curriculum vitae - School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language

Sarah E. MacPherson
Current Post:
Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Work Address:
University of Edinburgh
7 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JZ
University of Aberdeen
Ph.D. Psychology
Thesis: Age, executive function and social-decision making: a
dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive ageing, examined Professor
John Duncan, awarded 2001.
University of Aberdeen
MA Psychology, First Class Honours
Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Maternity Leave:
February 2010-January 2011
August 2011-July 2012
Research Fellow
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Psychology, University College London
Research Fellow
Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen
P age |1
Cognitive and neuropsychological investigations of memory, executive abilities and emotional
and social functioning in healthy and pathological ageing and damaged brains.
Refereed Journal Articles
Cox, S.R., Bastin, M.E., Ferguson, K.J., Royle, N.A., Maniega, S.M., Starr, J., MacLullich, A.M.J.,
Deary, I.J., Wardlaw, J.M., & MacPherson, S.E. (in press). Is right frontal lobe
involvement in verbal memory ability compensatory? Differences in structural and
diffusion MRI correlates between high and low performers in old age. Cortex.
Cox, S.R., MacPherson, S.E., Ferguson, K.J., Nissan, J., Royle, N.A., MacLullich, A.M.J.,
Wardlaw, J.M., & Deary, I.J. (in press). Correlational structure of ‘frontal’ tests and
intelligence indicates two components with asymmetrical neurostructural correlates in old
age. Intelligence.
Cox, S.R., Bastin, M.E., Ferguson, K.J., Muñoz Maniega, S., MacPherson, S.E., Deary, I.J.,
Wardlaw, J.M., & MacLullich, A.M.J. (2014). Brain white matter integrity and cortisol in
older men: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Neurobiology of Aging.
McVittie, C., McKinlay, A., MacPherson, S.E., & Della Sala, S. (2014). The dog that didn’t
growl: Confabulation as an interactional accomplishment. Memory, 22(7), 824-838.
MacPherson, S.E., Wagner, G.P., Murphy, P., Bozzali, M., Cipolotti, L., & Shallice, T. (2014).
Bringing the cognitive estimation task into the 21st century: Normative data on two
parallel forms. PLOS-ONE, 9(3), e92554.
Cox, S.R., Ferguson, K.J., Royle, N.A., Shenkin, S.D., MacPherson, S.E., MacLullich, A.M.J.,
Deary, I.J., & Wardlaw, J.M. (2014). A systematic review of brain frontal lobe
parcellation techniques in magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Structure and Function,
219(1), 1-22.
Murphy, P., Shallice, T., Robinson, G., MacPherson, S.E., Turner, M., Woollett, K., Bozzali, M.,
& Cipolotti, L. (2013). Impairments in proverb interpretation following focal frontal
lobe lesions. Neuropsychologia, 51(11), 2075-2086.
Aribisala, B.S., Cox, S.R., MacPherson, S.E., MacLullich, A.M.J., Ferguson, K.J., Royle, N.A.,
Valdés Hernández, M.C., Bastin, M.E., Deary, I.J., & Wardlaw, J.M. (2013). Assessing the
performance of atlas based prefrontal brain parcellation in an ageing cohort. Journal for
Computer Assisted Tomography, 37(2), 257-264.
Bozzali, M., MacPherson, S.E., Cercignani, M., Crum, W.R., Shallice, T., & Rees, J.R. (2012).
White matter integrity assessed by diffusion tensor tractography in a patient with a large
tumour mass but minimal clinical and neuropsychological deficits. Functional
Neurology, 27(4), 239-246.
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MacPherson, S.E., Parra, M.A., Moreno, S., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2012). Dual task abilities
as a possible preclinical marker of Alzheimer’s disease in carriers of the E280A
presenilin-1 mutation. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,
18(2), 1-8.
Cavallo, M., Adenzato, M., MacPherson, S.E., Karwig, G., Enrici, I., & Abrahams, S. (2011).
