ST. THOMAS LUTHERAN CHURCH Sean Ewbank, Pastor 9393 Church Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138 (734) 675-0005; (734) 675-8807 Fax: (734)675-5068 Pastor Sean: (734) 250-1655 Emails: Website: JULY 2014 Happy July Everyone! Our big news for this month centers on fellowship activities that are fun and that you can easily invite your friends to. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE On Sunday July 20th we are going to have a wonderful Family Fun Fellowship event on our front lawn from 25pm. Games for the kids will be the highlight of the event. We will have an inflatable slip and slide and other water activities in which to keep cool during a hot summer day. Shade for relaxation and conversation will be provided for all the adults. Plenty of cool beverages will be provided. Monday July 28th begins our week of Vacation Bible School (VBS). Our VBS week is earlier this year than normal. In years past we have tried to end the summer with our program but we found that so many of our middle and high school students had conflicts with sports and band camps. So, we have moved earlier. One other blessing this year is that we are teaming up with the good people of Sacred Heart for VBS and doing a combined one on our property, but augmented with their helpers and students. The reason for this is Sacred Heart's building is having some issues that require extensive reconstruction meaning space was short and they were not able to host one this year. So, we offered to have them join us in ours. They gladly accepted and Darcie and I are thrilled to be able to work together with our brothers and sisters from Sacred Heart. You may sign up to work with VBS in any number of ways online, on your connection card, or by contacting Darcie or the office directly. May these days of summer bring you relaxation, happiness, and a strengthening of faith. Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy, Pastor Sean SUNDAY SCHEDULE Sunday Worship @ 10:00am Sunday School @ 10:00am A FAMILY FUN FELLOWSHIP EVENT MARK YOU CALENDAR FOR SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2-5PM. There will be games for kids and cool refreshments for parents. Please check the website at for more information. YOUTH NIGHT St. Thomas youth wrapped up the year of Youth Night with a pool party at the Ewbank’s home. Youth night, with programming for kids 1st grade through high school, will resume in September. Thank you to the many Youth Night volunteers who cooked meals, led games, worship, music, discussion and more. Youth Night couldn’t have happened without your hard work. Confirmation Class 2014 Congratulations to the following who were confirmed in faith on June 8, Pentecost Sunday: Collin Bammer Ryan Blackburn Anna Finazzo Lisa Kohler Kiernan O’Connor Hailey Swamy David Torosian Halena Torosian Jack Trombley SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School continues meeting during the 10:00am service. Children exit after the Children’s Sermon and enjoy a mixed ages class. Volunteers still needed to teach a few of the weeks in August. If you’re interested in helping please contact Darcie Bammer. BAPTISM On June 5 St. Thomas celebrated the Baptism of Griffin Gregory Cox Infant son of Jeffery & Anna Cox Godparents are Susanna Buscemi & Greg Cox JUNGLE SAFARI VBS 2014 JUNGLE SAFARI VBS WILL BE HELD July 28 – August 1, 9am-noon Ages 3- through those just finished 5th grade. Older kids and adults needed to help run the program! A registration form can be found in this newsletter or you can sign up online at The following is a list of supplies needed for VBS 2014. Please drop off at the church or speak to Darcie Bammer : Play Sand- 3 large bags, Large Marshmallows, Wet Wipes, White Poster board, Colored Poster board, Toothpicks, Colored Tissue Paper, Butter bowls/Sour cream tubs/ Cottage Cheese tubs, Soil-3 bags, Assorted Beans, Assorted Seeds- bean kind, Rice, Paper towel tubes, Pringles cans, Colored Plastic spoons, Colored Duck Tape, Rubber bands, Permanent craft Markers, Streamers, Grass Skirts, Blue plastic tablecloths. PLEASE SPEAK TO DARCIE BAMMER IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP WITH VBS! A MEETING WILL BE HELD ON JULY 8 AT 3:00PM. MEN’S GROUP Bill Swasey is in the process of planning a Men’s Group outing possibly to a Toledo Mudhens game. Watch for further details. SYMPATHIES Sympathies of the congregation are extended to the family of Lillian Jones who passed away on June 19. