bulletin 12/13/2015 - Alto Reformed Church

A loving WELCOME! to each person present today. May the real
spirit of Christmas be with you through this holiday season.
Prelude - Youtube – Ring the Bells
Welcome, Announcements
Search Team-Randy Bruins
We Approach God
Lighting of the Advent Candle – Joy
Opening Prayer
Sarah Bruins
Praise Singing
Praise Team
Hymn #135 “Joy to the World! vs. 1 & 2
#132 “Angels We Have Heard on High”
#139 “Go, Tell It on the Mountains” vs. 1 & 2
Ministry of Music
Jr. Choir
We Hear God’s Word
(Children (3 year olds -1st grade) are dismissed at this
time for Walk Out Worship in the basement)
Congregational Prayer
Offering (you-tube: “This Baby” By Steven Curtis Chapman)
*Response #69 “O Come, Let Us Adore Him” v. 3
We’ll give Him all the glory, We’ll give Him all the glory,
We’ll give Him all the glory, Christ the Lord.
Rev. Frank Moore
Prayer of Thanksgiving
We Respond to God
*Closing Chorus #382 “My Jesus, I Love Thee” v. 1
Today at the ARC
December 13, 2015
Morning Worship: Thanks to those who shared their gifts in ministry.
Ushers: Larry Daane, Matt McDowell, Bryan Ter Beest, Andy Derksen,
Cory Flier
Nursery: Carrie Flegner, Brianna Core, Courtney Ruis, Isaac Glewen
Greeters: (M)Ron & Helene Daane
(N)Ken & Val Bille
Benevolent offering is for Girls/Guys Retreats
Video Tech: Liam Glewen
Fellowship Time follows worship
10: 45-11:30 Sunday School Today
New participants are always welcome. Come when you can!
Sunday School offerings will go towards Mission Backpack.
Sunbeamers: (Preschool 3 years & up, basement Sunbeam Room) - A
snack will be served in the class, so come right in for singing, Story: David
and Goliath
Elementary: Grab lemonade and a cookie in the basement tiled area, then
come to the carpet area for singing and to meet your teachers.
K/1st- Mary Learns About Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
Memory Challenge for January 17th: John 3:16
nd rd
2 /3 - Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
Memory Challenge for January 17th: Psalm 23:1-3
th th
4 /5 A Mountaintop Goodbye (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1: 4-12)
Memory Challenge for January 17th: Matthew 28:18-20
6th: Prayer: Who’s Listening? (Mathew 26:36-41; Luke 11:11-13; Psalm 13;
2 Corinthians 12:6-10)
Memory Challenge for January 17th: Philippians 4:6-7
th th
7 /8 : Heidelberg Catechism
Memory Challenge for January 17th: Apostles Creed
Senior high – Meet in the youth room for today’s topic.
Sunday School Guide- Meet under the balcony for a class that digs into
scripture using the Sunday School Guide Publishing.
Not A Fan- Join Jessa TerBeest in the Prayer room for a discussion on Kyle
Idlemen’s book, Not A Fan where we’ll discover whether we want to be true
followers of Jesus and not just His fan.
The Christmas Experience- Join us in the consistory room where we’ll be
studying the Christmas story through “The Christmas Experience”.
Throughout this class we’ll be watching short DVD clips and commentary,
followed by class discussion. This class is sure to get you thinking about
what’s really behind the season of Christmas!!
5:30 TROUT caroling
This Week’s Events
Tape Ministry…week of December 13-19…Miley Ter Beest and Jim
Monday, December 14
7:00 Deacon’s Meeting
Tuesday, December 15
8:00 Prayer Meeting
Wednesday, December 16
11:30 Golden Lifers potluck
5:50 Prayer Meeting
6:00 K-5th Grade Christmas Program Practice
7:30 Mixed Choir
Thursday, December 17
7:00-9:00 Post-high Christmas Party here at church
Next Sunday
9:30 Morning Worship: The Mixed Choir will present their Cantata
during the morning worship. Loose offering will go to the Mixed Choir.
Ushers: Brett Loomans, Kirk Van Buren, Rich Kamphuis, Tyler
Loomans, Paul Bruins
Nursery: Sheila Schultz, Jen Smedema, Margaret Jurjens, Drew Sauer
Greeters: (M)Milan & Bonnie Vande Zande
(N)Clark & Diane Harmsen
Benevolent offering is for regular benevolence
Parking Assistance: Scott & Jill Van De List
Sound Tech: Jason Mulder
Video Tech: Olivia DeVries
Fellowship Time follows worship
10:45 Sunday School – Classes for all ages
7:00 Sunday School Christmas Program - Next Sunday night the
Sunbeamers through 5th graders will present their program. Loose
offering will go to our White Gift recipient – the Dawn Revels family.
