HEA Aid Reccomendations

Higher Education Act Reauthorization
Senate and House Side-By-Side on Provisions Related to Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Title VI
Demonstration Projects for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Coordinating Center
Higher Education Amendments of
College Opportunity and
Affordability Act of 2008
(S. 1642)
(H.R. 4137)
`Subpart 1--Quality Higher Education';
(3) by adding at the end the
`Subpart 2--Transition Programs for Students
With Intellectual Disabilities Into Higher
Education; Coordinating Center
`Subpart 3--Transition Programs for Students
With Intellectual Disabilities Into Higher
Education; Coordinating Center
`It is the purpose of this subpart to support model
demonstration programs that promote the
successful transition of students with intellectual
disabilities into higher education.
`The purpose of this subpart is to support model
demonstration programs that promote the
successful transition of students with intellectual
disabilities into higher education.
`In this subpart:
`In this Act:
term `comprehensive transition and
term `comprehensive transition and
postsecondary program for students with
postsecondary program for students with
intellectual disabilities' means a degree,
intellectual disabilities' means a degree,
certificate, or nondegree program offered by
certificate, or nondegree program that is-an institution of higher education that-`(A) offered by an institution of
`(A) is designed for students with
higher education;
intellectual disabilities who seek to
`(B) designed to support students
continue academic, vocational, or
with an intellectual disability who
independent living instruction at the
are seeking to continue academic,
institution in order to prepare for
vocational, and independent living
gainful employment;
instruction at an institution of higher
`(B) includes an advising and
education in order to prepare for
curriculum structure; and
gainful employment and
`(C) requires the enrollment of the
independent living;
student (through enrollment in
`(C) includes an advising and
credit-bearing courses, auditing or
curriculum structure; and
participating in courses,
`(D) requires students to participate
participating in internships, or
on at least a half-time basis, as
enrollment in noncredit, nondegree
determined by the institution, with
courses) in the equivalent of not less
such participation focusing on
than a half-time course of study, as
academic components such as
determined by the institution.
reading, language arts, or math, and
occurring through a combination of
REC Support House language in
(1)(A): Use “and” instead of “or” to
ensure that programs must include an
academic component
REC Strongly support Senate wording
in (1) (A) “to prepare for gainful
employment”. Education leading to
gainful employment is identified in
HEA as the critical outcome of
postsecondary education, and it is for
these students as well. While
“independent living” is important, as are
other aspects of these programs, there is
an apparent lack of consensus and even
confusion in the field about the meaning
of including this term here.
REC: use House language in (1)(D), but
after “academic components” remove
“such as reading, language arts, or math,
and”. Then include conference report
language with examples. Concern has
been raised that “Reading, language
arts, or math” are secondary school
subjects and may be too limiting. For
instance, that wording might mean that
DISABILITY- The term `student with an
intellectual disability' means a student whose
mental retardation or other significant cognitive
impairment substantially impacts the student's
intellectual and cognitive functioning.
one or more of the following
`(i) Regular enrollment in
courses offered by the
`(ii) Auditing or participating
in courses offered by the
institution for which the
student does not receive
regular academic credit.
`(iii) Enrollment in
noncredit, nondegree
`(iv) Participation in
internships or
`student with an intellectual disability'
means a student who is-`(A) an individual whose mental
retardation or other significant
cognitive impairment substantially
impacts the individual's intellectual
and cognitive functioning; and
`(B)(i) a student eligible for
assistance under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act who has
completed secondary school; or
`(ii) an individual who was, but is no
participation in humanities or college
career classes, such as culinary arts or
child care would not qualify, if the
classes don’t specifically cover those
three subjects.. Reading, writing and
math could also track students on
community college campuses into
remedial/developmental classes.
REC: Support House version of (D)(iv)
to include “apprenticeships”.
REC: Support following version of (2):
term `student with an intellectual
disability' means a student who is‘(A) a student with a cognitive
disability characterized by significant
limitations both in intellectual
functioning and in adaptive behavior as
expressed in conceptual, social, and
practical adaptive skills; and
"(B) a student who is currently, or
was formerly, eligible for a free,
appropriate public education under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
longer, eligible for assistance under
the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act because the
individual has exceeded the
maximum age for which the State in
which the student resides provides a
free appropriate public education.
