ATTENTION ALL RESEARCHERS: November 19, 2010 As of July 8, 2009, there will be a change in process for studies submitted to the CCMB RRIC for review and approval, related to sign-offs by departments impacted by the study and the signature of the privacy officer for CCMB on the PHIA form for research studies: 1) Please continue to submit the required number of collated research proposal packages (as described on the most recent version of the RRIC study submission form on the J drive) to the RRIC secretary (Jennifer Cabral), noting the submission deadlines 2) Jennifer Cabral will assign an RRIC number to the proposal and will send a copy of the proposal package to each of the departments impacted by the study* for signature, as well as to the CCMB privacy officer for the CCMB PHIA form for research studies and to all other members of the RRIC. (*It is the researcher's responsibility to indicate which departments are impacted on the RRIC study submission form. From this point on, it will NOT be the responsibility of the researcher to initiate contact with the representatives of the departments impacted or with the CCMB privacy officer for approval). 3) If any of the designates for the departments impacted or the CCMB privacy officer have any questions or concerns about the proposal, they will contact the researcher to address those issues. If necessary, they will arrange to meet with the researcher to address the issues. 4) The research proposal will be reviewed at the next RRIC meeting scheduled after the researcher has submitted the package to Jennifer Cabral. However, RRIC approval will not be granted until all of the impacted departments have signed off and the PHIA form for research has been signed by the privacy officer at CCMB. A copy of the signed CCMB PHIA form for research for the study will be sent to the researcher with the RRIC letter of approval for the study. Rochelle Yanofsky, MD Chair, CCMB Research Resource Impact Committee (RRIC) Page 1 Version XV – November 19, 2010 of 5 Original Submission Yes No If no, state date of revised submission Study Submission Form Research Resource Impact Committee – RRIC This form must be completed for research studies and approved by RRIC, REB and regulatory bodies before any study work is initiated. The following types of studies MUST be submitted to RRIC for review and approval. a) Studies which involve the review of CCMB patient records; b) Studies which involve any type of contact with CCMB patients (including surveys and questionnaires); c) Studies which involve the use of tissue or body fluids from CCMB patients; d) Studies which may have a significant impact on CCMB resources (staff, equipment, or other), and which may adversely affect the availability of those resources for routine patient care. e) Studies which may generate data interesting enough to be possibly published Note: 1) Retroactive approval WILL NOT be granted. All impacted departments must be consulted & sign off (section 8.0) 2) Contracts are reviewed by the RRIC Contract Sub-committee. Refer to the J drive, RRIC folder regarding the deadlines for contract submission and the processes and guidelines for contract review. Study Information Study Title: Objectives of the Study: 1.0 Who will introduce the study to the participants? Who will obtain informed consent? Will you use CCMB space to conduct portions of the study? Type of Study: Qualitative Quantitative Chart Review Other ______________ A written Research Proposal is required even for Chart Reviews. (Please refer to document RRIC Requirement for a Written Research Proposal for Chart Reviews.) Researcher Information 2.0 3.0 4.0 Principal Investigator: Address: Phone: Study Coordinator: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Institution: Fax: E-mail: Trainee a) Is the Researcher a Trainee? b) Are any trainees involved in the project? c) Has the trainee form been signed by the supervisor? Yes Yes Yes No No No If yes, refer to 3c) If yes, refer to 3c) Correspondence to be directed to: Principal Investigator Study Coordinator Page 2 Version XV – November 19, 2010 of 5 5.0 6.0 7.0 Research funding 5.1 Is the study funded by industry? 