MASSIMO MENTASTI Place of birth Date of birth Gender Citizenship Address Mobile E-mail REGISTERED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AS A BIOMEDICAL SCIENTIST REGISTERED IN ITALY AS BIOLOGIST SPECIALIST IN MICROBIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY REGISTERED IN NEW ZEALAND AS MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENTIST GENOA, ITALY 30TH JUNE 1977 Male ITALIAN LONDON (UNITED KINGDOM) +44 790 961 5374 WORK EXPERIENCE June 2008 - Present Employment May 2008 – June 2008 December 2005 – February 2008 Biomedical Scientist at Centre for Infections (London, UK) Locum BioMedical Scientist at Lister Hospital (Stevenage, UK) Temporary position for “Diagnosis of lung infections in Cystic Fibrosis patients” c/o Central Laboratory of Analysis - Gaslini Children’s Hospital (Genoa, Italy) July 2005 – December 2005 Research Fellow funded by the Ligurian Cystic Fibrosis Association for “Diagnosis and Research in Cystic Fibrosis Microbiology” c/o “Gaslini” Children’s Hospital (Genoa, Italy). March 2003 – July 2005 Trainee in Medical Microbiology and Virology (2nd, 3rd and 4th academic year) c/o “Gaslini” Children’s Hospital (Genoa, Italy) and Research Fellow funded by the Ligurian Cystic Fibrosis Association for “Diagnosis and Research in Cystic Fibrosis Microbiology”. August 2002 - February 2003 Trainee in Medical Microbiology and Virology (1st academic year) c/o “Villa Scassi” Hospital (Genoa, Italy) EDUCATION 25 July 2005 Diploma of Specialist in Microbiology and Virology (4 academic years - 3rd level Italian degree) Faculty of Medicine - University of Genoa (ITALY) Thesis: “Comparative study of methods for the identification and for the in vitro antibiotic susceptibility determination in clinical and environmental strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia“. 20 February 2002 Degree cum laude in Biology (5 academic years - 1st and 2nd level Italian degree) Faculty of Science - University of Genoa (ITALY) Thesis: “Identification and characterization of genes codifying drug efflux pumps in Mycobacterium tuberculosis”. 31 July 1996 High School Diploma Liceo Scientifico “Enrico Fermi” – Genoa, Italy SKILLS & EXPERTISE LENGUAGES Italian: mother tongue. English: fluent. Curriculum vitae – Massimo Mentasti Page 1 INFORMATICS Working Knowledge and proficiency in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express. Working Knowledge and proficiency in Laboratory Informatics System (Concerto, Metafora s.r.l.). LABORATORY TECHNIQUES MICROBIOLOGY: sterilization methods, culture media preparation, microbial cultivation, isolation and identification (staining, biochemical and molecular methods); determination of MIC and MBC. BIOINFORMATICS: use of online gene and protein databases, Blast, ClustalW and Webcutter. Use of online databases for gene/protein alignments, consensus sequence analysis and nucleotide sequence restrictions. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: extraction and purification of plasmid, cosmid and genomic DNA; gel electrophoresis; PCR; construction of recombinant vectors; competent bacterial cells preparation and electroporation; selection of recombinant clones and phenotype analysis. FOOD MICROBIOLOGY: standard and molecular techniques (Real Time PCR). CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY: isolation and identification of microbial pathogens from clinical samples and determination of their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. MICOBACTERIOLOGY: Ziehl-Neelsen staining; decontamination, manual (Lowenstein-Jensen) and automatized (BacT/ALERT 3D) cultivation; identification by molecular probes (GenProbe). CYSTIC FIBROSIS: isolation, semi-quantitative bacterial load determination, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern (Kirby-Bauer method) of bacteria from airway samples of CF patients, other patients with chronic lung infections and bone-marrow transplanted patients; Etest determination of synergic effect of antimicrobial combinations. MYCOLOGY: isolation and identification of yeast from clinical samples, determination of antimycotic susceptibility pattern by YeastOne and agar disc-diffusion (Fluconazole e Voriconazole – CLSI); isolation of filamentous fungi from