Crisis Preparedness, Response & Recovery

Crisis Preparedness, Response & Recovery
United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of our communities. In times
of disaster, United Way’s role in coordinating, networking and marshaling resources
becomes even more critical. United Way’s work in crisis advances the common good
through strategies in education, financial stability and health that improve the quality of
life for individuals and families, and benefit society overall.
Wallet-sized UWA-Link Line cards
These are wallet-sized cards that you can print and provide to all employees with our
toll-free staff check-in number. In the event of disaster, staff can use it to report their
location and status and to receive any messages and updates about your United Way.
Nuts and Bolts of Business Continuity
The following are recommended steps to take both in advance of and following a crisis
event to ensure that your United Way can resume operations as soon as possible.
United Way Business Continuity Checklist
Prepare your United Way for an emergency. Before, during and after a crisis, there are
important measures to consider in order to keep your business up and running when its
services are needed most.
Disaster Preparedness: Family Planning Checklist
Easy-to-follow checklist of steps families can take before and during a disaster to help
ensure their safety
Nuts & Bolts of Crisis Response
This document provides a list of basic but essential steps when local United Ways are
confronted with a crisis situation or event
A Guide to Establishing A Relief Fund
Using the experiences of the North Carolina Hurricane Floyd Relief Fund, this guide
takes you step-by-step through establishing and operating an effective disaster relief
fund. Whether dealing with a terrorist attack, major business closing or natural disaster,
you can utilize these same principles to address the immediate and ongoing needs of
victims and their communities.
Local CEO Checklist
Checklist for United Way leaders facing or preparing for a crisis situation
Crisis-L listserv (hyperlinked- needs to be connected to the internet)
Receive announcements from UWA regarding Crisis Preparedness, Response &
Recovery updates, learning opportunities and resources
Additional tools & resources are available at United Way Online at