Sound Tech: Jason Mulder Greeters: Larry & Donna Kok
Bulletin Board News
We extend our sympathy and prayers to Steve & Jane Chene and
family in the death of Steve’s dad.
Congratulations to Margaret Hoekstra as she observes her 82 nd
birthday on Wednesday, December 16.
At the December 8 Consistory Meeting, the Search Team
unanimously recommended to the consistory to extend a Call to Pastor
Kevin Van Wyk from the Bridge of Hope Reformed Church, Waterloo, IA.
The Consistory, by unanimous vote, will recommend to the congregation
on January 3, 2016 at a special Congregational Meeting to approve
this Call.
All Church Christmas Caroling is tonight at 5:30pm. please join the
TROUT kids as we break into groups to go Christmas Caroling to the
shut-ins and around Alto. If you are willing, please bring some Christmas
goodies to divide into plates for the people we'll be visiting. Everyone is
welcome, so please invite friends and family!
Golden Lifers Potluck is this Wednesday, December 16 at 11:30. Bring
a dish to pass. Table service and beverages will be furnished.
White Gift recipient for this year is the Dawn Revels family. Each
Sunday School class will collect offering each week or you can place
your gift in the white-wrapped boxes in the entryway, or you’ll have an
opportunity to give at the Christmas program next Sunday night.
Tape Ministry – A new schedule will be made out for the first 6 months
of 2016. If anyone would like to help with delivering cds/dvds of the
worship services to the shut-ins or nursing homes, please sign the sheet
on the desk.
Mixed Choir Cantata - 9:30 am Sunday, December 20
Celebrating Heaven’s Child
Christmas Card Distribution by the SHARCS will go through December
27th. Just bring your Christmas cards, place them in the box, and the
students will get them to the correct church mailboxes! All we ask is that
if you are able, please donate the money that you would have spent on
stamps to the SHARCS for their upcoming mission trip. Thank you!
Men’s Ministries will be starting another book study in January, The
Man In The Mirror. Please sign up on the information desk if you would
like to join us. Any questions? Call Jason Mulder 960-5344 or Cody
Mueller 948-2693
Benefit for Marcia (Van Buren) Hopp on December 13, 2015, 11:005:00pm at The Union Hall, 443 Scott St., Ripon, WI 54971. Bake Sale, Silent
Auction, Baskets. Dinner: 2 bbq sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans,
chips. (Cost for dinner: $10 at the door, $8 in advance)
2016 Offering Envelopes are on a table in the entryway. On the
insert you will find the 2016 Benevolent Schedule. If you are interested
in using the Auto Pay Account (80% goes towards General fund, 20%
goes to Missionary Salary) at the National Bank: The Routing # is
075902308, Account # 4003640. Any questions can be directed to the
2016 deacons: Dan Bresser, Chris Jahn, Berwyn Van Buren, Dewey
Bille, Lucas Bruins, Andy Derksen, Karl Bruins, Nate Daane or Joel Ruis.
If you didn’t get envelopes, please call the church office.
Let’s Celebrate Christmas Together! Join us for supper at church
before the Christmas Eve Service. The meal is provided…no need to
bring anything. Transportation provided if needed. Please sign up on
the information desk. Any questions? Please call Peg Bresser 382-9648
or Gloria Mulder 346-5343.
Thank you for the delicious fruit basket.
Lowell Bruins
Thank you for the wonderful fruit basket. I’d also like to wish everyone a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ruth Ehlts
Thank you to those who made food, served and visited with our guests.
You make it possible for the mission to carry on.
The Community Table
Update on Nicole Kastein (Wyman & Donna’s granddaughter) She
began her 3rd of 5 rounds of chemo last week with more intense drugs.
She finished with some side effects, but continues to be tough, resilient
and trusting. Please continue to pray for God’s grace and for complete
Gratefully, Kurt & Andrea Kastein
Aaron Zeatlow’s address
321TRS/FLTB113 (2C2)
1320Truemper Street unit 364049
JBSA-Lackland, TX 78236-6431
Consistory Notes
1. Chris & Nicki Jahn requested to have their son, Brody Lee baptized.
2. Craig & Elizabeth Nelson requested to have their daughter, Reeve
Isabelle baptized.
3. Ordination/Installation will be January 3rd in the morning and
Communion is scheduled for January 17th.
4. Executive Committee: Duane Bille, Vice President, Brian TenpasClerk, Dewey Bille-Chairman of Deacons, Andy Derksen-General
Treasurer, Dan Bresser – Benevolent Treasurer.