airways samples of transplanted patients and identification by micro- and macroscopic analysis of morphological features. CONTROL OF HOSPITAL INFECTIONS: phenotipical/molecular tests to confirm relevant resistance phenotipes such as meticillin resistance (MRSA) and glicopeptide resistance (VRE); phenotipical confirmation of Extended Spectrum -Lactamase (ESL) production, carbapenemase production, AmpC production; set up and management of microbial culture collections; molecular fingerprinting (REP-PCR, BOX-PCR and MLST) and sequence/cluster analysis (Gel Compare II, BioNumerics). SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES Paris, 13-17 October 2009 Milano, 30 nov. e 1 dic. 2007 E-learning, nov. 2006 – dic. 2007 Milano, 28 June 2007 Bergamo, 12 June 2007 Nice, 1-4 April 2006 Genoa, 9 September 2005 Genoa, 23-25 June 2005 Genoa, 26-27 November 2004 Genoa, 9-10 September 2004 Genoa, 27-28-29 October 2004 Genoa, 10-11-12 May 2004 Genoa, 30 October 2003 Padova, 26 September 2003 Genoa, 26-28 June 2003 Genoa, December 2002 Genoa, 27 November 2002 Genoa, 13-15 October 2002 Milan, 22 February 2001 Legionella 2009. XIII Congresso italiano della FIBROSI CISTICA - III Congresso nazionale SIFC Valutazione di casi clinici e lettura di preparati microbiologici. Aspetti peculiari della microbiologia della Fibrosi Cistica. Le polmoniti nel malato in ventilazione assistita (VAP). 16th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Corso interattivo sulle infezioni nosocomiali da batteri Gram positivi: approccio multidisciplinare. Diagnostica e terapia delle micosi opportunistiche. Le basi fisiopatologiche della medicina di laboratorio. Caratterizzazione della funzione delle proteine: dalla struttura alla proteomica. Il modello del Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. Il modello del Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. Prevenzione e controllo della diffusione della SARS. Screening delle batteriurie e antibiogramma clinico: stato dell’arte. Diagnostica e terapia delle micosi opportunistiche. Corso di aggiornamento di base in Microbiologia. E-Test: un valido metodo di gestione della terapia antimicrobica. Pros Cons in Patologia Infettiva: Infezioni da Gram positivi. New strategies for treating and preventing mycobacterial diseases. SEMINARS/COURSES/TRAININIG 1. 2. CfI containment level 3 Training Course. London, 18-19 February 2010. DNA sequencing: from genes to genomes. London, 3rd december 2009. Curriculum vitae – Massimo Mentasti Page 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sequence Analysis with BioNumerics. London, 5th March 2009. BioNumerics for new users. London, 4th March 2009. Molecular typing at Centre for Infections (part two). London, 3rd March 2009. Q-Pulse: Restricted Access Level 1 Training. London, 12th February 2009. Molecular typing at Centre for Infections (part one). London, 15th December 2008. The principle of multiple sequence alignment. London, 27th October 2008. MOLIS 3.0. London, 19th 21st August 2008. DNA Sequencing using the Beckman Coulter CEQTM DNA Analysis System. London, 7th – 8th Augutst 2008. The carriage of infectious and diagnostic substances by air (IATA). London, 28 th July 2008. COSHH Assessment Course. London, 9th July 2008. RESEARCH PROJECTS Part of the research team as Postgraduated in Medical Microbiology c/o Central Analysis Laboratory - “GIANNINA GASLINI” Children’s Institute, Genoa “Genetic fingerprinting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Italian cystic fibrosis patients: comparison with isolates from the environment and other clinical origins in Europe” (Funded by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation). Part of the research team as student of the Postgraduate Training Program in Medical Microbiology c/o Central Analysis Laboratory - “GIANNINA GASLINI” Children Institute, Genoa “Antimicrobial resistance in Burkholderia cepacia complex from cystic fibrosis patients: identification, characterization and role of efflux transporters in intrinsic and acquired drug resistance” (Funded by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) “Development of a rapid diagnostic test to discriminate Burkholderia cepacia complex species and genomovars in routine clinical analysis involving CF patients” (Funded by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) Part of the research team as graduate student c/o Microbiology Laboratory - Faculty of Science - University of Genoa “Drug efflux transporters in mycobacteria” (Funded by EC-V Framework) PRESENTATIONS 1. 