Reading Safety Labels CLB Level: 3/4 Essential Skills Focus: Reading, Document Use (read labels, entering information), working with others (team work) Task: Understand safety and warning signs Purpose: Students will understand safety labels learn vocabulary related to safety labels be aware of the importance of reading and understanding safety labels Materials: Worksheets (attached), teacher-made labels (attached), product bottles with labels, overhead projector Learning Style: Visual, auditory, kinaesthetic Time: 2 - 3 lessons Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Method: 1. Prepare a few questions in advance that will help students: scan for specific information and skim for overall meaning or to get the gist. 2. Bring a few different labels for students to look at (authentic materials/realia). Have them look at the format in which it is presented. Have them compare a few and find some common characteristics. See if they can find words that reappear in different cleaning products labels. Make a list of these words to work on their meaning. See if students know some of these words and pre-teach the ones they do not know. Suggested vocabulary: Dangerous, caution, first aid treatment, fumes, do not mix, rinse, do not swallow, contact with eyes, avoid, handle with care, keep out of reach of children, well ventilated area, use, (rubber) gloves, recommended, call, doctor, Poison Control Centre, flush, running water, vomiting, move to fresh air. 3. Introducing a few labels. Using an overhead, read part of a label (see handout 1 -label 1) with the whole group and work on new vocabulary as needed. Now using your prepared questions have them look at the labels again and answer the questions orally. They are reading for meaning and to find specific information (skimming and scanning). 4. Present another important part of the label (see label 2 – handout #1). Repeat step 3. 5. Read together a couple more labels. See Handout #1, labels 3 and 4. 6. Have students practice reading a label in pairs and do a true or false (handout #2). 7. Do the centres activity. See handout #3. Follow Up: Students bring products that they find at home. Working in groups students look at the labels to find the first aid section. Each group will write the instructions of that section on flip chart paper. Number the papers on the top. Prepare a few questions and on the following day, ask students to go around and find the answers on the flip chart papers and write down the answer on their sheet. Debrief/Transfer: What did you learn in this lesson? Where can you use these skills again? How can you apply these skills at home or at work? (Encourage students to read product labels before using them either at home or at work.) Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Handout # 1 Activity A Label 1: CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not spray on food or in the eyes. The use of rubber gloves is recommended. Label 2: FIRST AID: If swallowed, call Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If in eyes flush with water for 15 minutes. Label 3: FIRST AID TREATMENT: CAUTION: If swallowed, immediately rinse mouth with water and drink a glassful of milk or water. Call a poison Control Centre or doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting. Label 4: FIRST AID TREATMENT: CAUTION: If in eyes, flush with running water for one minute, check and remove contact lenses if present, and continue to flush in for a few minutes. If on skin, rinse with water. If breathed in, move person to fresh air. Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Handout #2 Read the label with a partner and answer true or false. DANGEROUS FUMES FORM WHEN MIXED WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. CAUTION: Do not mix with bleach or other cleaners as toxic fumes may result. Do not swallow; avoid contact with skin and eyes. Handle with care. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. The use of rubber gloves is recommended. Use in a well-ventilated area. Read the label. Check true or false. True False You can mix it with other cleaners. You can use it inside, with all windows closed. Avoid contact with eyes. Using rubber gloves is a good idea. Do not swallow. Handle with care. Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Centres Activity Teacher Instructions: 1. Gather some cleaning products. Have students look at the labels and find the words you have been working on. Review their meaning. Ask them to give you a few examples of first aid treatments. 2. Organize 3 centres/stations. Place your product bottles in different stations with the related activity. At each station, students will do different reading label activities. Prepare activities to go with the different labels and centres (or use the ones below). You need one type of activity per centre. However, you need to provide a copy for each student. Have a few bottles at each centre so more students can do the activity at the same time. 3. Explain to students what they are supposed to do at each station. They have to read the instructions, finish their job described on their sheet and sign their name before moving to the next station. 4. Divide up the students and have them start at different stations. So you have a few students at each centre at a time. Centres: Centre #1: Students have a checklist of information they have to find on the labels. Centre #2: Students choose one product label. They have to write all the do’s and don’ts. Centre #3: Students will sort products under certain categories Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Centre #1 Product: _______________________ Student’s name: _______________________ Instructions: Read the labels and check “yes” or “No.” 1. Recommended to use gloves Yes No 2. If in eyes, consult physician 3. Induce vomiting 4. Avoid contact with skin 5. If breathed in, move to fresh air 6. Do not mix with other products 7. If swallowed, drink milk 8. If on skin, call a Poison Control Centre right away Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Centre #2 Product: _______________________ Student’s name: _______________________ Instructions: Choose one product. Read the label. Write down under each column what you can and cannot do. Do’s e.g.: Use in a well-ventilated area. Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Don’ts e.g.: Do not swallow. Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4 Centre #3 Student’s name: _______________________ Instructions: Sort the cleaning products under the categories below. Write the name of the product beside each category. Do not mix with other products If in eyes, rinse If swallowed, call a physician May irritate skin May irritate eyes Dangerous Fumes Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Author: Ana Azevedo Essential Skill Focus: Reading / Document Use CLB level: 3/4