Texas CVD and Stroke Partnership Steering Committee Meeting October 16, 2009 Clinical Education Center Room C1-110 Brackenridge Hospital Meeting Summary Meeting Minutes Welcome and Review of the Meeting Objectives Dr. Thomas Alexander, Chair, opened the meeting, welcomed the group, and reviewed the objectives for the meeting. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Provide an opportunity for partners to network and share information about their current heart and stroke related activities. Communicate partnership evaluation results to Steering Committee members. Introduce Steering Committee members to the SharePoint site. Elect a new Chair Elect for the 2010 year. Provide time for Goal Committees to work face to face. Review heart and stroke data in Texas and identify gaps that could be addressed by the partnership. Brainstorm, prioritize, and select Partnership objectives for next year. Introductions Steering Committee members introduced themselves and provided brief updates on CVD and stroke efforts underway at their organizations. Jane went over the items in the packet for the meeting and pointed out the information piece on the new IOM report on second hand smoke. She urged members to utilize the report in their organizational and community efforts for clean indoor air. Jane asked members to turn in a Declaration of Conflict of Interest form if they felt there would be a conflict with today’s meeting. Jane thanked Marci Wilson and Seton Family of Hospitals for supporting the Partnership by hosting the Steering Committee meeting and donating funds for the conference held in June 2009. Evaluation Report Jane explained that Becky Heinsohn chairs the Quality Committee that worked with her to develop a partnership evaluation plan. Jane reminded the group that the Steering Committee agreed to use the Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) frame work for building and evaluating the partnership. CCAT has guided partnership formation processes, partnership structure development, and partnership evaluation. A logic model was created to provide a visual depiction of partnership purpose, activities, and expected outcomes. A copy of the logic model is in the meeting packet. A key tool for evaluating the partnership was the Partnership Survey that Jane disseminated to the Steering Committee in September. Jane compiled the survey results and provided a Power Point presentation for the group. Overall, the Steering Committee is doing well in all areas of coalition effectiveness as identified by the CCAT framework. One area remains weak: a diverse and representative membership. Jane will recruit volunteers to work with her on membership as a high priority task in the coming months. The Steering Committee contributed to this effort by responding to a question in the meeting attendance survey about key organizations needed at the table and contacts within these organizations. The results from this question will be used as a starting point for the Membership Committee in their recruiting efforts. Related Updates Jane reminded the group that all Steering Committee members must work on at least one Goal Committee. Anyone that has not yet selected a committee needs to let Jane know which committee they will begin working with. Jane explained the GovDelivery system at DSHS that is being used to disseminate monthly CVD and Stroke DIGESTS. The DIGEST is posted to the web and members receive an email when information has been updated. Over 120 people receive the digest at this time. Jane presented the new logo to the Steering Committee. The logo was approved by consensus. Share Point Site Orientation Frances Johnson and Don Nicholson gave a presentation on the Share Point Site. Don provided a live demonstration over how the program works. Share Point is a Microsoft product. The cost is about $50,000 to $60,000. Don stated you can rent space in the program monthly for about $30. Don has generously donated space in his SharePoint site for the Partnership. Election of Next Chair-Elect Jane presented a slate of candidates for Chair-Elect on behalf of the Nominations Committee. Members cast their votes using anonymous ballots. Marci Wilson was elected by majority vote. She will take office on January 1, 2010. Term Limits for Committee Chairs The group discussed term limits for Committee Chairs, currently set at one year but the ability for the same chair to serve again. The committee agreed to amend the Operating Principles to read that committee chairs would serve for two years, providing adequate time for Chairs to get action plans implemented. Membership Committee and Conference Planning Committee Updates Jane disseminated a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in joining the Membership Committee or the Conference Planning Committee. Conference Planning Committee members from last year had agreed to participate again this year. The committee will be planning another chronic disease conference and will invite other chronic disease programs to participate. Potential programs to be represented on the committee include Tobacco, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cancer, and