Evaluation Plan – Open or Selective EOI User Guidance This model Request for Expressions of Interest – Conditions for Application has been developed for use by NSW Government Agencies. It is to be used in conjunction with the associated Returnable Schedules, which are in a separate file. Guide Notes This document contains guidance in hidden text, i.e. GUIDE NOTES Guide Note examples If the guide notes are not visible, click on the Show/Hide button : • If still not visible, on the Office menu, click Word Options; • Click the Display tab; • Tick the Hidden Text check box and click the OK button. Read and follow all Guide Notes carefully. General Some clauses require options to be selected and some are not applicable in specific circumstances. Where the symbol ‘»’ appears, information specific to the project and the responsible agency must be inserted. Click onto each ‘»’ and over-type. If additional clauses or paragraphs are required to suit project-specific needs, ensure they do not repeat what is stated in the standard clauses and create ambiguities in the documents. Notes: 1. Remove guide notes from the document prior to issue, either manually or using the following steps: • On the Edit menu, click Replace; then (if required) • Click the More button; • Click the Format button, click on Font; • Tick the Hidden check box and click the OK button; • Click the Special button, click on Any Character; then • Click the Replace All button. 2. Delete this User Guidance, along with the following Page Break. <Insert Agency Name> EVALUATION PLAN EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR » CONTRACT No. » EOI 1.0 General The objective of this Evaluation Plan is to set out the method to be used to evaluate application responses to the Expression of Interest for the purpose of establishing a panel of Prequalified Contractors who will be invited to tender for construction works for the ». The Plan addresses the following: Background Composition of the Evaluation Committee Time Procedure Evaluation Criteria Acceptance of the Contractor panel Evaluation / Selection Report Recommendations 2.0 Background » » In order to engage a construction contractor for the works, the » <has invited all organisations prequalified under the Department of Finance and Services Contractor Prequalification and Best Practice Accreditation Scheme 20112014 in the category » Works: »> <has issued an open Expression of Interest with no restrictions as to those organisations that may respond.> Risk, Confidentiality and Probity Risk, confidentiality and probity during the evaluation process will be managed as follows: Applications close electronically in the NSW Government eTendering website at 9.30am, » » 20»; Contact with the applicants during the evaluation period will be documented and confirmed in writing; Applications will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee in a secure room and the applications will be stored securely at all other times; and Applicants’ intellectual property and other confidential information will not be disclosed to other applicants. 3.0 Composition of Evaluation Committee The Evaluation Committee comprises the following members: INSERT NAME / TITLE / AGENCY Evaluation Committee Name Role Agency / Section / Position <insert name> Chairperson » » <insert name> Member » » <insert name> Member » » <insert name> Secretary » » INSERT NAME The Secretary of the Evaluation Committee, », will provide support for the Evaluation Committee but will have no determining rights in the selection of a Tenderer Panel. By signing this Evaluation Plan, the Evaluation Committee is aware of the requirement to keep all matters relating to the applications confidential and to report any conflict of interest to and seek instructions from the Chairperson. Where considered necessary by the Evaluation Committee, assistance may be sought from others in relation to technical, legal, insurance and financial matters. 4.0 Time INSERT DATE / LOCATION / TIME The evaluation meeting will be held on » at the offices of the », commencing at ». 5.0 Procedure The Evaluation Committee has agreed that the procedures below will apply to evaluate all applications received and to prepare a recommendation for acceptance: 1. Prior to the close of the Request for EOI: (a) weighting of the assessment criteria and scoring methodology have been determined; (b) the minimum / maximum number of applicants to be pre-registered, together with the number of next ranked applicants to be included as reserves, have been determined. INSERT AGENCY’S NAME 2. The »will receive the applications through the eTenders system. 3. The Evaluation Committee will meet to evaluate jointly and agree on scoring of applications against the previously agreed criteria. 4. Evaluation Committee members will be required to disclose any current or past associations with any of the applicants or their companies or any other circumstance that could lead to a conflict of interest. The Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee will determine if a conflict of interest exists and arrange for a replacement member if necessary. The Secretary will ensure that Evaluation Committee members sign the Department’s/Agency’s Code of Conduct for the evaluation process before the Evaluation Committee proceeds with the assessment process. 5. The Evaluation Committee members will individually read the applications and evaluate the information submitted by each applicant and score each evaluation criterion using Section 6 below. 6. The Evaluation Committee will assess and score all applicants according to information received in the applications. 7. Following completion of assessment of all applicants, the overall score of each applicant will be checked to confirm the rankings. 8. All communication with the applicants shall be via the Chairperson and will be in writing. INSERT NAME / TITLE / AGENCY 9. The Chairperson will prepare the final Evaluation Report for consideration and endorsement by the Evaluation Committee. The final Report will be forwarded to » for approval. 