DDREG University of Plymouth: Faculty of Health Minutes of DDREG EXECUTIVE GROUP 8th September 2009 1300-1500 Present Stephen Brown (chair) Sarah Whitwham Judith McBrien Richard Laugherne Rohit Shankar Deirdre Ford Apologies Deanna Gallichan Susan Lea Marion Nash 1. Introductions Dr Richard Laugherne joined the steering group. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Adult Psychiatry in Cornwall, Research Lead for Cornwall PCT and Head of the school of Psychiatry in the South West Peninsula. 2. Membership Current ‘gaps’ in steering group membership were identified. Education (formerly filled by Marion Nash who has not been able to attend for many meetings) and the University of Plymouth (formerly filled by Oliver Tucha.) It was agreed that Prof. Rob Sheaff would be invited to the next meeting and Judith McBrien and Deirdre Ford would approach the new Dean of the Faculty of Health to discuss DDREG. Action: Deirdre to invite Prof Sheaff. Deirdre and Judith to arrange meeting with Dean. 3. Group news and discussions: Dementia Discussions took place regarding the difficulties of tapping into larger scale, multi-centre studies (such as DeNDRoN). RL suggested DDREG develop a research proposal and seek funding from NIHR. This may link with DeNDRoN. Proposals would be strengthened if the bid was a combined effort incorporating all ‘DS & dementia’ centres in the UK. Also strengthened if there is cross over with ongoing or relevant ‘mainstream’ research (e.g sensory processing therapy). Forging links with John Clibbens may also produce a strong joint bid. It was noted that Helen Quinn’s remit is to assist in the development of such bids and she may be helpful in this capacity. RL referred to a recent article in the British Journal of Psychiatry (thought to be August 2009). It relates to case registers and may be of interest. Ideas for future research: o Reviewing Plymouth’s longitudinal DVD data of people with Down’s syndrome who have developed dementia. o Exploration of ‘healthy’ older adults with Down’s syndrome (50/60 years +) Epilepsy Dr Anne Sabers (Neurologist, Denmark) visited SB’s service in Cornwall regarding VNS work. Is a DS and dementia epilepsy expert and interested in myoclonus in DS. Accessible information for service users (SW). Focus group has explored current leaflet literature available and group made suggestions for improvement. Plymouth to develop own service leaflet with funding from Pfiser. DVD / YouTube accessible information for service users (SW, SB) Discussions have taken place to develop YouTube footage relating to various epilepsy topics. A pilot has been considered relating to epilepsy and dementia. ADHD Next meeting is 6th October 2009 at Buckfast Abbey. SB currently chairing group with a view to handing over to another member. SB will report back on a research strategy after this meeting. JMcB suggested Marion Nash be invited to attend the group. Attachment Deanna Gallichan currently on maternity leave. Research to commence Sept 2010 on the validation of the AAP in the learning disabled population. Sensory processing Rohit and Jnr Doctors in Cornwall are embarking on sensory processing work after significant work to soundproof clinic space. Action: RS to disseminate relevant papers for team to read. Other group news / future directions: A Health facilitation group and a Sensory Processing Group are possibly to be formed in the near future. Project in Autistic Spectrum disorders. The group discussed the need to resurrect an ASD group. RS keen on this idea and is applying for a post graduate certificate in Aspergers syndrome (an NAS-run course). Risk and hospital discharge – RS described some qualitative work he is involved with that is being driven by Scott Brown (Research Governance Manager, Cornwall). It relates to health care professionals’ experience of the risk factors they take into account when discharging people with LD from hospital back into community settings. The team discussed the need to include social workers and service users in the research as well as health workers. 4. Current research activity/publications/dissemination underway Dementia Residential home capacity to care for people with LD and dementia (JMcB, SW, DF et al) - in final stages of write-up. DLD research (Andrew Merwood, JMcB et al) paper has been submitted to the American Journal of Mental Retardation. Development of e-learning for training care staff (SW, JMcB) Plymouth City Council have offered to fund this project. Screening checklist (SW): ethics application to be submitted for larger 3-year study. Screening checklist (SW) paper accepted subject to revisions to British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Senile myoclonic epilepsy and dementia (SB) Boston conference, Dec 2009 Audit of prospective screening audit (JMcB and Branwen Major) accepted subject to revisions to Clinical Psychology Forum. Prospective screening descriptive article published (JMcB) (see attached) Epilepsy Epilepsy service user group: two articles currently being written (SW and team) SB and team to present VNS paper and DS & myoclonus research in Boston, US in December. Safety issues in buccal midazolam (and other rescue medications) (SB, SW) Audit planned in Devon and Cornwall. SW and Sally White (Epilepsy Nurse Plymouth) have developed audit paperwork to be rolled out across peninsula. Comparison of WAIS and WASI Article well received by BJCP but needs more data. SW to consider re-submission as an exploratory paper, and develop project to gather the additional data required. Sensory Processing Sensory Processing (SB, RS) paper on pilot study relating to depth perception deficits in preparation. Forensic Article on risk assessment submitted to TLDR (JMcB and others). This is currently under peer review. Article on outcome of SOTP (Liam Newton, JMcB and others) in preparation. A NOTA presentation planned for September 23rd 2009 in York. 5. Website SW to meet with website developer. Personal descriptions of research interests are still required for many of the executive and sub-group members. Please send to Sarah asap if you wish to be included on the site. 6. Events/Conferences One day DDREG conference ‘Let’s Do Research’. October 20th at Buckfast Abbey. Aimed at LD teams in south west. NADD International Congress, Toronto, April 2010. American Epilepsy Society. Boston, USA. 2 to 4 team members going from Cornwall. IASSID – European Congress. Rome, Oct 20-22. Bridge – conference in Bristol May 2010. RS organising a sensory processing poster. Cornwall Disability Research Conference. October 29th 2009. “Geographics of disability – what a difference a place makes”. Next meeting - Tues Dec 1st 2009 At PAHC, Majon 1300-1500 Future meetings: Tuesday 9th March 2010 Tuesday 8th June 2010 Tuesday 7th September 2010 Tuesday 14th December 2010 CONTACTS SB JMcB SW Stephen.Brown@cpt.cornwall.nhs.uk judith.mcbrien@plymouth.nhs.uk sarah.whitwham@plymouth.nhs.uk DG deanna.gallichan@plymouth.ac.uk