Transformation and Sustainability SHEFFIELD DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CORE STRATEGY (Submission Version) SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL REPORT Appendix 11 SDF Monitoring Indicators Development Services Sheffield City Council Howden House 1 Union Street SHEFFIELD S1 2SH September 2007 SDF Targets and Output Indicators Business and Industry SDF Policy Target SB1 45 hectares of land developed or redeveloped for offices 2006-2016 (policy SB1) Indicator(s) Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type. Core Output Indicator 1a Amount of completed office development Core Output Indicator 4a (part) Local Output Indicator Hectares of land developed for offices SB1 SB1 SB1 SB1 Capacity for 90,000 square metres of offices always to be available for development 80 hectares of land developed or redeveloped for non-office businesses 2006-2016 40 hectares of land mainly for non-office businesses always to be available 310 hectares of land developed or redeveloped for industry and distribution 2006-2016 Type of Indicator Losses of employment land [to non-B1, B2, B8 uses] in (i) development/ regeneration areas (ii) local authority area Amount of employment land lost to residential development Core Output Indicator 1e Employment land supply by type Core Output Indicator 1d Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type. Core Output Indicator 1a Hectares of land developed for non-office business Local Output Indicator Losses of employment land [to non-B1, B2, B8 uses] in (i) development/ regeneration areas (ii) local authority area Amount of employment land lost to residential development Core Output Indicator 1e Employment land supply by type Core Output Indicator 1d Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type. Core Output Indicator 1a Losses of employment land [to non-B1, B2, B8 uses] in (i) development/ regeneration areas (ii) local authority area Hectares of land developed for industry and distribution Core Output Indicator 1e Amount of employment land lost to residential development Core Output Indicator 1f Core Output Indicator 1f Core Output Indicator 1f Local Output Indicator SDF Policy Target SB1 155 hectares of land mainly for industry and distribution always to be available 97.5% of all land developed for business and industry in any five-year period is previously developed 65% of new office floorspace developed in or at the edge of the City Centre 90% of land for non-office businesses, industry and distribution to be in named locations SB2 SB3 SB4 Indicator(s) Type of Indicator Employment land supply by type Core Output Indicator 1d Percentage of land developed for employment which is on previously developed land Core Output Indicator 1c Percentage of completed office development in the City Centre Core Output Indicator 4b Percentage of land developed for non-office businesses, industry and distribution which is in named locations Local Output Indicator Shopping and Leisure SDF Policy Target SS1 98,500 square metres (gross area) of new retail (Class A) floorspace in the Core Retail Area of the City Centre SS2 16,000 square metres of new retail floorspace in District Centres Indicator(s) Amount of completed retail development Percentage of completed retail development in town centres [Core Retail Area of City Centre and District Centres] Amount of completed retail development in the Core Retail Area of the City Centre Percentage of completed retail development in the Core Retail Area of the City Centre Amount of completed retail development Percentage of completed retail development in town centres [Core Retail Area of City Centre and District Centres] Amount of completed retail development in District Centres SS3 SS4 No specific target proposed 95% of major new leisure floorspace in named locations Type of Indicator Core Output Indicator 4a (part) Core Output Indicator 4b Local Output Indicator Local Output Indicator Core Output Indicator 4a (part) Core Output Indicator 4b Local Output Indicator Percentage of completed retail development in District Centres Local Output Indicator Amount of completed retail development in Neighbourhood Centres Local Output Indicator Percentage of retail units that are vacant in Neighbourhood Centres Local Output Indicator Amount of completed leisure development Core Output Indicator 4a (part) Core Output Indicator 4b Percentage of completed leisure development in town centres [Core Retail Area of City Centre and District Centres] Percentage of completed leisure development in the named locations Local Output Indicator Housing SDF Policy Target SH1 ‘Trajectory targets’ from Fig 8.1 achieved in each year covered by the Core Strategy Indicator(s) Housing trajectory showing: Type of Indicator Core Output Indicator 2a (i) Net additional dwellings over the previous five year period or since the start of the relevant development plan document period, whichever is the longer (ii) Net additional dwellings for the current year (iii) Projected net additional dwellings to RSS period end date (iv) The annual net additional dwelling requirement (v) Annual average number of net additional dwellings needed to meet overall housing