Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health WORKFORCE CENSUS 30TH SEPTEMBER 2009 RCPCH Use Received Date Acknowledged Data Input Date Data Input By Follow Up Queries Complete Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health WORKFORCE CENSUS - 30TH SEPTEMBER 2009 General Information 1. The questionnaire is to be completed by the Clinical Directors or Clinical Leads in integrated trusts responsible for child health services. 2. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that our list of Clinical Directors and Leads is complete there may be some inaccuracies. In which case please pass the form to whoever is responsible and provide Shazia Mahmood with the correct contact details. 3. Pre-loaded Information in Sections 1 and 3 (blue font) is taken from the 2007 Census. This requires updating for the situation as at 30 September 2009. The data collected in this form will only be used for RCPCH business purposes, and details about individual doctors will not be passed onto third parties. 4. The census does not include a section for paediatric trainees. The College will collect this information separately in 2009. 5. For additional or replacement forms, please contact Shazia Mahmood at the College (details below). It is also planned to make copies of the blank form downloadable from the College website 6. If there are further queries, please contact either Shazia Mahmood or Martin McColgan at the college for further advice (details below). 7. Forms should be returned in the reply-paid envelope by 31st October 2009. (Shazia Mahmood, Science & Research Department, FREEPOST RRTE-JSAH-TTCL, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 511 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH). 8. Alternatively the form can be sent to you as a Microsoft Word document and returned by email. Contact details: Martin McColgan, Workforce Information Officer: Research Division, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH Tel 020 7092 6162, Email Shazia Mahmood, Workforce Assistant: Research Division, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH Tel 020 7092 6163, Email Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health WORKFORCE CENSUS - 30TH SEPTEMBER 2009 FORM D: TO BE COMPLETED BY CLINICAL DIRECTOR OR CLINICAL LEAD RESPONSIBLE FOR CHILD HEALTH SERVICES IN TERTIARY CENTRES Section 1: Contact details, configuration, services and workforce pressures This section is to confirm details of the current Clinical Director/Lead Clinician; and to provide information about the child health services configuration in each trust to compare with previous years. It also asks for your three most important workforce pressures. 1.1 TRUST NAME* *Health Board Name in Scotland and Northern Ireland if appropriate CONTACT DETAILS OF CLINICAL DIRECTOR/LEAD PAEDIATRICIAN Are your details correct, please update where appropriate? If you are not the right person please pass to a colleague and tell Martin McColgan at the College. 1.2 Title 1.3 First Name 1.4 Surname 1.5 Post Title 1.6 Address 1.7 Postcode 1.8 Tel No. 1.9 Email CONFIGURATION OF CHILDREN’S SERVICES IN YOUR TRUST Reconfiguration or reorganisation of children’s services within your trust: 1.10 Has been completed since September 2007 Yes* No 1.11 Is currently underway Yes* No 1.12 Is planned for the future Yes* No 1.13 *If ‘yes’ to any of 110, 1.11 or 1.12 please describe reconfiguration / reorganisation: PAEDIATRIC SERVICES PROVIDED IN YOUR TRUST AS AT 30th SEPTEMBER 2009 Create a separate row for each hospital/unit data in the table below for each of the paediatric units within yourTrust. 1.14 Unit/Hospital Name 1.15 In patients 1.16 Out patients 1.17 Tertiary Services (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Neonatal Care 1.18 Level Of Unit (1, 2, 3 or 0=no unit) If Unit = level 2 1.19 Number of days of Level 1 (full intensive care provided 1st January to 30th June 2009 (6 months Emergency Departments 1.20 Children seen in ED (Y/N) 1.21 Children seen in Dedicated ED (Y/N) Help – Section 1 Paediatric Services 1.17 Enter yes, if a recognised College subspecialist service exists which takes referrals from other hospitals. 1.18 Level of Unit = BAPM Level 1.21 A dedicated ED = ED facilities with separate waiting, assessment and treatment areas. 1.23 Hours. Enter the total hours per week the unit is open e.g. 84 (if unit open 8-8, 7 days a week). 1.24 If no, and the unit sees in-patients, it is assumed the PAU is collocated with the paediatric ward. 1.25 Please answer yes if the unit is a location listed by the deanery in a PMETB approved training programme. 1.26-1.28 Also known as COW, Physician of the Week (POW), Neonatologist of the week (NOW) and “Hot week” Paediatric Assessment Unit PMETB Consultant of the Week* system operates? 