Daniel Beckley - London School of Economics and Political Science

Daniel’s Bio and Testimonials
My name is Daniel Beckley. I have been working as a security officer at London
school of Economics and Political Science (LSE) for 5 and half years, although I have
been in the security industry now for over 14 years.
For me, it’s all about Fitness and Power. I like to try and help everyone from all walks
of life to share a little extra motivation along the road to fitness.
I consider myself as a fighter and a hard worker. I have tried many sports in the past
from Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Football and Athletics. I have had the
opportunity in meeting many professional people in aspects of my life in these sports.
I always believe in self-control, self-belief, self-discipline, self-knowledge and selfconfidence. It serves as a constant reminder to me that we all need a little help,
somewhere along the way, no matter what your own personal dreams of success may
be; those dreams are always within your reach. Unfortunately, you cannot buy
Success; you have to work for it.
Where you are right now doesn’t matter, as long as you are moving in the right
direction. You can do well in Skipping. This is the right time to join my Skip-Fit
Classes. I must admit that I personally commit myself in making others happy but
remember that Failure comes when you quit.
LSE PGR Student: International Relations
The Skip Fit classes are fantastic. An intense workout routine combined with good
moves to music. Daniel is a great fitness instructor who knows how to motivate you
week after week and get you to push yourself to your limits and beyond. When you
stick to the classes over time your fitness definitely improves and the routine gets
easier. The partner mat work at the end of each session is great, the best ab exercises I
have ever done. I definitely recommend this class to anyone who is eager to get
moving and ready for a full body workout.
Kathryn Gjorgjiev - Graduate Intern, Gender Institute
I always look forward to the skip fit classes! Initially I thought it was a class where
you could skip for half an hour and go, but Daniel actually creates an aerobic exercise
routine which centres around skipping. I definitely feel that my stamina has increased
and it is a great change from sitting at the desk all day. The classes are fun and Daniel
always plays good music to motivate you to skip faster or to the beat!
Stephen Emmott - Head of Digital Communications department
"Daniel's skills and knowledge come from a background as a professional boxer. He
brings that discipline and professionalism to help LSE staff get fit in a way that is fun,
engaging and achievable. Skipping is ideal for improving health and wellbeing, and I
return to the Skip for Fit classes because I leave each one a better person. It's hard
work but with Daniel's guidance, it's an investment that returns far more than the hour
a week spent. What's more, Daniel does this for free: nothing more than the
satisfaction of helping others develop and improve. To do this with colleagues, and
share the experience, is a joy."
Liz Trumble - Design Coordinator for the Design Unit
Daniels Skipping class is a great way to keep fit. I did not expect it to be such a good
workout but you definitely feel it after the hour! There is a good balance between the
skipping and core floor work and Daniel is a great motivator.
Florence Chappell - Student
"After the first class I felt amazing. Skipfit is so exhilarating, and Daniel is so
motivational, that after the first session I was hooked on exercise. Daniel's enthusiasm
and welcoming attitude inspired me to sign up to the Crystal Palace National Sports
Centre, which is my local gym, and since then I've hugely increased my fitness whilst
learning about fitness and wellbeing. I'm a third year undergraduate about to graduate
and I'm pursuing a career in sport, especially increasing access to sport, all thanks to
Daniel's skipfit classes. Before attending the class I was suffering from depression and
struggling with my studies. I am now recovering mainly due to my involvement in
sport and have nearly finished my degree. Thank you so much Daniel."
Siân Nash - Faculty Support Administrator for Economics
Daniel's Skip Fit class is both a great workout and extremely fun! Skipping is
fantastic cardio exercise, and Daniel combines this with other core exercises to make
sure you get a full body workout. He also provides an eclectic and upbeat soundtrack
to keep you feeling motivated and happy while working out!
Joanne Hay - Department Manager for the Management department
Daniel's skip fit class is fantastic to quickly increase fitness levels. Skipping takes a
bit of time to learn but once you have the knack, you can really push yourself to skip
faster, skip for longer, and change your step work. Added to that, there is some tough
toning at the end focussing on abs. It's fantastic!
Amelia Sharman - Postgraduate student for the Geography & Environment
"Skip-fit is absolutely amazing - I never would have thought that I could skip for 30
minutes non-stop or have the kind of abs that the core workout in the second part of
the class has given me! The class is always challenging and Daniel is fantastic at
encouraging you to push yourself to the limit. I always leave feeling exhausted but
exhilarated - hands down the best workout I have ever had."
Peter Carrol - Communications Officer for the Resources & Innovation Group,
Library Services
Hard work but great fun. I go every week!
James Deeley - MSc Programmes Administrator for the Gender Institute
"Skip-fit class is fantastic. I went to my first class tired and deflated on a cold, wet
January afternoon and came out buzzing after an hour of frantic skipping, musclechurning floor exercises and some very loud, very beat-heavy house/jungle music
which kept the energy up throughout the hour. Daniel is an expert skipper himself and
knows how to get the most out of the hour, giving everyone the attention they need to
improve their practice. I was a novice when I began; now, six months later I can skip
intensively so it feels like I'm burning fat, and can throw in some little tricks to keep
things interesting too. Highly recommend!"
Charlotte Knights - Economics Departmental Manager
As an ex-boxer, Daniel is a great motivator at getting you skipping! It really keeps
you fit and it's fun to do all the different moves whilst learning a bit of technique. The
abs work is tough but I'm ever hopeful for that washboard stomach! Thank you Daniel
for giving your time so freely and with such enthusiasm!
Jonathan Ing - Senior New Media Designer
Thee Skip Fit sessions are great fun, hard work and I know I burn some real calories
in Daniel’s classes. I really appreciate him doing this.
Ann Law - Systemic Risk Centre
As someone who needs a lot of motivation to exercise, I am surprised that I keep
going to Daniel's Skip Fit classes!
Nenna Opara - Group Manager for the Management department
This is a great high energy class that’s both fun and challenging set to some high
energy music! It doesn't matter how well you can skip or if the last time you skipped
was in the school playground its open to all levels and abilities. An hour of hard work
and sweat zooms by because the class is so relaxed and fun, I'd recommend it to all
who are into exercise or want to get back into it!
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