild the structure on the exact same location it was pre-Katrina.
Rebuild the structure with a larger floor plan than the original structure.
Rebuild on a different location within the property on which the original structure
was located.
Approximate square footage of the unit before construction:
Approximate square footage of the unit after construction:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 1 (cont.):
The following section asks questions about your plans for renting units after the repair
or reconstruction of the rental property.
All rental property units included on this application must be rented at or below the
50% Area Median Income (AMI) rate.
Harrison and Hancock Counties
Jackson County
Utilities Included?
Rent Amount
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 2:
Building Type?
Traditional Construction
Approximate Year Built: _______________________
Year of Purchase: _______________________
Property Address:
Unit # (if applicable)
ZIP Code
Number of Bedrooms:
The program requires a minimum square footage for the unit based upon the number
of bedrooms within the unit. The requirements are:
660 SF for one bedroom units
880 SF for two bedroom units
990 SF for three bedroom units
Square Footage:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 2 (cont.):
Please provide tenant information for all persons over the age of eighteen (18) that
have/are renting this unit. Please provide this information only for the MOST recent
renter. If the unit is currently unoccupied please include the move out date of the most
recent tenant.
Tenant #1 Name:
Tenant #2 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
Tenant #3 Name:
Tenant #4 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 2 (cont.):
Please complete the following only if you will be performing construction work on the
rental property or conversion of a property to rental.
Note: If you have NOT begun construction and/or have not entered into a contract for
construction, you are PROHIBITED from beginning the construction until you receive
your NRRP loan. If you have already begun construction, you may continue but with
the risk that your actions may have had an adverse environmental effect. If you are
already under contract you may continue the work but only what is specified in
the existing contract.
Construction Status:
Construction not yet started
Construction complete
No construction required
Expected or Actual Start Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Expected or Actual End Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Construction Intent (Check all that apply)
Repair/Rebuild the structure on the exact same location it was pre-Katrina.
Rebuild the structure with a larger floor plan than the original structure.
Rebuild on a different location within the property on which the original structure
was located.
Approximate square footage of the unit before construction:
Approximate square footage of the unit after construction:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 2 (cont.):
The following section asks questions about your plans for renting units after the repair
or reconstruction of the rental property.
All rental property units included on this application must be rented at or below the
50% Area Median Income (AMI) rate.
Harrison and Hancock Counties
Jackson County
Utilities Included?
Rent Amount
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 3:
Building Type?
Traditional Construction
Approximate Year Built: _______________________
Year of Purchase: _______________________
Property Address:
Unit # (if applicable)
ZIP Code
Number of Bedrooms:
The program requires a minimum square footage for the unit based upon the number
of bedrooms within the unit. The requirements are:
660 SF for one bedroom units
880 SF for two bedroom units
990 SF for three bedroom units
Square Footage:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 3 (cont.):
Please provide tenant information for all persons over the age of eighteen (18) that
have/are renting this unit. Please provide this information only for the MOST recent
renter. If the unit is currently unoccupied please include the move out date of the most
recent tenant.
Tenant #1 Name:
Tenant #2 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
Tenant #3 Name:
Tenant #4 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 3 (cont.):
Please complete the following only if you will be performing construction work on the
rental property or conversion of a property to rental.
Note: If you have NOT begun construction and/or have not entered into a contract for
construction, you are PROHIBITED from beginning the construction until you receive
your NRRP loan. If you have already begun construction, you may continue but with
the risk that your actions may have had an adverse environmental effect. If you are
already under contract you may continue the work but only what is specified in
the existing contract.
Construction Status:
Construction not yet started
Construction complete
No construction required
Expected or Actual Start Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Expected or Actual End Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Construction Intent (Check all that apply)
Repair/Rebuild the structure on the exact same location it was pre-Katrina.
Rebuild the structure with a larger floor plan than the original structure.
Rebuild on a different location within the property on which the original structure
was located.
Approximate square footage of the unit before construction:
Approximate square footage of the unit after construction:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 3 (cont.):
The following section asks questions about your plans for renting units after the repair
or reconstruction of the rental property.
All rental property units included on this application must be rented at or below the
50% Area Median Income (AMI) rate.
Harrison and Hancock Counties
Jackson County
Utilities Included?
Rent Amount
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 4:
Building Type?
Traditional Construction
Approximate Year Built: _______________________
Year of Purchase: _______________________
Property Address:
Unit # (if applicable)
ZIP Code
Number of Bedrooms:
The program requires a minimum square footage for the unit based upon the number
of bedrooms within the unit. The requirements are:
660 SF for one bedroom units
880 SF for two bedroom units
990 SF for three bedroom units
Square Footage:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 4 (cont.):
Please provide tenant information for all persons over the age of eighteen (18) that
have/are renting this unit. Please provide this information only for the MOST recent
renter. If the unit is currently unoccupied please include the move out date of the most
recent tenant.
Tenant #1 Name:
Tenant #2 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
Tenant #3 Name:
Tenant #4 Name:
Move-In Date:
Move-In Date:
Move-Out Date:
Move-Out Date:
Last Rent Charged:
Last Rent Charged:
Current Mailing
Current Mailing
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 4 (cont.):
Please complete the following only if you will be performing construction work on the
rental property or conversion of a property to rental.
Note: If you have NOT begun construction and/or have not entered into a contract for
construction, you are PROHIBITED from beginning the construction until you receive
your NRRP loan. If you have already begun construction, you may continue but with
the risk that your actions may have had an adverse environmental effect. If you are
already under contract you may continue the work but only what is specified in
the existing contract.
Construction Status:
Construction not yet started
Construction complete
No construction required
Expected or Actual Start Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Expected or Actual End Date of Construction: ______________ (month/year)
Construction Intent (Check all that apply)
Repair/Rebuild the structure on the exact same location it was pre-Katrina.
Rebuild the structure with a larger floor plan than the original structure.
Rebuild on a different location within the property on which the original structure
was located.
Approximate square footage of the unit before construction:
Approximate square footage of the unit after construction:
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Unit 4 (cont.):
The following section asks questions about your plans for renting units after the repair
or reconstruction of the rental property.
All rental property units included on this application must be rented at or below the
50% Area Median Income (AMI) rate.
Harrison and Hancock Counties
Jackson County
Utilities Included?
Rent Amount
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Section 8 – Insurance Information
Are you currently engaged in arbitration, mediation, or litigation with any insurance
company regarding the payment of any insurance proceeds relative to the property in
Have you received or do you expect to receive any insurance proceeds from any
source relative to the property in question?
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09
Thank you for completing the application to the Neighborhood Rental Restoration
Project. Your local service center will be contacting you or your designee within the
next week. Please be prepared to discuss your application and answer any questions
that your service center representative may have.
Additionally, the service center will schedule a time for you to have a counseling
session with a Program Analyst. There are only a limited number of spots available
for these sessions. Session spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. You
must complete this counseling session before your application will be considered for
If your basic application meets all of the NRRP requirements, your service center
representative will provide you with an application number that must be included on
any correspondence or inquiry about your application.
Finally, please remember that all applications must be received before November 16,
NRRP MS FORM# 005 v1.0 09/29/09