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 Do If ‘yes’ Is it co Location in Gen Neona Gen & you total located PMETB Paeds tal Neo have a hours with ED? approved (Y/N) (Y/N) combi PAU? open (Y/N) training ned (Y/N) per programme? (Y/N) week (Y/N) Paediatric Rheumatology Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Paediatric Palliative Care Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Neurology Paediatric Neurodisability Paediatric Nephrology Neonatology Paediatric Metabolic Medicine Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine Paediatric Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunology Gastroenterology and Hepatology & Nutrition 1.29 Unit/Hospital Name Paediatric Endocrinology Community Child Health Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology Child Mental Health Paediatric Emergency Medicine TERTIARY PAEDIATRIC SPECIALIST SERVICES PROVIDED IN YOUR TRUST AS AT SEPTEMBER 30TH 2009 Please indicate the specialties at each tertiary unit within your trust in the table below. 1.30 Specialty Provided (please tick all that apply) 1.31 WORKFORCE PRESSURES Please briefly describe the 3 greatest workforce pressures or issues that are most important to you at the present time 1 2 3 NEW CONSULTANTS - WTD FUNDING 1.32 How many new consultant posts (in 2009), either filled or currently vacant, have been funded by DH monies allocated in support of WTD implementation. 1.33 How many of these posts include in the job plan PAs allocated to resident shift working Section 2: Rotas as at September 30th 2009 PAEDIATRIC ROTAS – GENERAL / NEONATAL / SAFEGUARDING/SUDI/PAU Please enter details of rotas in separate tables for each tier. Include general paediatric rotas, combined general/neonatal rotas, safeguarding, SUDI and rotas on paediatric assessment units. Separate neonatal rotas for level 3 units should only be listed if the neonatal lead in your Trust is not completing a separate return. Do not include subspecialty rotas in this table. If there are rotas which cover more than one hospital site, please give both names under question 2.1. If more complex arrangements exist, please explain in question 2.27 or telephone/email the workforce team to describe the rotas. We are also interested in plans for non-WTD2009 compliant rotas, please enter your comments in question 2.28 Tier 1 Rotas (Junior, “SHO” level rotas) 2.1 Hospital (Name of Hospital or assessment unit) 2.2 Service G=General G/N= Gen/Neo N=Neonatal S=Safeguarding SU=SUDI A=Assessment Unit 2.3 Number of posts on Rota 2.4 Whole Time Equiv (WTE) on Rota 2.5 WTD 2009 Is rota paper compliant? (Yes/no) Vacancies on rota 2.13 WTD 2009 Is rota paper compliant? (Yes/no) Vacancies on rota 2.8 Grade breakdown of rota - wte 2.6 Number 2.7 WTE ST doctors ST1-8 FTSTA LAT ACF/ACL ST doctors other specialties (non paeds) FY doctors GP Foundation Programme doctors Trust and other doctors Nurses AP ANP ANNP APNP ST doctors other specialties (non paeds) Trust and other doctors Nurses AP ANP ANNP APNP Tier 2 Rotas (Middle Grade) 2.9 Hospital (Name of Hospital or assessment unit) 2.10 Service G=General G/N= Gen/Neo N=Neonatal S=Safeguarding SU=SUDI A=Assessment Unit 2.11 Number of posts on Rota 2.12 Whole Time Equiv (WTE) on Rota 2.16 Grade Breakdown of rota - wte 2.14 Number 2.15 WTE Consultants SASG / Specialty Doctors ST doctors ST1-8 FTSTA LAT ACF/ACL Tier 3 Rotas (Consultants) 2.17 Hospital (Name of Hospital or assessment unit) 2.18 Service G=General G/N= Gen/Neo N=Neonatal S=Safeguarding SU=SUDI A=Assessment Unit 2.19 Number of posts on Rota 2.23 WTE on Rota 2.24 WTD 2009 Is rota paper compliant? (Yes/no) Vacancies on rota 2.25 Number 2.26 WTE Help – Section 2 - Rotas Questions 2.8, 2.16 - ST doctors Include the total whole time equivalent of doctors training in paediatrics or paediatric specialties here - ST doctors other specialties (non paeds) eg paediatric surgeons, cardiologists - Trust and Other Doctors – include all Trust Grade doctors, Clinical Fellows, Senior Clinical Fellows, Clinical Research Fellows, Teaching Fellows, and Lecturers - SASG/Specialty Doctors - include Staff Grades, Associate Specialists, Specialty Doctors, CMOs, SCMOs, and Clinical Assistants. Non-Standard Rotas - Consultants - include Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers. 2.27 Please use the space below to give brief details of any non-standard rota arrangements that exist and have an impact on workload. For example1) Where your rotas involve doctors working in other trusts/organisations. 2) Community doctors working elsewhere during the day but contributing to out of hours. 3) Hospital doctors who work on the acute rota but also contributing to the SUDI rota Non-Compliant Rotas. 