Student`s statement - College of Education







Maria Robinson, Professor, College of Education, (206) 543-1234

[email contact]

Zenia Smith, Graduate Student, College of, (206) 324-3333

[email contact]

Investigators' statement

We are asking you to be in a research study. The purpose of this consent form is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether or not to be in the study. Please read the form carefully. You may ask questions about the purpose of the research, what we would ask you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the research or this form that is not clear. When all your questions have been answered, you can decide if you want to be in the study or not. This process is called ‘informed consent.’


The purpose of this study is to understand how children learn in classrooms. We hope to find out how students’ understandings in one subject might relate to their understandings in another. We also hope to learn if there might be ways to draw on students’ strengths in one content area to support their learning in the other. This seems particularly important as students are increasingly being asked to use literacy across content areas. We hope the results of this study will help educators to better support children’s learning across content areas. You may not directly benefit from this study.


Your classroom will be observed periodically for the duration of the study and approximately three times a week for three 3-week blocks beginning in [month, year] and ending in [month, year]. We will arrange times that are convenient for you. The observer will take notes on children’s working with materials, peers, and teachers. You do not have to do any special preparation; rather we hope to see what typically occurs in your classroom. Whole class and small group discussions and interactions will be periodically video- and/or audiotaped. Only those children with parental consent will be taped. Our purpose is to understand how children express their understandings in each content area. The video and audiotapes will be used to make sure that our records are accurate and to allow more detailed study of children’s explanations and interactions. With your permission, we would like to interview you at the end of the study. This would be a conversation about your own ideas and observations of children’s experiences in mathematics and literacy. The interview will last approximately 1 hour. During the interview, we might ask you questions like: How do you support student learning across subject areas? How do you feel about the increased attention to writing in mathematics? What are your primary goals in your teaching of mathematics and literacy?

How do the EALRS/curriculum materials help or constrain you in reaching your goals? We would like to audiotape the interview. Only the researchers will have access to the video and audiotapes. We will transcribe the tapes and assign a code to the transcripts. The links between your name and the transcripts will be destroyed by [some specific date]. We will only use pseudonyms in the reporting of our analyses. You are welcome to review the video and audiotapes or the transcripts at any time and make changes or delete any of your comments. We may also want to use samples from tapes for presentations to educational audiences, such as at professional conferences. We would like your permission to use the tapes for these educational purposes. We will not use your name at these educational events. Also, we will not provide any information that might identify your school. We will not use the tapes publicly until you have an opportunity to review and edit the tapes and have provided your written consent. We will inform you of that opportunity in [some general window of time]. We will keep the tapes until our analysis is complete. We will destroy the tapes by [some specific date].


Sometimes students and teachers feel awkward with a stranger in the classroom. Usually this awkwardness goes away in a short while. In addition, it can take time for students and teachers to feel comfortable being video and audio taped. We will carefully introduce the video and audio taping equipment to the students and allow them time

to become familiar with it. The video and audio taping equipment will be made as unobtrusive as possible. If, however, you feel uncomfortable at any time, you may withdraw from the study. You may contact the investigator

(above) if you have any questions or concerns about the study.


All information from this study will be confidential. Your participation is voluntary. Only the primary researchers will have access to your name and only for purposes of contacting you to arrange for classroom visits. The links between transcripts and observational notes and your name will be destroyed in [same date as specified above]. The tapes will be destroyed after analysis is complete, by [same date as specified above]. Only descriptive information about you (grade level taught, sex, years of experience as a teacher, size of school, etc.) will be retained with the records. At any time, you can decide not to participate in the study.


Signatures of Primary Investigators Date Names of Primary Investigators

Subject’s statement

This study has been explained to me. I volunteer to take part in this research. I have had a chance to ask questions.

If I have questions later on about the research I can ask one of the investigators listed above. I give my permission to be video and audio taped as described above. If I have questions about my rights as a research subject, I can call the Human Subjects Division at (206) 543-0098. I will receive a copy of this consent form.




I give you permission to audiotape my interviews.

I DO NOT give you permission to audiotape my interviews.


I give you permission to video and audiotape me working with students during classroom lessons in math and literacy.

I DO NOT give you permission to video and audiotape me working with students during classroom lessons in math and literacy.

Name of participant Signature of participant Date






Maria Robinson, Professor, College of Education, (206) 543-1234

[email contact]

Zenia Smith, Graduate Student, College of, (206) 324-3333

[email contact]

Investigators' statement

We are asking your child to be in a research study. The purpose of this consent form is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether or not your child can be in the study. Please read the form carefully. You may ask questions about the purpose of the research, what we would ask your child to do, the possible risks and benefits, your child’s rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the research or this form that is not clear. When all your questions have been answered, you can decide if you want your child to be in the study or not. This process is called ‘informed consent.’


We want to know more about how students understand school subjects. We also want to know if there is a connection between how students understand each of those subjects. Often students are asked to use one subject (such as reading) within another subject, such as science. So we hope the results of the study will help us understand how students relate to different subjects. Your child may not directly benefit from this study.


We would like to observe your child’s classroom throughout the year. We will visit the classroom about twice a month, except for three 3-week periods when we will visit three days a week. Each visit will last

2-3 hours. If your child chooses to be in this study (with your permission), we would like to video and audiotape your child’s classroom participation and participation in small group discussions during class time. We may also want to have individual video or audiotaped conversations with your child about classroom activities. These conversations will last about 5 to 10 minutes and will take place at a time that will not take away from you child’s learning experiences. We might ask your child to describe a math problem they just solved or a story they just wrote. Since we want to understand how children talk about their understandings in school subjects, the video and audiotapes will help us look more closely at how children talk to each other about what they have learned. We will use the video and audiotapes to study how children help each other learn. Only the researchers will have access to the tapes. We will transcribe the tapes and assign a code to the transcripts. Any link between your child’s name and the transcripts will be destroyed by [specific data]. You and your child can listen to her or his conversation with the researcher and erase anything you do not want used for research. We may also want to use samples from tapes for presentations to educational audiences, such as at professional conferences. We would like your permission to use the tapes for these educational purposes. We will not use your child’s name at these educational events. Also, we will not provide any information that might identify your child’s school.