Evidence of social understanding impairment in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis. PLOS-ONE, 6(10), e25948.
Girardi, A., MacPherson, S.E., & Abrahams, S. (2011). Deficits in emotional and social
cognition in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Neuropsychology, 25(1), 35-65.
Wagner, G.P., MacPherson, S.E., de Mattos Pimenta Parente, M.A., & Trentini, C.M. (2011).
Cognitive estimation abilities in healthy and clinical populations: The use of The
Cognitive Estimation Test (CET). Neurological Sciences, 32(2), 203-210.
MacPherson, S.E., Turner, M., Bozzali, M., Cipolotti, L., & Shallice, T. (2010). The Elevator
Counting Task: Frontal subregions mediating sustained attention performance.
Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3679-3682.
Hunter, E.M., Phillips, L.H., & MacPherson, S.E. (2010). Effects of age on cross-modal
emotion perception. Psychology & Aging, 25(4), 779-787.
Della Sala, S., Cocchini, G., Logie, R.H., Allerhand, M. & MacPherson, S.E. (2010). Dual task
during encoding, maintenance, and retrieval in Alzheimer disease. Journal of
Alzheimer’s Disease, 19(2), 503-515.
Wolters, M., Georgila, K., MacPherson, S.E., & Moore, J. (2009). Being old doesn’t mean acting
old: How older users interact with spoken dialogue systems. ACM Transactions on
Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 2, 1-39.
Wolters, M., Georgila, K., Moore, J., Logie, R.H., MacPherson, S.E., & Watson, M. (2009).
Reducing Working Memory Load in Spoken Dialogue Systems. Interacting with
Computers, 21, 276–287.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S. & Cantagallo, A. (2009). Iowa Gambling Task
Impairment Is Not Specific To Ventromedial Prefrontal Lesions. The Clinical
Neuropsychologist, 23(3), 510-522.
MacPherson, S.E., Bozzali, M., Dolan, R.J., Cipolotti, L. & Shallice, T. (2008). Effect of frontal
lobe lesions on the recollection and familiarity components of recognition memory.
Neuropsychologia, 46(13), 3124–3132.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S., Logie, R.H. & Wilcock, GK. (2007). Specific AD Impairment in
Concurrent Performance of Two Memory Tasks. Cortex, 43(7), 858-865.
Logie, R.H., Della Sala, S., MacPherson, S.E. & Cooper, J. (2007). Dual task demands on
encoding and retrieval processes: evidence from healthy adult ageing. Cortex, 43(1),
P age |3
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H., & Della Sala, S. (2006). Age-related differences in the ability to
perceive sad facial expressions. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 18(5),
Bozzali, M., MacPherson, S.E., Dolan, R.J. & Shallice, T. (2006). Left prefrontal cortex control
of novel occurences during recollection: A psychopharmacological study using
scopolamine and event-related fMRI. NeuroImage, 33(1), 286-295.
Della Sala, S., MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H., Sacco, L. & Spinnler, H. (2004). The role of
semantic memory on the Cognitive Estimation Task: evidence from Alzheimer’s Disease
and healthy adult aging. Journal of Neurology, 251(2), 156-164.
Della Sala, S., MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H., Sacco, L. & Spinnler, H. (2003). How many
camels are there in Italy? Cognitive estimates standardised on the Italian population.
Neurological Sciences, 24(1), 10-15.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2002). Age, executive function and social
decision-making: a dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive aging. Psychology and
Aging, 17(4), 598-609.
Cocchini, G., Logie, R.H., Della Sala, S., MacPherson, S.E., & Baddeley, A.D. (2002). Concurrent
performance of two memory tasks: evidence for domain specific working memory
systems. Memory and Cognition, 30(7), 1086-1095.
Garden, S., Phillips, L.H. & MacPherson, S.E. (2001). Mid-life aging, open-ended planning, and
laboratory measures of executive function. Neuropsychology, 15(4), 472-482.