2.28 Please comment about any non-compliant WTD 2009 rotas. This should cover whether there is an agreed plan to make the rota compliant, brief details about the plan and whether it has been approved. Also let us know if derogation has been applied for any of your rotas and whether it has been granted. PAEDIATRIC SUBSPECIALTY ROTAS AS AT SEPTEMBER 30TH 2009 Does the trust have separate paediatric specialty rotas? Yes No If yes, please provide details in the table below for each subspecialty rota. If no, please go to Form 4. 2.29 Unit/Hospital Name 2.30 Specialty 2.31 Provision of specialty cover (see notes) 2.32 Is there a separate on-call consultant grade rota? Normal Working Hours Yes/No Out of Hours No. WTE WTD Compli ant at 30/9/09 2.33 Is there a separate on-call middle grade rota? Yes/No No. WTE WTD Compli ant at 30/9/0 9 2.34 Is there a separate on-call junior grade rota? Yes/No No. WTE WTD Compliant at 30/9/09 Help – Section 2 - Paediatric Subspecialty Rotas 2.31 Provision of specialty cover. Please use one of the following codes to indicate how the subspecialty is covered during ‘normal working hours’ and ‘out of hours’: D = Dedicated Team for Subspecialty A = General Acute Team O = Other Specialty Team 2.32, 2.33 and 2.34 Is there a Separate Rota? (Yes/No) Answer Yes - if there is a separate rota, and provide the total headcount and whole time equivalent for all doctors participating in each rota. Answer No if there is not a separate rota. Section 3: Career Grade Workforce as at 30th September 2009 in Tertiary Centres General - The census will not be collecting individual data on paediatric trainees working in the UK as it will be captured through College training records. You should include consultants (including academic paediatricians), SASG grade doctors, Specialty doctors, Trust Grade doctors, Clinical Fellows and all other non-training grade paediatricians in this section. - Please enter data for the doctors in the 4 separate tables 3A for Consultants (General and Specialist), 3B for SASG/Other doctors, 3C for Academics and 3D for non-paediatric subspecialists working over 50% of their time with children. - Include o All non-training grade paediatric doctors working in general and neonatal services (for level 3 units see below) in your Trust. o Specialist paediatricians working in your trust. Include only those working in specialties designated by the College for training in tables 3A and 3C. o Academic paediatricians, including where known academic paediatricians who do not have clinical commitments. Record these in table 3C o In table 3D we would like where possible for you to record details of specialist consultants from other non-paediatric training specialties who are working the vast majority of their time in paediatric services. This would include dermatology, paediatric cardiology, haematology, genetics and audiovestibular medicine. It should not include paediatric surgery, anaesthesia, radiology or laboratory specialties. If detailed data for these doctors is unavailable please try to provide the minimum possible in order that we can establish numbers, as data on the subspecialty workforce is going to be a project in its own right this year. - Do not include unless you have agreed otherwise o Community paediatricians who work 100% in the community. We will be requesting this information from the lead community paediatrician in your trust, but please include data for any doctors who combine acute and community work and fall under job types 3, 4 or 5. o Doctors who work exclusively on a level 3 neonatal unit as we will be collecting those data from the neonatal lead in your Trust, unless you are also the neonatal clinical lead. 3.21 Other 3.20 Research 3.19 Teaching 3.17 Number of PAs for Clinical Care (DCC) 3.18 Professional Activities 3.16 Total number of PAs in contract (as decimal) 3.15 Place of Grad for primary medical degree 3.14 On the general paediatric on-call rota (Yes/No) 3.13 Subspecialty (if job type = 7 or 8 3.12 Job Type 3.11 Contract Type 3.10 Hospital/Unit where doctor based (only if more than one hospital in Trust 3.9 Grade Honorary Appointment 3.8 Grade – Primary Appointment 3.7 GMC Number 3.6 Date of Birth 3.5 Gender (M/F) 3.4 Surname 3.3 Initials 3.2 First Name 3.1 Title 3A Paediatric Consultants as at September 30th 2009 Non - DCC PAs Help – Section 3A – Career Grade Workforce - Consultants 3.8 Grade – Primary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant P=Professor 3.9 Grade – Honorary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant SL=Senior Lecturer L=Lecturer X=No honorary appointment 3.11 Contract Type. Please use one of the following codes to indicate the doctor’s contract type: 1=Permanent R=Reader P=Professor 2=Fixed Term 3=Locum: Known Term SL=Senior Lecturer R=Reader 4=Locum: Unknown Term 3.12 Job Type. Please use the code that describes each doctor most closely. 