
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2: Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Identify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple texts.
Ability Level
Must ( or Step 1)
Should ( or Step 2)
Teaching Points
Year Group: 1
I can talk about
stories, main
characters and
I can talk about
information found in
non-fiction texts.
Read a range of traditional and patterned
stories and rhymes. Provide opportunities for
children to explore texts through role play,
small world and use of puppets.
Provide opportunities to read and enjoy
information texts and discuss what has been
found out – relate to real experiences.
Use of story boxes, story sacks, role play
areas, puppet theatres, listening to tapes,
re-telling, sequencing and story maps.
I can find main events,
characters and
information in a text.
Teach the children to locate main characters,
key events in the plot and simple information.
Who is the main character? What is the
setting? How does the story end?
Use of information models e.g. labelling
models of frog and flower life cycles.
Plastic models linked to texts e.g. dinosaurs
Fuzzy felt bags.
What can we find out about the weather?
Question hand prompts e.g. Who? What?
Where? When? Why? How?
Could ( or Step 3)
I can discuss plot and
characters and find
information from
sections in a text
using simple
Teach the children to identify story structure
and discuss character actions.
Teach the children how to use contents,
index, page numbers, heading, subheadings, captions etc.
Use story maps to sequence the main
events. Use drama techniques to
investigate characters.
Guided reading example
Can you find information about snow from
our text about the weather?
Group discussion and response on small
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2 Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Year Group: 2
Draw together ideas and information from across a whole text, using simple signposts in the text.
Ability Level
Must ( or Step 1)
Teaching Points
I can find main events,
characters and
information in a text.
Teach the children to locate main characters,
key events in the plot and simple information.
Who is the main character? What is the
setting? How does the story end?
What can we find out about the weather?
Should ( or Step 2)
Could ( or Step 3)
I can discuss plot and
characters and find
information from
sections in a text
using simple
Teach the children to identify story structure
and discuss character actions.
Teach the children how to use contents,
index, page numbers, heading, subheadings, captions etc.
Use story maps to sequence the main
events. Use drama techniques to
investigate characters.
I can identify character
actions and how they
respond to events and
note the main points in
a section/text.
Teach the children to locate words and
phrases which describe character actions,
feelings and responses.
Teach the children to identify the key facts in
a sentence/paragraph. Model note making
and efficient recording.
Who are the characters? What is the main
event in the opening, build-up, problem and
ending? Story mountain
What type of clouds are rain clouds?
Where does the water in the clouds come
What happens to the rain when it falls on
the ground?
Guided reading example
Can you find information about snow from
our text about the weather?
Group discussion and response on small
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Year Group: 3
Identify and make notes of the main points of sections of text.
Ability Level
Must ( or Step 1)
Teaching Points
I can find information
from sections in a text
using simple
Teach the children how to use contents,
index, page numbers, heading, subheadings, captions etc.
I can identify and note
the main points in a
Teach the children to identify the key facts in
a sentence/paragraph. Model note making
and efficient recording.
Should ( or Step 2)
Guided reading example
Can you find information about snow from
our text about the weather?
Group discussion and response on small
What type of clouds are rain clouds?
Where does the water in the clouds come
What happens to the rain when it falls on
the ground?
Surface water and the sea
Eventually forms rivers and flows to the sea
Could ( or Step 3)
I can summarise the
main points or facts in
a text to find
information in
response to questions.
Teach the children to skim for gist and scan
for key words and phrases. Model the use of
key ideas to summarise the information.
Find information about weather forecasting.
Key ideas:
 weather forecasting has become
more accurate
 satellite data
 scientific equipment
Weather forecasts are more reliable
because equipment is more scientific.
Weather fronts can be seen from space.
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Year Group: 4
Identify and summarise evidence from a text to support a hypothesis.
Ability Level
I can identify and note the main
points in a section/text.
Teaching Points
Teach the children to identify the key facts in
a sentence/paragraph. Model note making
and efficient recording.
What type of clouds are rain clouds?
Where does the water in the clouds come
What happens to the rain when it falls on
the ground?
Must ( or Step 1)
Surface water and the sea
Eventually forms rivers and flows to the sea
Should ( or Step 2)
I can summarise the main points
or facts in a text to find
information in response to
Teach the children to skim for gist and scan
for key words and phrases. Model the use of
key ideas to summarise the information.
Find information about weather forecasting.
Key ideas:
 weather forecasting has become
more accurate
 satellite data
 scientific equipment
Weather forecasts are more reliable
because equipment is more scientific.
Weather fronts can be seen from space.
I can retrieve evidence from
across a text to explain events
or ideas.
Teach the children what does a question
require and what information do I need from
the text.
Could ( or Step 3)
Use of the question hand.
How do you know what time of day the
event took place? It was morning because
the author said it was 9am.
At what time of day will it be the hottest?
It will be hottest at 6pm because the chart
shows the highest temperature at that time.
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Year Group: 5
Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas.
Ability Level
I can summarise the main points
or facts in a text.
Teaching Points
Teach the children to skim for gist and scan
for key words and phrases. Model the use of
key ideas to summarise the information.
Key ideas:
 weather forecasting has become
more accurate
 satellite data
 scientific equipment
Must ( or Step 1)
I can retrieve evidence from
across a text to explain events
or ideas.
Teach the children what does a question
require and what information do I need from
the text.
Should ( or Step 2)
Use of the question hand.
Could ( or Step 3)
I can retrieve relevant
information across a text and
support with appropriate
Teach the children to retrieve information
from more than one place and source and
find textual evidence to support.
Weather forecasts are more reliable
because equipment is more scientific.
Weather fronts can be seen from space.
How do you know what time of day the
event took place? It was morning because
the author said it was 9am.
At what time of day will it be the hottest?
It will be hottest at 6pm because the chart
shows the highest temperature at that time.
Look at the two poems. Which adjective
does each poet use to describe the rain?
The first poet uses the word grey and the
second poet uses the word beautiful.
What is the difference in the information
about rainfall for Sprinkling Tarn and
Walshaw Dean?
Sprinking Tarn has information about rainfall
over a year, whereas, Walshaw Dean has
rainfall recorded over 2 hours.
Layered Targets for: Literal retrieval
AF2Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use
quotation and reference to text.
End of Year Expectation:
Year Group: 6
Identify relevant points including those selected from different places in the text. Comments generally supported by relevant textual reference or quotation.
Ability Level
Teaching Points
I can retrieve evidence
from a text and
support with evidence.
Teach the children what does a question
require and what information do I need from
the text.
Must ( or Step 1)
Should ( or Step 2)
Could ( or Step 3)
How do you know what time of day the event
took place? It was morning because the
author said it was 9am.
At what time of day will it be the hottest?
It will be hottest at 6pm because the chart
shows the highest temperature at that time.
I can retrieve relevant
information across a
text and support with
appropriate evidence.
I can select and
retrieve precise
information, use
evidence to support
and explain with
Teach the children to retrieve information
from more than one place and source and
find textual evidence to support.
Look at the two poems. Which adjective does
each poet use to describe the rain?
The first poet uses the word grey and the
second poet uses the word beautiful.
What is the difference in the information
about rainfall for Sprinkling Tarn and
Walshaw Dean?
Sprinking Tarn has information about rainfall
over a year, whereas, Walshaw Dean has
rainfall recorded over 2 hours.
Teach the children to identify precise
information, quote from the text (evidence)
and explain and elaborate with personal
Explain fully why the main character wanted it
to rain.
The main character wanted it to rain because
the crops were failing and there would be no
harvest. Without water the crops would die.