MacPherson, S.E. & Della Sala, S. (2001). Welcoming normative data for Wisconsin Card
Sorting test. Neurological Sciences, 21, 258-260.
Refereed Book Chapters
MacPherson, S.E. (in press). Source Monitoring. In J. Wright (Ed.,) International
Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (Area 5).
Phillips, L.H., MacPherson, S.E. & Della Sala, S. (2002). Age, cognition and emotion: the role of
anatomical segregation in the frontal lobes. In J. Grafman (ed.) Handbook of
Neuropsychology. (pp. 73-97). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Conference Proceedings
MacPherson, S.E. (2014). Implicit and explicit processing of emotion in healthy adult ageing.
Abstract at the 2014 Bial Foundation 10th Symposium, Porto, Portugal.
MacPherson, S.E., Hunter, E.M., & Phillips, L.H. (2012). How do you know what others feel?
A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging. Abstract at the 2012 Bial
Foundation 9th Symposium, Porto, Portugal.
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Abrahams, S., Girardi, A., Newton, J. & MacPherson, S.E. (2008) Social and emotional cognition
and behaviour: Evidence of subclinical frontotemporal dementia in ALS. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis, 9, 36.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2004). Dual task interference on encoding and
retrieval processes in healthy and impaired working memory. Cortex, 40(1), 183-184.
Logie, R.H., Della Sala, S. & MacPherson, S.E. (2003). Dual task coordination as an executive
function: Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease and healthy aging. Abstracts of the
Psychonomic Society, 8, 108.
MacPherson, S.E., Sacco, L., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S. & Spinnler, H. (2001). Cognitive
estimation task: ageing, frontal lesions, and its use in assessing dementia. Proceedings
of the British Psychological Society, 9, 120.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2001). The frontal lobe hypothesis of ageing
revisited: the effect of ageing on frontal lobe tasks. Neurocase, 7, 354.
Sacco, L., MacPherson, S., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S., & Spinnler, H. (2001). Cognitive
estimation task: effect of ageing, frontal lesions, and its use in assessing dementia.
Neurological Sciences, 22, S102-S103.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2000). Ageing and tests of dorsolateral and
ventromedial prefrontal dysfunction. Proceedings of the British Psychological
Society, 8, 36.
Challenge Investment Fund, University of Edinburgh
Semi-automatic scoring of verbal fluency task data. September 2014-April 2015. £3,000.
Bial Foundation
Implicit and explicit processing of emotion in healthy adult aging. August 2013-July 2014.
49,900 Euros. (Principal Investigator).
How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging.
January 2009-December 2011. 37,000 Euros. (Principal Investigator).
Leverhulme Trust
Towards Responsive Intelligent Cognitive Assistants for Older People. January 2010-December
2012. £116,015. [Principal Investigator: Professor Johanna D. Moore].
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Australian Research Council
The neurocognitive basis of dual-task co-ordination impairment in Alzheimer's: defective
coordination mechanism or differences in speed of processing? January 2012-December 2014.
$232,521.00. [Principal Investigator: Professor Michael Anderson].
Carnegie Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship
Effects of age on Theory of Mind abilities across different modalities of presentation. JulyAugust 2013. £800. (Supervisor).
Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Small Pilot Project Grant
Multitasking in healthy adult aging.
March-August 2011.
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
Changes in social behaviour following stroke.
£3,222. (Principal Investigator).
November 2007-October 2008.
Symposium organisation
MacPherson, S.E. (2013). The contributions of the prefrontal cortex to episodic memory.
Symposium organiser at Fourth Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of
Neuropsychology, Berlin.
Invited talks
MacPherson, S.E., Turner, M.S., Bozzali, M., Cipolotti, L., & Shallice, T. (2013). The Doors
and People Test: The effect of frontal lobe lesions on recall and recognition
memory performance. Symposium presentation at the Fourth Meeting of the
Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Berlin.
