HOUSE STYLE FOR MINUTES 1 Word Processing Matters 1.1 Paragraphs To save space and therefore paper: Format Paragraph Line Spacing = Exactly at 12pt (0 pt before, 12 pt after) 1.2 Margins 1” (2.54cm) all around 1.3 Tabs Tabs set at: 1” (2.54cm) 1.5” (3.81cm) 2” (5.08cm) and thereafter 0.5” (1.27cm) intervals as necessary. 2 Heading (All Minutes should now use the working title of Cardiff University) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CARDIFF UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE HELD ON DAY DATE MONTH YEAR IN ROOM, BUILDING AT TIME For example: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CARDIFF UNIVERSITY STANDING COMMITTEE OF SENATE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY 2003 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, MAIN BUILDING AT 10.00 AM 3 List of those present Present: Name of Chair (in the Chair), rest of members in alphabetical order For example: Vice-Chancellor (Chair), Professor J D Alden, Dr M J Coyle, Professor H D Ellis, Professor N J Fiddian, Professor D K Luscombe, Professor R Mansfield, Professor P J Nicholls, Professor J P Osmond and Professor A Schultz. [NOTE: (i) If the Vice-Chancellor is a member of a committee but not the Chair, and present at the meeting, then his name should be put after that of the Chair and before all other members; (ii) Secretaries should use their judgement to record in this section whether a member was present for only part of the meeting, or if a member left the meeting for a particular item [e.g. it is important to 1 note that a HOD was invited to be present or left the meeting when a matter concerning his department was discussed, but of no particular interest that a member left the meeting temporarily.] 4 List of those in attendance In attendance: Names of non-members present at the meeting in alphabetical order. For example: In attendance: Mrs J Boggan (for Minute 603), Mrs L C Casella, Mrs J Cormack, Miss E E Edwards and Mrs S McFarlane. [NOTE: 5 If any officer or non-member of the committee was present for only part of the meeting or for a particular item, this should be indicated in this section.] List of those members who have apologised for their absence Apologies for absence were received from followed by names of members who have apologised for not attending the meeting, in alphabetical order. [It is not necessary to list the names of any members of the administrative staff who are not attending the meeting] For example: Apologies for absence were received from Dr S Delamont, Professor H D Ellis and Professor D J Skilton. 6 Minute numbering Please note that all the items in paragraphs 2 to 5 above are not given a Minute number. 6.1 The main minute number should be on its own in the margin. The title of the minute should be one inch from the margin. For example: 591 6.2 MATTERS ARISING (in bold capital letters) If Minute 591 has more than one part, each part should be numbered consecutively 591.1, 591.2, 591.3 etc in the margin, and any subsequent text should be one inch from the margin. For example: 6.3 591.1 First matter arising (underlined) 591.2 Second matter arising (underlined) If 591.1 has more than one part, each is numbered consecutively .1, .2, .3 etc indented one inch from the margin and any subsequent text should be one and a half inches from the margin. 2 For example: 591.1 First matter arising NOTED .1 first point noted; .2 second point noted. RESOLVED 6.4 .3 first point of resolution; .4 second point of resolution. If there is only one noted and no resolutions, the word NOTED is in capital letters followed by the text in upper and lower case - there is no need for a further number: For example: NOTED that the Charter and Statutes Working Group was considering a draft framework for the review of Council's effectiveness and Council's review of the institution's performance at regular intervals, in the light of the Dearing Report and the advice provided by the Committee of University Chairmen (CUC). 6.5 If there is only one resolution and no noteds, there is no need for additional numbering: For example: RESOLVED that the Vice-Chancellor be authorised to fill the two vacancies on the Standing Panel of Enquiry: Unfair Practice Procedure 6.6 If there is one noted and one resolution, the numbering should be as follows: NOTED .1 that etc.. RESOLVED .2 that etc.. 6.7 If there are a number of points noted and points to the resolution, then each noted/resolved is separated by a semi-colon, with the final noted/resolved ending in a full stop. Each is numbered consecutively. [See example in 6.3 above]. 7 Before the start of a Meeting Occasionally there is a need to minute items not specified on an agenda, before the start of a meeting. 3 7.1 Appointing a temporary Chair Standing Order 9.1 states that in the absence of the Chair (and Vice-Chair, where appointed), the Committee needs to choose a member of the Committee to chair the meeting. It is usual practise for the secretary to approach someone prior to the meeting and to seek the Committee’s approval. For example: 586 CHAIR In the unavoidable absence of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor H D Ellis took the Chair. 7.2 Order of Business In the event that items on an agenda need to be taken in a different order (e.g. if someone has been invited to be in attendance for a particular agenda item, it is usual to bring it forward on the agenda), it is customary to get the agreement of the Committee at the start of a meeting. For example: 587 ORDER OF BUSINESS AGREED that Agendum 14, 'Mission, Aims And Objectives - Review Of Strategic Plan' be taken after Agendum 6, 'Items from the Chair'. 