6.0 Evaluation Criteria Applications will be evaluated based on the criteria set out in the Expression of Interest. 6.1 Evaluation Criteria The Applicants must satisfy the following criteria: 6.1.1 Scoring Criteria - Table 1 INSERT CRITERION AND WEIGHTING IN TABLE– EXAMPLES OF CRITERIA AND WEIGHTINGS ARE SHOWN BELOW Serial Criterion Weighting (%) sub total 1 Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance on contracts of a similar nature in Australia in the last five (5) years. 50 2 The composition and experience of the applicant’s team proposed to engage effectively with »Agency» and its representative(s) during the ETI and subsequent tendering process. 20 3 The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team, including the key personnel and major sub-contractors proposed in the case of the applicant winning the tender for the proposed work. 15 4 The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting »Agency’s» procurement process timetable contained in the EOI document. 15 Total 100 For each criterion, scores will be awarded on a descending scale, i.e. the most merit attracting the highest score, lesser merit attracting a lesser score and equal merit attracting an equal score. 6.1.2 Details of the scoring for the various listed criteria. Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance on contracts of a similar nature in Australia. Assessment Criteria Rating No response provided Applicant has demonstrated minimal experience on previous similar projects and referees’ reports indicate that performance is acceptable. 1 – 33 Applicant has demonstrated moderate experience on previous similar projects, and satisfactory performance is indicated in referee reports & referee checks. 34 – 66 Applicant has demonstrated extensive experience on previous similar projects, and good past performance is confirmed by referee reports & referee checks. 67 – 100 0 The composition and experience of the applicant’s team proposed to engage effectively with the Agency and its representative(s) during the ETI and subsequent tendering process. Assessment Criteria Rating No response provided The applicant has assembled a team whose key members’ experience in cooperative tender processes, negotiations and development of tender documents – as presented in the applicant’s Submission – is judged acceptable. 1 – 33 The applicant has assembled a team whose key members’ experience in cooperative tender processes, negotiations and development of tender documents – based on the evidence in the applicant’s Submission – is judged as good to very good. 34 – 66 The applicant has assembled a team whose key members’ experience in cooperative tender processes, negotiations and development of tender documents – based on the evidence in the applicant’s Submission – is judged as superior and also may have been demonstrated on previous engagements with »Agency». 67 – 100 0 The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team, including the key personnel and major sub-contractors, proposed in the case of the applicant winning the tender for the proposed work. Assessment Criteria Rating No response provided The applicant has proposed a project delivery team whose mix of key members and sub-contractors – as presented in the applicant’s Submission – is considered acceptable. 1 – 33 The Applicant has proposed a project team whose mix of key members and sub-contractors whose experience in project management, resource coordination and construction of works of a similar nature to the one required is considered as good. 34 – 66 The applicant has proposed a project team whose mix of key members and sub-contractors with experience in project management, resource coordination and construction of works of a similar nature to the one required is considered as superior and also may have been demonstrated on previous engagements with »Agency». 67 – 100 0 The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting the Client Agency’s procurement process timetable contained in the Briefing Document. Assessment Criteria No response provided The applicant has provided assurances in its application that it is Rating 0 1 – 33 committed to meeting the timetable and that it has the ability to carry out the required work without impeding its other commitments. The applicant has demonstrated that it not only is committed to the meeting the timetable but that its resource base is such that it has the ability to carry out the required work without impeding its other commitments. 34 – 66 The applicant has clearly demonstrated that it is committed to meeting the timetable and that its resource base is such that it has the ability to carry out the required work without impeding his other commitments. 67 – 100 Notes: A. Applications failing to respond to any one of the criteria will receive a zero (“0”) rating for that criterion and the application may be passed over without further evaluation. B. To ascertain the performance of each applicant against each of the predetermined selection criteria, an individual rating value between 0 and 100 will be assigned. It will then be multiplied by the weighting. The resulting individual score will represent the performance of each application against each criterion. 7.2 Total Score The scores for each applicant will be determined by consensus of the members of the Evaluation Committee. The final scoring for all Evaluation Criteria will be established by a consensus decision of the Evaluation Committee. Final scores will be ranked highest to lowest. The highest ranked EOI application will be numbered 1, the next rated 2, and so forth. This will form the basis on which the Evaluation Committee selects the applicants to be pre-registered including reserves. INSERT NUMBER OF APPLICANTS AND RESERVES The aim of the Evaluation Committee will be to select up to » applicants. The inclusion of an additional » applicant(s) will be considered as a reserve(s) to allow for possible withdrawal / non-performance of the selected applicants. 