`(a) Grants Authorized`(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall
annually award grants, on a competitive
basis, to institutions of higher education (or
consortia of institutions of higher
education), to create or expand high-quality,
inclusive model comprehensive transition
and postsecondary programs for students
with intellectual disabilities.
GRANTS- The Secretary shall award not
less than 10 grants per year under this
section, and each grant awarded under this
subsection shall be for a period of 5 years.
`(b) Application- An institution of higher education
(or a consortium) desiring a grant under this section
`(a) Grants Authorized`(1) IN GENERAL- The Office of
Postsecondary Education shall annually
award grants, on a competitive basis, to
institutions of higher education (or consortia
of institutions of higher education), to create
or expand high-quality, inclusive model
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
programs for students with intellectual
under this section shall be awarded for a
period of 5 years.
`(b) Application- An institution of higher education
(or a consortium) desiring a grant under this section
shall submit an application to the Office of
REC: We also strongly recommend that
the report language clarify that (2)(B)
includes a student who attends or
attended private school or is or was
home-schooled and has been diagnosed
with an intellectual disability as
described in (2)(A).
(NOTE: the definition above in 2(A) is
from the American Association on
Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities definition of “intellectual
disability” and is widely accepted,
understood, and used in the field.)
REC: Support House language
designating OPE to administer the
program. Support including language
requiring OPE to collaborate with the
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services in administering
the program.
REC: the following to replace (a)(2):
GRANTS-The Office of Postsecondary
Programs shall award grants in the range
of $300,000 per grant per year and each
grant awarded under this subsection
shall submit an application to the Secretary at such
time, in such manner, and containing such
information as the Secretary may require.
`(c) Preference- In awarding grants under this
section, the Secretary shall give preference to
institutions of higher education (or consortia) that-`(1) will carry out a model program under
the grant in a State that does not already
have a comprehensive transition and
postsecondary program for students with
intellectual disabilities; or
`(2) in the application submitted under
subsection (b), agree to incorporate 1 or
more the following elements into the model
programs carried out under the grant:
`(A) The formation of a partnership
with any relevant agency serving
students with intellectual disabilities,
such as a vocational rehabilitation
`(B) In the case of an institution of
higher education that provides
institutionally-owned or operated
housing for students attending the
institution, the integration of
students with intellectual disabilities
into such housing.
`(C) The involvement of students
attending the institution of higher
education who are studying special
education, general education,
Postsecondary Education at such time, in such
manner, and containing such information as the
Office of Postsecondary Education may require.
`(c) Preference- In awarding grants under this
section, the Office of Postsecondary Education
shall give preference to institutions of higher
education (or consortia) that-`(1) are located in geographically diverse,
underserved areas; or
`(2) in the application submitted under
subsection (b), agree to incorporate 1 or
more of the following elements into the
model programs carried out under the grant:
`(A) The formation of a partnership
with any relevant agency serving
students with intellectual disabilities,
such as a vocational rehabilitation
`(B) In the case of an institution of
higher education that provides
institutionally owned or operated
housing for students attending the
institution, the integration of
students with intellectual disabilities
into such housing.