We will not use the tapes publicly until you have had an opportunity to review and edit the tapes and provide your written consent. We will provide an opportunity for you to view and edit the tapes in

[specify time frame]. We will then only use tapes publicly if you give your written consent on an additional form. The video and audiotapes will be destroyed by [specific date]. Please indicate below whether or not you give your permission for your child to be video and audio taped for purpose of this study.

We would like to collect some copies of your child’s written work to help us further understand children’s learning. We will not take your child’s original work. We will remove your child’s name from these copies.

Participation in this study will not require any time outside of school. Your child’s participation is voluntary. Participation will not affect his or her classroom grade or any other evaluation.


Some people feel that providing information for research is an invasion of privacy. We will protect your child’s privacy by assigning a fake name in all writing related to this research.


Being in this study is voluntary. Your child can stop at any time. Whether you and your child choose to be in this study, or choose not to be in this study, your decision will not affect your child’s standing in the classroom. Information your child provides is confidential. Any information provided by your child will be coded. The link between the study information and your child’s name will be destroyed by [specific date]. The video and audiotapes will be destroyed by [specific date]. If the results of this study are published, we will not use your child’s name.



Signatures of Primary Investigators Date Printed Names of Investigators

Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s statement

“The study has been explained to me, and I voluntarily consent to allow my child to participate. I have had an opportunity to ask questions. I understand that the investigator listed above will answer future questions I may have about the research. I give my permission for my child to be video and audiotaped as described above. If I have questions about my child’s rights as a subject, I may call the University of

Washington Human Subject Division at (206) 543-0098. I will receive a copy of this consent form.

___ I give you permission to video and audiotape interviews with my child about school work.

___ I DO NOT give you permission to video and audiotape my child about school subjects.

___ I give you permission to video and audiotape my child during classroom lessons.

___ I DO NOT give you permission to video and audiotape my child during classroom lessons.

Name of student Signature of parent or legal guardian Date cc: Parent



Printed Name






Maria Robinson, Professor, College of Education, (206) 543-1234

[email contact]

Zenia Smith, Graduate Student, College of, (206) 324-3333

[email contact]

Investigators’ statement

The reasons for our study: We are interested in learning more about the different ways students learn in school.

What we will do: We will visit your classroom. Sometimes we will sit and watch and sometimes we will walk around to see what you and your classmates are working on.

You will see us taking notes. This is so we don’t forget what we see. Sometimes we will bring tape recorders or video cameras with us. We may use a tape recorder or video camera to record your talk when you work in small groups. We are interested in how students talk to each other about what they are learning. We also might ask you if you would talk to us about what you are reading or writing or about problems you are solving in math. We might also use a tape recorder to record those talks. You can listen to the tapes and watch the videos and change or ask us to erase anything that you said. We might take a picture of some of your written work or make a copy of it. This is so we can learn more about how kids write and solve math problems. We will not be grading any of your work. We would like to show some of the tapes of you and your classmates to other people. We will give you a chance to see and hear the tapes before the end of the school year. We will not show the tapes to other people unless you tell us that it is O.K. with you.

Your part: You can choose whether or not you would like to be a part of this study. You can ask questions any time while we are in your classroom. If you do not want to talk to us about your work, you don’t have to. If you are ever uncomfortable or want to turn off the tape recorder or video camera, all you have to do is let us know. Being part of this study will not affect your grades. You can change your mind about being in the study at any time.


Printed names of Researchers Signatures of Researchers Date

Student’s statement

“The reasons for this study have been explained to me. I understand what we are going to do, and I would like to be a part of this study. I can ask questions about the study now or later. I know that my voice will be taped and I will be filmed on video and that is O.K. with me. I know that if I have more questions, I can ask Dr. Robinson or Ms. Smith.”

___ I give you permission to video and audiotape me during class time..

___ I DO NOT give you permission to video and audiotape me during class time.

Student’s name Student’s signature

Date cc: Student





Children’s Experiences in school


Maria Robinson, Professor, College of Education, (206) 543-1234

[email contact]

Zenia Smith, Graduate Student, College of, (206) 324-3333

[email contact]

Researchers’ statement


This research project studies children’s experiences in clasrooms. We want to use video or audio recordings taken of your child participating in math and literacy activities to present how our study was conducted. We believe that the recordings and photographs will help illustrate the results of our study.

It is possible for someone who knows your child to recognize her/his voice or image from the videotape or audiotape.

We ask your permission to use the following recordings in academic public presentations, educational settings and publications such as journals, magazines, newspapers, and online multimedia publications, and web sites:




_____________________________ ________________________________ ______

Printed name of researcher Signature of researcher Date

_____________________________ ________________________________ ______

Printed name of researcher Signature of researcher Date

Parent’s statement

I have had an opportunity to review the audio and video recordings referenced above. I give my permission to the researchers to use the items as I have indicated above in this consent form. I understand that my child’s name will not be published in connection with any such presentation or publication. I will not receive any compensation for the use of the recordings or photographs. I will receive a copy of this consent form.

I give my permission for the researchers to use the above audio and videotape in the following way:

 Academic public presentations

 Educational settings

 Scientific or educational journals, magazines, newspapers

 Online multimedia publications

 Web sites

_____________________________ ________________________________ ______

Printed name of parent Signature of parent Date
