Policy Number 13.07 SCHOOL COUNCIL POLICY Russell Independent Schools Russell Primary School Policy Type (Check One) Council Operations School Operations POLICY TOPIC DESCRIPTION Response to Intervention Policy (Title 1) POLICY STATEMENT Teachers at RPS will use the Response to Intervention, three tier model to provide systematic interventions to students w who are struggling in academics or behavior. Students will be identified through academic and behavior protocols showing that they are performing significantly below that of their grade level and their peers. Students who are identified in RTI will be eligible for assistance through Title 1 services. Parents will be notified each time a student enters a new RTI Tier Status. Teachers will follow academic and behavior protocols in order to properly identify students and provide students the structured support needed for them to be successful. RTI will be implemented in all regular education classrooms. Title 1 funds will be used for intense intervention through Title 1 instructional assistants and Reading Recovery Specialists. Date Adopted: February 20, 2012 Date(s) Amended : March 18, 2014____________________________________________________________________ Pamela Wright Council Chairperson Russell Primary School Reading Intervention Plan (See SBDM Policy 13.07) Possible Reading Intervention Strategies (See SBDM Policy 13.07) Small Group Instruction Flexible Grouping Provide Graphic Organizers Marie Carbo Books on Tape Nightly Reading Assignments Use Preview Questioning Partner Read Reading Mentor Guided Reading Practice Keep a Reading Log Reading Journal Preferential Seating Sight Word Practice Decoding Practice with onsets and rhymes Phonemic Awareness Activities Title I Assistance Extended Time Reading Manipulatives Echo Reading *Reading Detective Activities *(Include working with context clues) SOAR to Success Small group comprehension Instruction Comprehension Focus Activities Sight Word Practice Fluency Practice Response to Intervention Academic Intervention Protocol Gather Baseline Data: This will start with the Universal Screening Tool (STAR, MAP, etc.) Baseline data will show where the student is performing as compared to same age peers. If a student meets the criteria for performing significantly below that of his peers in a particular area, a referral will be submitted to the RPS principal for review. The principal will create an RTI folder for the student and the Tier I letter will be sent home to parents. RTI will begin. Universal Screener RTI Qualifiers (Significantly Below Grade Level): P4: 25% or Below in Reading or Math. P3: 25% or more below grade level in Reading or Math P2: Reading intervention determined by Reading Recovery Screening Math intervention: 25% or below on Map Assessment. P1: RTI will not begin for academics in the P1 year until after the first semester. At this point the focus will be on literacy skills. The criteria for entering RTI are as follows: Star Early Lit Score at/below 508ss. MAP –25% or below. Brigance data will also be used to determine RTI needs. TIER I Tier I letter home to parent. (All tier letters will be sent by an administrator.) Tier I interventions will be documented. These are interventions that will occur in a whole class setting using differentiation and targeted instruction that is needs based. Duration: 9 weeks or as determined by formative assessment needs. There will be a minimum time period of 3 weeks. If at the end of Tier1 interventions the student is not making adequate progress to obtain grade level, the student will move to Tier II status. TIER II Tier II letter will be sent home. Teacher will develop a specific and measurable goal. Weekly progress monitoring will take place and documentation kept. Small group instruction will occur. (Teacher directed, Title I assistance, SOAR group, etc.) Duration: 9 weeks or as determined by formative assessment needs. There will be a minimum time period of 3 weeks. If at the end of the intervention period the student is not making adequate progress to obtain grade level, the student will move to Tier III status. TIER III Tier III letter will be sent home. Conference will be held with RTI team. (Parent, Teacher, Resource Personnel, Administrator) Specific measurable goal will be developed. Intense intervention will take place—more frequent Intense progress monitoring (daily) Three week duration. (Minimum) If progress has not been made through the TIER process to bring the student up to grade level standards, the RTI team will meet to determine if a special education referral needs to be made. Response to Intervention Behavior Protocol Gather Baseline Data: This can start on the first day that behavior problems occur. Baseline data should be collected for at least a three week period. Documentation of when this period starts, ends, and each behavior occurrence should be included. Example: Beginning 9/1/2011 – 9/30/2011 Number of Incidents: XXX Dates and Description of Incident (Please include what the antecedent to the incident was and the