2. 3. “Optimisation of the Legionella pneumophila DNA sequence-based typing”. Centre for Infections (London, UK), 13 May 2010. “EWGLI Protocols: and update”. Pasteur Institute (Paris, France), 13 October 2009. "Diagnosis of lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients: the Italian style". Centre for Infections (London, UK), 25 January 2009. PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Mentasti M., Fry N.K., Tchipeva D., Afshar B., Palepou-Foxley C., Kimmit P. and Harrison T. Utility of a Legionella pneumophila realtime PCR assessed using respiratory and serum samples from proven cases of Legionnaires' disease. In preparation. Ferri L., Perrin E., Campana S., Tabacchioni S., Taccetti G., Cocchi P., Ravenni N., Dalmastri C., Chiarini L., Bevivino A., Manno G., Mentasti M., Fani R. Application of multiplex single nucleotide primer extension (mSNuPE) to the identification of bacteria: the Burkholderia cepacia complex case. J Microbiol Methods. 2010 Mar; 80(3):251-6. Tabacchioni S., Ferri L., Manno G., Mentasti M., Cocchi P., Campana S., Ravenni N., Taccetti G., Dalmastri C., Chiarini L., Bevivino A., Fani R. Use of the gyrB gene to discriminate among the Burkholderia cepacia complex species. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2008, 281(2):175-82. Manno G., Cruciani M., Romano L., Scapolan S., Mentasti M., Lorini R., Minicucci L. Antimicrobial use and Pseudomonas aeruginosa susceptibility profile in a cystic fibrosis centre. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2005, 25:193–197. ABSTRACTS 1. Mentasti M., Farhat C., Fry N. K. and Lück C. Heterogeneity of the N-acylneuraminate cytidylyl transferase gene (neuA) in Legionella pneumophila. Submitted to the EWGLI 2010 meeting (Copenhagen, 15-17 September 2010). Curriculum vitae – Massimo Mentasti Page 3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Drasar V., Mentasti M., Palepou C. and Polcar R. Domestically acquired legionella infections. An apparent cluster of L.pneumophila serogroup 3 cases in a Bohemian city resolved by Sequence-based typing. Submitted to the EWGLI 2010 meeting (Copenhagen, 1517 September 2010). Mentasti M., Fry N.K., Tchipeva D., Afshar B., Palepou-Foxley C., Kimmit P. and Harrison T. Utility of a Legionella pneumophila realtime PCR assessed using respiratory and serum samples from proven cases of Legionnaires' disease. International Legionella meeting 2009, Paris 13-17 October 2009. Fry NK, Mentasti M. Underwood AP, Jones G and Harrison TG. DNA sequence-based typing of Legionella pneumophila: results of the international multi-centre EWGLI SBT proficiency testing scheme. Health Protection 2009, University of Warwick, 14-16 September 2009. Morelli P., Mentasti M., Sangiuolo A., Arata L. and G. Manno. Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa recovered from swimming pools and from Italia cystic fibrosis patients. 31st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 11-14 June 2008. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 7 suppl.2, June 2008. Manno G., Morelli P., Mentasti M., Casciaro R., Cirilli N., Gagliardini R., D’Aprile A., Gioffrè E., Scuteri D. and G. Melioli. Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to colistin in Italian cystic fibrosis patients. 31st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 11-14 June 2008. