Permit No. __________-_____ Page 1 of 6 FLOODPLAIN DETERMINATION / DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION LEON COUNTY, TEXAS The floodplain determination permit application fee is $20 If property is determined to be in SFHA, a development authorization permit is required, Elevation Certificate, & fee of $150.00 for property partially in SFHA and $420.00 for property inside the SFHA Floodway Zone. No work may start until a Floodplain Development Authorization Permit is completed. The Development Authorization Permit may be revoked if any false statements are made on the application. If revoked, all work must cease until a Floodplain Development Authorization Permit is reissued. The permit is valid for one year from date issued and will need to be renewed if work is not completed within that year. Applicant hereby gives consent to the local Floodplain Administrator or his/her representative to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance. Applicant hereby agrees to furnish a Preliminary Elevation Certificate taken from the construction drawings or building under construction before we can issue Floodplain Development Authorization Permit. A Final Foundation Elevation Certificate will also be required within 10 business days of completion of foundation. The floodplain development authorization permit applies to Leon County (Unincorporated Areas) Flood Damage Prevention Court Order only. Other Federal, State or Local permits may be required. The floodplain development authorization permit does not exempt applicant from deed restrictions, subdivision regulations or other covenants regarding real estate. Applicant is responsible for investigation of such information. Our community is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and flood insurance is available to every citizen in the community, even renters. I, the APPLICANT, certify that I have read these general provisions for Floodplain Development and that I understand if I do not abide by them, I may be punished by fine. Applicant’s Printed Name Site Address Applicant’s Signature Date FLOODPLAIN DESIGNATIONS: Floodplain Designations for Leon County (Unincorporated Areas) Flood Damage Prevention Court Order are based on maps provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Floodplain Boundaries shown on the Flood Insurance Rate maps are a 1% -annual-chance – flood event (100 year flood); the boundaries do not necessarily guarantee that areas outside the designated floodplain will not flood. The Flood Insurance Rate Map and other flood data used by Leon County in evaluating flood hazards are considered reasonable and accurate for regulatory purposes. On occasion greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. We cannot guarantee that your property will not flood. Standards required by the Leon County Flood Damage Prevention Order are minimum standards. Reliance on these standards does not create any liability on the part of Leon County or any officer or employee of Leon County in the event that flooding or flood damage does occur. Applicant Do Not Write In This Area - For Administrator Use Only Date Received ___________________ Received By _________ Fee Paid $_____________ FPD No. __________________________ Revised 07/17/2015 Receipt No. _________________________ Permit No. __________-_____ Page 2 of 6 Property Owner’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip _______ Home Phone ( ) ___________ Work Phone ( ) ___________ Cell Phone ( ) ___________ Property Owner’s E-Mail _________________________________________________________ Engineer’s Name ____________________________________________ Phone ( ) ___________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip _______ Contractor’s Name ___________________________________________ Phone ( ) ___________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip _______ Address of Subject Property (# and Road) ___________________________ (City) _______________ Legal Description of Subject Property ___________________________________________________ Tract/Lot _________ Acreage ___________ Volume _________ Page _________ R # __________ To avoid delay in processing your application, please provide enough information to define the subject property, the location, and all existing and proposed development. A copy of the property deed, a location map, and any other relevant information should be attached to this application. Date to Begin Construction: Date for Foundation to be completed: Date of Completion (estimation): Estimated Total Cost of Proposed Project$___________ DESCRIPTION OF WORK (check all applicable boxes) STRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT Activity Structure Type Existing Proposed New Structure Residential (Single-Family House) Addition Residential (Single-Family Manufactured Home) Modification / Remodel Residential (Multi-Family) Relocation Combined Use (Residential & Non-Residential) Replacement Non-Residential None - No Proposed New Development (Floodplain Determination Only) None – No Existing or Proposed Structures (Floodplain Determination Only) OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Subdivision Grading Private Water Well Replat Excavation Private Septic System Placement of Fill Drilling Mining Drainage Improvements Road or Bridge Construction Waterway Alteration (Including Dredging and Channel Modifications) Other (Please Specify) ______________________________________________________ Revised 07/17/2015 Permit No. __________-_____ Page 3 of 6 LEON COUNTY FLOODPLAIN DETERMINATION Floodplain Determination (To be completed by GIS) The proposed development is located on (FIRM) Panel No. Dated: November 20, 2013 The proposed development: Is NOT located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Notify the applicant that the application review is complete and NO FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED) Is partially located in the SFHA, but building/development is not (Authorization to Construct Permit is required) Is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Authorization to Construct Permit is required) o FIRM Zone Designation is o “100 Year” flood elevation at the site is : ft. NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum) MSL (Mean Sea Level) Unavailable Is located in the Floodway. FBFM Panel No: Dated: (If different from the FIRM panel and date) o o Permit Determination (To be completed by GIS & administrator) I have determined that the proposed activity: A. Is B. Is Not in conformance with provisions of the Leon County Flood Damage Prevention Court Order dated Nov 20, 2013. The permit is issued subject to the conditions attached to and made part of this permit. Signed: (GIS) Date: Signed: (Admin) Date: Revised 07/17/2015 Page 4 of 6 Permit No. __________-_____ This form to be completed if subject property determined to be in SFHA/Floodway. Additional Information Required (To be completed by GIS) No additional information is