Fuzzy Modeling of Mathematical Programming Problems and Interactive Processing A Way for Realistic Decision Making and for Reducing Information Costs Heinrich J. Rommelfanger Institute of Statistics and Mathematics, J.W. Goethe-University of Frankfurt Mertonstrasse 12-23, D-60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Abstract. This paper will demonstrate through the analysis of (multiobjective) linear programming problems, that fuzzy modeling in combination with an interactive solution process presents an adequate answer to the information dilemma of real problems. Instead of an extensive gathering of information ex ante, the acquisition of additional information will be oriented at set aims and carried out under consideration of cost-benefit-relations. Moreover, some interactive solution algorithms, e.g. FUPAL, offer the possibility to solve mixed integer linear programming problems. 1. Introduction Empirical surveys reveal that Linear Programming is one of the most frequently applied OR techniques in realworld problems, (see e.g. Kivijärvi, Korhonen and Wallenius [1]; Lilien [2]; Tingley [8]; Meyer zu Selhausen [3]). However, given the power of LP one could have expected even more applications; a lot of conceivable LPapplications offered in literature are not used in practice. This might be due to the fact that LP requires much of well-defined and precise data which involve high information costs. In real-world applications certainty, reliability and precision of data is often illusory. The stochastic approach has not proved to be very efficient for this. Yet, since the seminal paper on "Fuzzy Sets" by Lofti A. Zadeh in 1965, there exists a convenient and powerful way of modeling vague data without having recourse to stochastic concepts. Fuzzy set literature usually justifies the application of fuzzy numbers by the fact, that they allow an adequate mathematical shaping of inaccuracy, which is not of stochastic nature. Instead of using "average numbers" for only vaguely known data fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals make it possible to model the subjective imaginations of a decision maker as precisely as he can express them. If real problems are modeled by means of fuzzy systems the chances for getting a wrong picture of reality and by that selecting a solution which does not correspond to the original problem will immensely be reduced. This circumstance signifies a deciding factor and illustrates one considerable advantage fuzzy models can offer. However, another and in my opinion even more important advantage of fuzzy models is frequently disregarded in literature. Deterministic and stochastic models require a vast amount of information to ensure the identification of at least acceptable "average numbers", so that the probability of incorrect modeling is kept as low as possible. Furthermore, the optimal solution of a LP only depends on a limited number of constraints and, thus, much of the information collected have little impact on the solution. Therefore, it would be sufficient to work with vague data in these sectors. This paper will demonstrate that fuzzy modeling in combination with an interactive solution process presents an adequate answer to the information dilemma of real problems. Instead of an extensive gathering of information ex ante, the acquisition of additional information will be oriented at set aims and carried out under consideration of cost-benefit-relations. In the first step of the interactive solution process, the fuzzy system is modeled by using only the information which the decision maker (DM) can provide without any expensive acquisition. Knowing a first “compromise solution“ the DM can perceive which further information is required and is able to justify the decision by comparing additional advantages and arising costs. In doing so, the compromise solutions are improved step by step. This procedure obviously offers the possibility to limit the acquisition and processing of information to the relevant components and therefore information costs will be considerably reduced. Moreover, some interactive solution algorithms, e.g. FUPAL, offer the possibility to solve mixed integer linear programming problems. 2. FULPAL FULPAL (FUzzy Linear Programming based on Aspiration Levels) is an interactive solution algorithm for solving fuzzy linear programming problems (FLP problem) of the general type ~ ~ ~ C1x1 C 2 x 2 C n x n m~ ax subject to ~ ~ ~ ~~ A i1x1 A i2 x 2 A in x n Bi , i = 1,..., m, ~ is a fuzzy inequality relation that will be defined later. As each real number a can be modeled as a fuzzy number ~ A {( x, f A ( x )) x R} 1 if x = a with fA(x) = , 0 otherwise the general system (1) includes the following special cases: (i) the objective function is crisp, i.e. z(x) = c1x1 + c2x2 + ... + cnxn max; (2) (ii) some or all constraints are crisp, i. e. gi(x) = ai1x1 + ai2x2 + ... + ainxn bi; (3) (iii) some or all constraints have the soft form ~~ gi(x) = ai1x1 + ai2x2 + ... + ainxn Bi . (4) These special cases may be combined. The basic characteristics of FULPAL 3.0 are: The right-hand sides of the constraints are modeled as ~ Bi ( b i ; b i , b i ; b i A , b i ) A , , where A is the membership degree of the crisp aspiration level A A b i i ~ ) , C kj ( c kj; c kj; c kj; c kj (1) x1 , x 2 , ..., x n 0 , ~ ~ ~ where C j, A ij and Bi are (flat) fuzzy numbers and bi ~ ; a ; a ; a ) or A ij ( a ij ij ij ij a ij a ij ij a ij a ij ij a ij a ij ~ ; a ; a ; a ) Figure 2: A ij = (a ij ij ij ij ~ FULPAL is based on the inequality relation " R ", proposed by ROMMELFANGER [1988]: ~ ~ ~ A i ( x ) R Bi n ( 5) ( a ij ij )x j b i i j1 ( x ) ( a ( x )) Max. ( 6) Bi i i It is composed of the "pessimistic index" (5) and the fuzzy goal (6). The membership function 1 if a i ( x ) b i B B ( a i ( x )) if b i a i ( x ) b i i i i if b i i a i ( x ) 0 may be interpreted as the subjective evaluation of the n needed quantity a i (x) = a ij x j j 1 with regard to the ~ right-hand side B i . , Bi ( a i ( x )) 1 A bi bi b i A b i b i i Figure 1: Membership function of ~ ~ B i = Bi ( b i ; b i , b i ; b i A , b i ) A , The coefficients are modeled as ai (x ) bi i ~ Figure 3: Inequality relation " R " ~ The inequality relation " R " has the advantage, that a possible surplus a i (x) - bi directly influences the decision ~ process. Moreover " R " coincides with the usual interpretation of the inequality relation in soft constraints; in the special case of deterministic inequalities it ~ corresponds to the classical " "-relation. Thus " R " is a ~ ) or The coefficients C kj ( c kj; c kj; c kj; c kj ~ ; a ; a ; a ) A ij ( a ij ij ij ij general definition for inequality relations in optimization models. are crisp real numbers, fuzzy ~ numbers or fuzzy intervals. The right hand sides B i are FULPAL uses a satisfying approach, ~ ~ ~ N k R Z k ( x ) , k = 1, 2, ..., K, crisp real numbers or fuzzy numbers where the left spreads ~ are zero. In FULPAL the B i are symbolized as ( b i , b i ) . where the fuzzy aspiration levels ~ N k ( n k ; n k A , n k ; n k ; n k ) A , for the objective functions are changed step by step by improving the crisp aspiration levels n k A n k k A , K 1 For getting a more realistic extended addition of the left-hand sides of fuzzy constraints, a more flexible extended addition, based on Yager's parametrized tnorm Tp may be used. Obviously, the inequality re~ lation R is a special case (p +) of the inequality ~ relation KR : ~ ~ ~ A i ( x ) KR Bi a i ( x ) i ( x , p ) b i i i ( x ) Bi ( a i ( x )) Max ( 7) ( 6) For simplification, only 5 selected values for p are proposed in FULPAL. 3. Example The advantages of fuzzy modeling in combination with the interactive solution algorithm FULPAL will be demonstrated by means of an numerical example. We look at a fuzzy multicriteria linear programming system with 8 variables, 4 objective functions and 10 constraints: ~ ~ ~ C11x1 C12 x 2 C18 x8 ~ ~ ~ C21x1 C22 x 2 C28 x8 ~ Max ~ ~ ~ C31x1 C32 x 2 C38 x8 ~ ~ ~ C41x1 C42 x 2 C48 x8 subject to ~ ~ ~ ~~ A i1x1 A i2 x 2 A i8 x8 Bi , n k A , k = 1, 2, ..., K. In FULPAL, the highest level for the objective Z k , k = 1, ..., K, is defined as z k = c k 'x k Z k ( x k ) = Max Z k ( x ) B ( a1( x )), ..., B ( a m ( x ))) , 1 m 1 x1, x 2 , , x 8 0 . FULPAL assists the decision maker by proposing intervals [z k , z k ] for specifying the crisp aspiration level The total satisfaction of the DM with a solution x is expressed by the compromise objective function ( x ) Min( Z ( c1( x )), ..., Z ( c K ( x )), 1 Unfortunately, it is not enough space for presenting the extensive tables containing the coefficients and the right hand sides or the results in this paper. (8) i = 1, 2, ..., 8; x X R z k = Max c k 'x = Max ( c k1x1 c kn x n ) x X R (9) xX R with x b i 1,..., m a i1x1 a in n 1 i X R x R a i1x1 a in x n b i i m1,..., m , x1, ..., x n 0 i.e. z k stands for the greatest value, the single objective function Z k ( x ) can take on X R . The lower boundaries z k , k = 1, ..., K, are defined as K K z k = Min Min c k 'x *h , Min c k 'x ** (10) h h 1 h 1 hk hk where x ** k is an optimal solution of the crisp LP-system c k 'x c k1x1 c kn x n Max subject to x X R a i1x1 a in x n b i , i 1, ..., m . (11) If there exist more than one solution in (9) or (11) then the solutions should be used which lead to the greatest value of z k . Obviously we have z k n k and n k z k . In FULPAL we set z k n k and n k z k . Therefore, in the first iteration step and after each alteration of the coefficients and the right-hand side the algorithm calculate these values z k and z k , k = 1, 2, 3, 4. In order to get easily a first solution, there exist the possibility that the aspiration levels were automatically fixed as b i 3 i 4 for the constraints and as 3 n 1 n for the constraints. 4 k 4 k If the result of the first iteration step have a total satisfaction value A 0.5 the solution satisfies all aspiration levels. Therefore, the DM can accept this solution or he can decide to increase the aspiration levels. On the other hand, if A 0.5 there exist no solution which satisfies all aspiration levels. In this case the DM has to decrease at least one level. In FULPAL this can be done comfortable by can shifting the buttons on the special window. In the Figure 4 the dotted small boxes mark the old aspiration level, the smooth small boxes the new aspiration levels of the objectives and the green small boxes the new aspiration levels of the constraints. In the oral presentation the interactive solution process will be demonstrated step by step with the aid of this example. References [1] Kivijärvi H.; Korhonen P.; Wallenius J. (1986), "Operations Research and its practice in Finland“, Interfaces 16, 53-59 [2] Lilien G. (1987), "MS/OR: A mid-life crises“, Interfaces 17, 53-59 [3] Meyer zu Selhausen H. (1989), "Repositioning OR's Products in the Market", Interfaces 19, 79-87 [4] Rommelfanger H. (1988), Entscheiden bei Unschärfe - Fuzzy Decision Support-Systeme, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Second edition 1994 [5] Rommelfanger H. 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