`(C) The involvement of students
attending the institution of higher
education who are studying special
education, general education,
vocational rehabilitation, assistive
technology, or related fields in the
shall be awarded for a period of five
REC: Support the House provision:
(c)(1) are located in geographically
diverse, underserved areas
REC: Support House version of (d)(1)
(See other recommendations on
definition.). Suggest adding a reference
in (1) to the section in which ID is
vocational rehabilitation, assistive
technology, or related fields in the
model program carried out under the
`(d) Use of Funds- An institution of higher
education (or consortium) receiving a grant under
this section shall use the grant funds to establish a
model comprehensive transition and postsecondary
program for students with intellectual disabilities
that-`(1) serves students with intellectual
disabilities, including students with
intellectual disabilities who are no longer
eligible for special education and related
services under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act;
`(2) provides individual supports and
services for the academic and social
inclusion of students with intellectual
disabilities in academic courses,
extracurricular activities, and other aspects
of the institution of higher education's
regular postsecondary program;
`(3) with respect to the students with
intellectual disabilities participating in the
model program, provides a focus on-`(A) academic enrichment;
`(B) socialization;
`(C) independent living, including
self-advocacy skills; and
`(D) integrated work experiences
model program carried out under the
`(d) Use of Funds- An institution of higher
education (or consortium) receiving a grant under
this section shall use the grant funds to establish a
model comprehensive transition and postsecondary
program for students with intellectual disabilities
that-`(1) serves students with intellectual
`(2) provides individual supports and
services for the academic and social
inclusion of students with intellectual
disabilities in academic courses,
extracurricular activities, and other aspects
of the institution of higher education's
regular postsecondary program;
`(3) with respect to the students with
intellectual disabilities participating in the
model program, provides a focus on-`(A) academic enrichment;
`(B) socialization;
`(C) independent living, including
self-advocacy skills; and
`(D) integrated work experiences
and career skills that lead to gainful
`(4) integrates person-centered planning in
the development of the course of study for
each student with an intellectual disability
participating in the model program;
REC: add the word “skills” in (d)(2)
(C) as follows:
(C) independent living skills, including
self-advocacy skills; and
REC: in report language, define
“independent living skills” as follows:
“Independent living skills are a wide
range of skills required for self
determination and independence in self
care such as maintenance of personal
environment, finances, socialization,
mobility, employment, leisure and
recreational activities, use of other
community services and access to lifelong learning.”
Rationale: there is apparent confusion
in the field about the use of
“independent living” in this section and
clarification would be helpful.
and career skills that lead to gainful
`(4) integrates person-centered planning in
the development of the course of study for
each student with an intellectual disability
participating in the model program;
`(5) participates with the coordinating
center established under section 774 in the
evaluation of the model program;
`(6) partners with 1 or more local
educational agencies to support students
with intellectual disabilities participating in
the model program who are still eligible for
special education and related services under
such Act, including regarding the utilization
of funds available under part B of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
for such students;
`(7) plans for the sustainability of the model
program after the end of the grant period;
`(8) creates and offers a meaningful
credential for students with intellectual
disabilities upon the completion of the
model program.
`(e) Matching Requirement- An institution of
higher education that receives a grant under this
section shall provide toward the cost of the model
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
program for students with intellectual disabilities
carried out under the grant, matching funds, which
`(5) participates with the coordinating
center established under section 770 in the
evaluation of the model program;
`(6) partners with 1 or more local
educational agencies to support the
participation of students with intellectual
disabilities in the model program who are
still eligible for special education and
related services under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, including
regarding the utilization of funds available
under part B of such Act for such students;
`(7) plans for the program after the end of
the grant period; and
`(8) creates and offers a meaningful
credential for students with intellectual
disabilities upon the completion of the
model program.
`(e) Matching Requirement- An institution of
higher education that receives a grant under this
section shall provide matching funds toward the
cost of the model comprehensive transition and
postsecondary program for students with
intellectual disabilities carried out under the grant,
which may be provided in cash or in kind, in an
amount not less than 25 percent of the amount of
such grant funds.
`(f) Report- Not later than 5 years after the date of
the first grant award under this section, the Office
of Postsecondary Education shall prepare and
disseminate a report to the authorizing committees
REC: Support Senate version of (d)(7)
related to plans for sustainability.
NOTE: Some wording seems to be
missing from (f) in the House version,
related to sustainability.
REC: support House language in (f)
regarding the report, with clarification at
the end of (f): “how successful programs
can be replicated and sustained over
Add a new provision to clarify that
nothing in this section infers new
obligations on K-12 school districts and
that currently under IDEA, funds
provided under Part B are used to
support individual students in
transitional programs on college
campuses if it is determined that a
child's needs can be best met through
participation and such services are
included on the child's IEP or Services
(This aligns with the language in the
IDEA 2004 regulations preamble.)
REC: Include after Sec 774/Sec
may be provided in cash or in-kind, in an amount
not less than 25 percent of the amount of such grant
`(f) Report- Not later than 3 years after the date of
enactment of the Higher Education Amendments of
2007, the Secretary shall prepare and disseminate a
report reviewing the activities of the model
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
programs for students with intellectual disabilities
authorized under this subpart and providing
guidance and recommendations on how successful
programs can be replicated.
