1 - Brookwood High School

The Quiet Americans: Japanese Exiles at Home
1. How many Japanese Americans were incarcerated in WWII? ______________
2. When Japanese immigrated to the U.S. –what three predominant cities did most settle?
a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
3. What type of jobs did most take when they immigrated to the US?
a. _____________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________
d. ______________________________________
4. Describe the Japanese Exclusion League. ___________________________________
5. What types of laws were passed in California/other Western states to discriminate
against the Japanese immigrants? ____________________________________________
6. What was the “Gentlemen’s Agreement?” And how did some Japanese immigrants
get “around” it? __________________________________________________________
7. What did the FBI do immediately after Pearl Harbor? __________________________
8. What is a Nisei? ________________________________________________________
9. What did California Gov. Olson recommend Japanese Americans do after Pearl
Harbor? ________________________________________________________________
10. Who were the “quiet Americans?” ________________________________________
11. Congressmen, elected officials, and newspapermen soon called for the
______________________ of Japanese Americans from the West coast.
12. Two reasons Americans were leaning towards moving Japanese Americans was
a. in part on fear of ___________________________________________
b. but also _____________________________________
The Quiet Americans: Japanese Exiles at Home
13. What did Martin Dies accuse Japanese Americans of doing?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
14. What did the investigation into possible espionage on the part of Japanese Americans
find? ___________________________________________________________________
15. What did J.Edgar Hoover believe the “necessity for mass evacuation” was based on?
16. What did Lt. Gen. John De Witt use as his excuse to evacuate the West coast of
Japanese Americans? ______________________________________________________
17. What did Attorney General Biddle and Army Chief of Staff Marshall decide about
the possible need to evacuate Japanese Americans? ______________________________
18. Who did the ultimate decision on whether to evacuate the Japanese Americans lay
with in the US government? ______________
19. What reservations did Secretary of War, Stimson have about the evacuation?
20. Eventually, the decision was made based upon the vaguely defined reason of
21. The authorization was to evacuate _________________________ to concentration
camps in the Executive Order ___________.
22. Why was there little public objection to the evacuation? ______________________
23. What could Japanese Americans take with them to the camps? _________________
The Quiet Americans: Japanese Exiles at Home
24. What did they do with all the possessions they could not take with them? _________
25. Describe a typical “barrack” home for the Japanese American evacuee in the camps?
26. Where did many Japanese Americans work outside the camps? _________________
27. Why were the 442nd Combat Team so unique? ______________________________
28. Towards the end of the first year, there was little reason left for keeping the Japanese
Americans in the camps; however, why did it take so long to release them? __________
29. What did the US government provide Japanese Americans when they were released
from the camps? __________________________________________________________
30. How did the US government do to “make amends” to the Japanese Americans?