BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2013 MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 AMENDMENTS AND REVIEW ....................................................................... 1 2.0 ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE....................................................... 3 2.1 References.................................................................................................. 3 3.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4 3.1 Audience ..................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Approval ...................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Custodian .................................................................................................... 4 3.4 Purpose ...................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Authority ...................................................................................................... 4 3.6 Activation .................................................................................................... 4 3.7 Moreton Island stakeholders ....................................................................... 5 4.0 SCOPE ........................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Assumptions ............................................................................................... 6 4.2 Definitions ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 MORETON ISLAND QUICK FACTS ............................................................... 7 6.0 HOW TO USE THIS SUB-PLAN DURING OPERATIONS .............................. 8 7.0 RISK MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 10 7.1 Tangalooma Resort specific plans ............................................................ 10 8.0 EVACUATION PROCESS ............................................................................ 11 8.1 Chain of Command / Control of agencies on Moreton Island ..................... 13 9.0 WARNING .................................................................................................... 14 9.1 Set up & Pre-position ................................................................................ 14 10.0 WITHDRAWAL ............................................................................................. 15 11.0 EXTRACTION .............................................................................................. 16 12.0 RECEPTION & RELOCATION ..................................................................... 17 13.0 RETURN ...................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX 1 – ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................... 20 - i BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) This Brisbane City Council Moreton Island Sub-plan is an operational plan sitting under the Evacuation Plan of the Brisbane City Council Disaster Management Plan and has been endorsed by the Brisbane City Local Disaster Management Group (Brisbane LDMG). 1.0 AMENDMENTS AND REVIEW This Moreton Island Sub-plan will be reviewed, practiced and updated annually in accordance with the procedures mandated by the Brisbane LDMG. It shall be reviewed at least once each year by a committee of appropriately qualified and experienced personnel. The committee shall, as a minimum, consist of senior members of Disaster Operations and representatives from external agencies as needed. 1. Proposed amendments to this sub-plan are to be forwarded in writing to the Manager, Disaster Operations (MDO), who may approve minor amendments. 2. Proposed amendments that affect the intent of this sub-plan, roles and responsibilities or external agencies must be endorsed by the Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) and/or the MDO and may be forwarded to the Brisbane LDMG for approval if required. This type of amendment is referred to as a major amendment. 3. Endorsed amendments are to be listed in the table below. 4. Version control of this sub-plan is managed by Disaster Operations. Reissue of this sub-plan following amendment or review will be recorded in the table below and advice of reissue will be distributed throughout the disaster management network. Recipients should take all appropriate action to ensure they are in possession of the most recent version, and that previous versions in both hard copy and electronic forms are archived accordingly. Further information can be requested by contacting Disaster Operations. Moreton Island Sub-plan Version Control Version Date Reviewed by Endorsed by Comments 1.0 September 2012 Coordinator, Disaster Operations Manager, Disaster Operations Initial draft prepared by Disaster Operations 1.1 February 2013 Coordinator, Disaster Operations Manager, Disaster Operations Revisions following exercise debrief 2.0 May 2013 Manager, Disaster Operations Chair, Brisbane LDMG 2013 official version District Disaster Officer Page 1 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 5. This sub-plan is to be reviewed: On activation of an event requiring the use of this sub-plan On activation of similar disaster management plans in other states, territories or overseas where considered possible Upon annual review of Council’s Disaster Management Plan in accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld) 6. This sub-plan, together with its supporting standard operating procedures (SOPs), is to be tested annually. The MDO is to brief relevant stakeholders and the Brisbane LDMG on the results of testing this plan. 7. In accordance with legislation, the Brisbane Local Disaster Management Plan and all its underpinning sub-plans will be approved by the Chair of the Brisbane LDMG annually. Page 2 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 2.0 2.1 ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE References Table 1 summarises a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of the many interrelated documents that provide authority for this Plan. Table 1: Moreton Island Plan reference list A. Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld), reprint 3D effective 11 December 2012 (the Act) B. Queensland Disaster Management Planning Guidelines C. Australian Emergency Manuals Series, Part III, Emergency Management Practice, Volume 2 – Specific issues. Manual 1 – Evacuation Planning D. Emergency Management Queensland, Queensland Evacuation Guidelines for Disaster Management Groups, Version 1 August 2011 E. Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 F. Brisbane City Council Evacuation Plan 2013 G. Brisbane City Council Evacuation Standard Operating Procedure 2013 H. Emergency Response Procedure, Action Plan for Emergencies – Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service 2011 I. Wildfire Response Plan – Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service 2011 J. Department National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing website: Page 3 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 3.0 INTRODUCTION The Brisbane City Council Moreton Island Sub-plan is an operational level sub-plan that sits within Brisbane City Council’s Disaster Management Plan, prepared under the terms of the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Queensland). It is supported by standard operating procedures (SOPs) that outline the procedures to be followed when the Moreton Island Sub-plan is activated. These SOPs are internal documents and are available on Council’s Disaster Management intranet or through Disaster Operations. This sub-plan is designed to be a guide for the evacuation, shelter and support services for people affected by an emergency or disaster event on Moreton Island. 3.1 Audience This sub-plan has been prepared for Council, the Lord Mayor, Brisbane LDMG, Council Business Units, and key external stakeholders. 3.2 Approval This Moreton Island Sub-plan is approved by the Brisbane LDMG under the terms and provisions of the Act. 3.3 Custodian The MDO, on behalf of Council, is the custodian of this plan. The custodian has the responsibility for implementing, evaluating, testing, reviewing and updating this plan. The custodian is also to ensure proper quality, security, integrity, consistency, privacy, confidentiality and accessibility of the plan. The Custodian’s contact details are: Title: Manager, Disaster Operations Contact: (07) 3403 8888 GPO Box 1434 Brisbane Qld, 4001 3.4 Purpose The purpose of evacuation is to ensure people at risk during a disaster event can be moved to a location of relative safety and provided with emergency human services, including short-term accommodation if necessary. 3.5 Authority This plan forms a sub-plan of the Brisbane City Council Disaster Management Plan, and is developed under the authority of the Act. The Brisbane Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC), the CEO Brisbane City Council, is the Authority for this plan. The Brisbane LDC may elect to activate this plan in consultation with, or under direction from, the State or Brisbane District Disaster Coordinators. 3.6 Activation The Moreton Island Sub-plan will be activated by the LDC where the nature of risk to the community will require the movement of at risk persons to a safer location. Page 4 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 3.7 Moreton Island stakeholders The Moreton Island stakeholders consist of the following agencies: Brisbane City Council – Disaster Operations (DISOPS) Brisbane City Council –Compliance and Regulatory Services (CARS) Brisbane City Council – Corporate Communications (Crisis Communications) Brisbane City Council – Brisbane Lifestyle (BL) Brisbane City Council – Brisbane Transport (BT) Brisbane City Council – Field Services Group (FSG) Queensland Police Service – Redcliffe District Disaster Management Group (Redcliffe DDMG) Queensland Police Service (QPS) Department of Community Safety - Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS) Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport & Racing (DNPRSR) (Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service – QPWS) Red Cross State Emergency Service (SES) Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Tangalooma Island Resort Page 5 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 4.0 SCOPE This plan provides a strategic overview of the process of coordinating and tasking agencies to facilitate the evacuation of persons at risk on Moreton Island and its shoreline waters to the mainland or other safe havens within the island communities of Moreton Bay. This plan will focus on five phases of coordination and tasking which are: 1. Preliminary 2. Withdrawal 3. Extraction 4. Reception and relocation 5. Return Moreton Island is susceptible to various risks. For this reason an all hazards approach will be used. This plan will not cover evacuation centre management. See Evacuation Plan and SOP for further details. This plan does not cover recovery planning. 