required to process this application. Any proposed new development may not begin until after an Authorization to Construct permit has been issued. The Determination Section (page 1-3) of this application must be submitted and an Authorization to Construct permit is needed prior to completing the documents checked below to complete the application process. A site plan showing the location of all existing structures, water bodies, adjacent roads, lot dimensions, and proposed development. Development plans, drawn to scale, and specifications, including where applicable: details for anchoring structures, proposed elevation of lowest floor (including basement), types of water-resistant materials used below the first floor, details of flood proofing of utilities located below the first floor and details of enclosures below the first floor. Also, Subdivision or other development plans. (If the subdivision or other development exceeds 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lesser, the applicant must provide “100 year” flood elevations if they are not otherwise available). This means that an elevation certificate must be obtained to determine elevation. Plans showing the extent of watercourse relocation and/or landform alterations. Change in water elevation (in feet) Meets ordinance limits on elevation increases Top of new compacted fill elevation ft. NGVD (MSL) Flood proofing protection level (non-residential only) ft. NGVD (MSL). For flood proofed structures, applicant must attach certification from registered engineer. Certification from a registered engineer that the proposed activity in a regulatory floodway will not result in any increase in the height of the “100 year” flood. A copy of all data and hydraulic/hydrologic calculations supporting this finding must also be submitted. Other: As-Built Elevation (to be submitted by Applicant BEFORE Certificate of Compliance is issued) The following information must be provided for structures that are part of this application. This section must be completed by a registered professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor (or attach a certification to this application). Complete 1 and 2 below: 1. Actual (As-Built) Elevation of the top of the lowest floor, including basement is: 2. Actual (As-Built) Elevation of flood proofing protection is: ft. NGVD (MSL) ft. NGVD (MSL) Compliance Action (To be completed by GIS) The GIS Office will complete this section as applicable based on inspection of the project to ensure compliance with the community’s local law for flood damage prevention. INSPECTIONS: DATE: by DEFICIENCIES? Yes No DATE: by DEFICIENCIES? Yes No DATE: by DEFICIENCIES? Yes No Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Compliance Issued: Signed: (GIS) Signed: (Admin) Date: Revised 07/17/2015 Date: Permit No. __________-_____ Page 5 of 6 LEON COUNTY, TEXAS FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZATION PERMIT Property Owner’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip _______ Address of Subject Property (# and Road) ___________________________ (City) _______________ Legal Description of Subject Property ___________________________________________________ Tract/Lot _________ Acreage ___________ Volume _________ Page _________ R # ____________ The subject property is located on FIRM Map No. _________________________, Dated 11/20/2013_ This serves to notify all persons that a Floodplain Determination / Development Permit Application, related technical data, and the appropriate fee have been received by the Leon County. The application has been reviewed for technical and administrative consideration against recognized standards and it is the determination that the subject development: Is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Is located in a Floodway. The Approximate Base Flood Elevation at the site is ____________ feet NGVD Zone designation is _________ Unavailable Therefore, this proposed development on the subject property IS REQUIRED to comply with Leon County standards for development in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Approval is hereby granted for the development proposed on the subject property in this application to proceed (specific building standards found in the Leon County Flood Damage Prevention Court Order approved October 14, 2013 must be followed). A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. WARNING: The Flood Insurance Rate Map and other flood data used by Leon County in evaluating flood hazards are considered reasonable and accurate for regulatory purposes. On occasion greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. We cannot guarantee that your property will not flood. Standards required by the Leon County Flood Damage Prevention Order are minimum standards. Reliance on these standards does not create any liability on the part of Leon County or any officer or employee of Leon County in the event that flooding or flood damage does occur. _________________________________ Floodplain Administrator Revised 07/17/2015 ______________________________ Date Permit No. __________-_____ Page 6 of 6 LEON COUNTY, TEXAS FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Property Owner’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip _______ Address of Subject Property (# and Road) ___________________________ (City) _______________ Legal Description of Subject Property ___________________________________________________ Tract/Lot _________ Acreage ___________ Volume _________ Page _________ R # ____________ The subject property is located on FIRM Map No. _________________________, Dated 11/20/2013_ The subject property / structures / development: Is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. Is located in a Floodway. The Approximate Base Flood Elevation at the site is ____________ feet NGVD Zone designation is _________ Unavailable This serves to notify all persons that this development on the subject property COMPLIES WITH Leon County standards for development in a Special Flood Hazard Area, as evidenced by the Elevation Certificate; with the top of the bottom floor at ______________ feet NAVD (at least one foot above BFE), and flood-proofing (by design or location). Any modifications or additional development may require a new permit. WARNING: The Flood Insurance Rate Map and other flood data used by Leon County in evaluating flood hazards are considered reasonable and accurate for regulatory purposes. On occasion greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. We cannot guarantee that your property will not flood. Standards required by the Leon County Flood Damage Prevention Order are minimum standards. Reliance on these standards does not create any liability on the part of Leon County or any officer or employee of Leon County in the event that flooding or flood damage does occur. _________________________________ Floodplain Administrator Revised 07/17/2015 ______________________________ Date