MacPherson, S.E., Parra-Rodriguez, M., Moreno, S., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2013). Dual
task performance as an early cognitive marker of familial AD due to the E280A
presenilin-1 mutation. Invited oral presentation sponsored by Age UK and the
American Aging Association at 42nd American Aging Association meeting, Baltimore,
MacPherson, S.E., Parra-Rodriguez, M., Moreno, S., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2009). Dual
task abilities in preclinical familial Alzheimer’s Disease. Symposium presentation
at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Mid Year Meeting, Helsinki,
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Logie, R.H., Della Sala, S. & MacPherson, S.E. (2004). Working memory function and
dysfunction in ageing and in Alzheimer’s disease. Presentation for Sir David King,
Chief Scientific Advisor, Edinburgh.
MacPherson, S.E. (2004). The fractionation of cognitive processes within the frontal lobes.
Presentation at the Trends in European Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) Symposium,
Naples, Italy.
Conference Presentations
Iveson, M., Della Sala, S., & MacPherson, S.E. (2014). Goal Maintenance and Instructional
Complexity. Oral presentation at the Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, Kent.
MacPherson, S.E., Parra-Rodriguez, M., Moreno, S., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2013). Dual
task abilities in early onset familial Alzheimer’s Disease. Oral presentation at the
British Neuropsychological Society Spring Meeting, London.
Murphy, P., Shallice, T., Robinson, G., MacPherson, S.E., Turner, M., Woollett, K., Bozzali, M.
& Cipolotti, L. (2013). Impairments in proverb interpretation following focal frontal
lobe lesions. Oral presentation at the British Neuropsychological Society Spring
Meeting, London.
Iveson, M., Della Sala, S., & MacPherson, S.E. (2012). The medial prefrontal cortex and
cognitive ageing. Oral presentation at the Division of Neuropsychology Scotland
research day, Glasgow.
McVittie, C., McKinlay, A., Della Sala, S., & MacPherson, S.E. (2011). Negotiating knowledge,
credibility and confabulations in neuropsychological settings. Oral presentation at
the meeting of the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hunter, E.M., Phillips, L.H., & MacPherson, S.E. (2010). Effects of age on multisensory
integration and social interaction. Oral presentation at Aging, Cognition and Emotion
Group at the University of Aberdeen.
Hunter, E.M., Phillips, L.H., & MacPherson, S.E. (2009). Multisensory integration of social
cues in healthy adult ageing and stroke patients. Oral presentation at the British
Neuropsychological Society Meeting, London.
MacPherson, S.E., Parra-Rodriguez, M., Moreno, S., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2009). Dual
task abilities in preclinical familial Alzheimer’s Disease. Scottish Neuropsychology
Network and Division of Neuropsychology Research Afternoon, Edinburgh.
Hunter, E.M., Phillips, L.H., & MacPherson, S.E. (2009). Age effects on cross modal emotion
perception. Oral presentation at the Aberdeen Neuroscience Meeting at the University
of Aberdeen.
MacPherson, S.E., Bozzali, M., Cipolotti, L., Dolan, R.J., Rees, J.H. & Shallice, T. (2006). Effect
of frontal lobe lesions on the recollection and familiarity components of
recognition memory. Presentation at the European Societies of Neuropsychology
(ESN) Meeting, Toulouse, France.
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MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2003). Dual task performance at encoding,
maintenance and retrieval: effects of healthy adult ageing and Alzheimer disease.