requirements, having regard to previous years’ performances Number of dwellings demolished Number of years supply of deliverable sites Regional Output Indicator 6.19 Regional Output Indicator 6.14 Regional Significant Effects Indicator 6.18 Local Output Indicator Percentage of dwellings built within the existing urban areas Local Output Indicator Percentage of new and converted dwellings on previously developed land Number of dwellings completed in the Housing Market Renewal Area Percentage of new dwellings completed at: Core Output Indicator 2b Number of dwellings completed on windfall sites Housing vacancy rate SH1 SH2 SH3 SH4 SH5 Five years’ supply of land for housing always available 97% of dwelling completions within the existing urban areas 2006-2026 90% of new dwellings built on previously developed land in any five-year period 12,000 dwellings completed in the Housing Market Renewal Areas over the period 2004-2018 An average density of 50 dwellings per hectare across the city in any one year (i) Less than 30 dwellings per hectare; (ii) Between 30 and 50 dwellings per hectare; and (iii) Above 50 dwellings per hectare. Local Output Indicator Core Output Indicator 2c SDF Policy Target Indicator(s) Average density of new housing development Type of Indicator Local Output Indicator Number of new dwellings by size, category and type SH6 SH7 SH8 An average density of 80 dwellings per hectare in or close to centres 300 new affordable homes each year Average density of new housing development in or close to centres Local Output Indicator Affordable housing completions Core Output Indicator 2d No specific target proposed The mix of new housing development will, however, be partly reflected in the density of the development (see policy SH5 above). A specific target in relation to the proportion of new homes that are family units will be included in the Annual Monitoring Report once the City Policies Document has been submitted (see City Policies Preferred Option PH4) No specific target proposed A target will be included once proposed allocated gypsy and traveller sites have been identified in the City Sites Preferred Options Number of student cluster flats and student bed spaces completed Local Output Indicator Number of family dwellings completed Local Output Indicator Number of new dwellings by size, category and type Regional Output Indicator 6.17 Number of new gypsy and traveller pitches provided Local Output Indicator Schools and Health Facilities SDF Policy Target SEH1 SEH2 No specific target proposed. The completion of specific developments will reflect the resources and more specific priorities of the providers and these may be subject to change. The planning process will ensure that development needs in the named areas are met Indicator(s) Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, and a major health centre Type of Indicator Core Output Indicator 3b (part) Open Space SDF Policy Target SOS1 One park per year to attain Green Flag standard SOS1 Completion of the Sheaf Valley park by 2018 SOS1 Completion of the urban park at Parkwood Springs by 2020 Indicator(s) Type of Indicator Percentage of eligible open spaces managed to green flag award standard Completion of Sheaf Valley park Core Output Indicator 4c Completion of urban park at Parkwood Springs Local Output Indicator Local Output Indicator Environment SDF Policy Target SE1 No land in Green Belt or safeguarded countryside at Woodhouse, Mosborough and Hollin Busk developed other than conversion or infill Continuity of all strategic green links maintained and no loss of open space within them No specific target proposed Hectares of land developed for non-Green Belt uses in the Green Belt and at Woodhouse, Mosborough and Hollin Busk Local Output Indicator Hectares of open space lost to development within open spaces forming part of a strategic green link Kilometres of Gateway Routes improved Local Output Indicator Annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations and annual mean particulate (dust) PM10 concentrations will each not exceed 40g/m3 60MW of renewable energy generated within the city by 2021 Annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations and annual mean particulate (dust) PM10 concentrations Local Significant Effects Indicator Renewable energy capacity installed by type Core Output Indicator 9 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE5 Indicator(s) Type of Indicator Local Output Indicator Waste Management SDF Policy Target SW1 80% of municipal waste managed through recycling/ composting or energy recovery by 2015 SW2 SW3 At least 5.5 million tonnes of waste managed at facilities at Bernard Road and Parkwood Landfill Site by 2021 Six household waste recycling centres to be operating by 2018 Indicator(s) Type of Indicator Amount of municipal waste arising, and managed by management type, and the percentage each management type represents of the waste managed. Percentage of municipal waste managed through recycling/ composting or energy recovery Tonnes of waste managed at facilities at Bernard Road and Parkwood Landfill Site Core Output Indicator 6b Capacity of new waste management facilities by type Core Output Indicator 6a