DES-UNH POLLUTION PREVENTION PARTNERSHIP INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Project Title: Intern: Facility: Contact Person: Sulfates Katherine Powers Home: 46 County Rd Amherst, NH 03031 (603) 673-7006 Work: Tel: (603) 883-2885 x4168 Fax: (603) 880-0561 Email: HADCO Corporation 21 Flagstone Dr. Hudson, NH 03051 Lee R. Wilmot Corporate Safety Health & Environmental Manager Tel: (603) 898-8010 x2424 Fax: (603) 890-1298 Email: Executive Summary: In order to reduce the sulfate loadings in HADCO-Hudson's wastewater, the chemistries responsible for the elevated levels (Ardrox PC-7076S and Cobra Etch) must be substituted, reduced or treated. Several technologies were considered to reuse the chemistries, but reducing the amounts of chemicals used seems like the best option. By switching from Ardrox PC-7076S to PC-7077F and PC-7077, the acceptable copper loading in the bath will increase requiring fewer adds. New lines in the preclean process will also decrease the amount of Ardrox chemistry used by utilizing a feed and bleed system and reducing drag-out. Regenerating the Ardrox through diffusion dialysis, acid sorption, electrodialysis, filtration, or crystallization is not possible. Either the sodium persulfate is reduced or the copper is not removed from the solution. IX resins are still being tested, but the initial tests had poor results. Producing a usable concentrated sulfuric acid from the spent baths is another option. Membrane electrodialysis is one technology that is being tested. Filtration will produce a dilute sulfuric acid; US Filter is looking into concentrating it. In order to use the sulfuric acid it should be about 70% concentrated. Most vendors are unsure if they can achieve this high concentration. Using calcium carbonate to precipitate calcium sulfate is another option to reduce the sulfates. This method would create thousands of pounds of sludge a year. Shipping the spent acid out for treatment is also a possibility but a costly one. Introduction: HADCO is one of the largest printed circuit board manufactures in the world. In preparation of increasing production and chemical usage, HADCO must make sure they comply with their current air and water permits. The sulfate loadings in the wastewater may exceed HADCO's water discharge permit if chemical usage increases. My project this summer was to address this problem and find a solution. Two of the major sources of sulfates at HADCO-Hudson are the preclean and oxide lines. In preclean the raw material, copper clad laminate, is cleaned to allow proper adhesion of the photoresist material in the following process. The cleaning process involves the application of an acid (Ardrox PC-7076S) to remove a thin protective chromate layer and a thin layer of copper. The copper is removed to make the surface uniform and rough for the adhesion of the photoresist. The copper clad laminate is then rinsed and dried. To prevent corrosion of the copper traces, the exposed copper is oxidized. The cores are first cleaned in soap and then rinsed. An acid (Cobra Etch) removes a thin layer of copper from the traces to eliminate corrosion, and the cores are rinsed. After being dipped into sodium hydroxide, the oxide is applied and the cores are rinsed again. Currently the spent Ardrox PC-7076S and Cobra Etch, which are high in sulfates, are used to make reagent for the ROMAR (Recovery of Metal and Recycle) wastewater treatment process. Goals/objectives: The objective of this project was to research HADCO's options for reducing the sulfate loadings and perhaps implement one of these methods. Ideally the sulfate loadings could be reduced by chemical substitution or a reduction of chemical usage. Treatment technologies for the spent chemistries were also investigated. Approach/methodology: The sulfate issue was approached in several different ways. First the major sources of the sulfates, 50% preclean and 50% oxide, were defined. Then the amount of sulfates due to decants from the bath and drag-out in the rinsewater were determined. Approximately 25% of the sulfates from the oxide line are from drag-out in the rinsewater. Since the sulfates were distributed 50/50 over the preclean and oxide lines, we first looked into where HADCO could save the most money; preclean. Reducing drag-out and treating the rinsewater and Cobra Etch on the oxide lines were also investigated. Chemical substitution, chemistry reduction, chemical regeneration, and sulfate removal were all approaches