`(g) Authorization of Appropriations- There are
authorized to be appropriated to carry out this
section such sums as may be necessary.
and to the public that reviews the activities of the
model comprehensive transition and postsecondary
programs for students with intellectual disabilities
authorized under this subpart and provides
guidance and recommendations on how successful
programs can be replicated. sustainability of the
770(b)(2) a new provision as follows:
(b)(3)serve as the national technical
assistance entity for existing and
emerging comprehensive transition and
postsecondary programs for students
with intellectual disabilities that are not
funded under section 769
REC: Add a new provision under (b)
Provide technical assistance regarding
the utilization of universal design for
learning principles, including the use of
universally designed technology.
REC: Add a new provision under (b)
which will ensure that there is outreach
and dissemination to parents and
families so that they are aware of the
availability of the new postsecondary
programs and student aid to attend
NOTE: “Model” accreditation
standards are intended to be standards
that accrediting agencies may use as a
model if they choose to do so, but are
not required to use. There may be some
confusion about this.
REC: Title: include “Development of
Model Accreditation Standards”
REC: Support House language in (a)
revised as follows “recommendations
related to the development of model
accreditation standards”
`(a) In General`(1) AWARD- The Secretary shall, on a
competitive basis, enter into a cooperative
agreement with an eligible entity, for the
purpose of establishing a coordinating
center for technical assistance, evaluation,
and development of accreditation standards
for institutions of higher education that offer
inclusive model comprehensive transition
and postsecondary programs for students
with intellectual disabilities.
`(2) DURATION- The cooperative
agreement under this section shall be for a
period of 5 years.
`(b) Requirements of Cooperative Agreement- The
eligible entity entering into a cooperative
agreement under this section shall establish and
maintain a center that shall-`(1) serve as the technical assistance entity
for all model comprehensive transition and
`(a) In General`(1) AWARD- The Office of Postsecondary
Education shall, on a competitive basis,
enter into a cooperative agreement with an
eligible entity, for the purpose of
establishing a coordinating center for
technical assistance, evaluation, and
recommendations related to the
development of accreditation standards for
institutions of higher education that offer
inclusive comprehensive transition and
postsecondary programs for students with
intellectual disabilities.
`(2) DURATION- The cooperative
agreement under this section shall be for a
period of 5 years.
`(b) Requirements of Cooperative Agreement- The
eligible entity entering into a cooperative
agreement under this section shall establish and
maintain a center that shall-`(1) serve as the technical assistance entity
REC: Combine language from the two
versions and add underlined language as
`(10) convene a workgroup to
develop recommendations on
model criteria, standards, and
procedures that could be used by
accrediting agencies and
associations in accrediting such
programs that—
‘(A) include, in the
postsecondary programs for students with
intellectual disabilities assisted under
section 773;
`(2) provide technical assistance regarding
the development, evaluation, and
continuous improvement of such programs;
`(3) develop an evaluation protocol for such
programs that includes qualitative and
quantitative methodology measuring student
outcomes and program strengths in the areas
of academic enrichment, socialization,
independent living, and competitive or
supported employment;
`(4) assist recipients of grants under section
773 in efforts to award a meaningful
credential to students with intellectual
disabilities upon the completion of such
programs, which credential takes into
consideration unique State factors;
`(5) develop model criteria, standards, and
procedures to be used in accrediting such
programs that-`(A) include, in the development of
the model criteria, standards, and
procedures for such programs, the
participation of-`(i) an expert in higher
`(ii) an expert in special
`(iii) a disability organization
for all comprehensive transition and
postsecondary programs for students with
intellectual disabilities assisted under
section 769;
`(2) provide technical assistance regarding
the development, evaluation, and
continuous improvement of such programs;
`(3) develop an evaluation protocol for such
programs that includes qualitative and
quantitative methodology measuring student
outcomes and program strengths in the areas
of academic enrichment, socialization,
independent living, and competitive or
supported employment;
`(4) assist recipients of grants under section
769 in efforts to award a meaningful
credential to students with intellectual
disabilities upon the completion of such
programs, which credential takes into
consideration unique State factors;
`(5) define the necessary components of
such programs, such as-`(A) academic, vocational, social,
and independent living skills;
`(B) evaluation of student progress;
`(C) program administration and
`(D) student eligibility; and
`(E) issues regarding the
equivalency of a student's
participation in such programs to
development of
recommendations for the model
criteria, standards, and
procedures for such programs,
the participation of, at least -`(A) an expert in higher
`(B) an expert in special
`(C) a disability
organization that
represents students with
intellectual disabilities;
`(D) a national, State, or
regional accrediting
agency or association
recognized by the
Secretary under subpart 2
of part H of title IV.