7.3 Preliminary Items This is used to welcome new members; to congratulate members on appointments and awards; to report deaths of members; etc. For example: 588 PRELIMINARIES 1512.1 Congratulations Dr James Whitley, HISAR awarded the Runciman Award 2002 by the Anglo-Hellenic League. 1512.2 Deaths Council learned with sadness of the following deaths: .1 Dr Clive Righton Jones, member of staff in the UCC Industry Centre from 1981 to 1988, died 25 May 2002. 4 7.4 Observers If a student or a member of staff has been invited to be present at a meeting as an observer, it is usual to minute this. For example: 589 OBSERVER AGREED that, in the absence of the Student President, Ms M Gholami be permitted to attend the meeting as an observer. 8 Approval of Minutes from a previous meeting 8.1 If the Minutes are approved as a correct record with no amendments MinNo MINUTES (in bold capital letters) The Minutes of the meeting held on date month year (paper number) were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. For example: 590 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2003 (02/349) were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 8.2 If the Minutes are amended before approval 590 MINUTES RESOLVED subject to the following amendments (in bold italics) the Minutes of the meeting held on date month year (paper number) were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair: 590.1 amendment 1 590.2 amendment 2 NOTE: 9 If there is any discussion which needs to be noted, this can be inserted before the RESOLVED in the usual way. Matters Arising If there are no matters arising, either from a paper or raised orally, nothing appears in the Minutes. Please note that no major item for discussion should appear as part of a Matters Arising paper, it should always be a substantive item on the agenda. 5 9.1 If there is a paper but no discussion 591 MATTERS ARISING (in bold capital letters) Received and NOTED paper paper number, 'Title of paper'. 9.2 If there is a paper and discussion concerning matters arising MinNo MATTERS ARISING Received and noted paper paper number, 'Title of paper'. MinNo.1 Title of Minute [Minute No from previous meeting] NOTED etc For example: 789 MATTERS ARISING Received and NOTED paper 02/1589, 'Matters Arising'. Student FTE Count 2001-02 [Minute 787] NOTED .1 that trend data could be misleading if changes had occurred in the methodology of the student count. RESOLVED .2 9.3 that appropriate notes should be added to the figures where such variation in the methodology occurs. If there is no paper but a matter is raised orally at the meeting 591 MATTERS ARISING 591.1 Title of Minute [Minute No from previous meeting] NOTED etc 10 Membership If there are no membership matters, either from a paper or raised orally, nothing appears in the Minutes. MinNo MEMBERSHIP (in bold capital letters) Received and noted paper paper number, 'Committee name – Membership'. NOTED 6 MinNo.1 Category Heading (For example: Pro Vice- Chancellors) NOTED take in as per paper. For example: 1287 MEMBERSHIP Received and noted paper 02/1587, 'Council - Membership'. NOTED 1287.1 Twelve Members of the Senate NOTED that, at its meeting on 22 March 2001, Senate had appointed the following to serve on Council for three years with effect from 1 August 2001 until 31 July 2004: Professor P Blood, PHYSX Dr A M Cohen, MATHS Professor S M Davies, WELSH Dr K S Delamont, SOCSI (re-appointed) (re-appointed) (vice Professor I D Bowen, BIOSI) (re-appointed) Students NOTED 11 .1 that Mr T McGarry had been elected Student President and would therefore serve on Council for Session 2001-02, representing the undergraduate students (vice Mr S Young); .2 that Mr I Hibble, the Academic Affairs Officer, would represent the postgraduate students on Council for Session 2001-02 (vice Mr G Pycroft). Vacancies on Committees If there are no vacancies on committees to be filled, either from a paper or raised orally, nothing appears in the Minutes. MinNo VACANCIES ON COMMITTEES Received paper paper number, ‘Committee name - Vacancies on Committees’. Vacancies were filled as follows: MinNo.1 Name of Committee RESOLVED that name of appointee, department be appointed (or re-appointed, as the case may be) to serve on name of committee for number of years years with effect from date month year (or with immediate effect) until end date. 7 For example: 1210 VACANCIES ON COMMITTEES Received and NOTED papers 02/1411, 'Vacancies on Committees' and 1210.1 tabled paper 02/1504, 'Standing Committee of Senate – Ballot Information'. Academic Quality Assurance Committee RESOLVED on the nomination of the Vice-Chancellor that Professor J D Alden, CPLAN be re-appointed as Chair of the Academic Quality Assurance Committee for a further year with effect from 1 August 2002 until 31 July 2003. 12 Items from the Chair If there are no items from the Chair, either from a paper or raised orally, nothing appears in the Minutes. 12.1 If there is a paper but no discussion MinNo ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR Received and NOTED paper paper number, ‘Title of paper’. For example: 594 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR Received and NOTED paper 02/123, 'Items from the Chair'. 