Qualitative Approaches for Food Security Assessment Handout 1.4.B: Example of a Rapid Assessment Interview Guide 116100641 Handout 1.4.B: Rapid Assessment Interview Guide/Checklist Date:________________________________ Interviewer __________ Site Name: ________________ Region: _____________District:__________________ GPS: Latitude:______________ Longitude: ________________ I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. Estimated number of the total population:………………Host community:………………… IDPs:…………..……… 2. Change in population since last year: increased … decrease …… why……………………………… ………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 3. What are the predominant livelihood? (pastoral, agro-pastoral, riverine, etc)………………………………………..... 3.1. Types of crops (cash and subsistence)…………:…………………………………………………………………..... 3.2. Types of livestock…………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 3.3. Other incomes or/and food sources (fishing, fruit trees, labor, charcoal, remittances, etc) Please rank main ones ………………………………………………………………………………..:……………………………………... 4. What are/is the main problem(s)/shock(s) being assessed?................................................................................................. 4.1. and causes?.................................................................................................................................................................. 4.2. What are in general the impact of this shock on food availability and access?............................................. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Describe the security situation and any impacts it has, if any, on the livelihood?................................................................ 6. Any Other assistance programmes?: …………………………………………………………………………………... II FOOD SOURCES FOR TYPICAL HOUSEHOLDS Ask these questions in relation to a typical household in the village- if you have time confirm with household interview AGRICULTURE 7. Area(s) planted last year same season - rain fed…………………….. irrigated………………………………………… 8. Number of bag harvested last year same season – rain fed ………………… . irrigated………………………………... 9. Area to plant or planted this season - - rain fed…………………….. irrigated………………………………… ………. 10. Number of bag already or expected to be harvested this season – rain fed ………………… . irrigated………………... 11. Describe any significant change (positive or negative) in agriculture production from last year same season and its impact on food availabilty? ………………………………………………………………………………………………. LIVESTOCK 12. Livestock owned (per species)…………. ………………………………………………………………………………… 13. Current livestock condition………….. Current pasture/water situation……… Current milk/meat production…………. 14. Describe any significant change (positive or negative) in livestock production from last year same season and its impact on food availability? ………………………………………………………………………………………………. OTHER INCOMES FOOD SOURCES 15. Describe any significant change (positive or negative) in addition incomes of food sources from last year same season and its impact of food availability? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. EXPENDITURES 16. Rank main expenditures: health:…. water:… taxes:…. food:……. education:…… charcoal/firewood:…. Other:……… 17. Changes in expenditures from last year:………………………………………………………………………………….. 18. Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 19. What are the implications on food access if any? ……………………………………………………………………….. III COMSUMPTION AND SOURCE OF FOOD FOR TYPICAL HOUSEHOLD: 20. What are the household currently eating in the last 7 days (circle all that apply): 1) cereal , 2)dairy, 3) meat, pulse, fish, 4)vegetable, fruits, 5) sugar, 6) Oil 21. Rank current food (cereal) sources: Own production: …WFP….. Relatives… … Market purchase: …… Market loan/credit….. Wild food …….. Other:……………………………………………… 22. Describe any significant changes (positive or negative) in the consumption a typical household compare to last year? …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………. 23. Describe any significant changes (positive or negative) in the food sources a typical household compare to last year? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24. Why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. What are the implications? If any …………………………………………………………………………………. 1 Qualitative Approaches for Food Security Assessment Handout 1.4.B: Example of a Rapid Assessment Interview Guide 116100641 V. NUTRITION: 26. Have there been malnutrition cases observed: Yes… No… If yes, Describe…………………………………………... IV. MARKET Go to the main market for this area – and collect data from the merchants Item Retail Unit Sorghum Maize Rice Oil Goat Camel Cattle Wage labour Sack Per day Price per unit Price per unit Now One year ago Origin Describe Availability/ condition VI WATER: 27. How is the access to water: Adequate/Inadequate………explain?............................................Free/Pay (how much…....) 28. What is the source(s): River … Borehole … Open shallow well ……… Protected shallow well… other, specify……. VII. PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS: 29. Host Community/Residents: 1-………………… 2……………………... 3…………………………. 30. IDPs: 1-………………… 2……………………... 3…………………………. VIII. SEASONALITY AND VULNERABILITY 31. When is the most difficult (food insecure) month(s) for people in this community? Specify month……………………. 32. Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33. Are they specific groups or livelihood that are more food insecure than other? Specify which …………………………. 34. Why?..................................................................................................................................................................................... IX. ACCESSIBILITY/STORAGE 35. Access to major cities/towns during the rainy season: full access….. Partial access…. no access….. 36. Indicate months of partial/no access……… with which type of vehicle can reach the areas ….. 37. Is there any storage facility: Yes (describe)…………………. …………………………………………No….. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS X HEALTH: 38. Is there access to health services: Yes…….No……free/pay:……. Provider: agency ….. Gov. ….. Private ………….. 39. Distance to the nearest health facility ……….. minutes 40. Type: Clinic………………………..Dispensary………………………Hospital………………..Other:…………………. 41. Capacity: drugs Y…N….; Staff: medical asst…… Nurse ….., Doctor……, TBA ……………………………………… 42. What are the current most prevalent diseases? 1) …………………. 2) ………………… 3) ………………………… XI. SANITATION: Is there access to sanitary service: Yes……No……; if yes type of latrine ………….. Why they do not access ………….. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… XII. SHELTER: Is there access to shelter: Yes…No…; Type: house …(# fam ..) open ………… public facility …………………………... Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… XIII. LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Condition Water sources Government Office schools Roads Health Facility Functioning Damaged Destroyed 2