From: Ovid AutoAlert - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Library Network
Ambulatory Care
December 2007
Current Awareness Bulletin
Most of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland eLibrary. Please use the links
where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration
for ATHENS can be found at
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Compiled by Chloe Stewart
Library Manager
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network
Stobhil Hospital
133 Balornock Road
G21 3UW
0141 201 3357
Bandyopadhyay M. Markovic M. Manderson L. Women's perspectives of pain following day surgery in
Australia. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 24(4): 19-23. Electronic journal
Bartolek D. Lajtman Z. Zdravcevic-Sakic K. Jakobovic J. Bartolek F. Cavric G. The optimal pediatric
induction dose of propofol in combination with reduced-dose rocuronium and alfentanil for day-case
tonsillectomy in children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 71(12):1873-81
Electronic journal
Borges S. Lemos P. Ramos M. Maio R. Costa AC. Fonseca L. Regalado AM. Routine administration of
dexamethasone in a day surgery protocol might decrease postoperative vomiting and pain. Ambulatory
Surgery. 13(1): 15p.
Culliford IV A.T. Spector J.A. Flores R.L. Louie O. Choi M. Karp N.S. Intraoperative sensorcaine
significantly improves postoperative pain management in outpatient reduction mammaplasty. Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery. 120(4)(pp 840-844) Electronic journal
Fleisher L.A. Should my outpatient center have a beta-blocker protocol?. Current Opinion in
Anaesthesiology. 20(6)(pp 526-530) Electronic journal
Flynn P. Ahmed FB. Mitchell V. Patel A. Clarke S. A randomised comparison of the single use LMA
Flexible (trade mark) with the reusable LMA Flexible (trade mark) in paediatric dental day-case patients.
Anaesthesia. 62(12):1281-4 Electronic journal
Goulson DT. Anesthesia for outpatient gynecologic surgery. Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 2007
Jun; 20(3): 195-200. Electronic journal
Gupta A. Evidence-based medicine in day surgery. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 20(6)(pp 520525) Electronic journal
Habib AS. Muir HA. Schultz JR. Olufolabi AJ. White WD. Gan TJ. Postoperative nausea and vomiting
following the use of fentanyl or remifentanil in ambulatory gynecologic laparoscopic surgery: a
prospective randomized trial. Ambulatory Surgery. 2007 Mar; 13(1): 16p.
Older C. Carr E. Warr J. An exploration of patient decision making regarding the use of analgesics after
day case surgery. Ambulatory Surgery. 2007 Mar; 13(1): 28p.
Qadir N. Smith I. Day surgery: how far can we go and are there still any limits?. Current Opinion in
Anaesthesiology. 20(6):503-7 Electronic journal
Raeder J. Bariatric procedures as day/short stay surgery: is it possible and reasonable?. Current Opinion
in Anaesthesiology. 20(6):508-12 Electronic journal
Soto RG. Clinical advantages of depth of consciousness monitoring in the ambulatory setting.
Ambulatory Surgery. 13(1): 11p.
White P.F. Eng M. Fast-track anesthetic techniques for ambulatory surgery. Current Opinion in
Anaesthesiology. 20(6)(pp 545-557) Electronic journal
Almahameed A. Carman TL. Outpatient management of stable acute pulmonary embolism: proposed
accelerated pathway for risk stratification. American Journal of Medicine. 120(10 Suppl 2):S18-25
Electronic journal
Beddy P. Lyburn IL. Geoghegan T. Buckley O. Buckley AR. Torreggiani WC. Outpatient liver biopsy:
a prospective evaluation of 500 cases. Gut. 56(2):307
Alalade AO. Khan R. Dawlatly B. Day-case management of hyperemesis gravidarum: Feasibility and
clinical efficacy. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 27(4):363-4
Patwardhan S. Arunkalaivanan AS. Urogynaecology: an ambulatory approach. [Review] [28 refs]
British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 68(8):414-7
Chalder M. Montgomery A. Hollinghurst S. Cooke M. Munro J. Lattimer V. Sharp D. Salisbury C.
Comparing care at walk-in centres and at accident and emergency departments: an exploration of
patient choice, preference and satisfaction. Emergency Medicine Journal. 24(4): 260-4.
Salisbury C. Hollinghurst S. Montgomery A. Cooke M. Munro J. Sharp D. Chalder M. The impact of
co-located NHS walk-in centres on emergency departments. Emergency Medicine Journal. 24(4): 265-9
Lugo LH. Salinas F. Garcia HI. Out-patient rehabilitation programme for spinal cord injured patients:
evaluation of the results on motor FIM score. Disability & Rehabilitation. 29(11-12):873-81, 15-30.