7.3 Equal Score In the event of equal scoring for any applications, the final ranking will take account of contractor performance data from the Department of Finance and Services Contractor & Consultant Management System (CCMS), Agency Clients own performance management system and/or formal performance reports from the applicant’s clients. The applicant with the higher level of performance will receive the higher ranking. 7.0 Selected Applicants Evaluation Report INSERT NUMBER OF APPLICANTS AND RESERVES At the end of this process up to ») preferred applicants plus up to » reserves will be selected. The Evaluation Report and recommendation will follow the format presented in Attachment 1. 8.0 Recommendation It is recommended that this procedure for the evaluation of applications for the engagement be approved by the Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee concurs with the Evaluation Plan and agrees to sign the Code of Conduct for the evaluation process: Recommended by: <insert name> Chairperson Endorsed by: Endorsed by: <insert name> Member <insert name> Member Endorsed by: <insert name> Member Approved by: <insert name> <Insert position delegate> <Insert agency> title of approval (Appendix 1) Evaluation Report Background <INSERT PROJECT NAME> Project name: »Expression of Interest for tender panel selection for INSERT NO Engagement number: Description of services: Contract No. » EOI <eg Construction Contractor> Client agency: <Insert details> Estimate: $X.XM (if known) Application method: Selective EOI / Open EOI Application closing date: <Insert date> Application closing office: <insert details> Contact person: <insert name> Telephone: (02) <insert no> Details of Work <Insert summary of Background and Scope of Work> Pre-Evaluation Actions (From Evaluation Plan) Evaluation of Applications (From Evaluation Committee review and meeting) Selection of applicants for potential tenderers (List of successful applicants) Commentary on successful applicants Supporting documents Documents supporting the evaluation report and recommendation are: Attachment 1 Contractor Evaluation Plan Attachment 2 Evaluation Criteria Scores Attachment 3 Score Calculation Sheet Recommendation It is recommended that: Attachment 1: Evaluation Plan Attachment 2 (1 of X): Evaluation Criteria Scores Applicant’s Name: Project name: INSERT AGENCY AND PROJECT NAME » INSERT PROJECT NAME Expression of Interest for » Contract number: INSERT NO Contract No. » EOI Description of work: INSERT DETAILS SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR » Evaluation Criteria Score (out of 100) Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance on contracts of a similar nature in Australia in the last five (5) years. The composition and experience of the applicant’s team proposed to engage effectively with the Client Agency and its representative(s) during the ETI and subsequent tendering process. The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team, including the key personnel and major sub-contractors, proposed in the case of the applicant winning the tender for the proposed work. The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting the Client Agency’s procurement process timetable contained in the EOI document. Evaluation Committee signatures: Chairperson Member Member Member Date: Comment Attachment 2 (2 of X): Evaluation Criteria Scores Applicant’s Name: Project name: INSERT AGENCY AND PROJECT NAME » INSERT PROJECT NAME Expression of Interest for » Contract number: INSERT NO Contract No. » EOI Description of work: INSERT DETAILS SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR » Evaluation Criteria Score (out of 100) Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance on contracts of a similar nature in Australia in the last five (5) years. The composition and experience of the applicant’s team proposed to engage effectively with the Client Agency and its representative(s) during the ETI and subsequent tendering process. The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team, including the key personnel and major sub-contractors, proposed in the case of the applicant winning the tender for the proposed work. The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting the Client Agency’s procurement process timetable contained in the EOI document. Evaluation Committee signatures: Chairperson Member Member Member Date: Comment Attachment 2 (3 of X): Evaluation Criteria Scores Applicant’s Name: Project name: INSERT AGENCY AND PROJECT NAME » INSERT PROJECT NAME Expression of Interest for » Contract number: INSERT NO Contract No. » EOI Description of work: INSERT DETAILS SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR » Evaluation Criteria Score (out of 100) Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance on contracts of a similar nature in Australia in the last five (5) years. The composition and experience of the applicant’s team proposed to effectively engage with the Agency and its representative(s) during the ETI and subsequent tendering process. The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team, including the key personnel and major sub-contractors, proposed in the case of the applicant winning the tender for the proposed work. The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting the Client Agency’s procurement process timetable contained in the EOI document. Evaluation Committee signatures: Chairperson Member Member Member Date: Comment Attachment 3: Score Calculation Sheet Evaluation Criteria Max Score Weighting Evidence of the applicant’s experience and performance. 100 50 The composition and experience of the applicant’s team in the ECI and tendering. 100 20 The make-up of the applicant’s construction delivery team. 100 15 The applicant’s commitment to and capability in meeting the timetable. 100 15 (Applicant 1) Score Total Score Evaluation Committee signatures: 100 Chairperson Member Member Member Date: Weighted (Applicant 2) Score Weighted Applicant’s Names (Applicant 3) Score Weighted (Applicant 4) Score Weighted (Applicant 5) Score Weighted