that were researched. Chemical usage/equipment needs: The Ardrox PC-7076S solution is made up of 6% sulfuric acid, 9% sodium persulfate, and <1% fluoboric acid. The fluoboric is used to remove the protective zinc and chromate film layer, and the sulfuric and sodium persulfate etch the copper away. When the copper level in the bath reaches 3.5 oz/gal or the etch rate drops below 7.25 microinches/minute, some of the solution is decanted out and an add of fresh Ardrox is made. Approximately 600 gallons of Ardrox is added each week. In the oxide line, the Cobra Etch is made up of 17% sulfuric acid and 2% hydrogen peroxide. The Cobra Etch passes through a chiller where some of the copper sulfate is crystallized out. The copper loading in the bath is between 4 and 7 oz/gal. The etch rate determines when solution is decanted out and an add is made. Concentrated sulfuric acid (74%) is added to replenish the bath and to reduce the amount decanted. 73 gallons of Cobra Etch are decanted each week. Releases/ Wastes generated at the facility: The wastes generated from the preclean process are spent Ardrox solution and rinsewater. The spent Ardrox solution contains copper sulfate, sodium persulfate, sulfuric acid and sodium sulfate. In the oxide line, copper sulfate, rinsewater, and spent Cobra Etch containing sulfuric acid, copper sulfate and peroxide are all wastes. As stated above, these corrosive acid wastes are used to make up the reagent for ROMAR the wastewater treatment process. Hydrochloric acid could be used instead of sulfuric to make up this reagent. Work accomplished/project results: Chemical Substitution: Chemical substitution on the preclean line was attempted. The best option is another Ardrox chemistry which separates the fluoboric (PC-7077F) from the sulfuric and sodium persulfate (PC7077). Separating these would allow a higher copper loading to be maintained in the sulfuric bath requiring it to be changed less often. This new chemistry has not been tested at HADCO, but a trial will take place when the new lines are installed in Hudson. Switching to PC-7077 could reduce the overall sulfate loadings in the wastewater 15%. Pumice, peroxide, ferric nitrate and peroxidi-sulfuric acid were also looked into as possible substitutes for the Ardrox chemistry. Pumice is hard to handle and creates a lot of waste. Peroxide would require a rinse tank after the fluoboric acid to eliminate contamination. Since HADCO's new lines do not have an extra tank this is not a viable option, but it is still being looked into. Ferric nitrate was the chemistry that Alpha Metals used before sodium persulfate. The sales rep from Alpha Metals said they switched because the persulfate was easier to control. Peroxidi-sulfuric acid is similar to sodium persulfate except it has two hydrogens instead of sodiums. The chemist at Alpha Metals is still researching this possibility. Ardrox Regeneration: Several technologies were investigated to reuse the spent Ardrox solution. Crystallization would have been the easiest option, but the copper sulfate wouldn't crystallize out of the Ardrox PC-7076S. It is unclear if the chemistry of the bath would not allow the copper sulfate to form crystals or if the copper loading was simply not high enough. Circuit Chemistry Equipment and Swenson, both crystallizer vendors, have neither dealt with nor heard of copper sulfate being crystallized out of sodium persulfate. The lowest copper level they'd ever achieved in sulfuric peroxide was 1.5 oz/gal; slightly lower than the level the Ardrox bath is maintained at. Electrowinning, electrodialysis, and ion exchange (acid retardation) would reduce the persulfate rendering the Ardrox solution unusable. Acid sorption and diffusion dialysis would remove the copper sulfate and the sodium persulfate because they are both metal salts. These technologies would leave a very dilute sulfuric acid. Neither ultra nor microfiltration will be able to remove the copper sulfate from the sulfuric/persulfate solution because the sodium persulfate molecule is larger than copper sulfate. Reverse osmosis would remove the water and leave a concentrated spent solution. Ardrox PC-7076S is too acidic to use reverse osmosis. Joe Landers from Compliance and Recycling Inc. (CARI) is testing two resins for an ion exchange technology. These resins should remove the copper from the spent Ardrox and leave the solution active. Initial testing on these resins showed a 15-20% removal of copper, but the etch