4.1 Assumptions Brisbane City Council is the lead agency for this plan with support from the Redcliffe DDMG, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and other agencies as required. Relocation is defined as the relocation of evacuees to designated areas within the geographical boundaries of Moreton Island and its shoreline waters due to a disaster event or predicted disaster event. Extraction is defined as the extraction of evacuees from Moreton Island and its shoreline waters to the mainland or other island communities within Moreton Bay. A disaster event will be as defined in the Disaster Management Act (Qld) 2003. Evacuation may be required without a declaration of a Disaster Situation. Evacuees may include local residents, campers, day tourists and resort staff and patrons found within the geographical boundaries of Moreton Islands and its shoreline waters. The magnitude and methodology for evacuation will be determined by the impact (or potential impact) of the event. Queensland Police Service, supported by QPWS and SES staff, will provide the resources necessary to ensure the safe passage of evacuees from their location on the Island to the muster point for extraction. 4.2 Definitions See evacuation plan for definitions relevant to evacuation. Page 6 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 5.0 MORETON ISLAND QUICK FACTS Moreton Island is located in Moreton Bay approximately 40km from Brisbane. Moreton Island is 37km long and 10km wide at its widest and is a wedge shaped island covering over 185 square kilometres. It is the third largest sand island in the world and has no town services, sealed roads, electricity, town water, sewerage or complete phone coverage. Over 98% of Moreton Island is designated National Park with a unique combination of flora and fauna. *See Moreton Island Map figure 1. There are 4 townships at Bulwer, Cowan Cowan, Tangalooma and Kooringal with the majority of people on the island living or staying at the Tangalooma Island Resort. There is a permanent population of approximately 380 people. There is also one permanent QAS member stationed on the island currently at Tangalooma Resort and approximately 8 rangers at any one time stationed at the National Parks and Wildlife base at Ben-Ewa. Township numbers do increase during holiday and weekend periods by approximately 100 to 250. There is no service station, doctor, dentist or school on the island. There are a number of persons at risk during events, including: visitors camping on the Island with vehicles; visitors camping on the Island without vehicles; residents who reside on Moreton Island; staff and patrons of Tangalooma Resort complex; and QPWS staff. Page 7 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 6.0 HOW TO USE THIS SUB-PLAN DURING OPERATIONS This sub-plan should be utilised to guide the conduct of the evacuation and should be used in conjunction with the Evacuation Sub-plan and SOP. This plan has been developed as an operational guide with pre-determined strategies able to be adapted to the specific circumstances of the event. This plan is broken into 5 phases as indicated in the diagram below. These 5 phases will determine the planning considerations when evacuation is deemed necessary. Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 Page 8 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) Moreton Island Figure 1 Source: Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing website: Page 9 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 7.0 RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Management Plans (RMP): The RMP is to cover all phases and facets of the Moreton Island Evacuation Operation: The RMP is to be reviewed and refined by Council’s Disaster Operations; The CEO is to approve the RMP. Risks for Moreton Island include: Bushfire Tsunami Storm surge Oil spill Severe storm East Coast low Isolation Heat wave Economic loss/loss of tourism Events during high season for tourism Communications – lack of phone reception, language barrier for tourists Risk to other islands e.g. support and resources stretched Future Phases of the production of the Moreton Island Sub-plan will include a risk management plan, risk matrix and risk template in the appendices. 