result.) Once baseline data has been observed and recorded, a behavior referral will be submitted to the principal for review. The principal will create an RTI folder for the student and the Tier 1 letter will be sent home to parents. RTI will begin. TIER I Tier I letter home to parent. (All tier letters will be sent by an administrator.) Review behavior plan with student. Use of positive reinforcement in conjunction with classroom behavior plan. Documentation of results. (Use of calendar with times of behavior problems, what preceded and what resulted should be kept.) Documentation of what occurred when positive reinforcement was used. This could be a + or -. Tier I will be carefully documented for at least 2 weeks. If Tier I has not been successful, Tier II will be implemented. TIER II Tier II letter home to parent. Individual Behavior Plan (ex: behavior chart with goal and stickers for reinforcement.) Weekly Reward System (Can be changed to every 2nd or 3rd day of reinforcement if needed.) Continue documenting with explanation and + or – with anecdotal notes for antecedents. Continue for at least 2 weeks. TIER III Tier III letter home to parent. Continue Individual Behavior Plan Escalate reward system to include daily to bi-daily rewards and reinforcements. Continue behavior chart Continue documentation If there continues to be problems with behavior that are affecting learning, the RTI team will meet to determine if a referral for special education services is needed. In the case of severe behavior, a SPED referral can take place while RTI is continuing. Types of Behavior Interventions Redirection/Calming: Watch for signs of student frustration and use deescalation strategies to redirect and calm a student. Triggers: Recognize factors that contribute to misbehavior to effectively intervene and provide support. Time Management: Create an awareness of time to help students work productively and stay on task. Giving Directions: Give explicit directions in an appropriate environment to promote student success. Discipline/Consequences: Address misbehaviors to increase appropriate behaviors. Environment: Accommodate the learning styles and the needs of diverse learners to achieve a well-managed classroom. Parents: Involve parents to build a partnership for student success. Rewards: Use a variety of rewards that have meaning and value to the student. Transitions: Utilize effective transitions to minimize disruptions and behavior problems, to maximize instructional time, and to maintain an optimal learning environment. Accommodations: Provide accommodations that enable students to be successful. Examples of how to incorporate all of these interventions are available in the Mentoring Minds Behavior Guide by Michael L. Lujan, M. Ed. Russell Primary School RTI Student Referral Form-Academic Date_______________ Student/Grade__________________________________________________ Referring Teacher______________________________________________ STAR Reading Assessment Score________________ Developmental Spelling Level (previous year if applicable)__________ MAP Score Reading ___________ Has this student received ESS in previous years?______________ Has the student received Title One in previous years?___________ Was the student ever in Reading Recovery?___________________ Are there medical or health concerns for this student? Please list. What is the attendance status of this student? What current support services are in place for this student? (counseling, tutoring, etc) What are the strengths, talents, or interests for this student? 1. 2. 3. How would you rate the severity of the student’s target problem in reading? Not severe 1 2 3 4 5 Very Severe What makes this student difficult to teach? List any academic, social or emotional factors that seem to negatively affect the student’s progress. When have you observed the problem occurring most frequently? List specific academic reading skills that this student does not seem to retain or understand. List interventions that you or others have used to assist this student. Russell Primary School RTI Student Referral Form-Behavior Date_______________ Student/Grade__________________________________________________ Referring Teacher______________________________________________ Behavior Concerns: Number of Behavior Incidents: _________________ Describe how the behavior is affecting the student’s academic progress: (Please include specific data as well as anecdotal concerns.) What is the attendance status of this student? What current support services are in place for this student? (Counseling, tutoring, behavior plan…) What are the strengths, talents, or interests for this student? 1. 2. 3. How would you rate the severity of the student’s target problem in behavior? Not severe 1 2 3 4 5 Very Severe What makes this student difficult to teach? List any academic, social or emotional factors that seem to negatively affect the student’s progress. When have you observed the problem occurring most frequently? List interventions that you or others have used to assist this student.