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 7 suppl.2, June 2008. Mentasti M., Morelli P., Melioli G. and Manno G. Molecular epidemiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in the cystic fibrosis centre of Genova. XIII Congresso Italiano della Fibrosi Cistica – III Congresso Nazionale SIFC, Milano 30 novembre, 1 e 2 dicembre 2007. Manno G., Morelli P., Mentasti M., Casciaro R., Rossolini G.M., Cirilli N., Gagliaridini R., D’Aprile A., Gioffrè F., Scuteri D. and Melioli G. Emergence of colistin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from italian cystic fibrosis patients. XIII Congresso Italiano della Fibrosi Cistica – III Congresso Nazionale SIFC, Milano 30 novembre, 1 e 2 dicembre 2007. Morelli P., Mentasti M., Sangiulo A., Arata L. and Manno G. Pseudomonas aeruginosa from contamined swimming pools: a source of acquisition for cystic fibrosis patients? XIII Congresso Italiano della Fibrosi Cistica – III Congresso Nazionale SIFC, Milano 30 novembre, 1 e 2 dicembre 2007. Casciaro R., Pessano S., Ambrosini L., Caso M., Manno G., Mentasti M., Morelli P., Minicucci L. and Lorini R. Lung exacerbation in a cystic fibrosis patient caused by a multiresistant extended spectrum -lactamase (ESBL) producing strain of Escherichia coli. XIII Congresso Italiano della Fibrosi Cistica – III Congresso Nazionale SIFC, Milano 30 novembre, 1 e 2 dicembre 2007. Manno G., Melioli G., Mentasti M., Cirilli N., Manso E., D’Aprile A., Gioffre’ F., Scuteri D. e P. Morelli. Occurrence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with hypermutable phenotype in italian Cystic Fibrosis patients. 30th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Belek (Turkey), 13th – 16th June 2007. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 6 suppl.1, june 2007. Manno G., Casciaro R., Mentasti M., Morelli P. and Melioli G. Occurence of Candida spp. and filamentous fungi in cystic fibrosis patients in Italy. 3rd Trends in Medical Mycology, Torino 28 – 31 Ottobre 2007. Manno G., Morelli P., Melioli G., Mentasti M., Cirilli N., Manso E., Gioffrè F., Scuteri D. e A D’Aprile. Genetic fingerprinting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from iyalian Cystic Fibrosis patients: comparison with isolates from environment and other clinical origins in Europe. 30th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Belek (Turkey), 13th – 16th June 2007. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 6 suppl.1, june 2007. Manno G., Mentasti M., Morelli P., De Alessandri A., Casciaro R., Cangemi G. and E. Di Marco. Staphylococcus aureus small colony variant in patients with cystic fibrosis in Genoa, Italy. 16th ECCMID, Nice 1-4 April 2004. Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Vol. 12, Suppl. 4, April 2006. Mentasti M., Morelli P. and G. Manno. Comparison of E-Test, disc-diffusion and Phoenix for antibiotic susceptibility assessment of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strains. 16th ECCMID, Nice 1-4 April 2004. Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Vol. 12, Suppl. 4, April 2006. Morelli P., Mentasti M., and G. Manno. Comparative activity of linezolid, quinupristin/dalfopristin and vancomycin against biofilm produced by cystic fibrosis isolates of Staphylococcus aureus normal and small colony variant phenotypes. 16 th ECCMID, Nice 1-4 April 2006. Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Vol. 12, Suppl. 4, April 2006. Manno G., De Alessandri A., Mentasti M., Poggi E., Di Marco E., Cangemi G., Morelli P., Bernardi C. and R. Casciaro. Increasing prevalence of stable Staphylococcus aureus small colony variant phenotypes in CF patients. 28 th European CF Conference Crete, Greece 22-25 June 2005 – Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (4) 2005: S38. Cocchi P., Ferri L., Papaleo C., Manno G., Mentasti M., Ravenni N., Campana S., Tacetti G., Tabacchini S., Dalmastri C., Chiarini L., Bevivino A. and R. Fani. Identification of Burkholderia cepacia complex species by SNuPE of recA and gyrB genes. 28 th European CF Conference Crete, Greece 22-25 June 2005 – Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (4) 2005: S43. Bandettini R., Pescetto L., Peri C., Scaramuccia A., Mentasti M. e G. Manno. Trend in antimicrobial suscetibility of nasopharyngeal Streptococcus pneumoniae recovered from Italian children: a seven year study. 14 th ECCMID, Praga 1-4 Maggio 2004 – Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Vol. 10, Suppl. 3, pag. 308. Manno G., Scaramuccia A., Pescetto L., Peri C., Mentasti M. e R. Bandettini. Candida spp. in a large Italian pediatric hospital: species distribution and comparison of the susceptibilities to fluconazole and voriconazole. 14th ECCMID, Praga 1-4 Maggio 2004 – Clinical Microbiology and Infection: Vol. 10, Suppl. 3, pag. 264. London, 19 July 2010. Curriculum vitae – Massimo Mentasti Massimo Mentasti Page 4