`(B) develop
recommendations that define
the necessary components of
such programs, such as-`(i) academic,
vocational, social, and
independent living
`(ii) evaluation of
student progress;
`(iii) program
that represents students with
intellectual disabilities; and
`(iv) a State, regional, or
national accrediting agency
or association recognized by
the Secretary under subpart 2
of part H of title IV; and
`(B) define the necessary
components of such programs, such
as-`(i) academic, vocational,
social, and independent
living skills;
`(ii) evaluation of student
`(iii) program administration
and evaluation;
`(iv) student eligibility; and
`(v) issues regarding the
equivalency of a student's
participation in such
programs to semester,
trimester, quarter, credit, or
clock hours at an institution
of higher education, as the
case may be;
`(6) analyze possible funding streams for
such programs and provide
recommendations regarding the funding
`(7) develop model memoranda of
semester, trimester, quarter, credit,
or clock hours at an institution of
higher education, as the case may
`(6) analyze possible funding streams for
such programs and provide
recommendations regarding funding
`(7) develop model memoranda of
agreement between institutions of higher
education and agencies providing funding
for such programs;
`(8) develop mechanisms for regular
communication between the recipients of
grants under section 769 regarding such
`(9) host a meeting of all recipients of grants
under section 769 not less often than once
each year; and
`(10) convene a workgroup to develop
recommendations on criteria, standards, and
components of such programs as described
in paragraph (5), to include the participation
of-`(A) an expert in higher education;
`(B) an expert in special education;
`(C) a disability organization that
represents students with intellectual
disabilities; and
`(D) a national, State, or regional
accrediting agency or association
administration and
`(iv) student eligibility;
`(v) issues regarding the
equivalency of a
student's participation in
such programs to
semester, trimester,
quarter, credit, or clock
hours at an institution of
higher education, as the
case may be;
REC: Include House language in (c)
“and technical assistance”
REC: Include the Senate provisions that
separately authorize the model demo
programs and the Coordinating Center.
REC: Authorization of Appropriations:
For National TA Center:
There is authorized to be appropriated to
carry out this subsection $1,500,000 for
fiscal year 2009 and $2,000,000 for
fiscal year 2010 and such sums a may be
agreement between institutions of higher
education and agencies providing funding
for such programs;
`(8) develop mechanisms for regular
communication between the recipients of
grants under section 773 regarding such
programs; and
`(9) host a meeting of all recipients of grants
under section 773 not less often than once a
`(c) Definition of Eligible Entity- In this section,
the term `eligible entity' means an entity, or a
partnership of entities, that has demonstrated
expertise in the fields of higher education, students
with intellectual disabilities, the development of
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
programs for students with intellectual disabilities,
and evaluation.
`(d) Authorization of Appropriations- There are
authorized to be appropriated to carry out this
section such sums as may be necessary.'.
(c) Conforming Amendments- Part D of title VII
(20 U.S.C. 1140 et seq.) is further amended-(1) in section 761, by striking `part' and
inserting `subpart';
(2) in section 762 (as amended by
subsection (a)), by striking `part' each place
the term appears and inserting `subpart';
(3) in section 763, by striking `part' both
places the term appears and inserting
recognized by the Secretary under
subpart 2 of part H of title IV.
`(c) Definition of Eligible Entity- In this section,
the term `eligible entity' means an entity, or a
partnership of entities, that has demonstrated
expertise in the fields of higher education, students
with intellectual disabilities, the development of
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
programs for students with intellectual disabilities,
evaluation, and technical assistance.
necessary for the fiscal years 2011
through 2013.
For Demonstration Projects
Authorization of Appropriations. There
are authorized to be appropriated to
carry out this sectiona. $10,000,000 for fiscal
year 2009
b. $12,000,000 for fiscal
year 2010
c. $14,000,000 for fiscal
year 2011
d. $16, 000,000 for fiscal
year 2012 and
e. $18,000,000 for fiscal
year 2013
Additional sentence:
Amounts not expended in one
fiscal year shall be carried over
to the next fiscal year.
