certification of credentials and qualifications for

Please submit a completed copy for any new person who will be teaching a course before they
are scheduled to teach the class.
Name of Appointee: ____________________SSN_______________________
Highest Degree & Field of Study
Teaching Field:
Collateral fields for which the appointee is seeking approval:
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has established
recommended minimum qualifications for faculty. This form documents that
faculty being appointed to Abilene Christian University meet these standards:
When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives
primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline…The
institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as
appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in
the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous
documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and
achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning
outcomes. (SACS Principles of Accreditation, 2004, pp. 24-25)
Before a verbal offer is conveyed to the candidate or offer letter is sent by the
Provost, the following items must be completed by the Department Head (or
other administrator initiating the offer). The candidate’s vitae, transcripts for all
degrees (original or certified copy of the original) and this form must be approved
by the dean (and graduate dean, if applicable), then forwarded to the Provost for
final review and approval
[ ]
The highest earned degree is from an institution accredited by a regional
accrediting agency.
[ ]
The highest earned degree possessed is considered to be the terminal
degree in this field.
[ ]
The terminal degree is NOT possessed (check as many as apply)
[ ] The instructor will not teach or co-teach graduate courses including
500 level.
[ ]
The degree is in progress. List the intended date of completion and
include an anticipated completion schedule.
[ ]
Alternative qualifications supplied to justify teaching at the graduate
level. A statement of justification and all supporting materials must be
attached and approved by the Dean of the college.
[ ]
The candidate (1) holds at least a master’s degree, and the candidate’s
transcripts (2) show at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching
field. Please attach a complete listing of the courses by title and institution
used to meet this standard if the master’s is not in the discipline.
[ ] If either of the above requirements is not met, a statement of
qualifications and all supporting materials must be attached, and
approved by the Dean of the college.
[ ]
English is the native language of the faculty member, or if not, competency
in spoken English has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
Department Head (or other Administrator initiating the offer).
[ ]
Official transcripts of graduate work are required for all faculty. For the
appointee, these are:
[ ] on hand, [ ] on order, or [ ] neither, with explanation attached.
All foreign transcripts must be evaluated prior to submitting this form to the
Please indicate the location of the appointee’s official transcripts:
[ ] Dean’s office [ ] Chair’s office [ ] Other
Department Head
Dean of the College/Administrator
Dean of the Graduate School (if teaching
graduate courses)
Upon approval by the Provost, this form
becomes part of the official personnel file.
Reviewed and Approved:
Attachments: (all)
[ ] Transcripts
[ ] Vitae
[ ] Listing of Courses in Discipline
(if needed)
Others, as appropriate
(July, 2005)
[ ] Degree completion plan and
[ ] Justifications and supporting
documents when degree
requirements are not met