5. Pine Haven Men’s Chorus will have a program on February 28 am.
Youth News
TROUT - we're going Christmas caroling at 5:30 tonight and we'll be
back by 7!
SHARCS - A-teams Christmas Parties on Wednesday! Check with your
coaches to see where you'll be meeting!
Community Notices
Bethel Reformed Church, 305 W Main St, Brandon, WI - 6:00pm
Choir Cantata “Emmanuel, God with Us” Sunday, December 13.
Bethel Reformed Youth Group will be hosting a Christmas Celebration,
on Sunday, December 13 at 2:00pm at the Old Stone Church, north of
Alto. Parking available at Alto Reformed Church with bussing to the Old
Stone Church.
Coming Events
December 13
December 14
December 16
December 20
December 24
December 27
December 28
January 3
January 5
January 12
Rev. Frank Moore, WOW – AM
7:00 Deacon’s Meeting
6:00- 7:30 K-5th grade Christmas Program practice
9:30am Mixed Choir Cantata,
7:00pm SS Christmas Program
7:00 Christmas Eve Worship
A Christmas Celebration, All Choirs sing – AM
7:00 Deacon’s Meeting
Installation/Ordination, Pastor John Tilstra - AM
Congregational Meeting follows worship
1:30 Memorial Service – Pastor Ted
2:00 Women’s Missionary Circle, 7:00 Elder’s Meeting
7:00 Consistory Meeting
Visitors, we welcome you! We are delighted that
you have come to worship with us on this Lord’s Day.
We meet here to exalt in our worship the name of
Jesus Christ through music, through the spoken Word
of a Holy God & through the fellowship of God’s
people. Please let us know who you are and how we
may serve you.
Please fill in this insert and put in offering plate.
Please communicate with us
___Visiting worshipper
___New in the community
___Desiring info &/or visit
regarding church membership
___Interested in having the
plan of salvation explained.
NAME __________________ADDRESS_______________PHONE__
R – repent A – ask Y – yield
Prayer Concerns
From: December 6, 2015
*=concerns submitted since last week
1. *Pray for the working of the Holy Spirit in our church family and for people
to be saved!
2. *Pray for the RCA leadership to stand firm on Biblical Authority.
3. *Pray for Pastor Kevin Van Wyk and all details he has to consider with the
decision of accepting the Call to Alto Reformed Church.
4. *Pray for God’s leading and guidance in the vision for a new Christian Home.
5. *Pray for the REACH Program in Waupun and the need for more
6. *Praying for America: North Carolina– Population: 9.5 million, Isaiah 55:6-11
7. *Pray for Steve & Jane Chene, Steve’s dad passed away Tuesday
8. *Pray for the Team preparing the Mission Trip to DeFuniak Springs, FL,
January 3-10.
9. Pray for leaders of our congregation and all ministries at the ARC.
10. Pray for Adam Bunker and wife, Kayla and daughter, Hazel stationed in
South Carolina and Aaron Zeatlow stationed in Texas.
11. Pray for leaders of our country and for the troops still overseas
12. Friends and family with cancer, undergoing treatment, hospitalized,
recovering from surgery or illness – Dawn Revels, Marcia Hopp, Glen
Loomans, Linda Huizenga, Larry Prellwitz, Bart Bruins, Beth Vossekuil,
Marvin Sturing, Wayne Hull, Lisa Daane, Jan Frei, Nicole Kastein, Valeen
Pluim, Dave Rumley.
13. Members in nursing homes or those confined to their home. – Gladys
Kastein, Bernice Kok, Germaine Van Loo, Doris Daane, Junice Vande
Zande, Warren Mouw, Sylvia Schouten, Lowell Glewen, Eleanor Ter Beest,
Merle Navis, Wyman & Donna Kastein, Helen Straks, Lowell Bruins, Eleanor
Loomans, Katherine Prange, John Bille.
14. Missionaries – Larry & Linda McAuley, David & Char Alexander, Dick &
Donna Swart, Scott Ritzema-Youth For Christ, Ryan & Catie Boon-Cedar
Lake Ministries, Jill Vande Zande with InterVarsity in Bakersfield , CA., Mike &
Jen Eppinger with Campus Crusade
1. Tear off and deposit in offering plate at the close of
2. It will be prayed for today in our Prayer class during
Sunday School, and in prayer meeting on Wednesday.
3. May be submitted as often as you desire.
4. May be submitted anonymously.
Check box if you do not want it published in “Prayer
Prayer Request: _______________________________________________