(4) in section 764, by striking `part' and
inserting `subpart'; and
(5) in section 765, by striking `part' and
inserting `subpart'.
(3) in paragraph (3), by striking the period
at the end and inserting `; and'; and
(4) by adding at the end the following:
`(4) a description of the extent to which the
institution will work to replicate the
research based and best practices of
institutions of higher education with
demonstrated success in serving students
with disabilities.'.
S. 1642
HR 4137
Sec 485 Student Eligibility
NOTE: See recommendations above
`(s) Students With Intellectual DisabilitiesNotwithstanding subsection (a), in order to receive
any grant or work assistance under subparts 1 and 3
of part A and part C of this title, a student with an
intellectual disability shall—
`(s) Students With Intellectual Disabilities`(1) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding
subsections (a), (c), and (d), in order to
receive any grant or work assistance under
section 401, subpart 3 of part A, and part C
of this title, a student with an intellectual
`(1) be an individual with an intellectual
disability (as defined in section 768(2))
disability whose mental retardation or other
shall-significant cognitive impairment
substantially impacts the individual's
intellectual and cognitive functioning;
`(2)(A) be a student eligible for assistance
under the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act who has completed
secondary school; or
`(B) be an individual who is no longer
eligible for assistance under the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act because the
individual has exceeded the maximum age
for which the State provides a free
appropriate public education;
`(3) be enrolled or accepted for
enrollment in a comprehensive transition
and postsecondary education program
`(A) be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a
comprehensive transition and postsecondary
education program for students with intellectual
disabilities at an institution of higher education;
regarding the definition of a student
with intellectual disabilities. The
definition should either be in this section
and referenced in the model demo
section, or it should be in the model
demo section, and referenced in this
section (as the House bill does).
REC: Strongly support the House
provisions in this section –including the
technical corrections in (s) (1). The
House provisions are necessary to
properly implement the student
eligibility, model demo and
coordinating center provisions.
`(A) is designed for students with
an intellectual disability who are
seeking to continue academic,
vocational, and independent
living instruction at the institution
in order to prepare for gainful
employment and independent
`(B) includes an advising and
curriculum structure;
`(C) requires students to
participate on at least a half-time
basis, as determined by the
institution; or
`(D) includes—
`(i) regular enrollment in
courses offered by the
`(ii) auditing or
participating in courses
offered by the institution
for which the student does
not receive regular
academic credit;
`(iii) enrollment in
noncredit, nondegree
`(iv) participation in
internships; or
`(v) a combination of 2 or
more of the activities
described in clauses (i)
through (iv);
`(4) be maintaining satisfactory
progress in the program as
determined by the institution, in
accordance with standards
established by the institution; and
`(B) be maintaining satisfactory progress in
the program as determined by the
institution, in accordance with standards
established by the institution; and
`(5) meet the requirements of
paragraphs (3), (4), (5), and (6) of
subsection (a).'.
`(C) meet the requirements of paragraphs
(3), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (a).
(b) Effective Date- The amendments made
by subsection (a) shall take affect on July 1,
`(2) AUTHORITY- Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, unless enacted with specific
reference to this section, the Secretary is
authorized to waive any statutory provision
applicable to the student financial assistance
programs under section 401, subpart 3 of part A, or
part C of this title, or any institutional eligibility
provisions of this title, as the Secretary deems
necessary to ensure that programs enrolling
students with intellectual disabilities otherwise
determined to be eligible under this subsection
may receive such financial assistance.
`(3) REGULATIONS- Notwithstanding
regulations applicable to grant or work assistance
awards made under section 401 of part A, subpart
3 of part A, and part C of this title, including with
respect to eligible programs, instructional time,
credit status, and enrollment status as described in
section 481, the Secretary shall promulgate
regulations allowing programs enrolling students
with intellectual disabilities otherwise determined
to be eligible under this subsection to receive such
Please note: in reviewing the House and Senate versions of the bill, we noted several areas (not related to differences between the House and
Senate bills) where some additional clarification may be useful. Those areas are highlighted in turquoise.