Number of new household waste recycling centres to be operating Local Output Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Output Indicator Transport Although the transport targets are linked to specific policies, the achievement of the targets will usually depend on the combined effect of several policies. SDF Policy Target ST1(a) Public transport patronage of 142 million journeys by 2010 in South Yorkshire 38.5% of journeys into the City Centre by non-car modes by 2011 75% of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of one of the principal interchange nodes of any one of the following major employment areas: City Centre, Meadowhall, Hillsborough ST1(a) ST1(b) ST1(c) ST1(d) ST1(e) ST2 ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 Person journey times not increased by more than 7.6% by March 2011 Pollutant concentrations (policy ST1(d)) as in targets for the environment Fewer than 216 killed and seriously injured casualties per year by 2013 75% of congestion funding and 65% of bus priority allocations invested in Key Routes At least 50 Travel Plans agreed in the City Centre and 70 in the Lower and Upper Don Valley areas by 2012 A 4% increase in walking trips as a proportion of all trips into the City Centre from 2008 to 2013 Completion of development/ improvements of specific links in policy for cycle routes A 2% increase in bus trips as a proportion of all Indicator(s) Total journeys by public transport Percentage of journeys into the City Centre by non-car modes Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of one of the principal interchange nodes of any one of the following major employment areas: City Centre, Meadowhall, Hillsborough Number (and cumulative %) of new housing developments (10+ dwellings) which meet Regional Transport Strategy accessibility criteria Average person journey times Annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations and annual mean particulate (dust) PM10 concentrations Number deaths and serious injuries on roads Percentage of congestion funding and percentage of bus priority spending spent on Key Routes Number of Travel Plans agreed in: (i) the City Centre (ii) the Lower and Upper Don Valley areas Percentage change in the number of trips into the City Centre on foot as a proportion of total trips into the City Centre Number of named routes improved/ developed Percentage change in the number of trips into the City Centre by Type of Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Core Output Indicator 3b (part) Regional Output Indicator RTS3 Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Output Indicator Local Output Indicator Local Significant Effects Indicator Local Output Indicator Local Significant Effects SDF Policy Target ST8 trips into the City Centre from 2008 to 2013 No specific target proposed The completion of specific public transport routes or improvement of services will reflect the resources and priorities of the Government and transport operators and these may be subject to change. The planning policy will ensure that development needs on the named routes can be met. 9,500 short-stay parking spaces in City Centre by 2012 3,000 additional park-and-ride spaces by 2018 ST9 No specific target proposed ST10 Completion of proposed new links by 2021 ST7 ST8 Indicator(s) Type of Indicator bus as a proportion of total trips into the City Centre Indicator Number of short-stay parking spaces in City Centre Local Output Indicator Number of additional park-and-ride spaces Local Output Indicator Number of named road schemes completed Local Output Indicator LDF Core Output Indicators Not Included in Core Strategy A small number of the national core output indicators have not been included in the Core Strategy. The Table below explains the reasons why they have been omitted. National Core Output Indicator 3a. Percentage of completed nonresidential development complying with car parking standards set out in the local development framework. Reason for Omission from Core Strategy Monitoring Framework Issue dealt with in City Policies document. 5a. Production of primary land won aggregates No workable mineral deposits in Sheffield 5b. Production of secondary/ recycled aggregates. No direct planning control over production of secondary/ recycled aggregates and it is unclear who would be responsible for collecting the data. This is a recognised problem in the RSS Annual Monitoring Report 7. Number of planning permissions Issue dealt with in City Policies granted contrary to the advice of document. the Environment Agency on either flood defence grounds or water quality. 8. Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance, including: (i) (ii) change in priority habitats and species (by type); and change in areas designated for their intrinsic environmental value including sites of international, national, regional, sub-regional significance or local significance. Issue dealt with in City Policies document. However, there are currently insufficient resources available to collect this data on an annual basis (see comment by English Nature below). A local indicator will be included instead (Hectares of designated nature conservation sites lost to development)