Project #2

Project #2
Geology 429/529
Spring 2004
Covariances and
Correlation Coefficients
You now have a data set in the form of a spreadsheet. The next task is to calculate
covariances and correlation coefficients for selected data from the master list.
1. For the Salar de Uyuni Central Traverse and for the Rio Grande de Lipez Delta
calculate the covariance and correlation coefficient of Density with Sulfate, Cl, F,
Mg, Li, and SiO2.
2. Write a short description of your results (you should do this on the spread sheet)
indicating what your covariances and correlation coefficients say about the
geochemistry of the two localities.
3. Repeat the second step but just for the Salar de Uyuni Central Traverse. Write a
program in Matlab inputting the data from your spreadsheet. Save the file as an .m
file. Email both the spreadsheet and the Matlab file with your name and project
number separately. For example, I would send off Giese02.xls and Giese02.m to
the prof.
3. Due Wednesday, February 11, 2004 before 5 pm.