1= Specialist in a Tertiary Centre 3= 75% General/25% Community 4= 50% General/50% Community 5= 25% General/75% Community 6= 100% Community 7= Specialist in DGH/Other Centre working within managed clinical network 8= Community Paediatrician with a special interest 3.13 Subspecialty This data to be completed ONLY in respect of doctors where Job Type = 1, 7 or 8. Please use the following codes. 1= Paediatric Emergency 5= Community child 10= Paediatric Infectious 12= Paediatric Metabolic 15=Paediatric Medicine health disease, allergy & medicine Neurodisability 3= Child mental health 7= Paediatric immunology 13= Neonatology 16= Paediatric Neurology Endocrinology 4= Paediatric Clinical 8= Gastroenterology and 11=Paediatric Intensive 14= Paediatric 17=Paediatric Oncology pharmacology Hepatology & Nutrition care medicine Nephrology 3.14 Place of Graduation for primary medical degree. Please use one of the following codes: UK= United Kingdom 18= Paediatric Palliative care 19= Paediatric Respiratory medicine 20=Paediatric Rheumatology EEA= European Economic Area O=Other 3.15 Total number of Programmed Activities. Enter the total number of contracted PAs. Enter as a decimal e.g. 10.5 3.16 Number of Programmed Activities for Clinical Care. Enter the number of contracted clinical care PAs e.g. 6.5 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20 Please enter as a decimal, where applicable the number of SPAs in the contract for professional activities, teaching, research and other work. The totals in 3.16-3.20 should not exceed PAs in 3.15. 3.35 If post becomes vacant, plan to replace by Consultant (Yes/No) 3.34 Place of Grad for primary medical degree 3.33 Job Type 3.32 Contract Type 3.31 Whole Time Equivalent (only if more than one hospital in Trust) 3.30 Hospital / Unit where doctor is based 3.29 Grade 3.28 GMC Number 3.27 Date of Birth 3.26 Gender (M/F) 3.25 Surname 3.24 Initials 3.23 First Name 3.22 Title 3B Staff & Associate Specialist Grade, Other Career Grade and Specialty Doctors as at September 30th 2009 Help – Section 3B – Career Grade Workforce – SASG, Other and Specialty Doctors 3.29 Grade. Please use one of the following codes: AS=Associate Specialist, SG=Staff Grade, S=Specialty Doctor CA=Clinical Assistant (>4 sessions), SCMO, CMO, TGDSG=Trust Grade Doctor Staff Grade equivalent, TGDAS=Trust Grade Doctor Associate Specialist equivalent, TGDR=Trust Grade Doctor ST4-8 equivalent, TGDSHO=Trust Grade Doctor ST1-3 equivalent, O=Other Non Training Grade, please specify. (Include Clinical fellows and Hospital Practitioners) 3.32 Contract Type. Please use one of the following codes to indicate the doctor’s contract type: 1=Permanent 2=Fixed Term 3=Locum: Known Term 4=Locum: Unknown Term 3.33 Job Type. Please use the code that describes each doctor most closely. 1= Specialist in a Tertiary Centre 2= 100% General Paediatrician 3= 75% General/25% Community 4= 50% General/50% Community 5= 25% General/75% Community 6= 100% Community 7= Specialist in DGH/Other Centre working within managed clinical network 8= Community Paediatrician with a special interest 3.34 Place of Graduation for primary medical degree. Please use one of the following codes: UK= United Kingdom EEA= European Economic Area O=Other 3.35 If post becomes vacant. Enter Yes if on re-advertisement of the post on retirement or resignation of post-holder, there is an agreed plan for it to become a consultant position. 3.56 Other 3.55 Research 3.54 Teaching 3.53 Professional Activities 3.52 Number of PAs for Clinical Care (DCC) 3.51 Total number of PAs in contract 3.50 Place of Grad for primary medical degree 3.49 On the general paediatric on-call rota (Yes/No) 3.48 Subspecialty (if job type = 1, 7, or 8) 3.47 Job Type 3.46 Contract Type 3.45 Hospital/Unit where doctor based (if more than one hospital in Trust 3.44 Grade - Honorary Appointment 3.43 Grade - Primary Appointment 3.42 GMC Number 3.41 Date of Birth 3.40 Gender (M/F) 3.39 Surname 3.38 Initials 3.37 First Name 3.36 Title 3C ACADEMIC CONSULTANTS as at September 30th 2009 Non - DCC PAs Help – Section 3C – Academic Consultants 3.43 Grade – Primary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant P=Professor 3.44 Grade – Honorary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant SL=Senior Lecturer L=Lecturer X=No honorary appointment 3.46 Contract Type. Please use one of the following codes to indicate the doctor’s contract type: 1=Permanent R=Reader P=Professor 2=Fixed Term 3=Locum: Known Term SL=Senior Lecturer R=Reader 4=Locum: Unknown Term 3.47 Job Type. Please use the code that describes each doctor most closely. 1= Specialist in a Tertiary Centre 3= 75% General/25% Community 4= 50% General/50% Community 5= 25% General/75% Community 6= 100% Community 7= Specialist in DGH/Other Centre working within managed clinical network 8= Community Paediatrician with a special interest 3.48 Subspecialty This data to be completed ONLY in respect of doctors where Job Type = 1, 7 or 8. Please use the following codes. 