Presentation at the XIII Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology,
Granada, Spain.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2003). Effect of task titration on dual task at
encoding and retrieval: Evidence from healthy adult ageing and Alzheimer’s
disease. Presentation at the Cognitive Neuropsychology of Aging Meeting, Holland
House, Worcester.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2003). Concurrent performance of two
memory tasks in healthy and impaired working memory. Presentation at the MRC
Co-op Meeting, Durham.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2003). Effect of task titration on dual task at
encoding and retrieval: Evidence from healthy adult ageing and Alzheimer’s
disease. Presentation at the Experimental Psychological Society Meeting, London.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2002). Dual task on encoding and retrieval
processes in younger and older adults. Presentation at the European Working
Memory Symposium, Ghent, Belgium.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2002). Effects of age and dual task demands
on encoding and retrieval. Presentation at the Working Memory Discussion Meeting,
Parcevall Hall.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2001). Effects of age on tests of dorsolateral
and ventromedial prefrontal function. Presentation at the XIII Conference of the
European Society for Cognitive Psychology and the XVIII BPS Cognitive Section
Annual Conference, Edinburgh.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2001). The frontal lobe hypothesis of aging
revisited: the effects of ageing on frontal lobe tasks. Presentation at the joint meeting
of the British Neuropsychological Society and Societa Italiana di Neuropsicologia,
Cox, S.R., Aribisala, B.S., Ferguson, K.J., MacPherson, S.E., Valdez Hernandez, M., Royle, N.A.,
MacLullich, A.M.J., Starr, J., Deary, I.J., Wardlaw, J., & Bastin, M.E. (2014). Frontal
Lobe Intraconnectivity – Short Range Tract Characteristics in Old Age. Poster
presentation at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
Iveson, M., MacPherson, S. E., Anderson, M. & Della Sala, S. (2013). Goal maintenance, fluid
intelligence and cognitive ageing. Poster presentation at the Fourth Meeting of the
Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Berlin.
P age |8
Woollett, K., Bozzali, M., MacPherson, S.E., Robinson, G., Turner, M., Shallice, T., & Cipolotti,
L. (2013). Effects of age on cognitive performance following prefrontal cortex
lesions. Poster presentation at the British Neuropsychological Society Spring Meeting,
Cox, S.R., McKenzie, T.I., Ferguson, K.J., MacPherson, S.E., Nissan, J., Royle, N.A., MacLullich,
A.M.J., Deary, I.J., & Wardlaw, J.M. (2013). Portraying the relationship between
frontal lobe volumes and complex cognition: Different parcellation protocols
paint very different pictures. Poster presentation at the XXXI European Workshop
on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
Cox, S.R., Ferguson, K.J., Royle, N.A., Shenkin, S.D., MacPherson, S.E., MacLullich, A.M.J.,
Deary, I.J., & Wardlaw, J.M. (2012). Parsing the Parcel: A systematic review of
manual frontal lobe parcellation techniques in magnetic resonance imaging.
Poster presentation at the Centre for In Vivo Imaging Science (CIVIS) Launch Meeting,
Vicaria, I.M., Bak, T.H., & MacPherson, S.E. (2012). Processing emotions across the life
span: Investigating lateralization and using dynamic expressions. Poster
presentation at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society,
New York, USA.
Aribisala, B.S., Cox, S.R., MacPherson, S.E., MacLullich, A.M.J., Ferguson, K.J., Royle, N.A.,
Valdés Hernández, M.C., Bastin, M.E., Deary, I.J., & Wardlaw, J.M. (2012).
Comparative analysis of atlas-based and manual prefrontal brain parcellation in
an ageing cohort. Poster presentation at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization
for Human Brain Mapping Meeting, Beijing, China.
Moreno, S., Parra, M.A., MacPherson, S.E., Lopera, F., Della Sala, S., & Logie, R.H. (2011).
Working memory binding and dual-tasking can mark onset and progression of
Alzheimer's disease. Poster presentation at the International Conference on AD,
Paris, France.
Moreno, S., MacPherson, S.E., Parra, M.A., Lopera, F., & Della Sala, S. (2010). Study of the
preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease. Searching for early cognitive markers:
dual-task paradigm. Poster presentation at the XII Argentinean Congress of
Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Girardi, A., Della Sala, S., & MacPherson, S.E. (2010). Perception of the Self and Others in
Healthy Adult Ageing. Poster presentation at the joint meeting of the EPS-SEPEX,
Granada, Spain.