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers husband, Larry Jones, and daughter, Karen Kujala and family. A memorial service will be held in the near future. Sympathies are also extended to Pam Gluski for the loss of her mother, Donna Fielhauer. A service was held on June 17. JULY SERVANTS OF ST. THOMAS LAY READERS COMMUNION ASSISTANTS SUNDAY SCHOOL SERVICE GREETERS 6-Jul 10:00am Ethel Yops & Elke Malcomson Corey Bammer, Paul Smolak, Adam Bickel Judy Cemer Bill Swasey & Judy Cemer Erin Shelton 13-Jul 10:00am The Graver Family Judy Cemer, Sonny Ouellette, Bob Arndt, Bill Swasey Dan Sanquist Corey & Darcie Bammer Kathie Kline 20-Jul 10:00am Linda & Michael Landis Matt Shelton, George Thompson, George Nelson Allison Schmit Stu & Denise Keeler Lori Bartos 10:00am Sonny & Debbie Ouellette Elke Malcomson, Fred Karn, Carol Viazanko, Gayle Withey Ethel Yops Mark & Nancy Graver Kathie Kline 27-Jul USHERS ALTAR CARE DATE Maryellen Nelson and Libby Rowe COFFEE HOST Agnes Kujala PLEASE SIGN UP TO HOST A COFFEE HOUR DURING THE SUMMER The bulletin board has available dates or you may also check the website coffee host calendar––under Resources. The Sundays without a red dot do not have a volunteer for that day. You may then call or e-mail the office and we will get it posted on the calendar and on the bulletin board. Set up simple snacks, clean up after. CHECK OUT OUR NEW KEURIG COFFEE MAKERS in the fellowship hall and make a flavored coffee of your choice! ITEMS OF NOTE St. Thomas’ guitar group, Picks and Bows, is scheduled to perform on Sunday, August 10, 7-8pm. Updated Church Directories (not picture, just member contact information) are now available. Contact the church office to request a copy. New devotional booklets are available for July-September in the tract rack in the narthex. JULY BIRTHDAYS 7/1 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/4 7/4 7/6 7/11 7/12 7/12 7/13 7/13 7/13 7/14 Kathy Campbell Logan Gladowski Chris Sargent Stephanie Flessland Frank Gladowski Danielle Thompson Russ Figi Kim Rock Debbie Brown Jeff Karrar Bobby Krzeczkowski Matt Graver Lauren Graver Allison Graver Lauren Ragen Eidson 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/19 7/19 7/20 7/20 7/22 7/22 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 Betty Ruck Mark Graver Lindsey Sargent Ken DeByle Xavi Diaz-Flores Karl Dickason Dick Withey Edward Allard Jeff Wesley Doris Nissley Eric Flessland Tim Perry Ainsley Kolodziejski Halena Torosian June August S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 JULY2014 2014 July 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday 9:00am Yoga in Fellowship Hall Wednesday 1 7:00pm Guitar Group 10:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School Coffee following service 6 7 9:00am Yoga in Fellowship Hall Thursday 2 7:00pm Yoga in Fellowship Hall 8 3:00pm VBS Meeting 13 10:00am Worship Noisy Offering 10:00am Sunday School Coffee following service 14 9:00am Yoga in Fellowship Hall 9 7:00pm Yoga in Fellowship Hall 15 7:00pm Guitar Group Saturday 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 25 26 7:00pm Worship 9:00am Office Volunteers 7:00pm Worship Noisy Offering 7:00pm Guitar Group PENTECOST 4 9:00am Office Volunteers Friday 16 9:00am Office Volunteers 4:30pm Wedding 7:00pm Yoga in Fellowship Hall 5:00pm Wedding Rehearsal 7:00pm Worship PENTECOST 5 20 10:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School Coffee following service 2-5pm Family Fun Fellowship Event 21 9:00am Yoga in Fellowship Hall 22 7:00pm Guitar Group 23 7:00pm Yoga in Fellowship Hall 9:00am Office Volunteers 24 7:00pm Worship PENTECOST 6 27 10:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School Coffee following service VBS Set up PENTECOST 7 28 9:00am Yoga in Fellowship Hall 7:00pm Guitar Group 29 30 9:00am Office Volunteers 31 7:00pm Yoga in Fellowship Hall 7:00pm Worship JUNGLE SAFARI VBS JULY 28 – AUGUST 1 The Church office will be closed the week of June 30 - July 4 as well as the usual Fridays. Phones and e-mails will be monitored daily.