Fieldwork Checklist 1. 1.1 Roles and Responsibilities Has the Head of Department nominated a Fieldwork Leader who is responsible for ensuring a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is in place and for ensuring that all safety precautions are observed for the duration of the fieldwork? 1.2 In the case of independent fieldwork this may be the individual travelling and working alone. Is the Fieldwork Leader competent? Please describe training received/experience and consider if further training is required. 2 Au tho r is at ion P ro c es s 2.1 Has the Head of Department approved the trip in principal? Does the trip involve travel to: 2.2 a) A country where the FCO advise against travel. b) A country where the FCO advise against all but essential travel. c) A country which Red24 deem to be extreme risk inessclass/ Password 7797 If yes formal approval will be required from VCE. Please refer to Insurance Officer. 2.3 Does the trip involve any hazardous activities (such as ski-ing, diving or mountaineering?) If so please refer to Insurance Officer. Formal approval may be required from VCE. 2.4 For staff/PHD students has the Online Travel Overseas Form been completed? YES/NO Det ai l s NAME (please print): YES/NO Details 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Pl an nin g Have all participants completed Medical/Dietary questionnaire? Any special requirements to be included within Risk Assessment. Are any potential participants young (under the age of 18) or vulnerable adults? If yes a) Refer to University Safeguarding Policy. b) Include within Risk Assessment. c) Consent to be obtained from parents or guardians for administering medication or first aid. Has the staff/student ratio been considered depending upon the nature of the fieldwork and Risk Assessment? Please refer to UCEA Health and Safety in Fieldwork Document (section 13) for further guidance. 3.4 Have all local permissions required been identified and sought? 3.5 Has a preparatory visit been made to the field site with an evaluation of the local facilities and services with particular regard to the needs of known or likely participants? If the answer is no, please explain what checks have been made. 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 YES/NO Details YES/NO Details Have ethical or environmental risks been considered? If travelling overseas has Fieldwork Leader and participants registered for SMS text alerts with Red24? ass/ Password 7797 If Lone fieldwork overseas have you registered with FCO “LOCATE”? Any legal requirements in respect of the country being visited? 3.11 Have you an outline of the itinerary? 3.12 Have you a contingency plan? Provide details of Plan B 4 Ri sk As s e s sm ent 4.1 4.2 4.3 Have you completed suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment? Has HOD or delegated competent person signed off RA. Does the RA need to be escalated to VCE? 5 5.1 Equ ip men t Will the total amount of equipment being taken on the fieldtrip exceed £25,000 per item, £100,000 in total? If the answer is yes please provide full list to University Insurance Officer. YES/NO Details 6 6.1 Em e rg en c y R e spon s e P l ann ing Do you have a means of summoning help in an emergency? For remote regions it may be necessary to have a satellite phone. Do you know where the nearest local A&E hospital is located? If travelling overseas it is important to visit Red24 web-site for local hospital advice including information about payment requirements. Not all hospitals accept insurer guarantees and this will need to be built into your emergency response plan. lass/ Password 7797 YES/NO Details 6.2 6.3 6.4 Do you have access to emergency funds out of hours? Department Deans and Insurance Officer has University credit cards but limits may need to be increased depending upon risk assessment. Have you identified a “home contact” with 24 hour contact details? They should be provided with copy of Risk Assessment, briefing pack and participant manifest. 7 Us e of T h i rd p art y p r ov ide r s 7.1 Is a contract in place outlining who is responsible for health and safety? Do you have evidence of competency of third party instructors? E.g. diving instructors, boat crew. Do you have a copy of the Third parties insurance? They should have a minimum of £10m Public and £10m Employers Liability cover. Refer to University Insurance Officer if third party provider does not have sufficient cover. Do you have a copy of Third party providers Risk Assessment? 7.2 7.3 7.4 All documentation to be kept for future reference. 8 Participant Manifest. 8.1 Have all staff participants and nominated home contact been provided with manifest to include: Names Mobile number Next of kin details Passport number NHS numbers Any medical/dietary needs. 7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 YES/NO Details Br ie fin g P ac k ( f o r su pe rv i sed f ie ldw or k) Whilst effective face-face communication is a critical part of ensuring that those about to engage in the fieldwork fully appreciate the type of experience planned it is important to ensure that all participants are provided with a briefing pack. To include: Full itinerary including: a) Downtime and personal time arrangements. b) Names and addresses of third party providers. c) Transport arrangements and any associated contingencies. Explanation of activities to be undertaken including any adjustments based on individual needs. 7.1.3 Costs associated with fieldwork. 7.1.4 Significant findings of the Risk Assessment including residual risks. 7.1.5 7.1.6 Details of training related to any activities to be undertaken on the fieldwork or required due to environmental or security considerations. Purchase of safety or specialist clothing and equipment 7.1.7 Cultural issues/language training 7.1.8 7.1.9 Relevant reading and website research in relation to the location and fieldwork activities to be undertaken (e.g. Red24) Passports, visas and other essential travel documentation. 7.1.10 In-country orientation training. 7.1.11 Communication options for next of kin. 7.1.12 Insurance cover including 24 hour emergency helpline number if travelling overseas +44 (0)20 7173 7797 – Maven Underwriting Emergency Response plan including Department out of hours contact details. 7.1.13 7.1.14 Recommendation to discuss any health requirements with GP (e.g. Inoculations/fitness to travel). 7.1.15 Advise to take additional supplies of prescription medication and where necessary from border control a letter from GP. Fieldwork leader/supervisor contact details for duration of fieldwork. Code of conduct. 7.1.16 7.1.17 YES/NO