Lesson Plan: Applications of Trig Ratios Lesson Objectives: 1. Use angles of depression and elevation to calculate horizontal, vertical and diagonal distances. 2. Construct and use a quadrant and tape measure to measure angles of elevation and calculate heights. Materials: Calculators, Quadrant Construction Materials (see http://www.kyesworld.com/quadrant.htm), Tape Measures TEACHER ACTIVITIES STUDENT ACTIVITIES Review homework and material from the previous section. Ask questions and give input for finding the solutions. Use problems #16, #17, and #18 on page 360 as a wrap up for the previous section (these are problems about finding the lengths and angles of right triangles. Work on problems (in groups if desired); and ask questions about anything that is unclear. Explain the concepts of angles of elevation and angles of depression. Listen to explanation; ask questions if they have any. Do example #1 on page 365 (this problem involves finding a distance when the height and angle of depression are given). Answer questions and give input for finding the solution. Assign ‘Checking for Understanding’ #1, #2, and #3 on page 366 (these are practice problems involving using angles of elevation and angles of depression). Work on problems and ask any questions they might have. Hand out materials and instructions for making quadrants (these can also be premade). Follow instructions and make quadrants. Take class out into hallway and instruct them to measure various heights using the quadrant and tape measure. In pairs, measure angles of elevation and horizontal distances, and record data on a table. Use this information to compute heights of objects. If time allows, have a couple of students present their measurements and calculations. Volunteers will present their work in front of the class and answer any Questions. Hand out homework assignment, explain it, and answer any questions. Ask questions if they have any. Connections to NCTM Standards: This lesson incorporates the Geometry Standard of using trigonometric relationships to determine lengths and angle measurements. Through the assessment, it also includes the Measurement Standard of analyzing accuracy error in measurement situations. This lesson also incorporates the Problem Solving and Communication Standards. It has students solve real life problems that arise in math and other contexts, and has them communicate their mathematical thinking to peers and the teacher. Accommodations: Students who have difficulty manipulating objects can have their quadrants premade or made by another student. If there are students with serious behavioral problems, the teacher may have to pre-cut the quadrant materials. Students with more specific disabilities will be accommodated in a case-by-case manner. Assessment: Students will be assessed on their class participation and their homework assignment. The homework assignment is a performance assessment that will measure their ability to take what they learned in class and apply it outside of school (see assignment).