Cavallo, M., Adenzato, M., MacPherson, S.E., Karwig, G., Enrici, I., & Abrahams, S. (2010).
Theory of Mind Deficits in Frontotemporal Dementia and Motor Neurone
Disease patients. Poster presentation at the World Federation of Neurology Research
Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hunter, E.M., Phillips, L.H. & MacPherson, S.E. (2009). Effects of Age on Multisensory
Integration and Social Interaction. Poster presentation at the International
Multisensory Research Forum, New York, USA.
P age |9
Hunter, E.M., & MacPherson, S.E. (2008). Effects of Age on Multisensory Integration and
Social Interaction. Poster presentation at the British Psychological Society Cognitive
Section Conference, Southampton.
Girardi, A., MacPherson, S.E., & Abrahams, S. (2008). Social Cognition Impairments in
Patients with Motor Neurone Disease. Poster presentation at the First Meeting of
the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh.
Hunter, E.M., & MacPherson, S.E. (2008). Effects of Age on Multisensory Integration and
Social Interaction. Poster presentation at the First Meeting of the Federation of the
European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh.
Cavallo, M., Abrahams, S., Enrici, I., MacPherson, S.E., & Adenzato, M. (2008). Theory of
Mind in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Poster presentation at the First Meeting of the
Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh.
Cavallo, M., Enrici, I., MacPherson, S.E., Abrahams, S. & Adenzato, M. (2008). Theory of
Mind in Degenerative Diseases: Preliminary Results. Poster presentation at the
Doing Interdisciplinary Research Workshop organised by the AHRC Centre and the
ESRC INNOGEN Centre, Edinburgh.
MacPherson, S.E., Parra-Rodriguez, M.A., Moreno, S., Lopera, F. & Della Sala, S. (2008).
Evidence of Dual Task Deficits in Preclinical Familial Alzheimer’s Disease.
Poster and short presentation at the XXVIth European Workshop on Cognitive
Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
Girardi, A., MacPherson, S.E. & Abrahams, S. (2007). Social Cognition in Patients with
Motor Neurone Disease. Poster at the Moving Forward with Motor Neurone Disease.
A Translational Research Symposium, Edinburgh.
MacPherson, S.E., Della Sala, S. & Logie, R.H. (2003). Dual task interference on encoding
and retrieval processes in healthy and impaired working memory. Poster and short
presentation at the XXIst European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology,
Bressanone, Italy.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2002). Gambling task: an off-the-shelf
measure of frontal lobe dysfunction? Poster presented at the XXth European
Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
MacPherson, S.E., Sacco, L., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S. & Spinnler, H. (2001). Cognitive
estimation task: effect of ageing, frontal lesions, and its use in assessing
dementia. Poster and short presentation at the XIXth European Workshop on
Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
MacPherson, S.E., Sacco, L., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S. & Spinnler, H. (2000). Cognitive
estimation task: ageing, frontal lesions, and its use in assessing dementia. Poster
presented at the BPS Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Essex.
MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H. & Della Sala, S. (2000). Ageing and performance on tasks
sensitive to dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal dysfunction. Poster presented
at the BPS Annual Conference, Winchester.