Digner M. Day surgery: preoperative assessment. At your convenience: preoperative assessment by
telephone. Journal of Perioperative Practice. 2007 Jul; 17(7): 294-8, 300-1. Electronic journal
Mitchell M. Nursing intervention for day-case laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nursing Standard.
22(6):35-41 Electronic journals
Beeson J. Day surgery: cryosurgery. Palliation of tracheobronchial carcinoma: the role of cryosurgery.
Journal of Perioperative Practice. 2007 Jul; 17(7): 332, 334-6, 338-9. Electronic journal
Garland SN. Carlson LE. Cook S. Lansdell L. Speca M. A non-randomized comparison of mindfulnessbased stress reduction and healing arts programs for facilitating post-traumatic growth and spirituality in
cancer outpatients. Supportive Care in Cancer. 15(8):949-61
Halim T.Y. Song K.W. Barnett M.J. Forrest D.L. Hogge D.E. Nantel S.H. Nevill T.J. Shepherd J.D. Smith
C.A. Sutherland H.J. Toze C.L. Lavoie J.C. Positive impact of selective outpatient management of highrisk acute myelogenous leukemia on the incidence of septicemia. Annals of Oncology. 18(7)(pp 12461252)
Innes H. Marshall E. Outpatient therapy for febrile neutropenia. [Review] [28 refs] Current Opinion in
Oncology. 19(4):294-8 Electronic journal
Stather DR. Tremblay A. Use of tunneled pleural catheters for outpatient treatment of malignant
pleural effusions. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine. 13(4): 328-33. (33 ref) Electronic journal
Garner JM. Shoemaker-Moyle M. Franzese CB. Adult outpatient tracheostomy care: practices and
perspectives. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 136(2): 301-6. Electronic journal
Maurer JT. Huber K. Verse T. Hormann K. Stuck B. A mandibular advancement device for the ENT
office to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 136(2): 231-5.
Electronic journal
Norman J. Aronson K. Outpatient parathyroid surgery and the differences seen in the morbidly obese.
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 136(2): 282-6. Electronic journal
Banieghbal B. Beale P. Day-case laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in children. Journal of
Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A. 17(3):350-2
Le T. Drolet J. Parayno E. Rosmus C. Castiglione S. Follow-up phone calls after pediatric ambulatory
surgery for tonsillectomy: what can we learn from families?. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing.
22(4):256-64 Electronic journal
Mendez K. Sabater R. Chinea E. Lugo-Vicente H. Is there a safe advantage in performing outpatient
laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children?. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 42(8):1333-6 Electronic
Mikhael MS. Wray S. Robb ND. Intravenous conscious sedation in children for outpatient dentistry.
British Dental Journal. 203(6):323-31
Thomas P.A. Goldberg H. Tracking reflective practice-based learning by medical students during an
ambulatory clerkship. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 22(11)(pp 1583-1586)
Kasthuri R. Karunaratne D. Andrew H. Sumner J. Chalmers N. Day-case peripheral angioplasty using
nurse-led admission, discharge, and follow-up procedures: arterial closure devices are not necessary.
Clinical Radiology. 62(12):1202-5 Electronic journal
Nataraja A. Mukhtyar C. Hellmich B. Langford C. Luqmani R. Outpatient assessment of systemic
vasculitis. [Review] [96 refs] Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology. 21(4):713-32,
Electronic journal
Kurzer M. Kark A. Hussain T. Day surgery: common procedures. Inguinal hernia repair. Journal of
Perioperative Practice. 2007 Jul; 17(7): 318-21, 323-6, 328-30 Electronic journal
Leardi S. Pietroletti R. Angeloni G. Necozione S. Ranalletta G. Del Gusto B. Randomized clinical trial
examining the effect of music therapy in stress response to day surgery. British Journal of Surgery.
94(8):943-7 Electronic journal
Simpson SA. Ying BL. Ross LA. Friedman DJ. Quraishi MI. Rizvi AA. Bernik SF. Incidence of
complications in outpatient mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Journal of the American College
of Surgeons. 205(3):463-7 Electronic journal
Manavi K. The features of patients attending walk-in compared with booked clinics for sexually
transmitted infections. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 18(9):601-5
Moreno K. Montesino M. Economic impact of tension-free vaginal tape surgery for urinary incontinence
in an ambulatory regimen compared with hospital admission. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and
Nephrology. 41(5)(pp 392-397)