Diction and Syntax Packet and HW

Diction – Word Choice
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Syntax – The arrangement and
grammatical relation of words, phrases, and
clauses in a sentence
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What is a diction error?
A diction error is a “wrong word” error. For instance, if an employer say we interviewed
perspective candidates instead of we interviewed prospective candidates, she has committed an
error in diction. Perspective means point of view, but prospective means potential. On the SAT, a
diction error will be a word that almost sounds right.
Correct the diction error in the following sentences:
1. My sister she can’t go to school today.
2. Why don’t she go to the infirmary?
3. The game had ought to be over now.
4. Between the three of us, you are the slowest.
5. This movie is differcult than the last one I saw.
6. My book is their on the table.
Why is Syntax Important?
Syntax is the grammatical tool that deals with how sentences are put together and the relationship
between words. It is a very methodical and logical sequence, ensuring that sentences are put
together using subject, verb and object and that the words in the sentence all have agreement, so that
the correct forms of words are used.
Read this sentence and see if you detect a problem with its syntax:
Tourists see statues of many famous patriots walking along Boston’s Freedom Trail.
It appears that the statues are walking, not the tourists. In English, modifiers are usually placed as
close as possible to the words they describe, so this sentence should read:
Tourists walking along Boston’s Freedom Trail see statues of many famous patriots.
Fix the error in syntax in each of the following sentences:
1. I thought I heard a strange rattle driving my car.
2. Strumming on his guitar, we suddenly remembered where we had seen this folk singer
3. I turned the corner and bumped into an elderly gentleman paying no attention to where I was
Correct the diction in the following sentences:  What is diction?
1. That kind of sounds make me nervous.
2. That there woman is our teacher.
3. The teacher will learn us the rules.
4. This here shoe is yours.
5. In this class, all accept one boy passed.
6. What dorm don’t have air conditioning?
 What is syntax?
Correct the syntax in the following sentences:
7. Orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, research astronomers discovered a new group
of asteroids.
8. I saw a long line of traffic looking both ways before I tried to cross the street.
9. The caterer served refreshments to the guests wearing a frilly white apron.
10.Raised in an open field without any pesticides, I prefer vegetables and fruits.
Correct the diction in the following sentences:  What is diction?
1. Where is your paper at?
2. Oh, I ate two much!
3. Janet doesn’t work hear anymore.
4. No thanks, I don’t want none of that cake.
5. The man which stole the car was caught.
6. Driving that old car aggravates me.
7. He should of done his housework earlier.
 What is syntax?
Correct the syntax in the following sentences:
8. Cooked too long, she thought the pasta did not taste good any more.
9. Spiced with Italian herbs, I had never tasted anything quite like Imelda’s salad.
10.Wrapped in brightly colored paper, Mickey tore open the birthday present.
25 Points
Concept mastered
15 Points
Concept well
10 Points
5 Points
Concept partially
No errors
Some errors
Many errors
None missing
Mostly free of
Most components
Some missing
Many missing
Much effort
Some effort
Minimal effort
Make a poster on 8 ½” x 11” paper containing the following
Attach this sheet to your mini-poster.
Your name
The literary terms and definitions
 DICTION: word choice
 SYNTAX: The arrangement and grammatical
relation of words, phrases, and clauses in a
Write a sentence with incorrect diction.
Explain what makes the error an error in diction.
Correct the error in diction.
Write a sentence with incorrect syntax.
Explain what makes the error an error in syntax.
Correct the error in syntax.