1= Paediatric Emergency 5= Community child 10= Paediatric Infectious 12= Paediatric Metabolic 15=Paediatric Medicine health disease, allergy & medicine Neurodisability 3= Child mental health 7= Paediatric immunology 13= Neonatology 16= Paediatric Neurology Endocrinology 4= Paediatric Clinical 8= Gastroenterology and 11=Paediatric Intensive 14= Paediatric 17=Paediatric Oncology pharmacology Hepatology & Nutrition care medicine Nephrology 3.50 Place of Graduation for primary medical degree. Please use one of the following codes: UK= United Kingdom 18= Paediatric Palliative care 19= Paediatric Respiratory medicine 20=Paediatric Rheumatology EEA= European Economic Area O=Other 3.51 Total number of Programmed Activities. Enter the total number of contracted PAs. Enter as a decimal e.g. 10.5 3.52 Number of Programmed Activities for Clinical Care. Enter the number of contracted clinical care PAs e.g. 6.5 3.53, 3.54, 3.55, 3.56 Please enter as a decimal, where applicable the number of SPAs in the contract for professional activities, teaching, research and other work. The totals in 3.53-3.56 should not exceed PAs in 3.51. 3D Specialist Consultants who work with children but not paediatricians as at September 30th 2009 This section is for recording specialist consultants who are working for the majority of their time (greater than 50%) in paediatric services, but are not on the specialist register as a paediatrician. This work will contribute to the future project to collect robust data on the subspecialist workforce in all trusts. These specialties would include paediatric services in dermatology, genetics, audiovestibular medicine, haematology and paediatric cardiology. We are not including numbers of paediatric surgeons, anaesthetists radiologists or laboratory consultants in this census. 3.77 Other 3.76 Research 3.75 Teaching Non - DCC PAs 3.73 Number of PAs for Clinical Care (DCC) 3.74 Professional Activities 3.72 Total number of PAs in contract (as decimal) 3.71 Place of Grad for primary medical degree 3.70 On the general paediatric on-call rota (Yes/No) 3.69 Subspecialty (if job type = 7 or 8 3.68 Job Type 3.67 Contract Type 3.66 Hospital/Unit where doctor based (only if more than one hospital in Trust 3.65 Grade Honorary Appointment 3.64Grade – Primary Appointment 3.63 GMC Number 3.62 Date of Birth 3.61Gender (M/F) 3.60 Surname 3.59 Initials 3.58 First Name 3.57 Title It is recognised that information about these doctors will be more difficult to gather as many will be employed in other directorates. Whilst we would be grateful for as much detail as possible, a minimum of name, grade and subspecialty should be provided in order to develop a picture of the size of the workforce contributing to paediatric services Help – Section 3D – Career Grade Workforce – Non-Paediatric Consultants 3.64 Grade – Primary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant P=Professor 3.65 Grade – Honorary Appointment - Please use one of the following codes to indicate the consultant’s grade: C=NHS Consultant SL=Senior Lecturer L=Lecturer X=No honorary appointment 3.67 Contract Type. Please use one of the following codes to indicate the doctor’s contract type: 1=Permanent R=Reader P=Professor 2=Fixed Term 3=Locum: Known Term SL=Senior Lecturer R=Reader 4=Locum: Unknown Term 3.68 Job Type. Please use the code that describes each doctor most closely. 1= Specialist in a Tertiary Centre 3= 75% General/25% Community 4= 50% General/50% Community 5= 25% General/75% Community 6= 100% Community 7= Specialist in DGH/Other Centre working within managed clinical network 8= Community Paediatrician with a special interest 3.69 Subspecialty This data to be completed ONLY in respect of doctors where Job Type = 1, 7 or 8. Please use the following codes. 21= Dermatology 22= Genetics 23=Audiovestibular 24=Haematology 25=Paediatric Cardiology Medicine 3.71 Place of Graduation for primary medical degree. Please use one of the following codes: UK= United Kingdom EEA= European Economic Area O=Other 3.72 Total number of Programmed Activities. Enter the total number of contracted PAs. Enter as a decimal e.g. 10.5 3.73 Number of Programmed Activities for Clinical Care. Enter the number of contracted clinical care PAs e.g. 6.5 3.74, 3.75, 3.76, 3.77 Please enter as a decimal, where applicable the number of SPAs in the contract for professional activities, teaching, research and other work. The totals in 3.74-3.77 should not exceed PAs in 3.72. Section 4: Paediatric Career Grade Vacancies in Your Trust as at 30th September 2009 4.1 Grade 4.2 Job Type 4.3 Subspecialty (if job type = 1, 7, or 8) 4,4 Total number