Asthma. TPHA is looking for a site for the first or third week of June 2010. Presentation of Certificates of Recognition Jane presented certificates recognizing Dr. Thomas Alexander for his leadership during the Partnership’s first year of formal operation. Certificates were also presented to committee chairs. Jane also thanked Don Nicholson, Marci Wilson, Dr. Fonseca, CHW staff, Kinnie Parker, Cheryl Dykes, and others for their extra-ordinary contributions to the Partnership. Goal Committee Break Outs Session Goal committees worked in break out groups for a little over an hour. Due to time constraints, report outs were not done. AHA Assessment of Gaps in Texas Suzanna Summerlin from the American Heart Association provided a Power Point presentation of gaps and priorities in cardiovascular disease and stroke identified by AHA as priorities for Texas. What is the Data Telling Us? Dr. Vincent Fonseca, State Epidemiologist at DSHS, provided a Power Point presentation of risk factor and disease data in Texas. Brainstorm Priorities for Partnership Action in 2010 Jane reminded the group that ideas for partnership action must implement the Texas Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 2008 and should be considered in light of work already being done by others (not duplicate but enhance or expand upon) and in light of our limited time and resources (be feasible). The group brainstormed ideas for partnership action and used a nominal group process to identify partnership priorities for 2010. Priorities identified by the group included: Healthy Easting/Sodium Reduction, Obesity Reduction, Community Gardens/Farmers Markets/Increase access to fruits and vegetables, include disparity communities (received12 votes) Integrate through out the system of care for heart and stroke, increase communication, define the concept of integration (received 7 votes) Clinical practice reflects science, implement guidelines (received 4 votes) Increase physical activity requirements in school (received 15 votes) Advocacy/Tell the story (received 13 votes) Coordinate, communicate, integrate, and resource the Goal Committees, Build awareness and identity for the partnership and the work of the committees (received 29 votes) Identify Common currently funded issues among 4 goals (received 12 votes) George Roberts, Chair Elect, summarized the results of the exercise by stating that in 2010, the priority work of the Steering Committee will be to improve coordination, communication, and access to resources for the four goal committees. Next Meeting and Next Steps The next meeting will be held in March 2010 via teleconference. Jane will work with TALHO to set up the meeting as we did last March. Jane will confer with leadership about how to include Goal Committee break-out time using a teleconference system. Review Meeting Objectives and Adjourn Dr. Alexander reviewed the meeting objectives and the group agreed all objectives has been met. The meeting adjourned at 3:36 p.m. Meeting Outcomes The meeting was attended by 45 Steering Committee members. Twenty-six different organizations were represented at the meeting. Participants were in agreement that all seven of the stated objectives were met: An opportunity was provided for partners to network and share information about their current heart and stroke related activities. Partnership evaluation results were presented to Steering Committee members. Steering Committee members were provided with training on the SharePoint site. A new Chair Elect for the 2010 year was elected. Goal Committees were provided time to work face to face. Heart and stroke data in Texas was provided by Dr. Vincent Fonseca, State Epidemiologist, and gaps that could be addressed by the partnership were presented by Suzanna Summerlin, AHA. The group brainstormed, prioritized, and selected Partnership objectives for the coming year. Participants reported donating a total of 351 hours of time to attend the meeting, 112 hours in other Partnership related meetings, and over 1031 hours disseminating or implementing the Plan. Over $3561 in travel expenses were donated by individuals and their organizations to attend the meeting. This is an undercount as several members did not report their in-kind contribution even though they traveled from some distance to attend. Eight participants reported new connections/collaborations that had occurred as a result of the Partnership. Meeting Effectiveness Inventory Thirty-two participants (71% response rate) completed a Meeting Effectiveness Inventory at the end of the meeting. Results demonstrate a high degree of satisfaction with all indicators of meeting effectiveness. Meeting Effectiveness Inventory Steering Committee Meeting October 2009 Meeting Venue Meeting Productivity Meeting Organization Problem Solving/Conflict Resolution Cohesiveness Among Meeting Participants Decision Making Quality By the Group Meeting Leadership General Meeting Participation Clarity of Meeting Goals 0% Poor Fair Satisfactory 10% 20% Good 30% 40% 50% Excellent 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Not applicable/No answer