5.2 Is there a budget for the study? Study conducted at: CCMB – MacCharles If other, specify: Yes Yes No No Provide copy under section 11.0 CCMB – St. Boniface Other Recruitment If unknown, please consult Estimated start date of studywith Cancer Registry/Epidemiology to determine accrual numbers. Estimated duration of study Estimated end date for accrual (if applicable) Estimated number of participants locally Estimated number of paper charts required CCMB Services Will CCMB services be used? If yes, please indicate with a check mark. Service Required Department Require access to Cancer Cancer Registry Registry Database Mail outs Assistance with study design Epidemiology Assistance with data analysis Nursing care Chemotherapy/ Supportive Therapy Hematology Nursing 8.0 Health Information Service/Health Records Clinical Trials Office/ Clinical Investigations Office (CIO) (includes BMT Registry) Pharmacy Draw and/or prepare samples for shipping/freezing Introduce study to patients Nursing care View electronic charts only Pull/View hardcopy chart Retrieval of chart if off-site in storage ($16.00 fee per chart) Mailouts PHIA related (see section 9.3) Screen patients for eligibility Obtain patient consent Conduct patient evaluations Data Management Study Activation and Maintenance Dispense medication & prep. Patient Education Store/Order/Receive Drugs Accountability records Yes No Contact Person Gail Noonan 787-2157 Signature Date/Comment Comment Dr. Jane Griffith 235-3277 Dr. Anne Katz 787-4495 Dr. Anne Katz 787-4495 Dr. Anne Katz 787-4495 Jacqueline Sholdice 787-2266 Kathryn Dyck 787-2127 Pat Trozzo 787-8902 Page 3 Version XV – November 19, 2010 of 5 Patient and Family Support Services, including: - Psychosocial - Oncology Speech Language Pathology and other rehab services Nutrition Services Breast Cancer Centre of Hope and Patient and Family Resource Centre Radiation Therapy Planning Radiation Therapy Treatment Medical Engineering Medical Physics Screening Programs Interview patients/families Give potential participants info about the study Emotional support Participation in study may raise anxiety/distress Studies related to nutrition Studies related to speech language pathology RT Treatment Plans Quality Control Documentation submission RT Imaging – Simulation or Treatment Unit RT Treatment Dedicated Medical Devices requiring future Preventative Maintenance & Calibration Introduction /Assess new medical device for study Evaluate Canadian Standards Association approval for clinical equipment used in study Rad. Therapy Credentials Rad. Therapy. Data Submissions Require access to screening databases Recruit study subjects Assist with data analysis Pull charts/films Mail outs Jill Taylor-Brown 787-1325 Sandra Iftody 787-4784 Cynthia Penner 787-4844 Rick Howard 787-8021 Jeff Bews 787-1804 Marion Harrison 788-8632 Other, please specify. 9.0 9.1 Has the study been approved by the relevant CCMB Disease Site Group (DSG) Chair or designate? Yes (attach copy) No If no, Please justify: 9.2 Research Ethics Board (REB) Approval. Biomedical REB Health REB Nursing REB Yes (attach copy) Pending 9.3 Other All members of the Research Team, including secretaries and trainees have signed a PHIA Pledge and commit to protect our patients’ personal health information. Yes No If no, contact the Privacy Officer Designate for CCMB (Jacqueline Sholdice at 787-2266) Page 4 Version XV – November 19, 2010 of 5 10.0 Billing A fee of $500.00 per study is applicable for all pharmaceutical/private industry studies. Applicable Applicable Please makeNot cheque payable to CancerCare Manitoba. Send to: CCMB Research Resource Impact Committee c/o Jennifer Cabral CancerCare Manitoba Room ON5020, 675 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9 Telephone: (204) 787-4170 Fax: (204) 787-2190 E-mail: Enclosures: TWELVE collated study packages (excluding the REB approval letter*) are required at time of initial study submission. Each package should include the following, 11.0 1 Copy of the Protocol/Research Proposal REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDIES (including chart reviews. Please refer to last line in Section 1.0.) 1 Copy of the Consent Form 1 Copy of the Cover Letter 1 Copy of the completed CCMB RRIC Study Submission Form 1 Copy of the Signed PHIA Agreement 1 Copy of the Signed CCMB DSG Approval Form 1 Copy of the REB Submission Form including the data capture form (for chart review studies) 1 Copy of the Study Budget (if applicable) 1 Copy of the Approval Form for Trainees for each trainee involved in the study * 1 Copy of the Research Ethics Board Letter of Approval – submit as soon as available 1 Copy of CCMB Supply Agreement (for studies without contracts in which data and/or materials are to be sent to another centre – even if anonymized) Signatures: ____________________________________ Signature of Principal Investigator 12.0 ____________________________ Date ____________________________________ Printed Name of Principal Investigator ____________________________________ Signature of Department Head ____________________________ Date ____________________________________ Printed Name of Department Head Page 5 Version XV – November 19, 2010 of 5