of PAs in contract (Consultant posts only) 4.5 Whole Time Equivalent (Non consultant posts only) 4.6 Post currently filled by a locum (Yes/No) 4.7 4.8 More than 6 Reason for vacancy months vacant (Yes/No) F = Frozen post U = Unable to fill (advertised but unable to fill) R = In process of interviewing / recruiting O = Other, please specify 4.9 Hospital/Unit where vacancy exists (only if more than one hospital within trust) Help – Section 4 – Career Grade Vacancies - all non-training vacancies 4.1 Grade. Please use one of the following codes to indicate grade of vacancy: C=Consultant P=Professor R=Reader SL=Senior Lecturer AS=Associate Specialist, SG=Staff Grade S=Specialty Doctor CA=Clinical Assistant (>4 sessions) SCMO CMO TGDSG=Trust Grade Doctor Staff Grade equivalent TGDAS=Trust Grade Doctor Associate Specialist equivalent TGDR=Trust Grade Doctor ST4-8 equivalent TGDSHO=Trust Grade Doctor ST1-3 equivalent O=Other Non Training Grade, please specify. (Include Clinical fellows and Hospital Practitioners) 4.2 Job Type. Please use the code that describes each doctor most closely. When determining percentages, include time spent on clinical work only. 2= 100% General Paediatrician 3= 75% General/25% Community 4= 50% General/50% Community 5= 25% General/75% Community 6= 100% Community 7= Specialist in DGH/Other Centre working within managed clinical network 8= Community Paediatrician with a special interest 4.3 Subspecialty To complete ONLY in respect of doctors where Job Type = 7 or 8: Use the following codes. 1= Paediatric Emergency 5= Community child health 10= Paediatric Infectious 13= Neonatology 16= Paediatric Neurology 19= Paediatric Respiratory Medicine disease, allergy & immunology medicine 3= Child mental health 7= Paediatric 11=Paediatric Intensive care 14= Paediatric 17=Paediatric Oncology 20=Paediatric Endocrinology medicine Nephrology Rheumatology 4= Paediatric Clinical 8= Gastroenterology and 12= Paediatric Metabolic 15=Paediatric 18= Paediatric Palliative pharmacology Hepatology & Nutrition medicine Neurodisability care CONFIRMATION OF DATA If you have a level 3 Unit and the Neonatal Clinical lead has completed the data return, please confirm that you agree with the data submitted. If you are an integrated acute/community trust, please confirm that you agree with the data submitted by the community lead in respect of community doctors and services. Signed…………………………………………. Thank you for your co-operation in completing this census. Completed forms should be returned in the reply-paid envelope by 31st October 2009 Detailed Notes and Instructions for Completing the Census Forms Distribution of Forms The distribution of forms and the process for completion and return are set out below. If you are Clinical Director in an Acute Trust Clinical Director in a Tertiary Trust Community Clinical Lead in an integrated trust Community Lead in Community provider organisation Neonatal Lead You will receive Form A (Yellow), Form B (White)(if there is an integrated community paediatric service) and Form C (Green) (if our records show there is a separate neonatal rota) in a bound booklet. You will also receive a loose copy of form B if we do not have details of the community lead in your trust Form D (Pink), Form B (White) (if there is an integrated community paediatric service) and Form C (Green) (if our records show there is a separate neonatal rota) in a bound booklet. You will also receive a loose copy of form B if we do not have details of the community lead in your trust Form B (White) in a bound booklet. Form B (White) in a bound booklet. Form C (Green) in a bound booklet. You should Complete Form A. Pass form B to the Community Clinical Lead (when we have not been able to provide contact details) for them to complete Check the data provided by the Community and Neonatal Leads when appropriate. Complete Form A. Pass form B to the Community Clinical Lead (when we have not been able to provide contact details) for them to complete Check the data provided by the Community and Neonatal Leads when appropriate. Complete Form B Liaise with Clinical Director to ensure data agreed, particularly with regard to doctors who have mixed acute/community job types before returning Complete and return Form B Complete Form C Liaise with Clinical Director to ensure data agreed. Please contact Martin McColgan or Shazia Mahmood at the College if you believe you have been sent the incorrect forms or that you should have received for example, Form C for recording details of neonatal rotas and staff. Contact details Martin McColgan, Workforce Information Officer: Research Division, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH Tel 020 7092 6162, Email Shazia Mahmood, Workforce Assistant: Research Division, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH Tel 020 7092 6163, Email Notes and Instructions for individual forms (Help boxes are also available throughout the forms) Form D (Pink) – For Clinical Directors/Leads of Paediatrics in Tertiary Trusts Section 1 1.1 to 1.9 Contact Details will be pre-populated from data provided in 2007, updated with changes where possible. Please check and amend where appropriate. 