Admission Arrangements for The Queen

The Queen Katherine School Academy
Appleby Road
25th January 2012
Admission Arrangements for The Queen Katherine School for September 2013
Further to its consultation letter of 25th January 2012, The Queen Katherine School issues the following information relating to
admission arrangements for September 2013.
The Queen Katherine School is a successful and well subscribed Academy, serving both the town of Kendal and a large
surrounding rural area. Students achieve highly at GCSE and Advanced level.
The school has set a Published Admission Number of 241 for September 2013 for Year 7.
Admission arrangements will follow those of Cumbria LA in so far as use of the Cumbria LA application form, preference
arrangements and application deadlines are concerned. For September 2013 transfers, these forms will be distributed to all
County Primary and Junior schools with a deadline for return of 31st October 2012. The forms will explain how parents apply, how
they express their preferences and the deadlines which they need to abide by.
Admission criteria, which will be applied to all applications for a place at The Queen Katherine School if applications exceed the
Published Admission Number, are:
Looked after children, previously looked after children and children who been adopted or have become subject to a residence or
special guardianship order.
Children whose sibling attends The Queen Katherine School (this includes step siblings, foster siblings, adopted siblings and other
children living permanently at the same address).
Children living in the catchment areas of Castle Park, Crosthwaite CE (from the catchment of the former Underbarrow School),
Ghyllside, Grayrigg CE, Selside Endowed, St Oswald’s CE Burneside, St Thomas’s CE, Stramongate, Tebay, Vicarage Park,
Staveley and Old Hutton Schools. Children attending Dean Gibson. Children living in the catchment area of Orton School
provided that The Queen Katherine School is their nearest secondary school.*
Children of current employees of The Queen Katherine School (subject to the adoption of the new Admissions Code coming into
force on 15th April 2012)
Children from the catchment areas of other schools, eg Heron Hill School.
If the school reaches its planned admission limit within any of these criteria then, for those in that criteria, priority will be given to
those who live nearest to the school, that distance being measured in a straight line on a map from the front entrance of middle
* The LA have asked us to include the following statement:
“LEA statement on entitlement to free home-to-school transport.
Under the Authority’s current policy, pupils are entitled to free home-to-school transport if they are attending their
catchment area school, and the distance between that school and their home address exceeds three miles (in the
case of children of secondary school age). The catchment area school is that determined by the Authority for hometo-school transport purposes and, in the case of The Queen Katherine School, it should be noted that the Authority’s
definition of the school’s catchment area does not correspond with those of the feeder primary schools listed in the
school’s prospectus. (For example, children living within the catchment area of Tebay Primary School, Orton CE
School, and part of the catchment area of Grayrigg CE School do not fall within the catchment area of The Queen
Katherine School under the Authority’s definition). Children would not, therefore, necessarily qualify for free hometo-school transport if they were to attend The Queen Katherine School. Parents who wish to know which is their
catchment area school for school transport purposes should contact the School Places Team for advice.
In addition, the Authority is obliged to provide free transport to the nearest maintained school to the pupil’s home, if
this is other than the catchment area school. The same qualifying distance applies. Distances are measured by the
most direct route using roads adopted and maintained by the Highways Authority.”
Special Needs
The Queen Katherine School is designated as a school with strategic facilities to cater for children with special educational needs
in the area of physical/medical difficulties.
If the school is oversubscribed, applications will be prioritised according to the criteria explained above. In addition, the Admission
Authority for The Queen Katherine School will maintain a waiting list for the reallocation of any places that become available after
March 2013, ranking children in the same order as the published oversubscription criteria. However, a child will be admitted where,
under the LA’s arrangements for the education of children with special needs, a child holds a statement of SEN which names The
Queen Katherine School. An exception will also be made where a child is currently being assessed and has been identified as
having physical/medical difficulties, and it is considered that attendance at The Queen Katherine School is necessary to meet
those needs. Admission in these circumstances would be subject to the maximum limit of 8 at any one time (and to the limit of 2 in
any one year group).
For September 2012 the school set a Published Admission Number of 241 for Year 7.
Sixth Form Admissions
For students entering Year 12 in September 2013, who have not previously attended The Queen Katherine School, the school has
set an admission number of 25. Students entering Year 12 are required to have a minimum of 5 A* - C grades at GCSE, one of
which must be English or Mathematics. In addition, students are normally required to have achieved a B grade or above at GCSE
in their chosen A level subjects. If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the school will apply the same
oversubscription criteria as for other year groups.
For further information and information on admissions other than in Year 7, please contact The Clerk to the Governors Admissions
Committee, c/o The Queen Katherine School, Appleby Road, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6PJ.