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MacPherson, S.E., Phillips, L.H., Della Sala, S. & Cantagallo, A. (2000). Patients with frontal
lobe damage and their performance on tests sensitive to dorsolateral prefrontal
dysfunction and ventromedial prefrontal dysfunction. Poster and short presentation
at the XVIIIth European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
Departmental seminars
School of Psychological Sciences & Health, University of Strathclyde, 2014
Department of Psychology, LMU Munich, Germany, 2007
Department of Psychology, University of Hull, 2005
Department of Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2005
Department of Psychology, University of Plymouth, 2005
Department of Psychology, University of East London, 2004
Research supervision
Supervisor for MSc. dissertation:
Justyna Ledska (2014)
Jennifer McKeever (2014)
Monica Mariana De Icaza Valenzuela (2014)
Asaad Rehman Baksh (2013)
Anastasia Karagiannopoulou (2013)
Alexandra Caterina Constantinescu (2013)
Julia Day (2013)
Aisling Warren (2011)
Denise Rogers (2011)
Lindsay Oliver (2011)
Stephanie Irving (2011)
Ishabel Vicaria (2010)
Matthew Iveson (2010)
Sheila Slater (2009)
Garret O’Connell (2009)
Simon Cox (2009)
Gillian Karwig (2009)
Marco Cavallo (2008)
Gary Lewis (2008)
Alessandra Girardi (2007)
Paul Patterson (2007)
First/Co-supervisor for Ph.D. students:
o Simon Riddington Cox (2009-2012) Cortisol, Cognition and the Aging Prefrontal
o Alessandra Girardi (2008-2011) Perception of Self and Others in Healthy Aging
o Edyta Monika Hunter (2008-2011) Multisensory Integration of Social
Information in Adult Aging
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In progress:
o Matthew Iveson (2011-) The Neurocognitive Basis of Goal Maintenance
o Catherine Crompton (2013-) Cognition, Aging and Avatar Interaction
o Asaad Rehman Baksh (2013-) Inhibition, Set-Shifting and Behaviour Change in
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
o Alexandra Caterina Constantinescu (2013-) Emotion Elicitation in Virtual
External Examiner:
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology), University of
Queensland, Australia - Lara Campbell (2014) Apathy and Generative Language
Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
Internal Examiner:
Matthew Harris (2014) Navigational Strategy Switching in Ageing
Treasurer and Committee Member for British Neuropsychological
Action Editor and Member of the Editorial Board, Cortex
Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Chair of Organising Committee for First Meeting of the Federation of
the European Societies of Neuropsychology 2008 (550 delegates)
Academic Reviewing
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition
Behavior Genetics
Cognitive Neuropsychology
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Journal of Neuropsychology
Memory and Cognition
The Clinical Neuropsychologist
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Funding bodies:
Wellcome Trust
British Neuropsychological Society (BNS)
British Psychological Society (BPS)
Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
Division of Neuropsychology (BPS)
Register of Chartered Psychologists
International Neuropsychological Society (INS)
Experimental Psychology Society (EPS)
Lecturer: Memory (Year 3)
Lecturer: Biological Psychology (Year 3)
Lecturer: Frontal Lobe Functions (Year 4)
Lecturer: Frontal Lobe Functions (MSc)
Lecturer: Biological Bases of Behaviour (Year 1)
Lecturer: Introduction to Psychology (6th Year School Pupils)
Tutor: Advanced Neuropsychology (Year 4)
Tutor: Neuropsychology (Year 2)
Tutor: Psychological Assessment (Year 3)
Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Undergraduate Director of Teaching
Convenor: School Undergraduate Studies Committee (SUGSC)
Committee Member: School Management Committee (SMC)
Committee Member: College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee (CUGLAT)
Committee Member: Department of Psychology Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team
External Committee Member: School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) Board of
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Programme Reviewer: MSc in Performance Psychology, Moray House School of
Convenor: Psychology Undergraduate Board of Examiners
Coordinator: Volunteer Research Assistant Programme
Programme Director: MSc in Human Cognitive Neuropsychology (sabbatical cover
semester 2)
Committee Member: School Postgraduate Group
Committee Member: Psychology Teaching Committee
Committee Member: Staff Student Liaison Committee
Course organiser: Psychology (Year 2)
Course organiser: Psychology Group Projects (Year 3)
Module organiser: Biological Psychology (Year 3)
Presentation to the Advisory Group for City for All Ages, City Chambers, Edinburgh, February
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