12.2 If there is a paper and discussion concerning items from the Chair MinNo ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR Received and considered paper paper number, ‘Title of paper’. MinNo.1 Title of item NOTED etc For example: 1260 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR Received and noted paper 02/1170R, 'Items from the Chair'. 8 1261 Dates of Meetings in Session 2002-03 RESOLVED that the following dates of meetings for Session 2002-03 be approved (all meetings are on a Tuesday at 5.00 p.m.): 12.3 2002 5 November 17 December 2003 28 January 8 April 20 May 1 July If there is no paper but a matter is raised orally at the meeting 594 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR 594.1 Title of item NOTED etc For example: 594 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR 594.1 Modularisation, Semesterisation and Student Services NOTED etc. 13 Minutes from sub-committees 13.1 If there is no action flagged on the Minutes MinNo NAME OF SUB-COMMITTEE Received and NOTED the Minutes of the meeting of the name of committee held on date month year (paper number). For example: 595 RESEARCH COMMITTEE Received and NOTED the Minutes of the meeting of the Research Committee held on 29 April 2003 (02/232). 13.2 If there is action arising from the Minutes: MinNo NAME OF SUB-COMMITTEE Received and considered the Minutes of the meeting of the name of committee held on date month year (paper number). 9 Arising therefrom: MinNo.1 Title of Minute [Minute No from sub-committee meeting] Received and considered paper paper number, ‘Paper title’. NOTED .1 first point noted; .2 second point noted. RESOLVED .3 first point of resolution; .4 second point of resolution. For example: 1396 TEACHING AND LEARNING COMMITTEE Received and considered a report of the meeting of the Teaching and Learning Committee held on 22 May 2002 (01/1450) and the associated Minutes (01/1449). Arising therefrom: 1396.1 Welsh Medium Provision Sub-Committee [Minute 418.1] RESOLVED .1 to approve in principle that meetings of the Welsh Medium Provision Sub-Committee take place through the medium of Welsh, subject to consideration of the resource implications in relation to translation .2 to refer the request for funding to the Planning and Resources Committee for consideration. 13.3 Recommendations to a parent committee For example: 1396 ACADEMIC QUALITY ASSURANCE COMMITTEE 1396.3 Review of membership and Terms of Reference of the Teaching and Learning Committee [Minute 433] RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO SENATE AND COUNCIL that the proposed amendments to the composition and terms of reference of 10 the Teaching and Learning Committee be approved with effect from Session 2002/03, as detailed in the appendix to this Minute. 14 Minuting of substantive items MinNo SUBSTANTIVE ITEM Received and considered paper paper number, ‘Paper title’. NOTED MinNo.1 First point noted; MinNo.2 Second point noted. RESOLVED MinNo.3 First point of resolution; MinNo.4 Second point of resolution. For example: 1518 ALLIANCE PROJECT Received and considered papers 01/258, 'Alliance Project – Comments and Feedback' and 01/1395, 'The Alliance Project, April 2002'. NOTED 1518.1 the following declarations of interest made by the members of Council: Mr W H John – Council of UWCM Mrs F Peel – Council of UWCM and member of NHS Trust Mr D H Thomas – Council of UWCM and member of NHS Trust Mr D T C Wiersma – President of Cardiff AUT, which also represented UWCM 1518.2 the decision of the meeting that those who had declared an interest be allowed to take part in the discussion, but not to vote on any resolutions; 1518.3 that the Report of the Alliance Project Joint Working Group, which had reviewed several options for strengthening the Partnership between the two institutions and had assessed them against a number of criteria, had unanimously recommended that merger could deliver the full benefits sought; 1518.4 that, following wide circulation of the Report internally at both institutions and following external consultation with interested bodies throughout Wales, the written feedback and comments detailed in paper 01/258 had given overall support for merger, the prime benefits for merger being seen as academic rather than as a response to political imperatives; 1518.5 a number of detailed matters had been raised which emphasised the need to preserve those features which had led to Cardiff University's success and in 11 particular: - the use of the name 'Cardiff University' if the merger of the two institutions goes ahead in order to build on the significant reputation that has been built up nationally and internationally; the need to preserve Cardiff's flat management structure and the devolved budgeting arrangements to departments which had ensured rapid decision making and had been crucial to the University's success; the need for the delivery of benefits to learning and teaching as well as to research to be explicitly recognised in future discussions; support and funding across the breadth of Cardiff's current departments should not be diverted as a consequence of merger; the need to ensure the resources earmarked to address existing estates pressures at Cardiff as part of the overall estates strategy for the University were not deflected in the context of the wider demands raised by the proposed merger; 1518.6 the view that, as concern had been raised that the duplication of staff posts in the support services might lead to redundancies, the assurances given that this was unlikely to be the case as a consequence of