8 Joel Terrace
Contact Person: Name:
Telephone No:
Facsimile No:
Expression of interest
The Recipient hereby submits its EOI to provide the Services in accordance with the requirements of the Request for EOI, as confirmed in the Statement of
Compliance in Schedule 1 . The Recipient must ensure the hard copies and the electronic copy of its EOI are identical and agrees that System
Management may rely on either version when evaluating this EOI.
Agency/joint submission
The Recipient is/is not* acting as agent or trustee for another person, or lodging an EOI jointly with other persons.
(If the Recipient is acting as an agent or trustee or jointly, full details must be provided in this section.)
Description of the Proposed Service
The recipient provides the information required in Schedule 2 for each Service proposed to be provided.
Desired contract duration
The Recipient provides in Schedule 3 the desired contract period for each
Service proposed to be provided.
4. Experience in the delivery of the services
The Recipient provides in Schedule 4 , details of its experience in the delivery of services that are similar to the Service.
* Delete as appropriate
Supporting information
The Recipient provides the supporting information required in Schedule 5 for each Service proposed to be provided
Addenda to request for EOI (only if addenda appearing on SM website)
In the preparation of its EOI, the Recipient acknowledges having reviewed the following Addenda, if any, to this Request for EOI:
Addendum No. 1
Addendum No. 2
Addendum No. 3
NOTE: The Glossary and rules of interpretation in part B.6 of the Request for EOI apply to this EOI and the attached Schedules 1 to 4 .
Dated this day of
Executed by [ INSERT ] pursuant to section 127 of the Corporations Act
2001 (Cth):
Company Secretary/Director
Name of Company Secretary/Director
Name of Director (print)
I [Recipient] confirm that this EOI conforms in every respect with the Request for EOI.
I [Recipient] confirm that this EOI does not conform with the Request for EOI in the following ways:
Recipient's Name _________________________________
_________________________________ Recipient's Signature
* Delete as appropriate
The Recipient proposes the following Services:
Type of Load Following Service proposed to be provided (ie
Scheduled Generator, Non-
Scheduled Generator or
Dispatchable Load)
Name of the Facility from which the
Service is proposed to be provided
Location of the Facility from which the Service is proposed to be provided
Does the Facility to be used to provide the Service already exist?
If the Facility already exists can it meet the performance requirements now?
If the Facility already exists and cannot meet the performance requirements now, please provide the expected earliest date that the
Facility will be available to provide the Service
If the Facility does not already exist, please provide the expected earliest date that the Facility will be available to be fully operational and able to provide the Service
1.1 Facilities
If the Services are to be provided by a Generator, the Recipient proposes that the Services be provided using the following facilities:
Recipient’s Generator
1.2 Levels of performance
If the Services are to be provided by a Generator, the Recipient must outline the expected levels of performance as follows:
Performance Requirement
Does the Generator have a Governing System that can monitor and controls the generating unit output at an agreed Raise and Lower
Ramp Rate?
Does the governing system comply with the requirements of the
Technical Rules?
Will the Governing System accept and respond to AGC signals ordering the raising or lowering of the output of the Generator to a desired level?
Is the Generator fitted with a monitoring device that can send signals to SM’s AGC System for the following quantities at intervals of at least once every 8 seconds:
Generator output level
Dispatch Point in MW
High Economic Limit in MW
Low Economic Limit in MW
High Operating Limit in MW
Low Operating limit in MW
Control Selection (Local/Remote)
Time to respond to a raise or lower signal from SM’s AGC System
(must respond within 5 seconds).
Percentage of time during which the Generator will be available to deliver the Load Following Service in any rolling 12-month period excluding any period during which it is undergoing an Approved
Will the Generator be continuously available to provide the Load
Following Service when initiated, dispatched and, called upon, or instructed to be available?
Minimum Raise Ramp Rate (at least 2 MW/minute is required).
Maximum Raise Ramp Rate (no more than 30 MW/minute is required).
Minimum Lower Ramp Rate (at least 2 MW/minute is required).
Maximum Lower Ramp Rate (no more than 30 MW/minute is required).
MW Raise Capability (at least 10 MW is required).
MW Lower Capability (at least 10 MW is required).
Expected level of performance
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No for each quantity seconds
Yes or No
2.1 Facilities
If the Services are to be provided by Dispatchable Loads , the Recipient proposes that the
Services be provided in the following manner and using the following facilities:
Recipient’s Dispatchable Load
2.2 Levels of performance
If the Services are to be provided by Dispatchable Loads , the Recipient must outline the expected levels of performance as follows:
Performance Requirement
Does the Dispatchable Load facility have a Governing System that can monitor and control the load consumption at an agreed Raise and Lower Ramp Rate?
Does the governing system comply with the requirements of the
Technical Rules?
Will the governing system accept and respond to AGC signals from
SM’s AGC System ordering the raising or lowering of the load consumption of the Dispatchable Load to a desired level?
Is the Dispatchable Load fitted with a monitoring device that can send signals to SM’s AGC System for the following quantities at intervals of at least once every 8 seconds:
Dispatchable Load consumption in MW
Dispatch Point in MW
High Economic Limit in MW
Low Economic Limit in MW
High Operating Limit in MW
Low Operating limit in MW
AGC Control On/Off
Time to respond to a raise or lower signal fro m SM’s AGC System
(must respond within 5 seconds).
Percentage of time during which the Dispatchable Load will be available to deliver the Load Following Service in any rolling 12month period excluding any period during which it is undergoing an
Approved Outage.
Will the Dispatchable Load be continuously available to provide the
Load Following Service when initiated and dispatched, called upon, or instructed to be available?
Minimum Raise Ramp Rate (at least 2 MW/minute is required).
Maximum Raise Ramp Rate (no more than 30 MW/minute is required).
Minimum Lower Ramp Rate (at least 2 MW/minute is required).
Maximum Lower Ramp Rate (no more than 30 MW/minute is required).
MW Raise Capability (at least 10 MW is required).
Expected level of performance
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No for each quantity seconds
Yes or No
Performance Requirement
MW Lower Capability (at least 10 MW is required).
Expected level of performance
Recipients should provide the following details for each of the Services proposed to be provided:
Name of the Service offered
Indicative Price (expressed as a percentage discount to be applied to the Load Following
Availability Cost set according to the WEM Rules)
Desired Contract Period years
Desired Start Date (if earlier than 1 January 2012)
Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Signature
Provide details of:
(a) the Recipient’s general background; and
(b) relevant experience, including particulars of previous contracts (with System
Management or any other party) for the delivery of services similar to the
Recipient's Name
Recipient's Signature
Provide details to show that the facility from which the Load Following Service is being offered can meet the Technical and Performance Requirements including but not limited to: a. In the case of an existing facility, actual test results b. In the case of a proposed new facility, the results of simulations using appropriate modelling or results of test carried on identical plant at another location
Recipient's Name
Recipient's Signature