7.1 Tangalooma Resort specific plans Tangalooma Resort has a suite of plans for the resort (not for the whole of Moreton Island). These plans include: Emergency plans Tsunami plan Asset register Risk management Communications plan Transport plan Business continuity planning Further information on these plans and the activation of these plans is through the Tangalooma Resort Manager. (See Moreton Island SOP for contact details.) Page 10 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 8.0 EVACUATION PROCESS Evacuation may be either: immediate; or pre-warned. It may involve: internal evacuation on the island; or external evacuation from the island. It may be: voluntary; or mandatory in nature Voluntary evacuation will normally involve persons self-evacuating, however, some transport assistance may be required for people with disabilities, the homeless, disadvantaged and aged members of the community who do not have access to appropriate transport. Mandatory evacuation occurs when a police officer who is authorised by relevant legislation, either the Disaster Management Act 2003 or the Public Safety Preservation Act 1986, makes a decision to execute specific powers under that legislation and orders people to evacuate a designated area. The decision to evacuate should take into account the following factors: A vulnerability analysis which considers whether, for the hazard and conditions, sheltering in place may be preferable; The potential for risk to evacuees during movement from the islands; Available lead time; The ability to effectively warn affected people; The time and resources (transport and people) to carry out the evacuation; Access and egress to/from the islands; Availability of assembly areas; Safety of emergency workers; The potential numbers of evacuees involved; and The requirement to provide temporary accommodation. Page 11 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 The preliminary phase outlines the warning, set up and pre-position of response agencies. Authority The Brisbane Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC – CEO Brisbane City Council) is the Authority for this procedure. Agencies involved Internal Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) - as required Disaster Operations (DISOPS) / Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC) Brisbane Lifestyle (BL) Brisbane Transport (BT) Field Services Group (FSG) External Redcliffe District Disaster Management Group (Redcliffe DDMG) Queensland Police Service (QPS) Department of Community Safety (DCS) Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS) Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (DNPRSR) (Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service – QPWS) (Crisis State Emergency Service (SES) Corporate Communications Communications) Compliance and Regulatory Services Australian Red Cross (CARS) Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Tangalooma Island Resort Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) Activation of the plan A decision to activate the plan will be in consultation with the LDC, the Manager, Disaster Operations and relevant stakeholders. Page 12 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 8.1 Chain of Command / Control of agencies on Moreton Island Command and Control is event specific and the agency that takes the lead in an event will differ depending on the type of event. The Brisbane LDMG and the LDCC will typically play a supporting role in an event on Moreton Island. The following table from the State Disaster Management Plan outlines the primary agencies responsible for each specific hazard and the respective state and national level plans, where appropriate. For more details on command and control structures of the response agencies see Section 7.3.1 in the State Disaster Management Plan. Page 13 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 9.0 WARNING In the initial warning that an event is likely to occur or has occurred, agencies will be notified by Disaster Operations as follows: Hazard/ event occurs DISOP S notified Intelligence gathered on situation Warning order written & issued Notify LDC LDCC/Brisbane LDMG if activated Decision made by LDC to place staff/agencies on standby or to activate DISOPS notifies each of the internal and external response agencies BT 9.1 BL, CARS FSG Crisis Comm s QPS Red Cross DNPRSR SES DCCSD S DCS Set up & Pre-position Three primary Council locations will be established for setting up and pre-positioning agencies to support the operation. The following table outlines the lead roles and their locations. Role Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) Incident Controller Moreton Island RIMT (RIMT - MI) Incident Controller Brisbane LDCC Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Incident Controller Location CEO’s conference room Brisbane Tangalooma Conference Room, Moreton Island or the RIMT forward command container Level 1, Brisbane Square Located at Ben-Ewa QPWS Ranger station but will co-locate at Tangalooma or in the field as required The Incident Controller for the Moreton Island RIMT will be the Manager, Disaster Operations or delegate. Key tasks for agencies in the warning set up & pre-position phase: Initial planning for the evacuation strategy Warning order promulgated Teams placed on standby or activated and deployed to Moreton Island Marshal points, embarkation and disembarkation points are identified based upon threat Communications strategies are developed and evacuees are notified Relevant resources are identified and deployed RIMT Moreton Island (RIMT- MI) activated and established Safety marshals identified and embedded Page 14 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 10.0 WITHDRAWAL Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 