rate of the treated solutions were 2.29 and 6.96. These etch rates are well below the minimum 7.25 leading me to believe the resin is oxidizing the sodium persulfate. Further testing needs to be done to confirm these results. The etch rate of the initial spent solution is unknown. Remove sulfates from spent Ardrox: If the sulfates could be removed from the spent Ardrox bath in the form of sulfuric acid, the sulfuric could be used on the oxide line to replenish the Cobra Etch. Reusing the sulfates in this way would reduce the amount sent to waste treatment. Ion exchange to remove sulfates would not work in the case of the Ardrox or Cobra Etch because the sulfate loadings are so high the resin would have to be regenerated too frequently. Membrane electrodialysis is one possible option. This technology would reduce the persulfate into two sulfate and sodium ions, plate out the copper, separate the sodium from the sulfates, and concentrate the sulfuric acid stream. The copper could be sold for recycling ($0.70-$1/lb), the sulfuric acid reused, and the caustic stream sent to waste treatment. Testing is currently being done at ELTECH Research Corporation in Ohio. There has been a problem with the material of the cathode. Ardrox is not compatible with titanium; 316 SS would be a material of choice according to HADCO's engineers. Another factor is how concentrated the sulfuric acid can be. In order to use it at the Hudson facility the sulfuric should be about 74% concentration. Oxide line (Cobra Etch and rinse water): Currently, the microetch on the oxide line is being chilled, and the copper sulfate precipitates out of solution. This prolongs the life of the bath, but adds still need to be made because the sulfuric concentration decreases. When production increases, HADCO may need to increase the crystallization rate so that the copper loading stays at 4-7 oz/gal. If the copper loading increases, the etch rate will decrease and more adds will need to be made. Since the Cobra Etch is already being regenerated, treating or decreasing the decants or reducing the amount of drag-out were the main focus on this line. Although an additional hoist is being added to this line, it is not to allow a longer drip time but to increase the through put. A longer drip time would cause oxidation and decrease the quality of the boards. The rinse water is being tested with membrane electrodialysis at ELTECH. The initial testing went well. The peroxide was destroyed, copper plated out, and the sulfuric slightly concentrated to 1.1%. As stated above the concentration of the sulfuric acid will need to drastically increase for this to be a viable option. Other Options: Treating the Ardrox, Cobra Etch, or rinse water with lime (calcium carbonate) to precipitate out calcium sulfate would reduce the amount of sulfates in wastewater. In an experiment this method drastically reduced the sulfates; in one case 90%. Unfortunately large amounts of calcium sulfate were produced that would need to be shipped out with the F006 sludge. Using PC-7077 at 137K core square feet, the estimated sulfate loading will be 672 mg/L. In order to decrease the loading to 500 mg/L with calcium carbonate, 770 lbs lime would be required per week, producing 954 lbs. of calcium sulfate per week or 24.8 tons/year. This method would reduce the sulfates, but is not a pollution prevention solution. The cost of shipping the spent Ardrox and Cobra Etch out for disposal/recycling is also being investigated. Pollution prevention benefits: The pollution prevention benefits depend on the method used to reduce the sulfate loadings. A reduction in the amount of chemistry, regenerating the chemistry, or producing a usable sulfuric acid would all be benefits. New lines in the preclean process may also be a benefit if they decrease the amount of dragout in the rinsewater. References: Compliance and Recycling Inc. Joe Lander/ Bill Matheson (508) 670-1448 Alpha Metals Jim Noble/ Jane Reed (603) 893-8700 Larson Technologies Bob Larson (603) 895-6262 Crystallizers: Swenson Lou Laposa (708) 210-5069 Circuit Chemistry Equipment Jim Cran (612) 476-2025 Diffusion Dialysis: Baker Brothers Tim Howard (617) 344-1700 Pure Cycle Environmental Technology Dan Bailey (413) 283-8939 3400 Acid Sorption/ IX ion retardation: Eco-Tec Paul Paganin (905) 831- Membrane electrodialysis: Memtek Dave Hill (508) 667-2828 ELTECH Research Corporation Jeries Bishara (216) 357-4021 Filtration: US Filter Bert Stultz (412) 772-0044