1.10 to 1.13 Configuration of Children’s Services is seeking information about changes in the organisation of child health services in your trust in order to compare service configuration with previous years and help the College predict future workforce requirements. If in doubt about whether a change should be included, please do include as we will be analysing the returns in detail to identify any grey areas or remove duplication. 1.14 to 1.28 Paediatric Services Provided. This table is pre-populated where possible with data previously provided. Each hospital should be shown on a separate row. 1.19 – Number of Intensive Care days for level 2 neonatal units. If data not available for given time period, please specify which period has been used. 1.29 to 1.30 Tertiary Services. Please indicate which tertiary services are provided at each unit in your trusts by ticking the appropriate boxes. Please note that we are for this purpose only collecting data on RCPCH training specialties. 1.32 to 1.33 New Consultants – WTD Funding. These questions are extremely important for us to assess the takeup and impact of funding allocated by DH and to examine regional differences. Although question 1.32 applies to England only, we would be grateful if respondents in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could answer 1.33 to report how many new (2009) consultant posts in their organisation now include planned resident shift working duties. Section 2 2.1 to 2.28 General/Neonatal/Safeguarding Rotas. This section is for recording details about rotas provided by your service. For subspecialty rotas see questions 2.29-2.34. A separate table should be completed for each tier of rota – junior, middle grade and consultant with a separate row for each service – e.g. general, general/neonatal. If your rotas are non-standard or require further explanation, please use the space provided in 2.27 to describe rotas more fully. An example non-standard description might look like. Paper rota - 10 wte with 2 vacancies. 8 posts occupied by 1 SG, 6 STRs and one job-shared by 2 women STRs working 0.6 WTE each, one of whom is doing proportionate on call and one who is pregnant working day time but not doing on call. Therefore 10 posts, 8 occupied, 9 people, 8.2 WTE, but only 7.6 WTE contributing to on call. Of the 6 STRs there are 2 who are working in the community at other bases and only attending to do long days or on calls. It is important that any non-compliant rotas are reported in 2.28 2.29-2.34 Paediatric Sub-specialty Rotas. We would be very grateful for as much information as you can provide about each subspecialty rota in your Trust. If the rotas are non-standard or cover more than one sub-specialty, please use free text to describe the rota. If the compilation of this information is likely to prove difficult, please do not let this hold up the return of the form, but let us know that the data is incomplete. The College intends to carry out a detailed project to capture subspecialist workforce data from a variety of sources and the census will be used as a base for developing that piece of work. Section 3 3A Paediatric Consultants. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. – Include general, general/neonatal and subspecialty consultants (College training subspecialties) – Do not include neonatal consultants if form C is being completed separately by the neonatal lead. – Do not include community consultants who spend 100% of their time in the community if form B is being completed separately by the community clinical lead in your organisation, but include consultants whose duties are mixed acute/community – Please refer to the help boxes in this section for the relevant codes for questions 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14. Contact us to resolve any difficulties classifying doctors using these codes. 3B SASG and other doctors. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. Apply the same inclusion criteria as per consultants. - 3.35 If post becomes vacant. This is a new question for 2009 asked in order to assess likely future balance between consultants and non-consultants. 