the Alliance Project, should have been included in the conclusions reached in paper 01/258; 1518.7 that the University Strategic Plan 2002-03 to 2007-08 (detailed in paper 01/259) was a plan for Cardiff University as presently constituted and would need to be revised in due course if a decision to merge the two institutions was taken by both institutions; 1518.8 that the Council of UWCM would be considering this matter on July 5, 2002; 1518.9 that the full benefits of merger were contingent upon securing external funding and exploratory discussions had already been held with external bodies concerning the funding necessary to further enhance the strength of a merged institution; 1518.10 that the Report did not make any specific reference to increasing the capacity for student numbers in medicine as such an increase was not dependent on merger; 1518.11 that the transparent way in which the process had been carried out to date had been welcomed and that care would be taken to ensure that external bodies such as the National Assembly for Wales and HEFCW, staff, students and other stakeholders were kept informed of progress towards merger and the associated investment needs. RESOLVED 1518.12 that, subject to securing appropriate investment and developing detailed formal plans which build upon existing and emergent strengths of both institutions, UWCM and Cardiff University merge; 1518.13 that the detailed planning for merger be overseen by an independent chair of the Joint Working Group, employing a number of functional task groups, and 12 that the final proposals for merger be brought forward by the end of 2002 (timetable subject to detailed planning of the task groups' work) for consideration by both institutions; 1518.14 that immediate actions for strengthening the Partnership be identified and implemented, thereby not delaying the delivery of benefits in those areas not dependent on merger. 15 Additional Points 15.1 File Copy of Minutes .1 Name of Individuals It is not usual to include names of individuals in Minutes which are on public display in Libraries if it concerns the appointment, promotion, discipline and personal affairs of any individual member of staff or the admission, academic assessment or personal affairs of any individual student. Although the matter must be minuted, names are detailed in the file copy to the minutes which is attached to the signed copy of the Minutes and not circulated with the Minutes. For example: 598 FELLOWS COMMITTEE RESOLVED that those named in the file copy of the Minutes be elected to Honorary Fellowships of the University; FILE COPY OF THE MINUTES Minute Name of Individuals Minute 598 Baroness Finlay of Llandaff Mr Anthony Freud .2 Confidential Matters Council at its meeting on 20 January 1998 [Minute 682.2.2] resolved that agenda and papers dealing with commercially sensitive issues should not refer to specific sites, or to expected values, or to any other matter which might be used against the commercial interests of the College in negotiations but such sensitive matters should: (i) be referred to orally at meetings when such business is under consideration; (ii) be recorded in the file copy of the Minutes. 13 15.2 Further Noteds/Resolveds Occasionally, decisions need to be made as a consequence of approving a recommendation detailed in a paper. In this case the points noted and the resolution form the first part of the Minute, and any discussion/decision which takes place as a result of the resolution should be minuted under ‘further noted’ and/or ‘further resolved’. For example: 1515 VACANCIES ON COMMITTEES Received and considered paper 01/1511B, 'Report from the Nominations Committee'. 1515.1 Co-opted members of Council NOTED .1 that, on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee, the of Council and the Vice-Chancellor had met with the three nominees co-opted members who possessed skills and expertise in areas identified by the committee as being needed following the expiry of terms of office of several experienced members of Council; .2 that Mr Hywel Jones had recently retired as senior partner from PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the University's external auditors and, in relation to any possible conflict of interest, assurance that he: would have no further work commitment with the firm; had not been involved with the external auditing process for the University; would not initially be considered for membership of the Audit Committee. Chair as the - RESOLVED .3 that the following individuals be co-opted to serve on Council with effect from 1 August 2002: (i) Her Honour Judge Eleri Rees for four years until 31 July 2006 [vice Mr S S Harries]; (ii) Mr Hywel Jones for four years until 31 July 2006 [vice Mr P Rich]; (iii) Dr Drew Nelson in a casual vacancy for three years until 31 July 2005 [vice Mr R G Thomas]. 14 FURTHER NOTED .4 .5 that PriceWaterhouseCoopers had been the University's external auditors for many years and had been re-appointed by Court in March 2002 for a period of three years from 010802, with an option to extend the term of appointment for a further two years; that, in accordance with the HEFCW Audit Code of Practice: - the length of the term of office of the assignment partner does not exceed seven continuous years; the Audit Committee had undertaken a tendering exercise prior to the appointment of the external auditor by Court. Any queries should be directed to Lisa Williams/Sarah Hanks, Ext: 74297 or e-mail 15X