Errata – UHI 8E Textbook NOTE: This revised answer key contains updated 2006 codes. Chapter 3: Managed Health Care Page 45, #9, b: Delete “gatekeeper” and enter “primary care provider.” Chapter 6: ICD-9-CM Coding Page 147, Exercise 6-4 1. Pregnancy complicated by chronic gonorrhea; 647.10 – fifth digit required chronic gonococcal endometritis 098.36 – use additional code Chapter 7: CPT Coding Page 185: Delete “confirmatory consultation” Page 199: Delete row of content for modifier -60 (CPT modifier -60 was deleted in 2006) For modifier -63, delete X from E/M, Anesthesia, Radiology, Pathology & Laboratory, and Medicine columns. (Modifier -63 is reported with Surgery codes only.) Page 204, Delete row of content for modifier -60 (CPT modifier -60 was deleted in 2006) Page 219, Infusions and Injections – Delete the first paragraph and substitute the statements below: CPT deleted codes that classify injections of antibiotics and intravenous therapy in 2006. Refer to HCPCS level II Gxxxx codes to classify infusions and injections. Page 219, Infusions and Injections – Second paragraph … Add the following phrase in front of “J” in sentence 1, sentence 2, and sentence 3 (which is in parentheses). “G” and Page 219, Psychiatry (90801-90899) In paragraph 2, delete (96100-96117), and insert (96116-96120). (CPT codes 96100-96117 were deleted in 2006. CPT codes 96116-96120 were added in 2006.) Page 223, Consultations (Clinical Pathology) – Line 3, delete 99275 and insert 99255. (CPT code 99275 was deleted in 2006.) Page 237, Consultations In paragraph 3, delete the first sentence, Codes 99261-99263 cover follow-up inpatient consultations. (CPT codes 99261 and 99263 were deleted in 2006.) Page 238, Confirmatory Consultation Under heading, delete paragraph, and change to “Confirmatory consultation codes were deleted in CPT 2006.” (CPT confirmatory consultation codes were deleted in 2006.) Chapter 14: Medicare Page 410, Block 32: for line 2, change instructions to “box, enter the name and address of the facility or …” Appendix I – Case Studies: Set One Case 1-1 Case 1-9 Change 404.02 to 414.02. Change 99312 to 99308. (CPT code 99312 was deleted in 2006. However, UHI CD-ROM software requires entry of code 99312. CPT code 99308 was added in 2006, and the 9th edition of the UHI CD-ROM software will be updated to include that code.) Appendix II – Case Studies: Set Two Case 2-14 Change level II to level III Appendix IV – Answers to Coding Exercises Exercise 6-1 2. Congenital candidiasis Exercise 6-2 6. Contusion, abdomen 922.2 Exercise 6-4 1. Pregnancy complicated by chronic gonorrhea; 647.10 – fifth digit required chronic gonococcal endometritis 098.36 – use additional code Exercise 6-7 6. 191.9 EXERCISE 6-11 4. NOTE: Do not assign code 695.1 (scalded skin syndrome), which is assigned for conditions due to allergies, etc. Exercise 7-1 7. False Parenthetical statements beginning with “eg” provide examples of terms that may be in the health care provider’s description of the service performed. These examples do not have to be included in the documentation. 9. True 10. False The bullet () located to the left of a CPT code indicates a new code for that edition of CPT. Code 50620 would be reported for a ureterolithotomy performed on the middle one-third of the ureter. Exercise 7-2 2. Marsupialization means creating a pouch to exteriorize a cyst. Exercise 7-3 5. -56 Exercise 7-4 1. 25660 2. 57800, 57820 5. Delete “(Spine Lumbar)” 7. Manual CBC (See Blood Cell Count, Complete Blood Count [CBC]) 9. See Hydatidiform Mole 85032 59100 Exercise 7-6 1. Diagnostic arthroscopy, right wrist, with synovial biopsy 29840 4. Diagnostic thoracoscopy, lungs and pleural space, with right lung biopsy 32605 8. Biopsy of larynx via laryngoscopy and laryngoplasty 31510 31588-51 Exercise 7-8 5. 27332, 29870-51 Exercise 7-10 1. Delete “,with conscious sedation, IV” 2. Change “ECG to “EKG” 6. Influenza vaccine 7. 8. 93501 90657 90471 NOTE: Code 90658 or 90660 could be assigned instead of 90657. Whirlpool and paraffin bath therapy 97022 97018-51 WAIS-R and MMPI psychological tests and report, 1 hour (Psychiatric Diagnosis, Psychological Testing) 96101 (CPT code 96101 was added in 2006.) Exercise 7-11 1. Change (x-ray) to (X-ray) 2. Change x-ray to X-ray 3. Change x-ray to X-ray 5. Change (x-ray) to (X-ray) 6. Change (x-ray) to (X-ray) Exercise 7-12 12. Microhematocrit, spun (Blood Cell Count) 85013 13. Monospot 86308 14. Strep test, rapid (Streptococcus, Group A, Direct Optical Observation) 87880 NOTE: Identifying the correct CPT code for “strep” testing performed in an office setting often causes confusion. CPT code 87880 is reported for all immunologically based commercial Streptococcus Group A testing kits where the interpretation relies on a visual reaction that is observed by the naked eye. Exercise 7-13 2. ED service, new patient, low complexity; DX: low-grade chest pain (Emergency Department Services) 5. ED care, established patient, problem focused, counseling 15 minutes; DX: bladder infection (Emergency Department Services) 6. 99244 8. Follow-up consultation, office, problem focused, counseling 15 minutes, encounter was 25 minutes. (There is no follow-up outpatient consult code; use Est. Office Visit. Counseling becomes the key factor, selection is based on time.) 9. Follow-up consultation, inpatient, detailed, 35 minutes. 10. Blood pressure check by nurse (established patient). (Office and/or Other Outpatient Services) 99282 99281 99214 99253 99211 Exercise 7-14 3. 99308 (CPT code 99308 was added in 2006.) 8. 99336 (CPT code 99336 was added in 2006.) Exercise 10-1 1. Acute pharyngitis 2. Musculoligamentous sprain, left ankle 3. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) with urinary retention 4. Bacterial endocarditis 5. Partial drop foot gait, right Exercise 10-2 Case 4 NOTE: Malaise and fatigue are assigned the same ICD code, so report the Ref # just once. Exercise 10-3 2. 93797 (or 93798) (Delete S9472) Exercise 10-4 NOTE: The underlined term in the Diagnoses column is the first-listed diagnosis or condition. 4. 99383 (Delete 99239) 575.0 (Delete 575.10) Exercise 10-5 Change “ICD Code No.” to “ICD-9-CM Codes” 2. Aftercare, surgery Metastatic adenocarcinoma (liver) Diabetes mellitus V58.3 197.7 250.00 Exercise 10-6 Coding Operative Reports Case 1 Procedure: Excision, lesion, scalp, benign (0.3 cm) 11420 Case 2 Procedures: Excision, lesion, benign (return to OR) (5.0 cm, skin of back) Layered closure, intermediate Case 4 Diagnosis: Procedure: Serous otitis media 381.4 Myringotomy (Tympanostomy) with insertion of ventilating tubes (Procedure performed bilaterally) Glossary Page 644, delete “confirmatory consultation (7)” and its definition (CPT confirmatory consultation codes were deleted in 2006.) 69436-50