3C Academic Consultants. Please include all academic paediatric consultants in this table 3D Specialist Consultants who work with children but not paediatricians This section is for recording details of specialist consultants working in paediatric services, but who are not on the specialist register as a paediatrician. The specialities we wish to include/exclude are shown on the form. As the College intends to carry out a detailed project to capture subspecialist workforce data from a variety of sources and the census will be used as a base for developing that piece of work, we would not wish Clinical Directors to spend a long time gathering this data. If details are difficult to obtain, please include a minimum of name, grade and subspecialty for each doctor that you include. Section 4 Please provide as many details as possible about consultant and SASG vacancies in the service areas covered in Section 3. Form B (White) - For Community Paediatrics Leads in Integrated Trusts and Community Provider Units Section 1 1.2 Please name any other organisations for which the community paediatric service you provide is covered 1.3 to 1.10 Contact Details will be pre-populated from data provided recently by the Clinical Director in your Trusts. Please check and amend where appropriate. 1.11 to 1.14 Configuration of Children’s Services is seeking information about changes in the organisation of child health services in your trust in order to compare service configuration with previous years and help the College predict future workforce requirements. If in doubt about whether a change should be included, please do include as we will be analysing the returns in detail to identify any grey areas or remove duplication. Section 2 Lead Roles. The purpose of this section is to establish for each of the main community paediatric lead role whether that role exists in the organisation, if the position is currently filled and the type of doctor filling the role. The name of the doctor is only required in respect of Designated and Named doctors for safeguarding as the College regularly contacts this group and the census will provide an ideal opportunity to ensure the list is up-to-date. Section 3 3A Paediatric Consultant workforce in your Trust. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. – Include community consultants who spend 100% of their time in the community. Only include consultants whose duties are mixed acute/community if you are unsure whether these doctors have been included by the Clinical Director in your Trust. – 3.8, 3.9 Grade - Include any academic paediatricians employed in your trust and ensure that you record the grade of their honorary appointment where appropriate. – Please refer to the help boxes in this section for the relevant codes for questions 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14. Contact us to resolve any difficulties classifying doctors using these codes. 3B SASG and other doctors. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. Apply the same inclusion criteria as per consultants. - 3.34 If post becomes vacant. This is a new question for 2009 asked in order to assess likely future balance between consultants and non-consultants. Section 4 Please provide as many details as possible about consultant and SASG vacancies in the service areas covered in Section 3. Form C (Green) - For Neonatal Leads in Acute and Tertiary Trusts where separate neonatal rotas exist 1.2 to 1.09 Contact Details will be pre-populated from data provided recently by the Clinical Director in your Trusts. Please check and amend where appropriate. Section 2 2.1 to 2.28 Rotas. This section is for recording details about each rota provided by your service. A separate table should be provided for each tier of rota – junior, middle grade and consultant. If your rotas are non-standard or require further explanation, please use the space provided in 2.27 to describe rotas more fully. It is important that any non-compliant rotas are reported in 2.28. Section 3 3A Paediatric Consultant workforce in your Trust. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. – Include all neonatal consultants who spend the majority of their time in neonatal services in your trusts e.g. on a separate rota on a level 3 unit. – 3.8, 3.9 Grade - Include any academic paediatricians employed in your trust and ensure that you record the grade of their honorary appointment where appropriate. – Please refer to the help boxes in this section for the relevant codes for questions 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14. Contact us to resolve any difficulties classifying doctors using these codes. 3B SASG and other doctors. This section will be pre-populated with data from our 2007 census where possible. Apply the same inclusion criteria as per consultants. - 3.34 If post becomes vacant. This is a new question for 2009 asked in order to assess likely future balance between consultants and non-consultants. Section 4 Please provide as many details as possible about consultant and SASG vacancies in the service areas covered in Section 3.