Phase 1 of the operation is the withdrawal phase. During this phase priority is on the safe relocation of evacuees under the control of Queensland Police Service (QPS) from their location on the island to the mustering points, coordinated by Council. Following this, evacuees will be moved to the departure area, coordinated by Council, on Moreton Island, with support from QPS for processing by Red Cross, QPS and Tangalooma Management as required. In the interest of expedience, processing may be conducted in Phase 2 (during transit), Phase 3 (on arrival to safe location) or Phase 4 (upon registration into a Council evacuation centre). Key tasks for agencies during the withdrawal phase are: Resources are on site and in place Embarkation points are activated and managed Evacuation centres are established Media releases are sent out Registration process begins Evacuees are relocated Page 15 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 11.0 EXTRACTION Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 The extraction phase is the transit to a safe location (most likely by sea by commercial provider) which is coordinated by Council with agency support. Transit means is to be staffed by Council, QPS and Red Cross/DCCSDS Officers as practical. Processing of evacuees may be undertaken in this phase in the interest of expedience and efficiency. Key tasks for agencies during the extraction phase are: Transport resources are used to move evacuees Evacuees are transited to disembarkation point(s) and then on to established evacuation centres Media releases promulgated Monitoring remaining residents Page 16 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 12.0 RECEPTION & RELOCATION Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 The reception and relocation phase is the disembarkation of evacuees at a safe haven and relocation to an evacuation centre. Council’s Emergency Human Services Operational Team will provide coordination of disembarkation with support from QPS and other agencies as required. Council’s BT is to provide a transportation solution with other agencies as required from the disembarkation point to the evacuation centre/s. Processing of evacuees may occur in this phase in the interest of expedience of evacuation from the threat. Relocation of evacuees is in accordance with Brisbane City Council’s Disaster Management Plan, specifically the Evacuation Sub-plan and standard operating procedure. Council will establish and coordinate a Council Evacuation Centre with support from relevant agencies. Key tasks for agencies during the reception and relocation phase are: Transport and traffic management strategies are in place Bump in process for evacuation centres is established Evacuees arrive at evacuation centres Evacuation centres are staffed and managed Continued media messaging Continued registration of evacuees Page 17 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) 13.0 RETURN Hazard threat/ impact STAGES OF EVACUATION Preliminary Withdrawal Extraction Phase 1 Phase 2 Reception & Relocation Phase 3 Return Phase 4 The return phase is the end state when all evacuees are safely returned to Moreton Island following the disaster event. Key tasks for agencies during the return phase are: Clean up and safety assessment of the affected area on Moreton Island Intelligence gathering to establish if it is safe to return Notification to evacuees and general public on return status Transportation back to Moreton Island Reconditioning and pack up of evacuation centres (bump out process) Stand down of response agencies Transition to recovery agencies Debrief Page 18 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) Future phases of the Moreton Island Sub-plan will include the following as appendices or general content: Neighbourhood safer places Communications plan More info on limitations to the island Transport plan Identify the closest evacuation centres on the mainland that would be used Deployment Schedule Security Plan PR Plan Activity Based Risk Management Plan Task Risk Management Plans Rotation Plan Page 19 of 20 BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTER 9 – MORETON ISLAND SUB-PLAN (V2.0) APPENDIX 1 – ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BL Brisbane Lifestyle Brisbane LDMG Brisbane Local Disaster Management Group BT Brisbane Transport CARS Compliance and Regulatory Services CEO Chief Executive Officer DCCSDS Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services DCS Department of Community Safety DDMG District Disaster Management Group DISOPS Disaster Operations DNPRSR Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport & Racing EHSOT Emergency Human Services Operational Team EMQ Emergency Management Queensland EMT Executive Management Team FSG Field Services Group IAT Immediate Action Team LDC Local Disaster Coordinator LDCC Local Disaster Coordination Centre LM Lord Mayor MDO Manager, Disaster Operations QAS Queensland Ambulance Service QFRS Queensland Fire and Rescue Service QPS Queensland Police Service QPWS Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service RIMT Regional Incident Management Team RMP Risk Management Plan SES State Emergency Service SOP Standard Operating Procedure Page 20 of 20