PROVINCE of BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY of ENERGY, MINES & PETROLEUM RESOURCES Geological Survey Geofile 2005_18: Digital Data Files *********************************************************** British Columbia Till Geochemical Surveys *********************************************************** File: README.DOC Date: December 2005 Digital files 2005_18_96 and 2005_18_97_98 contain all sample location information, and analytical data collected from 1996 to 1998 as part of a multi-year till geochemical survey over the Adams Plateau area of Central British Columbia. Geofile 2005-18 is a overview of the techniques used to collect and analyse the samples, the regional ice-flow history and maps showing the distribution of Iron (Fe2O3), Calcium (CaO), Titanium (TiO2) chromium (Cr2O3), Arsenic (As), Gold (Au), Nickel (Ni) and Copper (Cu) in the till samples. The digital files have the raw geochemical data from which the maps were created plus additional elements. The following headings are common to each file. SAMPLE: MAP: UTM_ZN: UTM_E: UTM_N: Laboratory sample number 1:50 000 NTS Map Sheet Number NTS UTM Zone UTM Easting, NAD 27 UTM Northing, NAD 27 QC: Quality Control; R = Routine Sample; DUP 1 = Field Duplicate 1, DUP 2 Field Duplicate 2. Sample Type; M1 = Regional basal till; M2 = Regional Ablation Till; M3 = Granite based basal till; M4 = Granite based ablation till. CM1 and CM2 = Colluviated till. MAT: SITE: Location at which the sample was collected. Site descriptions are listed in the individual Open Files referenced in Geofile 2005_18 _ICP: = Aqua regia digestion followed by Inductively Coupled plasma emission spectrometry (1996 results) _ ICM: = Aqua regia digestion followed by ultrasonic nebulizer- inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (1997 & 1998 results) _NA: = Instrumental neutron activation analysis _LI: = Lithium metaborate fusion followed by Inductively Coupled plasma emission spectrometry _GRAV: = Loss on ignition at 550OC C_TOT: = Leco combustion analysis for C S_TOT: = Leco combustion analysis for S SUM: = Sum of oxides The data is in two files because more sensitive ultrasonic nebulizer- inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry was used the determine trace elements after aqua regia digestion in 1997 and 1998. Consequently, there are differences in the suite of elements measured in 1996 and their detection limits compared in 1997 and 1998. Elements determined by instrumental neutron activation and lithium metaborate fusion- inductively Coupled plasma emission spectrometry have similar detection limits in all years and can therefore be combined into a seamless file. Considerable effort has been taken to ensure that the data files are free of error. Please, contact the British Columbia Geological Survey in Victoria if any discrepancies arise. ***********************************************************